"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

These black mud droplets involuntarily swept towards the magicians present and penetrated into their bodies.


"Stop! It hurts!"

"What is this?! My spiritual power has been eroded!"

Some of the sorcerers who had been infiltrated by the black mud had their faces changed dramatically, as if their bodies were burned by flames and their internal organs were cut by knife after knife, causing them to let out a tragic wailing uncontrollably.

"There are two or five boys."

In this regard, Xia Heng's face showed a teasing look, and his tone was frivolous.

"Sir, may I ask what this is..."

The patriarch of the Shaye Palace family was sweating coldly on his forehead, and he asked the question with trepidation.

"You don't have to be nervous. Only people with bad intentions will have such a reaction. Those who sincerely surrender to me, my black mud will only benefit you."

Xia Heng waved his hand, with a smile like a spring breeze, explaining to these peaceful spellcasters.

Black mud is equivalent to the extension of Xia Heng's body. Using them to perceive other people's emotions and mental activities is a very simple thing.This mind-reading ability can easily test which ones are scheming.

Hearing this, these magicians appeared to be happy, and it really is that the godslayers are not so easy to fool.It is also fortunate that they did not take luck, otherwise these mourning people would be their fate.


"Please forgive me, we are sincere this time!"

"Forgive me!"

Looking down at these sorcerers who were in pain, who were as humble as reptiles and rolled on the ground in pain, Xia Heng showed no mercy.

The black mud water droplets turned into hideous locusts, nibbling away from the internal organs of these magicians, from the inside to the outside, from the internal organs to the bone marrow, from the bone marrow to the brain, completely eating up their body structure, leaving only one A complete human skin.

Ferocious locusts drilled out from under the human skin, hovering in the air, humming and flapping their wings, causing the scalps of the surviving spellcasters to tingle.

Witnessing Xia Heng's bloody methods, they were so accustomed to seeing life and death that they couldn't hide the fear in their hearts. Xia Heng's methods left them unforgettable memories.


The leaders present at this emergency meeting, because of Xia Heng's arrival, instantly shrunk by one-third, and the remaining two-thirds are very sensible, and there is no unreasonable mind.

These remaining magicians, even if they did not actively cooperate with Xia Heng, did not dare to violate his will in the slightest, let alone secretly plan to resist.

"Next, I will leave you to handle the matter of completely commanding Dongying. Don't let me down."

Xia Heng looked down at these submissive sorcerers, and warned peacefully yet solemnly.



The magicians responded in unison.

"These few days, I'm going to relax in Dongying. I need a sensible magician to accompany me in various ways."

It would take several days at the earliest to deal with the tasks assigned by Xia Heng, even for these big families at the top of Dongying. Instead of waiting, it would be better to have some fun.

When Xia Heng said these words, he specially emphasized it once, and the meaning was already obvious.

"This is natural! This old man will arrange it."

The patriarch of the Shaye Palace understands that it is not uncommon for godslayers to be interested in women, especially a young godslayer like Xia Heng.

The Marquis of Vauban in Eastern Europe collected all kinds of beauties in Europe when he was young, no matter what type, but they all could not live the life of Vauban and died of old age a long time ago.

As a godslayer, you can live as long as you don't get killed.

"Grandfather, let me be your guide and serve the king."

Since Xia Heng arrived, the beauty in men's clothing who had not said a word suddenly spoke up.

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Chapter [*]: The tyranny of force (for a reward!)

"Xin, it's rude to take a break! Step back! The junior is ignorant, making Wang laugh..."

The face of the patriarch of Shaye Palace changed, he glared at the self-recommended beauty in men's clothing, and hurriedly pleaded guilty to Xia Heng.

For this junior, the Patriarch of the Saya Palace valued very much. He had excellent political literacy, strong social skills, and was a maiden with rare talents. He was unwilling to let this outstanding family junior fall into the hands of Xia Heng.

In his eyes, Xia Heng's difficulty level was comparable to that of the Marquis of Vauban in Eastern Europe.

Sending outstanding juniors to serve Xia Heng, I am afraid that they will die at any time.

It's no wonder that the Patriarch of Shaye Palace treats Xia Heng like this. After all, Xia Heng deliberately brought the God of Disobedience to Dongying, using Tokyo as a battlefield, and also destroyed it, killing and injuring countless "one forty" innocent people.

Xia Heng didn't even blink an eye, showing how cruel and terrifying this Nordic king was.

"I'm serious, the king needs an excellent spellcaster who knows a lot about his country as a guide, so it's more suitable for me to be the one."

The beautiful-looking girl in a suit pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and stared at Xia Heng without being humble or arrogant. She exuded a kind of mysterious and detached aura, and her body was also in perfect proportions, with extraordinary charm.

Especially for women, there is a terrible attraction. Even if she knows that she is a woman, she can still attract countless bees and butterflies.

This beauty in men's clothing is named Saya Gongxin, the head of the official history compilation committee in Tokyo. Although she is the eldest lady of the Saya Palace family, she was originally ineligible to participate in such an emergency meeting.

The reason why she was able to participate in this meeting is also due to her identity as the person in charge of Tokyo, but now Tokyo has been reduced to ruins, although this is not her responsibility, but the reason for force majeure.

