Chapter [*] The Lost Magician (for a reward!)

The underground space in Fuyuki City, the drainage system extending in all directions, and the dark and damp sewers are much wider than expected.

The corrupt air, filled with a disgusting stench, mixed with a bloody smell, is definitely not a place suitable for human habitation.

However, as a stronghold, it is a good choice to avoid surveillance in the city.

Caster chose this place to build a magic workshop, and he and his perverted murderer master, hide here, and use magic to spy on the movement in the city.

In this strange combination, one is a lunatic who has degenerated into a blasphemous magician, and the other is a pleasure murderer. Neither of them has much interest in the Holy Grail.

It's just that the two of them couldn't help but pay attention to Dirumuda's fanatical hatred and the earth-shattering explosion in the port.

Caster Gildrey uses a crystal ball to see the events in the port from beginning to end "[*]".

"Ah—! Saintess! Joan of Arc! My Saintess!"

When Arturia came on stage, Gildrey fell into madness, dancing with excitement, his big goldfish-like eyes became more prominent, and he picked up the crystal ball and licked it wildly.

"Master... are you all right?"

This crazy, irrational, as if the most fanatical chasing after the new clan's posture, seeing Yusheng Ryuzhisuke's face is stunned, goose bumps appear on the back, thinking that his brain is burned out.

"Joan of Arc! Unexpectedly, that goddamn god still cares for me and creates a chance for us to meet again! Hahahahaha!"

Gildrey ignored Ryunosuke at all. He was already indulging in his own world, chanting from time to time, laughing from time to time, and completely lost his mind.

His big goldfish eyes left a line of clear tears, which were tears of joy, and finally saw the saint who was haunted by his dreams.

"Although I don't know what's going on, the master looks very happy!"

Yusheng Ryunosuke was very happy to see him, but he didn't bother him. He smiled and scratched his head, preparing to abduct and sell some children to make 'artwork' at night to celebrate Gildley.

Artoria's fighting spirit was imprinted in Gildrey's goldfish eyes, causing a flush of redness on his sickly pale face, making him unable to bear to look directly.

"No!!! Damn Lacner! It hurts the Holy Maiden! Aaaah! I'm going to kill you!"

During the battle, Arturia fell into a disadvantage, was beaten violently by Dirumudo, and even put herself in danger and was almost wiped out.

"what happened again?"

Yusheng Ryunosuke's eardrum was so painful that he had to cover his ears.

"Oh oh oh! Another one! Another guy is going to harm my saint! Damn it! Is this also the fate arranged by that goddamn god!? The saint needs me now!"

Gildrey, who was almost blind, completely mistook Arturia for Joan of Arc, and when he saw Alkades attack her, he fell into a frenzy again.

Gildley, who has a problem with his thinking, imagined the illusion that the whole world should add Joan of Arc.

"Wait for me! Jeanne! I'll save you now!"

Gildley, who couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed his hair frantically, and then disappeared directly in place. A gust of wind caused a gust of wind in the rancid air, and he went directly to the port in a spirit form.

"Wow! What's the matter? Lord, wait for me!"

Yusheng Ryunosuke's eyes widened, and according to the connection of the Command Spell, he looked for Gildrey's magical aura and chased after him.

On the chaotic battlefield, only the figure of Alkades tower remained, standing on the ground.

A slender, short, mummified figure in a dark green bathrobe stood on the untouched warehouse, his face full of pride.

Naturally, it was the Matou dirty inkstone that was hit hard by Xia Heng before.

"As expected of a world-famous Greek hero, his strength has far exceeded my expectations. You don't have to wait for the next Holy Grail War, this time you can take the Holy Grail into your hands!"

Matou Zuoyan held on to his crutches and opened his arms, as if he was about to embrace the world. A dark green light appeared in his skeleton-like eye sockets, like a ghost from the underworld, which made people horrified.


A cloud of insects that covered the sky and the sun rose from behind Alkades, and the sound of shaking the air was like the slap of countless leaves, and the howling of a life-threatening ghost.

The worm cloud hovering in the air covered most of the port and quickly divided into a dozen small groups.

Matou Zuoyan used the magic of controlling insects, and controlled the magic insects to quickly arrange the art of expelling idlers, and carried out the finishing work, leaving no obvious traces of magic.

"Attracted strange guys."

On the way, an unnatural ripple appeared on the sea in vain, and the keen Alkades immediately noticed the abnormality.

Similar dark green tentacles swept out of the sea, sticky and foul smelling, and launched an attack......


With a crisp sound, Alkades swept his bow, and the tentacles that hit were smashed into flesh by giant force, and the purple liquid splashed.

The strange roar resounded, containing the meaning of resentment, the turbulent waves crashed on the shore, and the monster shaped like an octopus rushed out.


No surprise, with a random wave of Alkades, the incomparably violent power turned the menacing monster into pieces and fell to the ground.

"Sea Demon? So there are guys who are late, are they targeting me?"

Matou Ziyan's eyes showed a look of thought. He leaned on crutches and walked slowly from the top to the bottom of the warehouse. Standing too high could easily become a living target.

