"Ah, thanks Lily... what is this?"

Black Rabbit was stunned, and opened the envelope Lily gave her.

"To the Black Rabbit:

We went to participate in the "Fire Dragon Birth Festival" from the outer gate of [*] in the north district to the outer gate of [*] in the east district. Don't miss it.

PS: Remember to bring Leticia with you if you want to come to us~”

Inscription: Xia Heng, Jiuyuan Asuka, Kasugabu Yao

"What's wrong? Sister Black Rabbit?"

Lily stared blankly at the trembling black rabbit.

"...what 'don't read'... these troubled children..."

The letterhead left by Xia Heng and the others was torn to shreds by Black Rabbit.



Lily stood up suddenly, her tails stiffened.

"Move (Qian Qian Hao) all staff to check the traces of problematic children in the base!"

"Yes, I understand!"

After half an hour.

"There is no sign of the three adults in the hall!"

“Neither in the bathroom nor in the cafeteria!”

"Neither in the bedroom!"

The robust orcs who were launched to search for Xia Heng and others shouted loudly.

"The money in the vault has not been moved, it seems that they have not activated the "realm gate".But with their financial resources... maybe Lord Xia Heng's own money is enough to open the "realm gate". "

Leticia nodded to the black rabbit.

"Black Rabbit, go after them, you should be able to catch up with your feet, but you can't. As a "Hakoba Noble", you can also use the "Boundary Gate" for free. "

"Understood, everyone should take a good look at home... Black Rabbit will chase the problem children back!"

The black rabbit's hair instantly turned pink, and it flew towards the "ThousandsEyes" branch at a very fast speed. .

Chapter [*]: Salamanda Fire Dragon Birth Festival

The hot air was blowing on everyone's cheeks, and the scene outside the "ThousandsEyes" branch was completely different from the familiar Eastern District.

Because this is the junction of the East District and the North District, in front of them is a towering red wall, the so-called "Boundary Wall".

The place where they are located is the "ThousandsEyes" branch on the high platform, so it is easy to have a panoramic view of the town and town not far away.

Although it is still daytime, the scenery in the town has a twilight-like hue.Not only because of the decoration, but also because most of the town is covered with shadows from the boundary walls, so the huge chandelier hanging above the town illuminates the town below with a warm red glow.

"Oh! It's very different from the culture of the Eastern District!"

Jiuyuan Bird was lying on the railing and shouted excitedly.

"Look over there! There are candlesticks that can walk! As expected of a place separated by [*] kilometers from the East District! It's not worth our effort to run out."

"Humph, the difference is not just about culture, the world after going out from the outer door over there is a pure white snow field, and it is all thanks to the enchantment of Hakoniwa and many lights to maintain this picture of eternal autumn. O sight."

Shiroyasha covered his face with a fan, looking very proud.

"Hey, let's go quickly! I really want to go and stroll around that glass corridor, it looks good! That's ok, Shiroyasha!"

Rather than being an eldest lady, the current Jiuyuan Asuka is more like a child, excitedly pointing at the glass promenade in the town.

"Okay, but speaking of which, are you in such a hurry just to have a quick stroll... Well, it's not that I can't understand..."

Shiroyasha nodded.

But before she could finish speaking, a somber female voice interrupted their happy conversation.

"I found ~ found ~ ~ oh ~"

With the huge impact, the black rabbit fell from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

"Hehehe, I finally found it, problem children!"

With the fluttering of Black Rabbit's long pink hair, there seemed to be a ferocious light flashing in the eyes of the Black Rabbit who slowly got up.

"I've been caught up... run!"

Xia Heng picked up Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, who was the weakest in the crowd, and stepped on the railing to jump off the high platform.

And Kasukabe Yō was also stepping on the railing, trying to use the power of the gift "Life Catalog" to blow a whirlwind and escape into the sky.

"Don't try to escape!"

