Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Xia Heng was savoring the red wine and muttered with schadenfreude.

"The Holy Grail War has begun. The participating magicians have already summoned heroic spirits. Sir Xia Heng, do you want to advance..."

The android head maid served next to Xia Heng, pouring wine into the goblet, and asked humbly.

"No, the big fish hasn't taken the bait yet, and now it's more urgent than "nine-five-zero"."

Xia Heng waved his hand and denied the head maid's proposal.

"Drip drip!"

The pager rang, and when the head maid was connected, her expression changed slightly.

"A magician from the Clock Tower, making trouble below, seems to be named Kenneth El-Melloy Archibald."

"Oh? Is that Director Lemon Head Ken? Did he also bring a red-haired woman with him."

Hearing this, Xia Heng appeared interested.

"Indeed it is."

The maid's long eyelids jumped, wondering why the master knew this in advance.

"Instructed to go down, let the armed personnel on standby below show him some color."

Xia Heng ordered in a wicked manner.


The ground floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, the reception hall responsible for the reception.

Kenneth's relationship is very bad now. As a clock tower noble and a renowned genius magician, with a play mentality, he condescended to come to this small country in the Far East from England to participate in the so-called Holy Grail War.

In order to let his fiancée Sora enjoy a pleasant trip, he booked the most luxurious hotel in Fuyuki City and the best room a week in advance.

As a result, they were told that the hotel had been completely occupied by the embassy of the South African Union, and that there were big people living on the top floor, and no one should disturb it.

What a joke!Kenneth, who had no idea what setbacks were since he was a child, could not bear to have a closed door in this rural place!

"It's not about money. A rural magician from South Africa occupied the room I booked. This is a serious gaffe. You must think about the consequences!"

Kenneth's face was cold and stern, and the bright golden lemon hairstyle gleamed in the light.

On the sofa receiving the guests, a beautiful red-haired woman watched this scene boredly. This was Kenneth's fiancee Sora.

Under the watchful eyes of his fiancee, Kenneth couldn't hold his face even more. Now it is a matter of man's dignity and ability, and he must not give in!

"I said that I will compensate you three times, so don't make trouble! Get out!"

Several heavily armed black security guards surrounded Kenneth. Seeing the lemon-headed white man's unwillingness to give up, the black security guards pushed him out, pushing him out.

"Go away! You uncivilized niggers! You're just a nouveau riche in recent years, and you're so rude to me."

Kenneth, who originally cared about the nobleman's demeanor, scolded at this time, showing how angry he was.

"I am the head of the Archipelud family. He is also a magician. It is impossible for him not to know my name. Let your president come down and talk to me in person!"

Kenneth yelled at these rude black security guards, threatening Xia Heng to talk to him in person.

Just when the black guards didn't know what to do, Xia Heng's order came from Magic Communications, which immediately made their eyes light up.

"You bastard! How can you see my lord?"

"White-skinned pig, you are courting death!"

The black security guards, who were polite at first, turned their faces immediately, as if to vent their previous unpleasantness. They waved their fists at Kenneth's face and gave him a fat beating......

"You... ah!"

Kenneth was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party would really dare to be rough with him. He didn't notice for a while, and was punched in the face and kicked several times in the abdomen.


Di Lumuduo, who was on standby in spirit form, saw that the master was in danger, and immediately materialized. The two long spears in his hands burst out of the air, and the sharp spear heads penetrated the heart of the black security guard one after another at an unbelievable speed.

Di Lumuduo, who was eager to protect the master, wielded his magic gun, and blood splashed in the air. The menacing black security guards were stabbed through the vitals and fell into a pool of blood one by one.

In less than a second, the aggressive black security guards all died.

"So strong..."

Lancer DiLumudo's heroic appearance made Sora who was sitting on the sofa stunned, with a red glow on his face.

This Miss Sora has a lot of affection for this Celtic heroic knight, and Kenneth seems to have a green light on his head.

"Ah! Killed!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"

"call the ambulance!"

The screams of the citizens came from the door of the hotel, and the sluggish Kenneth woke up.

This small coastal city is no bigger than a big city like Tokyo. The pace of life is not fast, and there are many citizens who are bored.

Before Kenneth had a dispute with the black security guard, the movement was relatively loud, attracting a lot of good people watching the fun.

There were probably no fewer than dozens of people who witnessed Dirumduo's killing, and they all dispersed in a hurry, leaving the scene of the murder one after another.

"Idiot! Who let you show up without authorization!"

Kenneth looked bewildered and yelled at Dirumdo who acted without authorization.

