At this time, students who are still attending classes on campus.

Suddenly, I heard the urgent voice of the principal on the radio of the college.

"All students and teachers, leave the school now!"

"All students and teachers, leave the school now!"

The broadcast was repeated several times in succession, and even the headmaster's voice could be heard trembling.

For a moment, everyone felt a little confused, and even the teachers who were lecturing stopped the chalk in their hands.

"What's the situation? Why did you suddenly want us out of school? "

"Is an earthquake coming?"

"It won't be some kind of drill, will it?"

"It's possible that I heard that the government is planning to conduct evacuation drills in schools across the country because of the Shibuya attack."

In the second year D class, there was a lot of discussion among the students.

Yotsuya Miko's expression suddenly changed, and he got up and shouted: "This is not a drill, everyone get out of here quickly!" "

With that, she rushed out of the classroom and ran towards the other classes.

The students were taken aback by her actions.

Fortunately, the teacher also felt that something was wrong, and quickly began to organize the evacuation work.

For a time, a large flow of people began to emerge in the corridors of all the teaching buildings of Zongwu High School.

Due to the large number of people, it is inevitable that the scene will begin to become chaotic.

However, when some people evacuated to the open space in front of the school, the ground suddenly began to shake violently!

Immediately after, a terrifying scene happened!

I saw that a large stream of viscous black qi suddenly surged upwards from the back mountain of the academy, rushing straight like countless grievances!

The sky in the distance instantly became gloomy, and a large area of deformed dark clouds were piled up above the academy!

Under the connection of that black qi, it was like opening the gates of hell.

Immediately after, the surrounding ground began to rise, and the resulting cracks squeezed out clumps of smelly deformed flesh!

These pieces of flesh creep together like tree roots, gradually spreading towards the ground.

Faced with this strange and terrifying scene, everyone could no longer maintain their inner sanity and began to run desperately towards the school gate!

While running, someone felt rain dripping down their cheeks.

Raising his hand, he found that it was a black viscous liquid that smelled of blood...

"Everyone, keep order! Don't step on other people! "

Hiratsuka stood in the midst of the chaotic crowd, trying to control the situation.

But in the face of these unknowns, others still have reason to listen to her advice.

Even in a panic, a stout boy ran towards her in a panic and slammed into her shoulder

Seeing that Hiratsuka Shizune was about to fall, someone reached out and helped her.

It was the white feather who rushed in.

"Xiaojing, have you seen that guy from Ishihara."

During this time, the two have become smoke friends, so Bai Yu, like Yang Nai, half-jokingly calls each other Xiaojing.

"Are you asking Ishihara-sensei?"

Hiratsuka Shizune was a little puzzled at first, but when she saw the young man's solemn look, she immediately said:

"He just called away a few male classmates involved in the bullying incident to go out to talk, but I don't know where they went."

"Get out of here first, the farther you run, the better!" Bai Yu said in a deep voice.

"But there are still some students who have not withdrawn, and I have to go to them."

Hiratsuka looked at the school building behind him.

There was already a frightened shout over there.

"Don't worry, someone here will handle it." Bai Yu pointed in the direction of the school gate.

Hiratsuka turned her head and saw rows of heavily armed men in black rushing into the campus.

The middle-aged man in the white coat at the head was Dr. Kondraki, who had previously appeared in a video playing at a government press conference.

"It's someone from the Old Foundation!"

"Great! This Sakamoto they are saved! "

"This eldest brother, can you escort me back first, my father is very rich and will give you a lot of rewards!"

"And me! Protect me first! My father was a county councilor! "

The arrival of the contingent immediately caused a cheer from the crowd.

At the same time, some students tried to lure several members into providing privileges.

It's just that in the face of these high monetary temptations, those men in black are unmoved, and still carry out their duties almost according to the battle.

Seeing this, Hiratsuka Jing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But when she looked back at Bai Yu, she found that the other party had long disappeared.

"The three teams found the humanoid anomaly in the playground! Request support from nearby team members! "

"Team Seven discovered the beast-type old anomaly in Building Five! Request fire support! "

"A team found seven out-of-control students, suspected of receiving mental pollution!"

In the corridor, Bai Yu shuttled through the crowd while listening to the reports of the contingent members coming from the Bluetooth headset.

As it stands, a large number of old anomalies are pouring out from all corners of the school. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seems that the black spots that kept gathering on the map of the base before were these guys.

It's just not clear what way they used to cover the breath!

"White feather-san!" At this time, Yotsuya Miko's voice sounded in Bai Yu's ears.

Looking up, I saw the girl waving desperately to this side under the crowd.

Bai Yu flashed a few times and immediately came to Miko.

"I saw several lines of black fog in the same direction!"

As soon as they met, Yotsuya Miko immediately said urgently.

"Take me there!"

Bai Yu immediately reacted, and the focus of those black lines was likely to be where Ishihara's guy was.

"Hmm!" Shitani nodded vigorously.

However, at this moment, the teaching building they were in suddenly began to tilt to the left!

And (Zhao Zhao Zhao) fell down at an extremely fast speed!

"Damn it!"

Bai Yu immediately urged the embodiment ability to create a huge metal pillar outside the teaching building, topping it on the top of the teaching building!

To be honest, he didn't want to waste too much mental power right now.

After all, he has not seen the main lord, and for the strength of the other party at this time, Bai Yu is estimated to be at least a B grade, or even a A jin!

However, soon a huge mouth full of fangs appeared outside the window, and the tentacles on the side of the mouth pierced the window and wrapped around the students!

The body turned out to be a black giant hand that was only more than ten meters tall! And that big mouth grows in the palm of your hand!

I saw that several students were about to be dragged into their mouths by those tentacles.

In an instant, one after another invisible blades directly cut off those tentacles!

Then a green light flew past the window.

Seeing this, a smile leaked from the corner of Bai Yu's mouth.

The two finally came back in time.

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