The Lion King (Zhao Li's) rode on a steed, not advancing but retreating, one person and one horse shone brightly, swooping down, the holy spear burst into a spiral beam of light, bringing Gilgamesh and Alkades into the attack range .

"Go to hell!"

Being attacked by the two at the same time, Gilgamesh was furious, and the golden ripples behind him soared, spreading to the largest extent, and the overwhelming Noble Phantasm bombarded the two.

The three powerful beings are all ready to fight one against the other, and the scene is chaotic...

"It's so lively."

Xia Heng embraced Medea's waist, overlooking the battlefield near the Fuyuki Bridge from a distance, narrowing his eyes.

PS: Junior Brother's new book "I'm Upgrading Every Second in the Last Days" has been released!Author: Qingliu in the end of the world, please give me a collection, thank you! .

Chapter [*]: The Messy Matou Dirty Inkstone in the Wind

"Lord Xia Heng, take advantage of this moment to kill them all."

After visually inspecting the ley lines near the Fuyuki Bridge, Medea's eyes lit up, she had a bold idea, and suddenly said.

Xia Heng stared at Medea's pretty face close at hand, and vaguely guessed what she was thinking. It was impossible to use the leylines to build a large-scale magic field, or even the "temple" above it, to hold the three guys in a nest.

"Don't need it for the time being. You can easily get caught in the fire if you pass by like this. Besides, that side has also started, let them bite the dog first."

However, Xia Heng shook his head and rejected it, and confidently sensed the changes in magic power in various areas of Fuyuki City, everything was clear~ Yu Xin reminded.

“Other places also...”

Hearing this, Medea's delicate face showed a hesitant color.

As Xia Heng said, the Matou mansion was not peaceful at this time.

In the basement exclusive to Matou Zuoyan, there were violent fluctuations of magic power. Although the movement was insignificant compared to the Lion King's side, it still couldn't escape Xia Heng's perception.

The ceiling of the basement where a large number of demon insects were stored burst, and an athletic figure with a magic spear burst into the place. Matou Zaiyan looked surprised, and before he could react, a sharp pain struck.

In an instant, he was pierced by the magic spear, the disgusting old man was nailed to the wall, and the magic insects fled in panic.

"Ah! You guy, why isn't the protective barrier responding?!"

Matou Zuiyan let out a mournful cry, his shriveled body smashed against the wall, his face was ashen, he covered his bleeding abdomen with one hand, and asked inexplicably.

"Heh, is such a crude trap considered an enchantment?"

Cú Chulainn smiled disdainfully, his arms used force in vain, and when he picked up the spear, Matou Zouyan's body was like garbage, and he was thrown behind him.

According to Celtic legends, Cu Chulainn is not very skilled in magic, and there is an anecdote of using trees to set up magic roadblocks to block the army. This time he was summoned as a Lancer, but his knowledge in this area was not lost.

It is not difficult to see through the protective measures of a modern magician like Matou Zoken.


Cú Chulainn's eyes flashed fiercely, his body swept away, and he disappeared in place like a teleportation. He appeared in the sky above Cursed Arm Hassen and Matou Zhanyan. The magic power of the magic gun changed suddenly, and the dangerous aura was overflowing. It seemed that he was ready to bring the two together. pierce.

The clear chain symphony echoed, Medea activated the chain, and the dagger set to the end swept away violently, turning into a cold light, hitting Cú Chulainn's heart directly. If Cú Chulainn insisted on attacking, he would be fatally wounded.


The dagger that came flying at a gallop made Cú Chulainn smack his lips in dissatisfaction, but he had no choice but to withdraw his attack. With a change, the dagger was knocked into the air and the crisis was resolved.

"In that case, let's start with you!"

Cu Chulainn's eyes became more and more cold, accepting Kotomine Kirei's order to sneak attack on Matou Zuoyan, he must show a decent record, and this time he can't come back without success.

Thinking of this, Cú Chulainn's whole body's magic power skyrocketed at an incredible speed. The terrifying fighting intent made the dark and damp space even more depressing. The demon insects were like ants in a broken nest, flying in all directions, not daring to approach him at all. .


The floor under his feet was cracked, and Cu Chulainn disappeared in place, appearing like a ghost within one meter of Medusa, the air surged, and the magic spear swept out brazenly.

"So fast!"

Medusa's eyes narrowed, the chains danced wildly, and the two daggers swept away, blocking the blow in time.

Although she and Cu Chulainn's agility are both A, as a Rider, she has an advantage in average speed, and is not Cu Chulainn's opponent in terms of short-range dash speed.

The surging power forced her to take a step back, and there was a flaw in her figure.

Cu Chulainn's body turned in the air, changing his moves just right, and the magic spear swept towards her white neck like a poisonous snake, prompting her to withdraw and retreat.


"Hey! Is this any good?"

Cú Chulainn chased after the victory, Lancer's speed was maximized, and the magic spear in his hand turned into a deadly red glow, whistling away like a torrential rain.

For a time, Medusa was forced to be clumsy on the left and right, and the short swords connected with the chains attacked each other, sparks splashed, and the sound of clang was endless. Due to the small underground space, under the suppression of speed, it was difficult for her to exert her strength. Dangerous.

"Assassin, leave me alone, go and help!"

The battle situation not far away made Matou Zuoyan feel more and more frightened.


