"Did you make it?"

Irisviel's expression was solemn, she stared at Alkades, who was engulfed by the golden torrent, and said standard FLAG words.

As soon as the voice fell, the FLAG that was established was fulfilled. In front of Alkades' burly body, the blue-gold ornate scabbard formed a strongest barrier that blocked all interference, blocking all the streamers released by the holy sword.

The exclusive scabbard "Avalon" for the Sword of Oath of Victory isolates all interference in the world and achieves absolute defense in the field of "magic".

"It's tricky, thanks to your Noble Phantasm, King Arthur."

Alkades said happily, these words were completely intentional to disgust Arturia, and the attack, "Five Five Three" was intercepted by the Noble Phantasm that originally belonged to him, which is very ironic.

After seeing the liberation of Artoria's real name many times, Alkades has also known Saber's true identity.

"The breath is still strong, this guy is not injured at all! Alice stay away from here, it will be difficult to take into account you in the next battle."

Arturia's pretty face sank, she waved the holy sword, and warned solemnly, and immediately prepared to set off to charge at the opponent.

Using her own Avalon to resist her own Noble Phantasm is simply a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo. She has a strong personality and is unwilling to admit defeat. Naturally, it is impossible for her to endure such humiliation.

Although Avalon's defensive performance is abnormal, it is not a Noble Phantasm that can be activated continuously, and the consumption is not trivial. Arturia decided to fight quickly.


Alkades sneered, with a Western bow in one hand and a stray sword in his hand, instead of retreating, he advanced, his hands turned into afterimages, and he launched a storm-like offensive.

The crisp metal symphony sounded, the dazzling electric sparks bloomed, the confrontation between the big and the small, the thick trees around, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, torn apart, the wood chips flew, and none of them could remain the same, a devastating shock wave. burst.

Both of them are monsters who have been on the battlefield for a long time and have experienced blood and fire experience. The superb martial arts have almost turned into the instinct of the body.

"Good weight!"

Arturia gritted her teeth to meet the opponent's blow, her tiger's mouth almost burst open, her blood surged, her internal organs were hit, her knees rattled, and she tried her best not to be crushed to the ground.

"What's wrong? King Arthur, slow down!"

Compared to Arturia, who was showing signs of decline, Alkades became more and more courageous in battle, with countless afterimages drawn with his hands, and the stray sword and Western bow shot and killed hundreds of heads with the peak skills of turning them into Noble Phantasms. The fierce attack made it difficult for the opponent. parry.

"is it?"

In the face of the enemy's ridicule, Arturia was not a vegetarian, her green eyes flashed a strange black awn, and her strength rose steadily.

King Arthur herself has a legend of the incarnation of a red dragon. It is said that she is a humanoid red dragon. Although there are some subtle gaps in the legend, it is an indisputable fact that Artoria has the blood of the top fantasy dragon.

The heart is a furnace for refining magic power, breathing can generate a lot of magic power, and the body contains unparalleled power, this is the dragon.

Artoria, who was summoned as a Servant, was inferior to her own heyday in all aspects, but under the subtle influence of the black mud, she began to gradually reveal her hideous side of dragons.

"It turns out that you still have spare energy, interesting. Let's see how far you can go!"

In the face of Artoria, who seemed to be in a state of madness, Alcades became unable to suppress her, and even his hands became numb due to the shock, all of which made his fighting spirit boil.

At this moment, when the battle entered the white-hot stage, a figure with fluttering white hair came to the battlefield.


Irisviel found her, it was another Saber summoned by Xia Heng, Attila the Huns.

Before Irisviel stepped forward, she suddenly found that black mud poured out of her body uncontrollably, and gradually changed to another state, which was pure black mud.

"Humph, don't be nervous, just avoid the satellite orbital gun."

Xia Heng's light laughter sounded from Irisviel's head, reassuring her, but she was quickly shocked, wait? !What is a satellite orbital gun?She had a very bad feeling.

Brilliant and colorful rays of light gathered in the air, the vast tide of magic power flowed, and the huge magic circle opened up, covering the hanging bright moon, and the devastating power began to breed.

The magic power of the surrounding atmosphere was almost forcibly drained, and the fire-filled battlefield was shrouded in complicated and mysterious magic formations, and this area would become a target.

The attack range is very large, and the two heroic spirits who are fighting do not have time to avoid such attacks.

At the same time, Matou Zaikan, who was in a sewer, was stunned when he saw this scene through the magic insects hovering around the battlefield.

4.3 Through the magic circle in the sky, it is vaguely inferred how terrible the upcoming attack is.

"Not good! Alkades, come back immediately!"

Matou Zaiyan eagerly activated the Command Spell, in an attempt to force Alkades back from the battle.

it's too late...


Attila raised the sword of the war god that radiated rainbow light, completed the chant at the fastest speed, and released the true name of the Noble Phantasm.

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Chapter [-] Blackening Arturia (for a reward!)

With the release of the real name of Attila's Sword of the God of War, the magic circle that covers the night sky communicates with the ark of the wandering stars on the moon, which is far away in outer space.

The dazzling glow bloomed, like the vast power of the sea, forming a huge destructive glow, spanning the distance between the earth and the moon, and descending on the earth in an instant, drowning the battlefield where the fire was soaring into the sky.