But in the end, it was her dereliction of duty. She failed to evacuate citizens ahead of time, causing huge casualties and bad social impact. She has an unshirkable responsibility.

If the family takes this to investigate and hold her accountable, her position will become very embarrassing, and she is likely to be expelled from the top and lose her real power.

Even if she is a rare shrine maiden, even if she is highly political, it will be difficult for her to enter the power center of the family again.

Instead, Shaye Gongxin chose to go all out and serve the initiator of this incident in person, using Xia Heng as her backer.This can not only ensure the status of their own family, but also strive for their own family's interests as much as possible.

Xia Heng's brutal means and force of force majeure, she has seen, the mysterious side of Dongying, surrendering to this Nordic king is the only choice.


Seeing that Shaye Gongxin insisted so much, the head of the Shaye Palace was angry for a while, and was about to stop it again.

"Okay, this lady in men's clothing insists so much, so you can do it. I thought you were very interesting from just now, but don't let me down."

Xia Heng mercilessly interrupted the Shaye Palace Patriarch's dissuasion, and decided directly.


The Patriarch of Shaye Palace sighed silently, not daring to say a word.

"You can retire. If you have something important, you can directly contact the person beside me... What's your name?"

After waving away the old man in his sixties, Xia Heng came to the beauty in men's clothing, looked at her rudely, and asked.

"Shaye Gongxin, willing to serve the king."

As for Xia Heng's harsh gaze, the beauty of men's clothing remained unchanged, and she obeyed Xia Heng with impeccable etiquette.

"Sure enough. I have some doubts about Dongying, let me explain it to you."

Unexpected but reasonable, this beauty in men's clothing is the same as what she guessed, and she is indeed a young lady who is very easy to fascinate girls in the original Godslayer.

Xia Heng held her shoulders, ripples appeared in the black mud all over the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the two of them teleported all the way and quietly left this destroyed modern city.

This evening, Tokyo, the capital of Eastern Japan, was hit by a meteorite, the city was destroyed, and the news of heavy casualties spread around the world......

There was an uproar in the public opinion at home and abroad, and most people expressed disbelief, doubt and dissatisfaction with this news.

Because no country in the world has observed meteorite falling information, the most advanced astronomical observatories have not left any observation data about meteorites.

However, the Dongying government is also very helpless. This city has been turned into ruins, and only the fake news of the meteorite impact can be used as a cover. No matter which country in this world is, it will cover up the incidents related to the mysterious side, so as not to let them surface. measure.

This strategy is also common internationally, so other countries that know the inside story have not chosen to delve into it.

Even the beacon country, which is the world's policeman, only asked about it symbolically, and then there was no more.

Since then, Dongying has always maintained a rogue attitude of "whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway", facing the pressure from all walks of life in China, like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

The people in Dongying have nothing to do with this.

Some people who survived the disaster were extremely indignant at this act of concealing the truth, and demanded that state organs and the media release the truth truthfully, and even organized demonstrations.

Not surprisingly, these restless survivors of 1.3 were quickly checked by the magicians to check the water meter. After a pleasant spell of brainwashing, these people quickly forgot everything they witnessed and started a normal life again.

Real industry insiders scoffed at news that fooled ordinary people in the world.

The magician, magician, alchemist and other related personnel on the mysterious side all know that the tragedy caused by the battle between the Nordic king Xia Heng and the god of disobedience in Tokyo.

The relevant forces on the mysterious side have all turned their attention to Dongying, wanting to see what this domineering and powerful Nordic king is going to do.

Xia Heng's actions affected the nerves of countless people and behemoths.

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Chapter [*]: Saye Gongxin's Statement (for a reward!)

No!No!No is no!

Chapter [*] Erica was tortured by the green (for a reward!)

The next day, on a sunny morning, inside the top-notch hot spring hotel.

"Oh? I was tossed like that last night, and I can get up earlier than me."

In the retro Japanese style bedroom, Xia Heng moved his neck slightly, feeling a little surprised.

Glancing at the bedding covering the tatami, the falling red above was a little shocking, and some blood stains were still on the quilt, representing the transformation of a pure girl into a woman.

I have to say that as a witch who practices magic, her physique is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people.As Xia Heng's high-intensity tonic, it is not something that ordinary girls can afford.

In the exchange of replenishing magic, Xia Heng used black mud to strengthen Saye Gongxin's physique and optimize the path of her body's spiritual power.Although it is still far from Erica, the benefits given to her are unimaginable for ordinary magicians.

"Lord Xia Heng, your breakfast is ready, let me serve you and wash up?"

Saya Gongxin, who was wearing a lavender kimono, gently pushed open the door, pressed her hands and knees to the floor, lowered her head, and greeted Xia Heng in the morning with strict etiquette.

"bring it on."

Xia Heng stood up carelessly and let Saya Gongxin wait on him, tidying up the messy bathrobe and trimming his hairstyle.

"Regarding the task you have explained, the official history compilation committee has activated its energy. Today, the current prime minister will voluntarily resign, and you will participate in this prime minister election as a candidate for the current prime minister. But it is just a formality, you have already decided to become the prime minister by default. Prime Minister."

Shaye Gongxin reported the latest information obtained this morning to Xia Heng as soon as possible.

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