Xia Heng smiled and swallowed the corpses along the way with black mud, and walked towards the panic-stricken Whip Warrior.On the high-rise building not far away, Varnardo and the others were watching this somewhat bloody and comical scene.

"Why do you have the ability to capture seven-star weapons, why do you send someone to stab me, and you want to know all kinds of things."

"Don't, don't come here!"

Tackett waved his righteous claw in panic, trying to hit Xia Heng with his skills, but every time he failed.

"How many times to aim and hit, your strength is not even a scratch."

Xia Heng smiled and came to him, said Xin Sheng.

"If you are willing to answer my question and tell me who made you do this, how about I let you go?"

"No, it's impossible! I'll never say it!"

It seems that he is not answering Xia Heng, but proving something to someone who is not here, Tackett shouted.

"It's such a pity, I can only use a little tougher means."

With that, Tackett's body creaked under the squeeze of gravity, turning into a pool of indecipherable mosaics.

In a world invisible to ordinary people, a transparent figure slowly emerged from the flesh. Unlike Tackett's handsome face, the soul showed a forty-year-old Oriental. In the image, a translucent silk thread connected him and the meat mud that could not bear to look directly.

And the puddle of flesh on the ground was squirming at a subtle speed, as if to build a body again.

(bddh) "It looks like it can be resurrected. It's really not easy."

Xia Heng looked at this scene and grabbed the head of Tackett's soul with great interest.After severing the connection between the soul and the flesh, he looked at the soul of a forty-year-old Oriental who seemed to be completely out of touch with the brave genius whip.

"Stop, stop! What are you trying to do! Don't come near me, I won't say anything! I won't say anything!"

Ignoring the shouts of the other party, Xia Heng looked at the structure of the soul in front of him with a wonderful perception.

To be able to feel the undeserved and strange object that exists in the soul, it is like being equipped with a device that will self-detonate in an emergency.

"It seems that there is indeed a mastermind behind the scenes. Let me see how much information you can tell, but if you ask about important things, you will self-destruct."

Xia Heng showed a warm smile. Instead of asking questions, he directly covered the terrified and struggling soul with black mud, and pulled out the information he needed.

"Well, do you have any accomplices? Not only can you capture the seven-star weapon, but also the four-sage weapon? You forgot to take my shield just now because you were too panicked.

"It is true that you can be resurrected after death, but the premise is that the soul is not destroyed. Then there is the most important thing, who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

The black mud continued to spread in the soul, and the tentacles fiddled with Tackett's memory, touching the deepest point.

At this moment, Tackett's soul burst instantly, disappearing into the air as a puff of blue smoke.

There is no dazzling light and no eye-catching special effects, just like the tail of smoke falling on the ground on a rainy day, emitting a faint blue smoke and gradually extinguishing.

Human life is like a feather.

"I blew myself up when I saw the most important place. I should find a way to unlock that sturdy technique... No, it's completely bound to the point where it can't be unlocked."

Xia Heng recalled the memory he read from Tackett and thought with his head down.

"The technique of brainwashing women was also taught to him by the mastermind behind the scenes. It seems that guy is the culprit of the wave, but what is the purpose? Let the two worlds collide and merge, which is not beneficial to either world. Maybe even the wreckage of the destroyed world in the astral world."

At this moment, the figure outside the world also noticed Xia Heng who was thinking, and it was impossible to destroy the vanguard he laid without attracting his attention.

But as the saying goes, when you look at the abyss, the abyss is also looking at you.

Xia Heng, who was in deep thought, felt this malicious gaze, showing a troubled expression, and slowly compared a universal gesture to the source of his gaze.

In addition, there is a saying, when you scull the abyss, no, when you mock the abyss, the abyss will be angry.

No matter whether the other party wants to be angry or not, but now, Xia Heng, who caused the other party to be different by taunting, has successfully locked the aura of the figure outside the solid world.

You are already, there is no way to escape.

Xia Heng's bright smile told the fact that the angry figure stood outside the world.

Chapter [*]: The Black Beast Mercenary Group of the Shield Hero

In the afternoon, Sidwell Root is filled with a cheerful and lively atmosphere as usual. The bright sun shines on the dark desk through the window. The pale white smoke rises from the tea cup on the table, and the tea in the cup is in the sun. All in all.

Several days have passed since the death of the Whip Hero, and the people who were evacuated to various places also returned to their original houses and received a considerable amount of compensation.

For ordinary people, the days of being dispersed to various places and then being called back are really confusing. If something happens, the atmosphere in the capital will also be different from the original, but a little bit. No difference.

Just as animals can sense subtle changes in the presence of others based on their unspeakable feelings in their own territory, so people can feel these subtle changes when they return to their own homes.

But no, there is not the slightest abnormal breath, which makes people feel wrong.What exactly did the upper echelons disperse the people for, this might become a doubt that has always existed in their hearts.

"So, what is the reaction of King Hobray?"