Alkades and Arturia, who were in a fierce confrontation, were bombarded by a beam of light, and the figures, one large and one small, were annihilated.

Irisviel, who had turned into black mud, was also annihilated. Except for Attila, who was outside the striking range, everyone was annihilated by the beam of light, and their life and death were unknown.

Matou Zuiyan, who was far away in the underground passage of Xindu in Fuyuki City, stared at this scene with a dull expression, trembling all over with anger, and his green eyes were about to pop out.


Matou Zuoyan almost threw the crutches he was leaning on, and the surrounding insect swarms exploded. The demon insects all over the dark walls fled in all directions, and the cold murderous aura filled the air.

Under the extreme excitement, the old man like Matou Zuoyan became a little unstable, and the disgusting demon worms wriggled under his skin, and it took a while to calm down.

"The mussels competed for the fisherman's profit, but in the end, someone else became the fisherman!"

The cane knocked on the ground several times, Matou Zuoyan sighed and sighed helplessly.

The raging fire on the battlefield was annihilated by light cannons. This suburb, including the surrounding forests, was completely turned into a piece of scorched earth. I am afraid that there will be no grass for decades, and the residual destructive power will hurt the spiritual veins of this land and it will be difficult for it to revive.

"The destruction is complete."

Attila indifferently observed the flat land that had turned into a barren and scorched earth for a while, then turned and left without any reluctance. Xia Heng handed in her task and completed it beautifully.

As for the actual impact of this natural disaster-like satellite orbit, the "tide of chaos" that has completely controlled the Eastern Ying Kingdom will cover up this matter lightly, and will not cause much disturbance among ordinary people.

At this moment, Xia Heng had already carried Francesca back to the top floor of the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The floor space on the top floor has been expanded by Xia Heng's magic, and it has become incomparably huge, five times larger than the appearance.

A swimming pool the size of a football field is not overflowing with water, but the earth of ups and downs. The dirty black mud fills this large swimming pool and exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

On the way back, Xia Heng also kept an eye on the battle and was very satisfied with Attila's performance.

After this baptism of light cannons, Alkades was left with only one breath left, and the spiritual core must have been severely damaged, and would not enter the battlefield in a short time, acting as a shit stick.


Francesca was bound by the black mud, her whole body was imprisoned in mid-air, and her mouth was blocked, she could only make a whimper, and her eyes were full of resentment when she looked at Xia Heng.


"Be quiet for me, or I'll throw you in."

With a crisp sound, Xia Heng slapped her elastic PP and warned impatiently.


Francesca looked aggrieved, and her voice was much lower. The black mud pool with ups and downs and bubbling below made her intimidated. She didn't dare to experience how sour and refreshing it would be to enter it. Feel.

"Come out, Alice."

Xia Heng's eyes flashed and he said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the pool full of black mud automatically constructed a complicated and mysterious magic circle, and a slender pure white girl appeared, with a flawless outline and a beautiful and moving face, it was Alice Phil.


Irisviel's silver hair was fluttering, and as soon as she was reborn, she rushed into Xia Heng's arms. Her delicate and flawless face was full of fear, and she thought she was going to die completely.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you this in advance and scared you. As compensation, you can ask me for a reward."

Xia Heng said with an apologetic expression and a slightly embarrassed smile.

"A reward? Hmm...I'll think about it later, by the way, how's Saber?"

These words calmed Irisviel's emotions, and she was overjoyed, thinking about what reward she wanted, suddenly remembering that Artoria was also submerged by the beam of light, and asked with concern.

"Hum, she's fine. Maybe it's a good thing for her."

Xia Heng smiled and responded mysteriously.

Under Irisviel's puzzled eyes, Xia Heng gently held her soft palm, and the power of the black mud communicated the command spell on the back of the hand, using the command spell and Arturia's relationship, began operate.

The command spell bloomed with a crimson 820 glow, the black mud in the swimming pool began to boil, the original magic circle changed, a huge tide of magic power emerged above, and the deep and condensed energy spread.

"This is a transformation at the spiritual base level..."

With a meaningful smile on Xia Heng's face, the black mud flowing into Artoria's body, the subtle transformation was completed.

"This is Saber?!"

In the black mud pool, the slowly emerging figure made Irisviel a little messy.

With clear curves, a plump and attractive figure, and a pair of 'people's hearts' that are ready to express their hearts, they are tall, holding a dark and deep spear that exudes an ominous aura, and can vaguely see the shadow of Arturia.

However, regardless of height and 'people's heart', his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. The green pupils have turned into pale gold, exuding an indescribable extravagance.

"Xia Heng, I want to meet that guy again for a while."

Artoria, who was reborn with a holy spear, stared at Xia Heng with pale golden eyes, and said lightly.

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Chapter [-] Matou Sakura imaginary number magic (for a reward!)

"Are you unhappy?"

Xia Heng looked up and down the Lancer Arturia in front of him, and said with great interest that he was very satisfied with this growing figure.

After being soaked in black mud, Lancer Artoria's surging magic power made Irisviel beside her tremble, and she didn't dare to come forward to say hello for a while.

"This time, I will completely defeat that heroic spirit."

The knight girl with a cold and indifferent temperament, Arturia re-emphasized firmly, and immediately looked at Irisviel in front of her with a warm smile.


"Sure enough, it's still the same Saber."

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