There is no doubt about this, the black-haired loli who looks like a 14-year-old, is one of the twenty-seven ancestors, the ruler of the blood and the contract of the dead.

14 "Black Blood Moon Eclipse Princess" Eltluqi Brunstad, referred to as Black Princess.

"Your Highness Princess, is it too risky to contact Wei Gong Xiaheng? According to rumors, that guy is very tricky."

The black knight, Rezowal Stuart, spoke with some worry, with fear and distrust towards Xia Heng's name in his tone.

In recent years, the "Tide of Chaos" has expanded its power on a large scale around the world, and even violated the interests of the Dead Apostles. There have been many local conflicts. During the battle, the Dead Apostles suffered a lot from the androids.

Chaos Tide's domineering style has made Xia Heng notorious in the mysterious side circle, but only one thing is recognized, Wei Gong Xia Heng's power is unfathomable and one of the most difficult characters in the world.

After all, the monsters who offend the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church at the same time, still live very well, and even continue to expand their power, are only five fingers in this world.

"In addition to Wei Gong Xiaheng, there is no other candidate. In my current state, I don't seek reliable foreign aid, and it is difficult to protect myself. That guy is always staring at me."

Hei Ji licked the black hair that was blowing in the wind, her delicate cheeks showed helplessness, and her scarlet eyes flashed a stern look, which was fleeting.

Her beautiful voice like a wind chime tells the difficult situation at the moment.

"Bai Yigong is too much. Taking advantage of your weakness, you immediately start pressing step by step, and the church is also..."

The white knight, Feiner Brad Sfielding looked indignant, feeling unfair to his princess.

"Hmph, isn't it a matter of course? I'll do the same when I change positions. Compared to this, the conditions for hiring Wei Gong Xiaheng may be a little troublesome."

Heiji wasn't annoyed, she laughed softly, holding a fluffy white creature in her arms.

It was she who was in a weak state, facing the pursuit of Duke Bai Yi, who was known as the king of the dead disciples and one of the oldest three dead disciples.

The reason why Hei Ji went to the oceans and came to this extreme eastern island country is to form an alliance with Xia Heng's strength, hire Xia Heng, and let him temporarily protect his own safety.

They were all heretics wanted by the Church of the Holy Church. Hei Ji believed that she and Xia Heng had some common language, common interests, and the possibility of cooperation.

According to the intelligence network of her forces, she learned that Xia Heng had come to Hokkaido and should not have left if there was no accident, and she must contact him as soon as possible.


Inside the hot spring hotel, the cool breeze blows and the warm sunshine shines in, making people drowsy.

"It's so lively, today."

Xia Heng enjoyed Irisviel's massage, took a sip of tea, and suddenly made a sound.

"Has it come yet?"

Black hairless Arturia stood up suddenly, pale golden eyes exuding a cold fighting intent.

On the table in front of her, the remains of fried food had piled up into a hill, and the room was filled with the smell of oily smoke. She had already eaten the twenty-seventh portion of a chain set meal from a fast food restaurant, and she still seemed unsatisfied.

I have to say, just this amount of food, Artoria is really not affordable for ordinary people.

It is not because of lack of magic power to eat. With the perverted magic power of Irisviel, the perfect humanoid, and the backing of the land of Xia Heng's creation, Artoria doesn't have to worry about magic power at all.

She eats for the same purpose as Xia Heng, to satisfy her appetite and enjoy the joy of life.

"Don't get excited, those guys are dog-biting dogs."

Xia Heng stretched out a palm and pressed it, calming the black Wu Mao, who had no fighting spirit.


Xia Heng did not directly explain to the puzzled Arturia, the black mud emerged from his shadow and quickly floated into the air, turning into a display panel similar to an LCD screen.

Under the surging magic power, the magic screen constructed by this black mud connects the senses of the black mud creature.

The information monitored by the black-mudified birds and insects hovering high in Hokkaido was processed through the magic path and broadcast to this magic screen in real time.

"It turns out that you can monitor the entire battlefield, no wonder..."

Arturia was surprised, and it was the first time she saw Xia Heng's method of monitoring the entire city.

"The fun is about to begin."

Xia Heng smiled and didn't explain much. The picture broadcast on the screen was the Heiji trio who went to this area.

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Chapter [*] The more lovely Illya (for a reward!)

Away from the suburban areas outside the downtown area, this area is surrounded by endless forests, lush greenery, pleasant scenery, and a faint fragrance of flowers in the air.

It's a pity that Hei Ji's love is not good. On the way to Xia Heng's station, he was attacked by a sneak attack.

The sudden formation separated her from the black and white knight, and a cold light swept towards her neck with lightning speed.

With the early physical ability of the dead disciple and the true ancestor mixed blood, with an unbelievable reaction speed, he shifted back a little bit, avoiding the fate of being beheaded.

Even though he avoided the beheading blow, Hei Ji's face was not good-looking. The flawless white face had already begun to turn blue, and the scarlet eyes were bursting with astonishing murderous aura.