Kasugabe Yō, who was one step behind, was grabbed by the boots of the black rabbit who jumped up, and his figure stagnated in mid-air.


"Hum hum hum, I will give you a good lecture later..."

There was a certain arrogance in the expression of the black rabbit, not so much the family of Emperor Shitian... It is better to say that it is King Nio, the incarnation of the second general of Hengha.

"Yes, I understand... uh!?"

Kasugabe Yō, who was caught by his ankle, was circled in mid-air by the black rabbit, and threw it into the arms of Shiroyasha who was beside him. The two screamed together.

"Hey, Black Rabbit! Have you been a little bit lacking in discipline recently! No matter how you say it, we are..."

"Miss Yao, please! Black Rabbit is rushing to catch the other two problem children!"

"Yes, yes, come on..."

Black Rabbit's unquestionable strong belief and madness mixed with anger caused Shiroyasha's voice to drop a few tones.


The sand and dust flew again, and the black rabbit that bounced out with an extremely explosive force disappeared on the high platform.


"I didn't expect to be caught up so quickly."

In the dark alley, Jiuyuan Asuka sighed.

"The black rabbit ran so fast, or did you say that the realm gate was opened?"

"Okay, let's go shopping, shall we?"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird stretched out his hand to Xia Heng.

"Oh? Didn't you say I was a pedophile or something?"

"If you care about the details, no girl will like it~"

Kuyuan Asuka said with a chuckle.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

The two joined hands and stepped into the crowd outside the alley.

The red glass corridor is decorated with red bricks and carved glass. As a commercial street, people come and go, and it will take a lot of time for Black Rabbit to find their traces.

"Oh! What is this! So sweet!"

Kuto Asuka, who had been strolling in the commercial street for a few hours, clenched the crepe in her hand, as if she had tasted the delicacy of the world for the first time.

"Crepes, crepes originating in France, rolled with whipped cream or butter, chocolate sauce, etc., plus some fruit... don't hold it so tightly, the cream will fall out …”


Xia Heng helplessly looked at the long-distance flying bird whose eyes were shining.

"I told you, what age are you, it feels so old..."

"Who's old! I'm only fifteen years old!"

Yuto Asuka protested loudly with the crepe whipped cream on her lips.

"As for the era... The era is from the Showa era."

"The fifteen-year-old Asuka in the Showa era should have been an old woman who was about to be buried in my time... No, she shouldn't be that old, but at least she's forty or fifty years old."

"In other words, you're still talking about me! I'm angry!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird was uncharacteristically pouting.

............... 0

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you another crepe later. After all, if I'm older than you...I'm taller than you guys by how many Wallace...Bah, I'm taller than you. I don't know how old I am, um, I may not even remember myself."

Xia Heng smiled and wiped off the fresh cream on the beak of Jiu Yuanfei Bird with his fingers.

After all, he and Tim have been doing unspeakable things in the Temple of Time for billions of years, but if you want to say "the time I have sex is the age of your hundreds of lifetimes, it's not enough" If it comes out, it will be instantly regarded as an image like a lustful villain.

"I can't see it."

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao looked at Xia Heng's face suspiciously, but couldn't tell from the appearance.

"Okay, okay, let's skip this topic. We're here to participate in the festival, aren't we? Look at that big statue over there."

Xia Heng changed the subject with a haha.

"Oh! It's huge! Is this a statue!?"

Jiuyuan Asuka took small steps through the red glass corridor, looking up at the dragon-shaped monument.

"My hometown doesn't have such a lively place, and there are no such beautiful things. It's good to be able to come to Hako Garden."

Looking up at the huge emerald green statue, Jiuyuan Asuka sat on the bench below the statue and sighed.

"This is......"

Xia Heng rubbed his chin and read the introduction board below the statue.

"The production community "Salamanda", the title "The first-generation leader "Star Sea Dragon King" sculpted by spirit-made molten stone crystals"...".

Chapter [*]: The Piper Manipulating the Mouse

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