Due to being bullied by Xia Heng before, and a lot of resentment accumulated in his heart, while Xia Heng was not at the scene, Hei Rabbit couldn't control his mouth and hurt Xia Heng.

"He said to go to the end of the world and play with the gods, let's not tell you."

The black rabbit cast a questioning look at the two girls, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao spread his hands, and readily sold Xia Heng.

"Yes, and he said he would give you a surprise."

Kasugabu Yao put his hands around his arms, nodded in approval, and made a very precise shot.

"Ah ah ah! What a surprise, it's almost scary! If this guy messes up, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Black Rabbit clutched his hair angrily, roaring as if to vent his stress.

"Crap! There are a lot of exiled phantom beasts in the Tritonis Falls, and there are not a few "Godhead Holders". The newcomer is very easy to encounter danger.Just in case I get involved in the gift game..."

As the leader of the community "No-Name", Jen Russell's expression changed and he said worriedly.

"No, I'm worried about the phantom beasts over there... If he rises up and takes them all out, it will cause a big problem."

Hei Rabbit rubbed his brows with a headache, let out a sigh of relief, and said so.

"What?! That newcomer has such power?"

Jen Russell asked in disbelief with a look of shock in his eyes.

At the same time, Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yao, who came to this world together, also had serious expressions on their faces. Although they had never seen the phantom beasts in this world, it was vaguely revealed from Hei Rabbit's words that Xia Heng's strength seemed to be at a remarkable level. .

"In my personal judgment, it may be "three digits".The power of this size should be unmatched in the outer area of ​​Hakoba.No, he can't be left alone! "

While speaking, Hei Rabbit's mouth became dry, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Immediately, his whole body was dyed with a hazy brilliance, his waist-length blue hair turned pink, he exerted force with his feet, and leaped dozens of meters in one step, crossed the city gate, and left. the city.

After mobilizing its own power, the aura of the black rabbit has also undergone a great change, and its figure has turned into a pink streamer, wantonly shuttled through the dense jungle, and headed to the end of the world.

However, at this time, Xiaheng 2.5 is standing on a cliff, which is the end point of the eight great rivers in the world of Hakoni Garden, and below is the abyss that can't see the bottom, which is heart-pounding.

The majestic waterfall, the sound of the rushing water erupted, the air was full of water vapor, the greenery was embellished, and the dazzling rainbow was suspended in mid-air, like a fairyland on earth.

The premise is that there is no super-large snake that is more than ten meters long and as wide as a container, staring at you murderously...

"I thought it was a god, but it turned out to be an illusory beast given a spiritual status by a god. It's really disappointing."

Xia Heng had a look of disappointment on his face. Those sharp snake eyes and the huge snake body that flickered in the sunlight had no deterrent effect in front of him. .

Chapter [*]: The insulted white snake water god

At first, it was traced back to the breath of the gods, and the result came in a hurry. I didn't expect such a result, which really disappointed Xia Heng.

Even though the big white snake in front of him should be the family of the water god, and his spirituality has been developed to the extreme, it is not an exaggeration to call it "the water god of snakes".

But no matter the size or strength, it is far from meeting Xia Heng's needs.

According to the standard of Hakoba World, this guy's strength is only at the bottom of the five-digit level, something that Xia Heng can easily kill in an instant.

"Human! Are you fooling me?"

Xia Heng's arrogant words immediately angered the huge white snake. The turbulent water and waves broke up, overturning the surrounding forests, and the suffocating killing intent erupted from the vicious snake pupil.

"Well, don't be so mad. I'm not targeting you. Didn't you just say that you want me to participate in some gift game? Now you can start."

Completely ignoring the murderous aura that almost made the air freeze, Xia Heng said indifferently.

"Humph! The rules are very simple, just wake up the seeds in this stone egg. If 26 is successful, the seeds that produce water will be given to you. If you can't do it..."