There was a bloodstain on her neck, the blood dripped, and the pure white dress was dyed a bright red, which looked shocking.

"Did it drift a little? Dirty dead apostle, you are hiding very quickly."

Standing in front of Hei Ji, stood a woman with a cold aura, with bangs covering half of her face, a cold smile in her eyes, and a touch of crystal clear blood on her slender fingers.

After the sneak attack failed, Narubalek shook his finger in disgust, removed the blood on it, and stared at the black-haired loli with the eyes of his prey.

"How did the hyena of the Holy Church find me?"

The scar on the neck healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Heiji asked murderously with a stern look in her scarlet eyes.

"Excessive question, the disgusting breath on your body can be smelled from far away."

Before he finished speaking, Narubalek sneered, his figure was like electricity, his right hand curled his fingers into claws and attacked the other side door fiercely, with the posture of squeezing Heiji's little head.


A low sonic boom exploded, and the powerful energy ripped apart the air, forming a gust of wind that sent Heiji and Narubalek flying backwards at the same time.

Narubalek flew out a distance of dozens of meters and quickly stabilized his body, but Heiji flew out nearly [*] meters, directly smashing a tree that the three of them hugged, and fell heavily to the ground. A striking human-shaped silhouette was imprinted on the ground.

The smoke and dust filled the air, Hei Ji looked a little embarrassed, the surrounding air was almost frozen, and the deadly murderous intent stunned the birds in a radius of several kilometers.

"It happened at this time that I met this lunatic."

Hei Ji's face was sinking like water. She was in a weak period. All aspects of her body's functions had dropped to the bottom, and her strength had dropped dramatically. The other party's face-to-face made her suffer a dark loss.

"The strength has weakened so much? It's just the prey that was specially sent to the door."

Narubalek's eyes lit up, and her whole body became excited. With a bad personality, after she tried to find out the truth of the other party, she was already thinking about how to kill the blood-sucking princess Ji.

Knowing that the subordinate agents were buried here, all the members of the burial agency rushed to Hokkaido and unexpectedly found a big fish in a weak state. It was a great luck.

"your Highness!"

The black and white knights separated by the barrier were in a hurry. The magic sword in the hand of the black knight Stuart bloomed with purple brilliance, forcing Father Dawn who had intercepted him to retreat, smashing the barrier with one sword and rushing to Heiji's side.

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

The white knight Feiner's voice was cold and stern, with a tidal wave of magic, and the surrounding space was like a turbulent water surface, causing ripples. This trend of erosion in the real world was a precursor to the release of the inherent enchantment.

"Ah, so scary."

Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Mei Lian made a frivolous voice, jumped back and opened the distance, no longer intercepting the white knight, and was not prepared to fight with the other party.

As a result, the black and white knights escorted Heiji again, watching vigilantly at the agents who launched the attack.

"Can't stop the guards around her? A bunch of trash!"

Losing the opportunity to destroy Heiji, Narubalek scolded his colleagues in a cold voice.

Mei Lian smiled without saying a word, Father Dawn pushed his glasses awkwardly, Hier shrank his shoulders, the atmosphere was extremely depressed, and no one dared to touch her bad head.


With all the members of the burial agency, the situation was very bad. Hei Ji, who escaped danger, did not dare to stay for a long time. Following her order, she and the black and white knights fled into the dense woods and ran quickly. disappeared.

"Don't try to escape!"

She finally encountered a good opportunity to eliminate one of the twenty-seven ancestors. How could Narubalek let it go so easily, she did not hesitate to catch up.


Hiel stretched out his hand and shouted loudly, but it was useless, and Narubalek disappeared into the dense forest.

"Hey, there's no way, we'll catch up."

Father Dawn pushed his glasses helplessly, and greeted Mei Lian to chase after him.

Princess Heiji and her party fled in a panic, and all the members of the burial organization at the rear were chasing after them.

In the hot spring hotel, this brief conflict was broadcast by the black mud screen, so that Xia Heng and his party were all watching.

"Strong enemy."

Black hairless Artoria has a serious expression. These people are not easy people. If they are enemies, they need to be taken seriously.

"so so."

Xia Heng took a sip of tea and said neither salty nor light.

"That little girl is so cute, but Illya is more cute."

Irisviel's sudden speech made Xia Heng and Hei Wumao startled, and they laughed dumbly. Is the natural focus really different...

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The [*]rd chapter of Lorelia's heritage (for a reward!)

"Hmph, I have to say, this little Lolita is really unlucky."

In the hot spring hotel, Xia Heng, who was watching the escape of the Heiji trio, made a mockery of his words, his face full of schadenfreude.

"What happened to her? Didn't she escape?"

Irisviel asked blankly.

"The direction in which she fled, she hit the muzzle of the gun again."

Xia Heng pointedly explained.


During this process, Black Hairless Arturia ate the fifty-eighth hamburger and pouted in disdain.

At the same time, after Heiji and his party met all the members of the burial agency, the Magic Association and his party were repairing the place far away from the conflict between the two parties.

What makes people laugh and cry is that this forest passage is the only way for Heiji and his party to escape.

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