"Well, has the appearance changed a lot?"

Veldora raised her slender neck and said loudly.

"I don't care, but I feel like my body has undergone a lot of changes, not only outside the body, but also inside the body. But in general, it has become stronger!"

Is it an illusion? Why does the sound seem to have changed a bit...

Xia Heng shook his head and looked at Limuru, who was emitting a faint glow on the side.

"Rimuru's appearance hasn't changed much, so why don't you try to transform into a human (chaj) shape? Maybe it will work if you get stronger after naming it?"

"It doesn't work. I have asked the great sage, and there is no reference material. The success rate is nearly zero."

Rimuru said with a wriggling body.

"Imitation requires specific data. If there is a reference for the specific data, the great sage can still help, but I don't know the girl's body at all."

"It was so it was so."

Xia Heng nodded and looked at Veldora again.

"I said, Veldora, after sealing you here, didn't the brave let someone monitor you? Or check it regularly, maybe such a big movement just now will be discovered."

"Well, I only know where I was sealed. As for surveillance, the Brave didn't let anyone watch me directly. There may be other means to prevent me from escaping."

Veldora shrugged and said indifferently.

"As for the location of the seal, I remember it was the cave inside the Great Jura Forest. The big movement just now might have been observed. If it wasn't for your name, there shouldn't be such a big movement."

"I see. Is it because I'm too strong? That's really impossible."

Xia Heng laughed a few times and then said.

"Since it has evolved, do you want to try to break through the seal?"

"I tried it, but I still can't use the skills. My words can't break through at this stage. Such a strong seal is indeed the skill that sealed my hero! Kukuku, Kuhaha, Kuhahaha—"

Xia Heng ignored the laughing Veldora and looked at Rimuru again.

"Is there any change? Veldora has evolved, if you haven't, it's too much to say."

"Uh... It's a few more skills, and the body... it seems to be a slime?"

Limuru Puni Puni bounced, trying to find some changes in her streamlined body, but unfortunately found nothing.

"In terms of skills, there are many called "Unquenchable Karmic Fire", "Silver Hand", and another one is... "Charm"? ? ? "

Limuru's face was bewildered because of the extra skills, and her body, which was still bouncing just now, lay motionless on the ground.

"The extra skills that came out of the naming process are the inferior versions inherited from Xia Heng, right?"

Veldora lay prone on the ground and asked with some doubts.

"Well, that's about it. I can find prototypes of the skills that Limuru has acquired."

Xia Heng nodded.

"Unquenchable Karmic Fire" is a degraded version of "Sinbreaker of Karmic Fire", "Silver Hand" is a degraded version of "Tear Silver Hand", and as for "Charm", it should be "Queen's Curse" degraded version.

Xia Heng glanced at the attribute list and found that a lot of skills that he had ignored were eating ashes in the attribute column.

Well, anyway, it doesn't take so much to deal with those weaker than you, and you may not be able to defeat those who are stronger than yourself, so let's continue to let them eat ashes.

"Three skills... I feel like the last one is completely unsuitable for slimes, especially when you can't mimic a beautiful girl at all."

Xia Heng rubbed his chin and looked at Limuru curiously.

I don't know how the skills are inherited. The first two combat skills have nothing to say. Passing the charm to the slime's body... Could it be the plot trend of Big Sister Slime seducing ignorant teenagers? ! .

Chapter [*] Simple and Rough Racial Transformation

When Xia Heng had this idea, he recalled the countless cars he had driven, and remembered every page clearly.

"I feel like you're thinking about something rude..."

Rimuru shrank her body and said suddenly.

"Speaking of which, the middle surname or something, I remember searching on the Internet before, it seems to be... father's surname?"

"Has it been discovered..."

"Did you have this idea in the first place~"

Rimuru was powerless to complain.


Xia Heng showed a radiant and harmless smile, but none of the dragons and slimes beside him thought he was as harmless as his smile.

"By the way, it seems that because I just became a god not long ago, after the name was given, the two of you seem to have become my family members."

"Ehhhh? Really?"

Limuru's face was stunned, and at the same time, a cold female voice sounded in his ears.

"Report. Because of the blessings of "Storm's Emblem" and "God's Blessing", the race has been transformed into "God's Sticky Spirit Body". "


Because she was so shocked that she was emotionally strong, Limuru's voice of a child who could not tell the difference between male and female rang in Veldora and Xia Heng's ears.