Leaning on the back of Rou IX's chair, Xia Heng lazily picked up the teacup and took a sip before asking.

After being killed by the Whiplash, he had Varnardo deliver a message to King Hobre II.

"Prince Guili, the hero of the whip, I II tried to kill the hero of the shield because of my madness. Therefore, when I couldn't stop it, I couldn't help but choose to kill him. Please forgive me." This kind of information was sent to Huo by a messenger. King Bray, of course, there is only one purpose for doing this.

"...King Hobrai has declared war on Me and Melomag. According to the forecast, the army will reach the border of Myrim in three days, and Melomag in about four days."

Varnado, who was standing on the other side of the room, looked stiff and reported with a hint of self-defeating.

A war with the world's largest clan, especially in the time period when the tide is about to hit, is the last thing that should happen anyway.As for Xia Heng, the ambassador of Melomag and the god of shield, the hero of the whip was killed by Hobre, and it was quite obvious that Hobre would attack the two thresholds.

"I know it's the Brave of the Whip that's at fault, but Sir Xia Heng, is it not good for you to let the messenger convey such provocative information."

Varnardo asked cautiously.

"What's wrong, isn't the purpose to anger that side?"

Xia Heng replied with an amine touch pine.

"Anyway, righteousness is here with us.

Eh? "

"King Hobray enforced tyranny and robbed civilian women, and Hobray's prince also tried to conspire against me as one of the Four Holy Warriors, and even launched a war against him during the disaster of the tide. The fault is that they are in do?"

Xia Heng showed a warm smile like sunshine, tilted his head and said.

"At a time like this, it should be 13 unanimous. If someone doesn't want to do this, they can only kill him, right?"

"After all, this kind of guy is quite a stumbling block for this world."

"You, you are right..."

Varnardo lowered his head and said with a trembling slightly.

"Then do we need to evacuate people on the border and prepare to start a war?"

"No, compared to this, you have done everything I asked you to do before, right?"

"You mean the establishment of diplomatic relations with Mellomag? This is already done."

Varnardo raised his head blankly.

"I'm talking about gathering believers. How many people have been gathered now?"

?? A request for flowers...

Xia Heng reminded helplessly.

"If you say this, about [*] believers have been gathered in all parts of II.

"Fifteen thousand, there shouldn't be any problem."

Xia Heng nodded slightly and put down the teacup.

"Next, I will take these five thousand believers to launch a counterattack against King Hobre, your words..."

"Please order."

"You act as a team, and then pull the remaining [*] believers into the team to intercept the army attacking Melomag, and then march towards Hobre."

0 ...... 0

Xia Heng flicked the teacup on the table and said in a crisp echo.

"Do you want to perform miracles on so many believers?"

Varnardo, who came to the answer after a little thought, looked at him in surprise.

"Are you really okay with so many people?"

"Only fifteen thousand people."

Xia Heng replied with a slack look on his face, touching the fluttering tone as if the consumption of magic power at this level was nothing.

But for him with infinite magic power, this is really nothing.

"I understand, when will the army march?"

Varnardo saluted slightly and asked.

"When you're ready, you can march. Why don't you need my command to fight?"

Xia Heng asked him leisurely after Fan's invitation to leave the team as a position.

"Thanks to the love, I will complete this task."

Varnado bowed deeply and pressed the confirmation.

The bright sunlight sprinkled on the room, coating the place except the shadow with a golden film, and Xia Heng's dark pupils seemed to absorb the sunlight, shining with malicious light.

Chapter [*]: The Kingdom of Serving in Another World

The attack on Hobre was surprisingly simple. Except for the army that intercepted it at the beginning, almost no one had resisted Xia Heng and his party, and even protests were quite rare.

Perhaps it has something to do with King Hobray's tyranny. After all, they came along with the slogan "Down with King Hobray's tyranny, the world belongs to the people", and to these ordinary people, who is the second king of the threshold family? It doesn't make much sense for them to be replaced by someone.

Maybe life will get better or worse after the n king is replaced, but in general, it's five and a half in two aspects.

Before King Xie was replaced and Wang II's policy changed to "[*]", everything only existed in imagination, and imagination would have no impact on reality. Invasion does not maintain a hostile bear.

Thanks to this, a group of people rushed straight in, and after a few days' journey, they rushed into the capital of Hobray.

The people who rushed into the palace were facing King Hobray who was holding a hostage and grinning.

"If you have the ability, rush over. If you dare to take a step forward, I will strangle this woman to death. This is the queen of Melomag."

The ugly King Hobray restrained Queen Meromag with a blood-stained rope, and said with a grim smile.

"This stupid woman dares to tell me not to send troops to Melomag, she deserves to be caught by me, and if you don't want her to die, hand over all the women to me!"

The silent crowd silently watched him shout like a madman, and the rope in his hand that exuded an ominous aura became tighter and tighter, leaving a distinct cylinder mark on the queen's neck.

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