The white giant snorted coldly and explained the rules of the game again. The threat in the words was very obvious.


Xia Heng replied lightly and pointed to the stone egg.

I don't know when, the stone egg has been eroded by black mud, and the soil of creation has brought unparalleled vitality.


The pure white big snake's body was stagnant with great visual impact, and the murderous aura was stunned by the snake's pupils, looking at the green shoots swaying in the wind, while spitting out the triangular snake head of the snake letter, it suddenly became exciting.

"I think I won."

Admiring the beauty in front of the waterfall, Xia Heng stretched and reminded.

"That's right. You win, take it."

Although the big snake was unhappy in his heart, the rules of the gift game must be obeyed. It flicked its tail and threw the water seed to Xia Heng.

With a smile on his face, Xia Heng revealed a deep and ominous black mud vortex in front of him, including the water source seeds.

The Water God of Snake glared at Xia Heng displeasedly. Just as it was about to dive into the bottom of the water, a huge force struck, causing a large splash of water. The calm water surface rolled back, and the waterfall went upstream.

"What do you mean by this guy?!"

Under the violent force, this huge white snake tumbled several times in succession, and its head hit the shore, setting off a sky-high spray, which completely angered the water god of snakes.

"Don't be in a hurry, I haven't finished yet."

Xia Heng was also a little surprised by the changes that took place after slightly mobilizing the power of the "Domain of the Vault of Heaven" and interfering with the surrounding gravitational field.

He just used an insignificant spell to intercept the white snake, but it was so embarrassing, which was somewhat beyond Xia Heng's own expectations.

"What do you want to say?"

The giant wolf surged wildly, and the water vapor in the air seemed to be boiling. With the anger of the water god of snakes, it formed a terrifying pressure and swept away towards Xia Heng.

"Although I'm a little disappointed, but I came here on purpose to bring something valuable in the end. Why don't we do it like this, let's play a game of gifts with various bets, and the loser becomes the property of the winner, how about it?"

Xia Heng still maintained a calm demeanor, and sent a gift game invitation to the white giant snake, which was equivalent to a declaration of war.

"Very well, I accept it! These wild words are your last words!"

The white giant snake, who was already angry, lost the ability to think rationally. With its strength level, it could not understand Xia Heng's true strength, and agreed to this battle without suspense.

I don't know what, since the appearance of Xia Heng, it was extremely disgusted by the aura emanating from Xia Heng, especially when using black mud, it just wanted to tear this guy to shreds on the spot.

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and a waterspout dozens of meters high was set off behind the white giant snake. Shadows covered this water area, and the violent turbulence could easily shred alloy steel plates.

Several waterspouts raging in the sky blocked Xia Heng's all escape routes with the momentum of encirclement and suppression. Incomparably fierce winds hit, and the huge fallen trees around were uprooted, flying in the air like paper kites, turning into sawdust, making people feel uncomfortable. Chilled.

"A mount or a "hot weapon"? "

Facing this frenzied and incomparable power, Xia Heng rubbed his chin under the terrifying power, and his eyes were thoughtful, as if he was thinking about other issues.

"go to hell!"

The pure white giant snake, who was expecting to see Xia Heng's terrified expression, exploded its lungs with anger, and the violent waterspout rolled towards Xia Heng.


A pink streamer burst out from the jungle, and the black rabbit rushed into the battlefield with an eager face. The scene in front of her made her subconsciously exclaim, and at the same time she was ready to rescue.

"The rabbit?"

Xia Heng turned his eyes to the black rabbit who had entered the battlefield 770. At this moment, with him at the center, a vast shadow filled the air, covering the battlefield.

In an instant, the deafening dragon roar broke out, the raging water flow collapsed and scattered, and countless black dragons rushed out like lightning, attacking the water god of snakes, who was deterred by the dragon roar.


The tragic screams sounded, and the dragons transformed by the black mud instantly suppressed the giant snake, and the pervasive soil of creation penetrated into its body, polluting and transforming it.