"Rimuru, you are so noisy! Is that so?"

Veldora covered her ears, but the loud voice still rang out.

"Isn't this a very simple and easy-to-understand thing, or rather, I'm surprised that I didn't become a family member."

"Eh? Is that so?"

Limuru shook her body and asked.

"Giving a name to a low-level existence by a high-level existence is equivalent to regenerating parents. The magic power consumed by giving a name is terrible, and it may even reduce the upper limit of magical power. Therefore, it is a matter of course for a low-level existence to become a subordinate of a high-level existence, just look at each other. Either or not."

Veldora explained.

"And now, Xia Heng is a god, it's obviously a certain thing, at least a powerful existence enough to be called a god. When we were named as his soldiers, it was more in line with what I expected. , it is too unexpected to become a family member."

"That's right."

Xia Heng nodded with an expression of coming and thanking me.

"In other words...we took advantage this time?"

Limuru looked at Xia Heng with a horrified expression, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, what are you going to do next? You still can't break the seal of the infinite prison, unless you can directly destroy the structure of the seal at one time. Reminder, the structure of the infinite prison imitates Mo The Ring of Bius is coming."

Xia Heng pointed out the essence of the seal.

"Möbius ring?"

Veldora wondered about this word she had never heard of before.

"It's like this."

Xia Heng picked up a blade of grass, rotated it for half a circle, and connected the ends of its head and tail.

"In this case, there is only one side, there is no boundary, and there is no end, that is, the structure of infinite loop."

"Oh, is this also knowledge from another world? It's really interesting."

Veldora looked at the blade of grass in Xia Heng's hands with glowing eyes, and made an excited voice.

"Why do you have to pay attention to this in another world... It feels like a tutor."

Rimuru, on the other hand, complained subconsciously.

"Well, that's pretty much the case anyway. Either you can directly break through the structure of the infinite prison at one time, or you can't get rid of it. The most convenient way is to apply force at the connection port, so let's work hard."


Xia Heng spread his hands.

"I see, I understand a little bit, Veldora, do you want to enter my stomach? This is also convenient for analysis."

"I answered it before, come on!"

Veldora laughed loudly as she looked at Rimuru who covered the entire barrier.

"After the seal is broken, tell me what interesting things happened!"


In the blink of an eye, the barrier that wrapped Veldora disappeared together with Veldora, and entered Rimuru's stomach. The huge open space that suddenly appeared made people feel a little lonely.

"...Suddenly there were only the two of us left, and I started to feel inexplicably lonely."

Limuru sighed and looked at the huge space in front of him.

"It's time to get ready to leave. The guys from the brave side are likely to come over. If you don't leave sooner, you may be entangled. I don't want to be pulled into the human blacklist in the future."

Xia Heng hugged Limuru and strode towards the perceived exit.

"Obviously a god, but worried about being pulled into the human blacklist?"

"Humans are very troublesome guys, you should understand? If it becomes sinister, the intrigue will make people's brains hurt. Besides, there is already a guy who claims to be the only god. Before taking down that guy, I am a god. Identity only leads to human hostility."

Xia Heng said while kneading Limuru's soft body.

"Force can bring them to their knees, but it's not worth it to me. The more people die because of me, the less good it is for me.".

Chapter six hundred and thirty-fifth the turbulent world countries

"Why isn't it a good thing? The fewer people who oppose it, the better, isn't it, for you."

Rimuru asked curiously.

"Most of the gods are born by faith. In fact, from this point of view, Veldora can probably be regarded as a god. However, I am different from those gods who rely on faith. Faith, becoming a god, is not the same as those guys who will die if they lose their faith."

Xia Heng explained slowly, but his footsteps kept going.

"But belief is also a useful thing for me. The more people who believe in me, the more devout, the more my ability as a god will be. So for me, it is OK to engage in a reign of terror. No, what I need is a pious and pure faith. Although these are only speculations, there is a need to practice.”

"So that's the case, that is to say, if you have to find a way to unite your beliefs...do you have to be human?"

Rimuru asked.

"I'm not sure. It's not long since I became a god. This is my first practice. I originally came to this world to see if my strength would change after becoming a god."

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