The mystery was exposed in front of a group of ordinary citizens, and he didn't know what to do. Now it's bright and sunny. Is it possible to hunt down the witnesses who saw this in public?

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [*] Celtic racism (for a reward!)

"You Celtic barbarian! Don't you know how to use your brains! How will I end this!"

Kenneth scolded his Servant in the face.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive. When I saw someone attacking the master, I was excited, and I..."

DiLumuduo knelt down on one knee, his handsome face was full of guilt, and he apologized respectfully.

If other Celtic heroes were so scolded, I am afraid that they could not help but kill their masters and kill this lemon head with one shot. The dignity of heroes does not allow such humiliation.

However, the chief hero of the Knights of Fiona was different. He had never been loyal to himself before his death, and his wish to be summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War was to be loyal to the Lord.

"Now is not the time to be held accountable, delay and the police will come."

Sora stood up and stopped between the two, protecting Dirumdo behind him, and said coldly.


Looking at his fiancée's calf-protecting posture, Kenneth's eyes flashed a shadow, and he hated Di Lumuduo even more.

Sora looked at Dirumdo's eyes, which obviously contained undeserved affection, causing a green light looming over Kenneth's head16.

DiLumuduo secretly complained, this time it was the 'black mole of love' on his face that was the fault. Women who saw him would have a strong admiration for him.

However, black moles are ineffective against beings with powerful anti-magic abilities.

The two rushed out of the hotel, grabbed a car, shuttled in the driveway, and sped away.

On the top floor of the hotel, Xia Heng, who monitored everything below, summoned Irisviel through magic.

"Participants of the Holy Grail War ran away and went with Saber to pursue and destroy them."

These days, Irisviel has been in the room to appease Arturia. After Xia Heng teased her last time, this knight Ji was full of depression and could not let go.

"Saber let's go!"

Irisviel set off immediately after receiving Xia Heng's order.

"I understand!"

Through the communication magic, Arturia shared the previous picture of Di Lumuduo's shot. She understood the seriousness of the matter, and she didn't care about getting into trouble with Xia Heng, so she simply chased out neatly.

In the hotel parking lot, the two got on a motorcycle.


The roar of the heavy locomotive sounded, and the blond and blue-eyed beauty of men's clothing, Arturia, was surging with magic, full of horsepower, driving a motorcycle and chasing at a high speed.

"Alice is on hold! Don't be thrown off!"

"Hmm! No problem!"

Irisviel hugged her waist tightly, the strong wind whistled from her ears, and her silver hair fluttered in the wind.

Infused with Artoria's magic power, the motorcycle body has undergone tremendous changes, the shape is full of sci-fi texture, the roar of the engine is like the roar of a giant dragon, and the speed quickly exceeds the limit of the motorcycle.

It turned into a silver streamer, and with excellent driving skills, shuttled through the steel jungle, avoiding the dense traffic with ease.

Under Lao Siji's driving skills, the motorcycle quickly pushed into Kenneth's car in front. Under the control of Saber's riding A skill, it was easy to catch up with him.

"Master, someone is following us, there is a Servant!"

DiLumuduo was keenly aware of the magic power fluctuations in the rear.

"Damn it, did you get the attention of those magicians? It's not convenient to fight in the city, just drive the car to the outskirts!"

Kenneth's face was ashen, and he had exposed the mystery in front of a group of ordinary citizens before. He must not expand the situation, otherwise the Magic Association alone would not be able to spare him.

If the greedy magician family seized this handle, they would probably have to tear a piece of meat off the Archipelud family.

This must be avoided.Kenneth, who originally participated in the war with a game mentality, now things are not going well, which makes him feel extremely irritable.

Kenneth took out a test tube, filled with a transparent liquid, which was a magic dress made of mercury, the moon spirit essence.

Motivated by magical power, Mercury rushed away like a living creature, attacking the two who were chasing behind.

The mercury slash that easily cut through the steel came, and Artoria suddenly reached out, and the holy sword wrapped in the wind king's enchantment slashed out the sword light, and instantly blasted the incoming mercury away.

Fluorescent silk threads flew out from Irisviel's sleeves, and under the infusion of magic power, they turned into three birds, and scattered the re-converged mercury.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The magic flying bird transformed by the silk thread released a blue magic bullet, and the low explosion sound was resonant. Under the bombardment of the magic bullet, the stagnant and deformed Feiyue spiritual marrow liquid could not be restored temporarily.

"It's a little tricky."

Sensing that his magic attire was damaged, Kenneth narrowed his eyes.

In less than ten minutes, the two forces flew from the new capital city to the sparsely populated suburbs.

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