Tohsaka Sakura pulled her mother's sleeve, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Tsk! It looks like a pretentious guy, what's there to ask."

Tohsaka Rin on the side, with his hands on his hips, reprimanded Sakura with the attitude of a little adult.

"I don't know, it should be a distinguished guest..."

A hint of doubt appeared on Tohsaka Aoi's beautiful cheeks, and he explained hesitantly.

Although she is also curious, Tokiomi rarely talks to her about the magic circle. She usually takes care of the children as a housewife and supports Tokiomi unconditionally.

From the standpoint of a wife, she can be called a perfect wife, but as a mother, she is not qualified.

Tohsaka Tokiomi returned home, wandered in the living room for a long time and pondered, the cheerful atmosphere became a little depressed, and finally he made a decision.

"Kwai, get ready, I will send Sakura to Matou's house tomorrow morning."

Tohsaka Tokiomi said in a serious tone without any doubts.

"Why is it so sudden, doesn't it say that there are still three days?"

Tohsaka Aoi hugged Sakura in his arms with a reluctant look on his face.

"The situation has changed, there is no way."

Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed and didn't explain much, he knew that his wife would understand his own difficulties.

"How can this be! The family has an appointment to go to the park tomorrow! Could it be because of that guy just now..."

The young Tohsaka Rin frowned, flicked her ponytails, and shouted angrily.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Tohsaka Sakura, who was afraid of life, curled up in Tohsaka Aoi's arms, her face full of unease.

This time, Tosaka Tokiomi rarely reprimanded Rin, but stared deeply at the white clouds outside the window.

"Stop messing around, Rin. Dad must have a hard time."

Tohsaka Aoi looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi worriedly while soothing the emotions of the two little loli.

On the other side, Xia Heng, who was sitting in the car, had already arrived at the Fuyuki Bridge.

The mighty convoy stopped on the Dongmu Bridge. After the artificial people got off the bus, they immediately blocked the bridge and began to perform magic work neatly.

"Lord Xia Heng, according to your instructions, the advance troop has already begun to set up the magic barrier. It can be completed before dusk at the latest. The other special operations teams are rushing here..."

In the co-pilot seat, the cyborg warrior who was the assistant reported the situation to Xia Heng respectfully.

"Very well, inform Irisviel and have her send Saber over to assist me together."

Xia Heng sat in the back, watching the situation outside through the car window, and commanded lightly.

Surrounding the bridge has been cast spells to disperse idlers, and the field of vision is full of busy android warriors, piercing the underground spiritual veins, and setting up large-scale magic enchantments.

After the information obtained by the spy in Fuyuki City, he knew that the intersection of the Tohsaka family and the Matou family had to pass through the Toki Bridge, and it was a good choice to set up an ambush here.

Tohsaka Tokiomi, don't eat or drink for a toast, I hope you won't regret it.

Xia Heng looked at the scenery outside the window, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

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Chapter [*] The gap between heroic spirits (for a reward!)

Everything arranged by Xia Heng's android army was noticed by another magic family in Fuyuki City.

In the air, several peculiar-looking bugs hovered scattered around the Fuyuki Bridge, very inconspicuous.

In Matou's mansion, in the cold and damp basement, through the sensory sharing of these engraved insects, he incorporated the actions of artificial people into his monitoring.

"Weigong Xiaheng, do you want to hinder me?"

An old, hoarse voice, leaning on a cane, with a shriveled skinny body and a hunched body, like a rotten mummy from the inside out, the light flashing from the deep-set eye sockets is chilling~ shuddering,

The contemporary head of the Matou family, - Matou Dirty Inkstone.

This magician who has lived for [*] years, in the long period of time, has become neither a ghost nor a ghost, from the inside to the outside, the body and mind have been degenerate and rotten.

The noble dreams that he had when he was named Maqiri Sorgen have long been forgotten.

Right now, he is just an old monster with no bottom line who will do anything to prolong his life and obtain the Holy Grail.

Adopting the daughter of the Tohsaka family is an indispensable step in Matou's plan.

He is going to use the engraved insect to forcibly transform the body of Tokiomi's daughter into a little Holy Grail, which will become his important bargaining chip, so that he will win the Holy Grail in one fell swoop in the next Holy Grail War.

As for the process, the daughter of the Tohsaka family was thrown into the worm's nest, and she experienced the torture of life rather than death, and pushed her own daughter into the fire pit without Tohsaka Tokiomi himself.

Thinking of this, Matou Zuoyan's rotten spiritual body felt inexplicably happy.The old bug has an extraordinary sense of satisfaction in trampling on other people's important things, which can give him a little vitality to his already corrupt thinking.

The pleasant script had already been written, and Emiya Xiaheng was going to intervene, making Matou Zuoyan very unhappy.

"If that's the case, you should leave early."

Matou Zuoyan made a stupid decision, he decided to plot against Xia Heng.

Since Xia Heng represented Einzbern in the Holy Grail War, he was also a contender for the Holy Grail and must be eliminated.

