Those amorphous black mist continued to churn in the seven secrets of the white feather.

This caused his body to begin to expand and contract repeatedly, and a large black mucus was secreted on the surface of his skin.

Accompanied by a chaotic whisper and the sound of instruments clanging.

The fog swirled violently and spread outward!

A huge amorphous black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, turning into a chaotic mess and burrowing into the young man's body!

The black fog cleared.

At this time, Bai Yu had completely changed his appearance.

His hair was as pale as moonlight and curved back into tentacle-like shapes.

The originally light-colored eyes of the left eye turned into blood-colored vertical pupils, and the naked and strong upper body was covered with chaotic, scratch-like runes.

"It's really powerful!"

A sinister smile rose at the corner of Bai Yu's mouth, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"Sure enough, you still have to use magic to defeat magic."

Facing the projection of one of the Three Pillar Gods, with the original power of Bai Yu, it was simply not enough to resist this power beyond the law.

So he chose to take the plunge and use the forbidden powers he learned from the fragments of the Book of the Dead.

That is, the chaos of ambush - Naiarathotipu asks for divine magic.

The caster can link the will of Naiarathotep in a short period of time and use himself as a vehicle to descend a part of his will to the 593 sides of his position.

Of course, the risks are also enormous.

If it weren't for the spiritual resistance given by the system, even just a second of will peeping would be enough to completely destroy Bai Yu's body and soul!

In addition to this, there are more serious consequences.

But right now, he can't take care of that much.

It seems that he feels a threat at the same level as himself.

Izanami's rotten face began to show an uneasy expression.

She roared anxiously, and the giant maggots lying and wriggling on her body fell to the ground with the shaking of her body.

After the explosion with a bang, it turned into an old anomaly of different shapes.

In an instant, hundreds of monsters that made them fall crazy at a glance surrounded the white feathers layer by layer. a)

But when they swung their deformed outer limbs at the teenager.

The other party suddenly took a deep breath, and then a black cloud-like vortex rose up on his slightly bulging abdomen.

Before the monsters could react.

The vortex was like a black hole, pulling them over, and then sucking them into the endless abyss!

"It seems that your arrival is incomplete."

Haku chuckled and slowly walked towards Izanami.

With each step, the air around him began to wriggle visibly.

"Is it because the sacrifices needed for the ceremony have not yet been assembled, so they came in a hurry?"

As he spoke, blood began to flow from the corners of the boy's mouth and left eye.

As he put it.

Originally, this guy in front of him was just a projection.

In addition, the advent ceremony was blocked, and the giant tree that was subsequently used to absorb the living sacrifices was destroyed by the Yang Nai and them.

Now the opponent's strength is estimated to be less than one-fifth of the complete body.

"So, now I'm much stronger than you."

Faced with this powerful sense of oppression, a flustered look appeared on Izanami's ugly face.

She turned sharply and tried to escape back into the void behind the rock.

But Bai Yu didn't plan to give her this opportunity at all.

But as soon as he raised his arm, the entire shrine began to twist and blur, and then fell apart, turning into countless fragments and even into the air.

At the same time, the area where these fragments were located also turned into a pitch-black dimensional realm.

"It's time for me to see you as you are."

The boy's hoarse voice sounded in Izanami's ears.

The latter was horrified to find that his body seemed to be restrained in place by an invisible body squeeze!

The ground under your feet turned into a dark abyss that exuded a bone-chilling chill!

And Bai Yu had already come to her at this time, stretched out his finger and gently touched her body.

In the next second, this god who gave birth to the neon kingdom in legend, a projection of the will of an inexplicable being.

In a burst of bitter wail, his body collapsed into countless pieces of flesh and blood, falling into the dark abyss under his feet!

After doing all this, Bai Yu took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket.

But just as he was about to ignite, he coughed violently and spat out a mess of broken internal organs.

At the same time, several thick tentacles slowly stretched out from the abyss under his feet, wrapping around his body, trying to drag the white feathers into it together!

This is the price of using Naiarathotep to ask for magic.

His body is both a carrier and a sacrifice.

"Lao Tzu doesn't want to die yet."

Bai Yu took a sharp puff of smoke, and suddenly raised his hand to throw another item that he secretly held in his hand when he took the cigarette just now and threw it at Hugus who was shot off before!

It was a necklace set with huge rubies.

Along with the necklace, a red light lit up.

Those tentacles suddenly shifted their target, let go of Bai Yu's body, and instead wrapped around that Hugus! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This unlucky guy, before he could understand what was going on, was dragged into the abyss.

It's just that in the moment when it was swallowed by the endless void, the necklace that fell on it faintly glowed red.

The black clouds dispersed, and everything returned to calm.

The surrounding environment has finally returned to its usual appearance.

Bai Yu spread his limbs and lay on the ground, feeling the pain coming from all over his body.

Fortunately, the Dagon gene on his body has begun to repair his broken body.

It seems that he made the right bet this time.

The necklace just now is a containment item numbered 963, called the Endless Pendant.

This thing was originally the belongings of Dr. Bright, one of the four doctors of the foundation, and was summoned to this plane with it.

He was later taken in by the Foundation.

Its role is to transfer the soul of the owner.

"It's a good thing, it's a pity."

Bai Yu muttered in a low voice, but his face was full of the smile of the aftermath.

But at this moment, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded.

"You lied to me."

Bai Yu suddenly raised his head, and saw a black mist slowly rising in the clearing not far away.

Immediately after, a Miaoman girl wearing a cheongsam and holding a folding fan walked out of the fog.

Groove! This guy actually came with him!.

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