A layer of black mud appeared on Xia Heng's body, and he released the avatar of the phoenix. The speed increased sharply. The red and black streamer passed through the cosmic barrier, and the blue planet came into view.

The single body broke through the earth's atmosphere, and the blue sky drew a striking red track, which did not cause any damage to the body of the godslayer.

"Familiar but subtly different."

Looking at the endless ocean below, the magic power in the air made Xia Heng narrow his eyes, and he noticed a subtle difference.

It can be vaguely speculated that this Xingyue universe is not the Fate-Apocrypha world where he was before. A rough exploration shows that this earth has no traces left by him.

The islands are scattered on the sea, and most of the islands are uninhabited and uninhabited islands, lifeless at all.

In the air-skimming flight, Xia Heng was condescending and brought this unique seascape into his eyes.

Among them, a lonely and inconspicuous island caught Xia Heng's attention.The island has a human atmosphere and has formed a village of a certain size.

Along the turbulent coastline, a group of children were chasing and playing, and cheerful voices sounded from time to time.


With the perverted eyesight of a godslayer, Xia Heng stood on the cloud, but he could see the children playing by the coast. One of them was a black-haired boy with a bright smile, which made him stunned.

"Kiritsugu! Come down and play!"

"Yeah, then it's Kiritsugu's turn to be a ghost."

The call of the black-haired boy's playmates allowed Xia Heng to determine the identity of the boy.

"Sure enough, it's Emiya Kiritsugu when he was young, let's take you as the starting point."

Xia Heng showed a malicious smile and decided the future of this 'righteous partner'.

The sun was setting in the west, the evening sky was rendered into a red glow, and the black-haired boy sat alone by the coast.

"Charlie has been helping Dad with experiments these days. It's so boring."

The young Emiya Kiritsugu scratched his hair in anguish. He was in puberty, and when he thought of his childhood sweetheart playmate, he couldn't help but feel a throbbing in his heart.

Kiritsugu, who had no personnel, didn't know how to deal with this emotion, and he couldn't help recalling the question Charlie asked him not long ago.

The scene at that time is vivid in my mind. The bright moonlight poured down on the girl's beautiful cheeks, her eyes were shiny, and her wheat-colored skin was smeared with a layer of light silver.

"What does Kiritsugu want to do when he grows up?"

The childhood sweetheart girl asked.

"I want to be a partner of justice..."

Kiritsugu, who was in a daze by the sea, unconsciously repeated what he said at that time.

"A partner of justice? Boy, what a great ambition!"

The sudden words behind him made Kiritsugu's expression change drastically, causing him to lean back and almost fall into the sand?

However, as far as he can see, no one else exists...

"You... who are you?!"

Kiritsugu tried to think hard, clenched his fists, and said to the air in a stern tone.

The blue sea level, at some point in time, turned into pitch black, exuding an ominous aura.

Kiritsugu, who was about to flee, had a blank look on his face behind the pitch-black sea level, his tense body relaxed, and scenes appeared in his mind.

Childhood childhood sweetheart Xia Li became a dead disciple and was terminated by him!His biological father, Emiya Juxian, was shot and killed by him!Adoptive mother Natalia, killed by his own hands...

Emiya Kiritsugu's tragic life, along with the pollution of black mud, was completely presented in front of the young boy, making him immersive, allowing him to experience all this on a mental level.


"Ahhhh! What is this! Fake! It must be fake!"

Kiritsugu held his head in pain, rolled wildly on the beach, tears flowed from his nose and snot, and he let out a heart-wrenching mourning, denying the tragic scenes.

"Is it still too exciting for you now? This is your future, the path you choose, your partner of justice."

Black mud appeared on the filthy sea, gathered a human-shaped silhouette, and a sloppy voice came out.

"No! This is not my future! I will never admit it!"

The mysterious existence in front of him made Kiritsugu feel uneasy, but he already knew in his heart that those pictures were not fake, but he subconsciously chose to escape.

Such a future was too heavy for the young Kiritsugu, enough to break his mind.

"You have acquiesced in your heart, haven't you? It doesn't matter who I am, I have prepared another direction for you, a path that can avoid these tragedies."

The black clay figure began to seduce him, and his voice had a strange affinity, which made Kiritsugu let down his guard.


Kiritsugu's face was shaken.

"Yes, there is no need to experience any tragedy and suffering, it will be eternal silence and tranquility. Empty your mind, discard all thoughts..."

This voice was like the whisper of a demon tempting people to fall into hell. Kiritsugu gave up thinking and slumped on the sand, like a body that had lost his spiritual body.

The black mud-drenched sea caused a huge wave to swallow the young man, and a strange ripple spread, and Emiya Kiritsugu's existence was completely erased.

To be precise, Emiya Kiritsugu's existence in this world was perfectly replaced by another existence.

"It's kind of kindness to let you witness the future with your own eyes. In this world, my name is Wei Gong Xiaheng."

With the gathering of black mud, Xia Heng showed his figure. With the help of the power of black mud, he easily replaced the existence of Emiya Kiritsugu.

