The aftermath of Shenmu's accidental death has begun to spread.

The parents believe that the school mismanaged and contributed to their son's death.

And use your own behavior

By the way, it was also involved in the fact that Shenmu had been bullied in the school before.

For this reason, Mr. Hase, a teacher in Class E, was forced to be suspended from work by the school authorities due to pressure.

In Bai Yu's opinion, this guy has become a back-pot boy used to calm his anger.

This approach is in line with the style of the snobby principal.


A pair of small hands suddenly shook in front of him, pulling Bai Yu back from thinking to reality.

I saw Yotsuya Miko staring at him with big watery eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Since the two were in the library, Bai Yu asked in a low voice.

"I suddenly remembered."

Miko stretched forward slightly and whispered

"That oil lamp is for the shrine."

"Are you sure?"

Bai Yu was stunned.


The girl nodded vigorously and continued

"I used to go to the shrine for a while."

"Once, a witch took me inside the shrine and waited for her to go to the inner hall to get a spell that was said to have been passed down for a long time."

To add authenticity, she also took out a yellowed mahogany talisman from her fledgling chest.

"Then I saw this oil lamp placed under the statue of the 'God of the Lord of Great Powers', and..."

Speaking of this, Yotsuya Miko suddenly picked up the book in front of him and showed one of the pages in front of Shiraha.

"According to this school chronicle, our school was originally built on the ruins of a temple."

When Bai Yu heard this, he glanced at the photo accompanying the book.

In the picture, the first principal of Sobu High School stands in front of the construction site with a smile on his face, and takes a group photo with the shareholders who invested in the construction of the school.

Behind them, there is a red gate about three meters high.

This type of gate is called 'torii' in neon, and represents the entrance to the divine realm, as well as the secular realm used to distinguish between the divine realm inhabited by the gods and the secular realm inhabited by humans.

It's just that due to its age, it is limited by the shooting technology of the time.

Shiraba didn't know which god was enshrined at the shrine.

And the shrine is not described in detail in this book, just a passing mention.

It seems that this matter is quite evasive.

It seems that the oil lamp that turned into an anomaly has a lot to do with this shrine.

Could it be that someone accidentally picked up this thing and put it in a room on the fifth floor?

Just as Bai Yu was thinking.

A voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Hello, is it Haku-kun?"

The visitor was a beautiful girl with golden hair, and her appearance could be vaguely seen to have some foreign ancestry.

Her dress is very similar to Yuhihama's style, and both belong to the style of hot girls.

It's just that what doesn't match her dress is that the girl's expression is very flat.

"It's Ai Hayasaka from Class B." Seeing this, Shitsuya Miko whispered.

"Erm..... Are you looking for me for something? "

Bai Yu turned around and scratched his head.

"Mr. Chairman wants to see you, please come with me."

Ai Hayasaka said lightly, as if he was not here to invite, but to carry out a task.


That eldest son of the Four Palaces family?

During this time at Sowu High School, Bai Yu also gradually figured out the organizational composition of this school.

Although the school has many shareholders, in fact, the real biggest power is the four-house chaebol.

And the one who holds the position of chairman is the eldest son and future heir of the current patriarch of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Huangguang.

"Then trouble you to lead the way."

Although he didn't quite know what the other party's purpose was when he saw him, Bai Yu nodded with a smile.

So the two left the library under the puzzled gaze of Miko Yotsuya.

On the way to the chairman's office, Bai Yu noticed that the girl in front of him had been secretly observing him out of the corner of her eye.

If he remembers correctly, in the original book, the other party is nominally Shinomiya Kaguya's entourage.

But in fact, it was the eyeliner that the latter's brother placed next to him.

A few minutes later, the two stopped in front of a mahogany gate.

Ai Hayasaka knocked lightly on the door, and then a cold voice came from inside the house.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and what appeared in Bai Yu's eyes was a bald middle-aged man wearing neon traditional clothing.

"You step down first."

The other slowly turned around and ordered Ai Hasaka.


Ai Hayasaka left the office in response, not forgetting to close the door tightly before leaving.

"When we first met, my name was Sigong Huangguang."

The middle-aged man first glanced at the white feathers, and then slowly spoke.

At the same time, Bai Yu was also looking at each other.

Judging from age alone, this person is old enough to be Kaguya's father.

But in fact, the other party is the latter's real big brother.

Because of his perennial high position, the fourth palace yellow light carries a dazzling momentum.

The eyes are also unusually calm and cold, as if they can see people's hearts at any time.

However, this is nothing to Bai Yu.

He has seen the prime minister of the country, not to mention the heir of a chaebol.

"White feathers." He smiled slightly, and asked directly, "I don't know why Your Excellency called me here." "

Facing Bai Yu's calmness, the fourth palace yellow light did not show much surprise.

Instead, point to the sofa on the side.

"Please sit down first."

With that, he went back to his desk and began to grind coffee with the utensils placed on it.

Bai Yu sat on the sofa with a big grin, looking at the other party's somewhat strange behavior with a smile.

"I don't come here often, so I didn't prepare any other drinks, so I'll complain about Your Excellency."

Sigong Huangguang said slowly while meticulously grinding the coffee.

"Hand-ground coffee is nice." Bai Yu smiled.

"I love making my own coffee." Sigong Huangguang continued to say these insignificant words, "This practice allows me to personally control every link. "

"You mean to show that you are a very controlling person?"

"That's true."

Shinomiya Huangguang pours the ground coffee into the filter paper.

"But right now, this school seems to be starting to get out of my control."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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