Xia Heng suppressed his laughter and said with a smile.

"But I won't take action, let Limuru solve this matter, is there any problem?"

"Do you want to sit back and enjoy the success? We don't have an opinion. That one has enough strength to solve this matter."

Torreni nodded and bowed slightly.

"Since the matter has been determined, then I will retire first.".

Chapter [*] The Invincible Slime King!

In the middle of the night, the leader of the wolf clan, who was entrenched on the hillside, let out a low howl, his turbid eyes staring at the full moon hanging in the sky.

No matter which world, a full moon night is a good time for wolves to hunt.And tonight seems to be the best time for them to attack the goblin village.

It should have been like this, if Xia Heng and Limuru hadn't been sitting in the Goblin Village.


The wolf clan leader let out a high roar, his eyes fixed on the goblin village not far down the hillside.

Gone are the tattered buildings, replaced by equally tattered fences.

"Just play some clever tricks... Fang wolf, the Jura Forest has lost the protection of Veldora, tonight I will destroy the goblin village and establish a foothold in the Jura Forest. !"

The leader of the wolf clan stretched his body, his sharp minions protruded from the cover of his fur, and his muscles bulged.

"We are waiting for nothing, and the little tricks of the Goblins 17 can't stop us, let's move forward! We will conquer this forest and become the true ruler!"


The wolves behind it howled in agreement, followed behind it, and rushed down the hillside.

Dilapidated villages soon appeared in front of them, and the weak Goblins also matched the intelligence obtained from the previous battle.The only difference is the blue slime standing outside the fence and the human sitting leisurely inside the fence.


The fang wolf with the star-shaped pattern on his forehead came to the leader of the fang wolf clan and conveyed it with his words.

"There seem to be guys in those goblins who were seriously injured by us last time, but now they don't have a single wound. This is not right."

"If you guys just step back, we'll let it go!"

Before the leader of the wolf clan could confirm this information, Limuru, who had been waiting in front of the fence for a long time, spoke first.

"If you insist on attacking, you can't blame us for being cruel!"

"Slime? A mere slime dares to order our wolves! Give it to me! Tear them apart!"

Before he could investigate carefully, the enraged leader of the wolf clan directly ordered, and several wolf wolves rushed out from behind it.

"Lord Xia Heng...Lord Limuru, will it be alright?"

Inside the fence, the trembling old goblin looked at Xia Heng beside him and asked with a little worry.

If Limuru couldn't hold up this wave of attacks, the wolves would be able to rush directly into the village, and the fence made of rotten wood couldn't stop the wolves.As for waiting for Xia Heng to shoot, the old goblin felt that he would not shoot until Limuru was beaten to death. The latter did not dare to guarantee how many goblins would sacrifice before that, and could only hope that Limlu would be able to give it a shot. Son to deal with these wolves.

"These two ha, not strong..."

Xia Heng shook his head in disappointment, not worried about Limuru's safety at all.

Erha's combat power is limited to destroying furniture. For real battles, it doesn't seem to be able to do any useful damage. At least for Xia Heng and Slime present, these tyrants in the eastern plains are really... . and dogs are no different.

Before the wolves rushing towards the goblin village could get close to Limuru, their bodies split into several bloody pieces scattered on the ground, and the bright red blood slid down the wire hanging in the air.

"This is a tightrope. Now I'll say it again, if you leave and stop here, we'll let it go, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Limuru shouted loudly at the wolves on the opposite side, inadvertently pouring oil on the anger of the leader of the wolves.

"You guy..."

The leader of the wolf clan looked at this scene, which was quite different from what he had imagined, his sharp teeth protruding more and more, and a low roar echoed in his throat.

"A mere slime dares to talk to us like this, but it's just a little clever, watch me crush you! And then sacrifice the dead compatriots with goblin corpses!"

Compared with the normal fang wolf, the body that had to fight in a circle rushed towards Limuru. The steel wire that had been arranged in advance was exposed because of the blood, and was cut directly by the sharp minions. The thick and sturdy body of the fang wolf clan leader followed the wind. Rush to 983 Limuru who was motionless.

However, at the next moment, dark flames burst out from Limuru's body, and wrapped around the leader of the wolf clan hanging in the air, and a shrill scream resounded through the sky.

"...This is the sticky wire arranged in advance, and the fire of immortality."

Limuru's indifferent voice entered the ears of the wolves, but failed to reach the ears of the leader of the wolf clan, who was scorched by the flames.

Because it is an inferior version from Xia Heng, its power has dropped a lot. The black flame that should have directly burned the leader of the wolf clan to ashes, in Limuru's hands, can only continue to roast the opponent's body. Slowly lead it to death.

This kind of scene is not so much trying to kill the other party as it is malicious torture.The shrill screams made both the goblins inside the fence and the wolves outside the fence shudder, and even the body of Limuru, the initiator, had to tremble.

Only Xia Heng sat on the inside of the fence, still with a faint smile on his face. .

Chapter [*] You will be crowned king!

Under the full moonlight, both the goblins and the wolf clan stood still, silently watching the leader of the wolf clan, who was hung in the air by sticky silk and wrapped in black flames. The screams didn't get anyone to come to the rescue.

Everyone was pale because of the misery of this scene and the howling like a ghost, only Xia Heng was sitting on a chair inside the fence with a burlesque smile on his face.