And no matter who Xia Heng regards as the former Emiya Kiritsugu, there is no flaw in his identity, traces, interpersonal relationships, etc.

From now on, Xia Heng has changed from an invading black household to a legitimate native of this world.

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Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Seven, Emiya, An Rahuk (please ask for a reward!)

After solving the identity problem, Xia Heng easily avoided the threat from Gaia and Alaya, and then quickly left the beach.

The sun is slowly setting, the hazy moonlight pours over the sea, and the sparkling scenery is breathtaking.

On the far away mound, adjacent to the shrine worshipping the god of the sea, surrounded by lush trees, a secluded wooden house is located here——

This is the residence of Emiya Kiritsugu, and it is also the magic workshop of Emiya Juxian...

Emiya Juxian is a pure magician. The magic system he has mastered has only been passed down and continued for four generations. After he took over, magic research has reached the field of "designated seal". There is no doubt that, He is a genius.

However, all this also brought disaster to him.

The Emiya family has insufficient background and no strong backers. After being labelled as a designated seal by the Magic Association, Emiya Juxian lived a life of escape.

His wife was chased and killed by the Magic "One Five Three" Association. He took his son Kiritsugu to hide in this small southern island, and continued to study magic incognito.

In the eyes of the aborigines of this island, this outsider who stays out of the house and does not communicate with them seems to be a mortal who has been deceived by demons.

After a long period of exclusion, the young Kiritsugu was able to get along with the children in the village with the help of Charlie, and was recognized by the villagers.

"Yo, Xia Heng has grown taller recently, and the child is getting more and more manly!"

"This is the coconut that was just picked. Take it back and eat it."

"Xiao Xiaheng just stay and eat..."

When passing through the village at the foot of the mountain, the enthusiastic attitude of the villagers made Xia Heng a little helpless.

These villagers completely regarded him as Emiya Kiritsugu, and called his name as a matter of course, and did not notice any difference, everything was so natural.

The utility of the existence of substitution is so terrifying—

"Oh? Isn't Charlie here today?"

Walking down the mountain road to the wooden house where Wei Gong and his son lived, Xia Heng naturally pushed the door open.

In the simple house, there is only a middle-aged uncle Emiya Juxian wearing black-rimmed glasses and a beard.

At this moment, with his back to Xia Heng in front of him, he was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, fiddling with something in his hands, bloodshot eyes in his eyes, obviously lack of sleep.

"She's going down the mountain first, dinner is on the table, warm yourself up."

Emiya Juxian said a word without raising his head, and continued to bury his head in sorting out the documents, without even taking a look at this 'son'.

Xia Heng didn't say anything about this indifferent magician. He watched him silently for a while, and brought the food on the table to the kitchen, ready to heat it.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a low voice sounded, the surrounding time flow changed rapidly, Wei Gong Juxian appeared behind Xia Heng in an instant, like a magic of space transfer.

His unique magic "Inherent Time Control" sealed off this area and blocked the escape route for those who came.

"It stands to reason that you should be my son, but this inexplicable sense of disobedience... I am afraid that my real son has been killed, right? Very subtle magic, so that I can't see any flaws, if it weren't for you So different from Kiritsugu's behavior..."

Emiya Juxian stared at Xia Heng coldly and analyzed in an indifferent tone.

As the saying goes, knowing a child is more like a father.

Emiya Juxian is Kiritsugu's father after all. Even if Xia You replaces Kiritsugu's 'existence', there is no logical flaw in what he does, but the incongruity in his actions is enough for Emiya Juxian to perceive the difference.

What's more, Emiya Jukian seems to be extremely indifferent to Kiritsugu, but in fact, he quite agrees with this child, and regards him as the heir of the mantle and blood, and wholeheartedly nurtures Emiya Kiritsugu... .

At this moment, this ruthless magician bluntly exposed Xia You's disguise.

"Tell me, explain your origin and purpose, otherwise..."

Thinking he was in control of the overall situation, Wei Gong Juxian interrogated Xia Heng with a condescending attitude, but a contemptuous smile appeared on Xia You's face:

"Is this the time control magic inherited from the Emiya family? It's nothing special."

At this moment, Xia Heng was not flustered at all, he had already seen through the essence of Wei Gong Juxian's magic, and responded with contempt in his heart.

"Hmph, it looks like you're not ready to explain."

Hearing this, Wei Gong Juxian's face was indifferent, he clapped his hands, as the magic power surged, the space gradually became distorted, and the time flow in the area where Xia Heng was located became uneven.

At this moment, between every inch of skin and flesh on Xia You's body, the flow of time has become contradictory to each other, and the mutual forces are tearing at his body.

However, Emiya Juxian, who thought he could kill his opponent in seconds, received Xia Heng's look at the mentally handicapped.

"How can it be invalid? Shouldn't it? There must be something wrong..."

With a frown, Wei Gong Juxian increased the magic power output, and the time in Xia Heng's area became more and more disordered, but Xia Heng was still safe and sound.

"go to hell!"

Emiya Juxian's eyes slammed, and he unreservedly released the magic power, and the inherent time imperial control was fully activated....

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