The opponent is in the light, and he is in the dark, so he will definitely be able to catch Xia Heng by surprise. If he can eliminate this powerful competitor, it will be even better.

It doesn't hurt to fail.Matou Zuoyan is very confident in his own escape ability, and the other party can't help himself.

Of course, now is not the best time to make a move. When Xia Heng ambushed Tokiomi Tosaka tomorrow, when the two are fighting each other, it is the safest for him to take the opportunity to make a move.

The cunning and cunning Matou Zuoyan had already conceived several plans. Out of this sinister intention, he knew that Xia Heng had set up an ambush, but he did not inform Tokiomi Tosaka in advance.

Those inconspicuous engraved insects lurked secretly near the Fuyuki Bridge, letting the android troops set up the enchantment.

What the ecstatic Matou Zuoyan didn't know was that a black thread invisible to the naked eye was transmitted to his basement using a sigil insect as a medium.

Through the black thread transformed by the black mud, everything he did was sent to Xia Heng.

"Old man, he's not stupid."

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Xia Heng's mouth, and the other party's actions did not exceed his expectations.

Matou Zuoyan did not inform Tohsaka Tokiomi of his own actions, so he must be ready to take advantage of the fisherman, which is also in Xia Heng's arms.

Otherwise, Tokiomi Tosaka knew the news in advance, and his ambush would be meaningless.

Poor Tokiomi Tohsaka, who has already fallen into the calculations of the two old Yinbi, doesn't even know it.

On the second day, Tokiomi Tosaka foolishly took Tohsaka Sakura to the place where he met the Matou family in order to cook the raw rice.

"Sakura, when you arrive at Matou's house, you must obey Matou's words and learn magic..."

In the back seat of the car, Tokiomi Tosaka looked solemn and said to his second daughter in a deep voice.

Once adopted to the Matou family, Sakura is no longer his daughter, but the adopted daughter of the Matou family, and now it is his father, Tohsaka Sakura, who gives the final warning.

"Okay, okay, Dad, I'll be obedient."

The young Sakura nodded knowingly, her face full of sadness.


When she thought of going to a strange family, unable to be with her mother and sister, her eyes couldn't help but mist.

An invisible black mud was hidden in Tohsaka Sakura's hair, quickly infiltrating her body, forming an indestructible protection technique.

The car had arrived at the Fuyuki Bridge, Tokiomi Tosaka did not notice the ambush on the bridge, and continued to talk to Sakura.

The Tohsaka family is a magic family that has the right to speak in Fuyuki City. The long-term quiet life has made him lack the caution that a magician should have.

The turbulent magic fluctuations spread, and the enchantment that enveloped the entire bridge was completed in an instant.



Tohsaka Tokiomi's expression changed, and he realized that there was an ambush, and he protected Sakura for the first time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several rockets drew several eye-catching trajectories and bombarded the bridge deck at a distance from the car, with deafening noises at any time, and the violent fire waves exploded, submerging the bridge deck.

The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly overturned Tohsaka Tokiomi's car, causing the car to burst into flames.


On the bridge, the heads were surging, and a large number of android soldiers, armed with enchanted cold weapons, rushed towards the car, with a posture of beating the drowning dog.

"Is there a need for a sneak attack? With your strength, you can completely crush him."

From a distance, Arturia, who was watching the ambush, had a bad-looking face, and did not approve of Xia Heng's style.

Without the slightest bit of chivalrous thinking, she hoped that she would be able to fight her opponents with dignity, instead of using such despicable means to carry out sneak attacks.

"The lion also needs all the strength to fight the rabbit. Don't you understand this truth, the king of knights who fought in the north and south?"

Xia Heng looked at her pretty face and asked back.

Obviously, he sneered at Artoria's pedantic knightly thinking.

The two people who have different ideas, after several years, still can't live in harmony.

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Chapter [*] It will turn black when you pull out the dull hair (for a reward!)

Tohsaka Tokiomi's vision was blurred. During the rollover accident, he hit his head unpreparedly, a blood line ran down his forehead, and he crawled out of the broken car window in embarrassment.

This gray-faced appearance, the so-called elegance has long ceased to exist.The bones all over his body fell apart, and the severe pain from everywhere made his face pale.

The surging tide of enemies around him gave Tohsaka Tokiomi no chance to breathe. He took out three huge rubies from his arms and threw them at the android army.


The gems that circulated in the air burst into powder in mid-air, and a huge amount of magic power emerged.

The magic power was transformed into a raging fire wave and exploded, turning into a flaming flame barrier, blocking the road and temporarily isolating the menacing artificial people in the future.

The gem magic of the Tohsaka family stores a large amount of magic power in gems in advance.During the battle, you can not use your own magic "Five Four Zeros", but rely on gems to launch large-scale magic, which is usually used as a killer.

As soon as he came up, three precious gems were consumed, and Tohsaka Tokiomi felt a lot of pain, which was impossible.Encountered in an ambush, he could only use his trump card to gain precious time.

The bottom of the car is already on fire, there is a risk of explosion at any time, and time is running out.

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