The blood splattered, and the flowing blood gathered into a pool of blood, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Under the night sky, an unprecedented clean-up is being staged at the Tono mansion.

Compared to the outside where there are many sorrows, a room inside the Tono's house is extraordinarily quiet.

A red-haired girl curled up in the corner, shivering. In her sight, a man with red eyes approached step by step.

The girl's name is Wujing Amber. After the Wujing branch broke down, she was adopted by the Tono family.As a tool for Shinji Tono to suppress his "reversal impulse", she chose to sacrifice herself for her sister Wu Jingyuezui.

The "reversal impulse" is not only the blood of the body demons, but also the primitive desires of the creatures, such as the desire to fight, appetite, and sexual desire. At this moment, the owner of Tono, Shinhisa Tono, is really in this state and needs to vent.

"Since you chose to sacrifice for your sister, you have already realized it, come here for me!"

After falling into this state, the desire in all aspects has greatly increased, and Tono Shinhisa's mind has become chaotic, and he has become dull to the outside world, and just wants to quickly solve the current problem.

The diabolical man keeps approaching, making the young Wu Jinghuo's heart constantly shake. Is she going to be taken away by this monster for the first time?No one can save her...

No, she doesn't want to be plundered by such monsters!

"no, do not want!"

He clearly decided to sacrifice himself, but when things came to an end, his own purity was in crisis, and Wu Jingamber resisted instinctively.

"I can't help you!"

Shinji Tono, who holds the power of life and death for the Wu Jing sisters, doesn't care about their wishes, and presses her big hand on her head, preparing to forcibly occupy her tender and tender body.

He, who had never tasted the body of a young girl, had a perverted pleasure in his heart, and he set up a tent below the scene in his imagination.

"Such a green fruit is not something that you old bastard can pick."

The sudden sound made Shinhisa Tono stagnate, the wolf howls sounded, and a dark shadow hit the tent he set up.


The tragic cry sounded, like a castrated boar, Tono Shinhisa was half-kneeling on the ground, the floor was stained with blood.

In fact, he was indeed castrated. The vicious gray wolf the size of a calf bit his crotch, and the male bird was uprooted.

The crimson streamer flashed, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Wu Jingzhu. Qiyu's extraordinary figure, and the sudden change made the little loli stunned.

"It's a close call, it's another pure little loli."

Xia Heng turned slightly, smiled at the dull red-haired loli, and patted her head kindly.

"Who are you! Why would you..."

Shinji Tono shouted loudly, and at the same time tried his best to slap the wolf that bit off the symbol of his man with a palm, endured the severe pain, and rushed towards Xia Heng, ready to twist his neck in an instant.

Questioning is only a means to divert the attention of the other party. Taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack is the real thing.

In any case, this intruder must die!


Halfway through the rush, Tono Shinji was crushed to the ground by the skyrocketing gravitational force, his bones shattered, like a wild dog with a broken back, unable to move.

"A bastard has to look like a bastard, that's what suits your posture."

"The Territory of the Vault of Heaven" easily suppressed the opponent, Xia Heng hugged Wu Jingamber and said with a sneer.

Feeling the warm and reassuring embrace, Wu Jingamber stared at the scene in front of her, and her heart was extremely shocked. In front of this mysterious person, the devilish Tono Shinji was so powerless? !Who is he?


The stern sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the tall and fierce figure rushed towards Xia Heng with lightning speed.

"I found you long ago, Koma Kama."


There was no suspense about the figure rushing in. He was imprisoned by the terrible gravity and slammed heavily on the floor. The attacker's steel-like body could not bear such a violent crush, and each joint was twisted into an unnatural appearance.

4.1 "Roar!!!"

Koma Yamama let out a roar like a beast, and the demon's strange power was useless.

"This time I won't spare you like I did in another world."

Black mud emerged from the surface, and the tide of chaos was launched, and the dense locusts devoured Kama Kama's body.


The door was smashed into pieces, and Shinhisa Tono, who lost his bird, fell into a state of "reversal impulse" and completely lost his mind.

He took the opportunity to rush outside and start killing the android troops.

The five senses of the devil locked the position of the invisible android warrior, launched a surprise attack, blood splashed, and before the androids could react, they were torn apart by him and turned into black mud.

In a state of rage, Shinji Tono, among the cyborg warriors, opened the unparalleled.

"The bones are crushed, do you still have such combat power? However, it is still a dying struggle."

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Chapter [*] The wolf that devoured monsters (for a reward!)


Dozens of wolves rushed up, and Shinhisa Tono, who was fighting with the android warriors, was torn to pieces.