"What are you doing?"

This rapid reversal made the black rabbit look dazed and asked tremblingly.

"It turned out to be called Bai Xueji, a good name. What are you asking for? I think this little snake is not bad, it's just a "hot weapon".By the way, what are you doing here? "

After being eroded by the black mud, I learned the name of this giant snake. Unsurprisingly, it was a female snake. Xia Heng used the black mud to erode the water god of snakes, and chatted with the black rabbit who had entered the place.


This brutal scene, the screams of the giant snake, and Xia Heng's indifferent and natural tone of repeat offender made Black Rabbit speechless.

To be precise, this naive Miss Rabbit was frightened...

Chapter [*]: The black mud erodes, the god of water falls wickedly~~

"So, what's the matter?"

Xia Heng appeared in front of Black Rabbit, raised her white chin, leaned over to stare, and asked.

The two looked at each other, and could even feel each other's breath. The pure lady bunny blushed, her ruby-like eyes dodged.

"A closer look, it's quite eye-catching, and the breath is a bit unique. Are you interested in becoming my pet? In terms of treatment, it can be discussed."

Admiring the appearance of this rabbit feared, Xia Heng blinked and persuaded with a kind face.

"Impossible! Black Rabbit is the descendant of the "Hakoba Noble" Moon Rabbit, and will not become anyone's pet!I'm just worried about your safety, so I came to have a look, I didn't expect..."

Black Rabbit was furious, waved his hand away from Xia Heng's disrespectful hand, and scolded in a frenzy, but his momentum continued to decline, and it seemed that his confidence was extremely insufficient.

Ruined!Why can't I control my emotions and get angry at him, what should I do?He won't give me in a rage...

Before the words were finished, Hei Rabbit regretted it in his heart. For some reason, when facing Xia Heng at close range, the breath of the other party made her instinctively disgusted, as if she had come into contact with some kind of taboo, and the subconscious rejected it, and her emotions were difficult to control. .

"It's so fierce, that's what it's called, rabbits will bite people when you're in a hurry? Do you value your status as a noble of Hakoba?"

Xia Heng, who was separated from his hands, didn't care, his eyes flashed with anger, and the easy-going smile on his face remained unchanged, increasing the erosion of the black mud on the white giant snake.

Either the identity of the godslayer or the existence of the land of creation made this Miss Rabbit, the family member of the founder of Little Garden, subconsciously reject him.

It is not unacceptable. The existence of the godslayer itself is a super fierce man who robs the gods of the gift, and the land of creation is something that can be derived from the goddess of creation. It is normal for the upper existence to be vigilant.

In other words, Xia Heng, a murderous god-killer with a history of destroying the world, can be said to have the potential of a devil in this world.

For a moment, Xia Heng's thoughts flew in his heart, and the look in the eyes of this Hakoba nobleman became playful.


At this time, the water god of the snake who was tyrannized by the black dragon group stagnated and struggled, sinking powerlessly into the water, allowing the black mud to erode, pollute, assimilate, and shape it.

"Almost stop, this goddess of snakes is the holder of the godhead. I'm afraid there is an incredible god behind it. If it goes too far, it will cause an irreversible scene."

The tragic state of the water god of the snake, who was crushed to the ground by a group of black dragons, made the black rabbit tremble and suggested timidly.

Under the gaze of Xia Heng, she had a sense of sharpness behind her back. The seemingly kind man in front of her was definitely a dangerous person, but after all, she was someone who might become a companion. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, I hope Xia Heng will take it as soon as you see it.

"No wonder this little snake has the most special breath. It turns out that there is someone behind it. But it doesn't matter. Since it is kept in the wild, it means that this little snake is not valued at all, so I humbly accept it."

Hei Rabbit's kind reminder only made Xia Heng nodded to show that he understood, and then manipulated the black mud to make the Goddess of Snakes into a human form.


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