As a result, around the warehouse, densely packed and disgusting monsters poured out like a tide, just like the sea monsters emerging from the sea, but slightly smaller in size, but not weak at all.

To some extent, being surrounded by hordes of little sea devils is more tricky than being a sea devil.

"Crush them!"

Matou Zuoyan's eyes flashed, and he gave a serious order.

At the same time, a large number of sea monsters continued to pour out of the sea, and they continued to board the port.

"it is good!"

Alkades drew his bow and arrows, and dozens of arrows shot out in succession.

The dazzling dragon-shaped beam of light destroyed the dead, and with the violent roar, a large piece of blood was exploded, and a large piece of sea demon was emptied. 5.9

The ferocious and disgusting sea demon, faced with the crushing force of absolute power, had no effect at all, and was quickly crushed to pieces, and the ground was full of wriggling fragments.

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable! I will sacrifice your blood to forgive the saints!"

A morbid roar sounded, and Gildrey appeared on the battlefield, staring at Alkades and Matou Zuoyan.

In his hand, there is a magic book that exudes an ominous aura.

"Tsk! Is Caster thinking abnormally?"

After Alkades found the initiator, his tone was a little disappointed.

"kill him!"

Matou's dirty inkstone lit up, and when he saw Caster voluntarily appearing to die, he ordered excitedly.

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [*] Attila, King of the Huns (for a reward!)

"Oh oh oh!"

Gildrey let out a strange cry, and under the operation of the Noble Phantasm "Luoyu City Teaching Book" in his hand, the ground bloomed one after another in pitch-black magic circles, and one sea devil after another appeared like mushrooms after a rain.

Arcades, who was pulling a bow and an arrow like a tide, was accompanied by several dragon-shaped beams of light, crushed by a devastating force and smashed to pieces.

The scattered blood splashed from the sea, causing disgusting purple showers to fall from the sky, and the filthy blood that spread out turned the already riddled black ground with eroded potholes.

The ground eroded by the corrosive liquid, like pouring a small amount of cold water into a hot pot, sizzled and smoked.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Alkades was facing the corrosive rainstorm, with a Western bow in one hand and a stray sword in the other, dashing towards Gildrey in the distance, his body almost turned into a black shadow.


Gildley was furious, and the little sea demon summoned temporarily, facing this powerful heroic spirit, just delivered food, and it was difficult to delay the time.

The only way is to accumulate magic power and do everything in your power to summon a giant sea monster with a size large enough to destroy the city. It only takes 20 lines!

It's a pity that Gildrey, who was dazzled by anger, didn't think so much, and didn't even think about tactics, so he rushed over to take revenge.

Alkades was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he crossed the defense line constructed by the little sea demon and came to Gildley's side.


At the critical moment, Yusheng Ryunosuke appeared and rushed Gildley to the ground.


The stray sword disturbed the space, inspiring red cracks, and the violent and thorny wind pressure carried shock waves, causing an astonishing loud noise, and the smoke and dust rose into the sky.

The turbulent air waves blew the Caster group up tens of meters high and fell into a pile of abandoned containers.

Gildley coughed up a large mouthful of blood, and his body was affected by the aftermath. His internal organs seemed to be smashed, but his spiritual core was not damaged, and there was no serious problem.

If Yusheng Ryunosuke hadn't knocked him down, I'm afraid he would have returned to the Heroic Seat to report the previous blow.

"It hurts! Master calm down, your saint is not dead! Don't do stupid things!"

Yusheng Longzhijie had a bag the size of a goose egg on his head, his clothes were rotten, and he fell into a bloody mess.

It looks serious, but in fact most of the impact was endured by Gildray, he was just a skin injury.

As he spoke, he handed the crystal ball to Gildley, and the image was quickly played back, and the process of Arturia's withdrawal from the battlefield was shown.

"Excellent! Holy Maiden, we will meet soon!"

Gildrey held the crystal ball and burst into tears, as if embracing his saintess.

"The situation is not good, sir, the big man is coming again!"

The murderer Yuyu Ryunosuke has a keen intuition for the crisis, the creepy feeling made him almost jump up, and hurriedly pulled Gildley's clothes, reminding him to retreat.

Sure enough, the ground trembled slightly, and an astonishing murderous intention came, and Alkades ran wildly.

Gildrey's face changed, and he quickly summoned a group of little sea monsters to let them delay the time as much as possible. Due to the gap between the collapsed container groups, Alkades couldn't lock the position of the two of them for a while.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deep sonic boom resounded, and the dazzling dragon-shaped beam of light seemed to be streaking across the horizon, falling towards the container area one after another.

"So fierce! Master, what should I do?"

Ryunosuke Yusheng hung on Gildley, and the continuous explosion shock wave made them both street rats, hiding in the complex ruins terrain, and fleeing in dark alleys and cracks in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Gildley's physical strength was unexpectedly good. With a burden, he walked like a fly. He was indeed a soldier who was born and died in the Anglo-French War.

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