With the launch of "Wolf Pack of Greed", Shinji Tono was vulnerable to a single blow.

The army of locusts devoured the scattered corpses of Tono Shinjiu, and they spread quickly, all over the Tono family mansion, quickly clearing the corpses on the ground.

After the locusts crossed the border, the scattered corpses quickly disappeared, leaving only blood stains everywhere.

Including Tono Shinhisa, the Tono family executives were all killed, and none of them survived.

The dozen or so androids that were torn apart by Shinhisa Tono before were restored to their original state by the gathering of black mud, revived, and began to clean the battlefield, and none of the androids were reduced.

"Lord Xia Heng, the target you instructed has been successfully arrested."

A white-haired boy in a nightgown was imprisoned by magic and pressed to the ground.Under the escort of the android warriors, he came to Xia Heng in a humiliating manner.

There was also a beautiful black-haired girl who was also imprisoned by the artificial people, but she was treated a lot better than the white-haired boy, at least she was allowed to stand.

"Tono Four Seasons, Tono Autumn Leaves, right?"

Xia Heng looked down at the two brothers and sisters in front of him and said lightly.

"Who are you, why did you attack the Tono family?"

The white-haired boy named Tono Shiki raised his head with difficulty, looked up at Xia Heng with hatred, and asked angrily.

"Ask this boring question again, let me see, um, it's true, you do have that thing in your body."

After confirming that this Tono Shiki was indeed one of the 27 dead apostles, Roja was reincarnated, the black mud turned into a powerful magic seal, strengthening the restrictions on him to prevent him from breaking free.

"Damn it! Let me go!"

Tono Four Seasons seemed to feel the crisis, his eyes burst with blood, and his momentum skyrocketed.


With a big hand flowing with golden light, he slapped his head into the floor with a slap, and the wooden floor burst open.

Under the constant penetration of black mud, Tono Shiki was as if his bones had been removed, and he slumped to the ground, unable to struggle any more.

"Okay, just take it away and put it in the control room."

Xia Heng waved his hand in disgust. Under his order, a corpse bag filled Tono Four Seasons, and an android roughly dragged him to the ground and transported him into a car.


Tono Akiba saw all this in his eyes, kept his head down like a cicada, and did not dare to make any difference.

"As for you."

Gently lifting Tono Akiba's snow-white chin, her pretty cheeks were full of fear, witnessing that her own clan fell in a pool of blood, her father died tragically, this Tono Shinhisa's daughter has long lost the will to resist.

"Are you interested in the seat of the head of the Tono family? As my subordinate, manage this family business."

Seeing this, Xia Heng spoke in a wicked manner. Between the words, black mud appeared on his fingertips, and unknowingly poured into the black-haired girl's body and brainwashed her.

"Eh?! Me?"

Tono Akiba, who thought he would die, was stunned. Under the influence of the black mud, he looked at Xia Heng with a hint of respect.

"The family business will have professionals to assist you, you just need to become the new Tono family owner."

"If possible, I will try my best!"

Under Xia Heng's oppressive gaze, the young Tono Akiba timidly agreed and became the Tono family head with the help of Xia Heng's forces.

"very good."

Xia Heng pinched her little face, and a warm smile appeared.

"Sir, that I have a sister..."

At this moment, Wu Jingamber, who was in Xia Heng's arms, spoke weakly, her tone full of unease.

"Wu Jing Feicui? My subordinates have taken her to the car, don't worry."

Xia Heng stroked her red hair lightly, and her calm words made Xiao Amber secretly relieved, as long as her sister was safe and sound.

Xia Heng took Hong Loli out of the bloody Tono family mansion.

"elder sister!"

Not far away, in a car, there was a red-haired, blue-eyed little loli with a seven-point resemblance to Wu Jing Amber, Wu Jing Jade waving out the car window.


Wu Jinghuo completely relaxed after seeing that her sister was okay.

"From today, I am your new master, Wei Gong Xiaheng."

Sitting in the car, watching the two sisters reuniting and embracing, Xia Heng unquestionably stated his ownership of the two sisters.


"Follow your orders, Lord Xia Heng!"

The ignorant Wu Jing Feicui was still a little puzzled. Wu Jing Amber, who was completely intimidated by Xia Heng's power, did not hesitate to obey, and would hold her sister's head and bow to Xia Heng.

Anyway, since they were bankrupt and abandoned by Wu Jing's family, their sisters were helpless and had nowhere to go. Compared with the murderous Tono Shinji, this mysterious young man in 890 was obviously more of a master. Powerful and reliable.

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