In his opinion, since the Garou is ready to kill all the goblins, it should also be ready to be counter-killed. Victory in war is relative, if one side wants to win, the other side has to pay the price.

The scene in front of him is nothing but a tragedy caused by the anger of the leader of the wolf clan. If the wolf wolves leave honestly, or if he can hold back the anger in his heart, he will not be hung by the sticky wire now. In mid-air, being scorched by the flames, the pain was excruciatingly painful.

As for cruelty, Xia Heng didn't feel much.From the very beginning, he was a godslayer, a king who slaughtered the gods in the sky, a tyrant who dominated the power of gods, and a demon king who ruled the world.It's just that the leader of the tooth wolf clan, who was roasted by the black flames and made such a scream, can't let him show any mercy at all.

If there is anything to say, there is only one feeling.

The willpower of this wolf is probably not as good as that of Arima Guijun, who was beaten into a broken body by him, and after crushing a few bones, he only snorted a few times.

How did these wolves get the title of Tyrant of the Eastern Plains?

Xia Heng frowned, looking at the wolf clan who were cowering.

At this time, Limuru, who seemed to be unable to bear it, took a step forward, and the lake water that had been swallowed up in the cave sprayed out, turning into a flat annular water jet in the air, cutting off the leader of the wolf clan. , ending the half-dead life and interrupting the ghastly screams.

The huge wolf head fell to the ground, and the scorched body also fell to the ground because the sticky silk was put away, placed alongside the wolf head.

"...You have seen that, if you continue, you will only end up with the death of everyone. I repeat, leave now, and we will let go of the past"!"

Rimuru was silent for a while, then spoke again.

"That's it, the wolf clan, surrender, or die, choose one?"

Xia Heng, who did not know when to walk out of the fence, said with a low smile, his half-squinted eyes fixed on the wolf clan not far away. In a flash.

"You want to invade the Jura Forest, the purpose is just to evolve, the magic element in the human body is far from enough for you to evolve into a disaster-level monster, so you want to invade the Jura Forest and devour the monsters. Evolve the group of wolf clan."

Xia Heng said while holding his fingers, ignoring the astonished eyes around him.

"In that case, I will give you a way. Surrender to me, and I will give you names."

Limuru on the side devoured the body of the leader of the wolf clan, and relying on the new skills brought by the predator, he imitated the wolf and said loudly.

"Listen, since you don't want to leave, and you don't want to obey, all that awaits you is death! Ouch—"

On the other hand, Xia Heng covered his face while watching Limuru's wonderful performance.

You even said this after eating the opposite dad, and Loliyin's "Ow--" is not deterrent at all, are you here to play cute?The wind is quite strong.

Driven by this howl, the wolf clan slowly advanced towards the two against the strong wind.


The dogs got down on their knees and let out a whimper.

"."I wait, I am willing to swear allegiance."

Not only Xia Heng, but even Limuru was stunned by this sudden change.

Goblins and tree goblins are enough for the oath of allegiance. Why do you have to take part in the wolves? Your boss has just been cooked and eaten by someone?And what's the matter with this "woo...", saying that you are Erha is just a joke, don't really become a dog.

Before he knew it, Xia Heng, who was about to become a spit fighter, squatted down subconsciously and scratched the chin of the front teeth wolf.


Do you think you are really a dog!Is the speed of changing races so fast?The tail is still wagging vigorously?

Limuru and Xia Heng, who had changed back to their original form, looked at each other, and almost the same blankness appeared in their eyes. (Wang Zhao's)

"Lord Limuru? Lord Xia Heng?"

Standing inside the fence, the trembling old goblin called out to the two of them.

"This is, is it over?"

"Ah, um, it's probably over."

Xia Heng nodded and said.

I have seen so many big winds and waves, but I have never seen such a guy who swore loyalty the second after seeing the boss being killed one second ago.Could it be that the wolf clan is the reincarnation of Chengzhang from the Inner Sea?Simply scumbags.

In this way, the crisis of the Goblin village's annihilation disappeared as a matter of course due to the actions of the two or five sons of the Fang Clan.Except for Xia Heng and Limlu, who were a little dazed, everyone seemed to take such a development for granted. .

Chapter [*]: My Farming Career in Another World

The next day, in the village where the goblins were only left with fences, a total of [*] goblins and wolves gathered in the open space in confusion, looking at Xia Heng and Limuru in front of them with expectant eyes.

"Lord Xia Heng...Are you sure you want to do this?"

The trembling old goblin looked at Xia Heng with a sunny smile and asked worriedly.

"Even if you are strong, is this kind of thing still too reluctant?"

"If the name is given improperly, it will lead to a decrease in the upper limit of magic power and may reduce the lifespan. Are you trying to say this?"

Xia Heng rubbed Limuru's streamlined body and said with a smile.

"Yes! You are willing to let Lord Rimuru save our village, and we are willing to serve you from generation to generation. If you take the risk of giving us a name, I really don't know how to express our gratitude!"

The old goblin responded loudly with a trembling voice.

867 "This is not a big deal. If you really want to repay, you can build a temple for me in the future."

Anyway, I don't worry about mana consumption or lifespan, this kind of price is almost nothing.

"Yes! From now on, we will worship Lord Xia Heng as a god from generation to generation!"

"However, name... You said you had a named son before, what was his name?"

Xia Heng thought for a moment, then chose a rather simple and convenient method.

"Li, Liguru."

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