Cursed Arm Hasson rushed to the battlefield without hesitation, as an Assassin unconditionally obeying the Master's orders.


The sudden dark shadow struck, Cú Chulainn snorted coldly, swept out a shot without turning his head, swept away the cursed arm Hassen who had attacked him behind him, and kicked the recoiled Medusa back with one kick.

At this time, the basement fell into a strange silence, and the three servants faced each other. Medusa and Curse Arm Hassen locked on Cu Chulainn with a siege.

Matou's dirty ink-green eyes were extremely solemn, watching the battle.


The shattered stones fell from the broken ceiling, making a muffled sound, indicating that the battle started again, and a fierce symphony of gold and iron resounded.

Chains danced, dark light and shadow swept across, scarlet spears flickered, and the fierce battle of the three servants officially kicked off.

Matou Zuoyan retreated in the chaos, and left the dangerous basement in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Entering his room and activating the magic barrier, he calmed his turbulent breathing, his ugly face showing a look of thought.

"Which side sent the Servant?"

PS: Junior Brother's new book "I'm Upgrading Every Second in the Last Days" has been released!Author: Qingliu in the end of the world, please give me a collection, thank you! .

Chapter [*] Kotomine Kirei, invincible!


Without any warning, the muffled sound of the body being penetrated was clearly audible, Matou Zuoyan's expression froze, and he stared at the palm pierced through his heart in disbelief.

"Mato-oh, I've been waiting for a long time."

Kotomine Kirei did not know when, standing behind him, pierced his body with his bare hands, his unwavering voice and unwavering expression added a bit of serenity to the scene.

In FGO, the Mapo priest, who has set a record of backstab followers, the backstab madman who can backstab even followers, under the cover of Cu Chulainn, attacked the frightened old bug, and Not difficult.


Matou's dirty inkstone bark-like old face "five two three" twisted up, and he was attacked again and again, which made him extremely angry.

"Declare—I kill, I also create..."

Kotomine Kirei's eyes flashed coldly, and with a low voice, he began to chant, trying to perform "Baptism chant", the only miracle that the sanctuary was allowed to practice, to purify and destroy Matou's dirty inkstone.

"Don't think about it."

Matou Zuoyan felt a chill in his heart, and the broken body, which was restrained by the arm penetration, shattered in vain, and turned into a dense number of disgusting devil insects that escaped, avoiding the blow.

"No, Master is in danger!"

Sensing that the Master was attacked, Hassan, the Cursed Arm who was fighting with Cu Chulainn, jumped out of the battle circle, smashed the wooden door, and rushed to the room for support.

"Hey, where do you want to go?"

Cu Chulainn swept away, sneered and intercepted Medusa, who was also preparing to leave, the magic spear shot a strong wind, and the deadly red spear light poured down like a torrential rain, killing the gorgonian in Greek mythology. Demon hold on.

Chains flew, the magic spear swept away, the dagger met the spear tip, sparks splashed, and the symphony of metal came one after another.

Fighting against Cu Chulainn alone in the not open underground, Medusa's pressure surged, and she secretly complained in her heart. She couldn't exert her strength at all, and was completely suppressed by Cu Chulainn.

In order to save the Master, the loyal and unparalleled Cursed Arm Hassen left the battle circle without authorization, and made her miserable...

"Be aware..."

When Cú Chulainn's violent and ferocious offensive was forced into crisis, Medusa's long lavender hair was windless, and she whispered.

Immediately, the rune on his forehead glowed red, and the blindfold covering his eyes fell off confidently. The "Petrified Demon Eye" was unsealed, and the bewitching eyes opened, and his gaze swept to the enemy in front of him.


Unexpectedly, Cú Chulainn was not surprised but delighted. At the moment when Medusa's blindfold fell off, he jumped suddenly, jumped out of the broken basement ceiling hole, landed on the first floor floor, and directly attacked Matou's room.

The enemy disappeared from sight, and the petrified magic eye was naturally unable to do wonders. Medusa's eyes changed, she chased after her, and immediately rushed out of the basement to the hall on the first floor.

In the empty hall, a deadly sense of crisis emerged in his heart, and a powerful magic force erupted behind, making Medusa change in dismay.

Oops, it's a trap!

"I accept your heart! Gáe-Bolg, the gun that pierced the thorns of death—!"

Cú Chulainn brutally released the Noble Phantasm's true name, with a wild face, with an air of determination, he attacked behind Medusa at an incredible speed.

After the magic spear Noble Phantasm was unfolded, the "fruit" that penetrated Medusa's heart had appeared under the action of the force of causality, the heart had been penetrated, the blood splashed, and the position of her heart had been dyed red by her own blood.


Medusa fell weakly into a pool of blood, her slender figure became illusory, gradually turned into particles of light, and returned to the Throne of Heroes.

In the absence of A-level strong luck, ordinary Servants have no way to resist a blow, and the unfortunate Medusa was killed by a surprise attack before she could use her Noble Phantasm......

"how come?!"

On the side, Matou Zaiyan, who was reunited by the scattered demon insects, was stunned, and Medusa was eliminated by the blue spearman in front of him.

The change was so fast that he couldn't even use the Command Spell to save the situation.


The sound of an explosion came from Matou's dirty inkstone room, and a black shadow flew out, hitting the wall heavily.

"Sorry, I lost my heart ten years ago."

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