"Um... Where are you a child? Your name reminds me of the games of children in my hometown."

Xia Heng tilted his head suspiciously, blocking the death light rushing towards the door with his empty hand.

"Block, block!? This is an attack that surpasses infinite speed!?"

"Is there anything strange? Anyone can block this attack. By the way, can you correct the sentence? Your statement makes me feel like I'm bullying children." Xia Heng smashed the condensed light. , strolling towards the panicked Medea.

The power that had been suppressed repeatedly was instantly released, and the vast divine power seemed to cause the astral world to start shaking algae.

"Please be more serious, I'm here to be with you, not to play with you as children."

Xia Heng tilted his head, and the dazzling divine light circulated on the blade.

The various divinities and godslayer personalities obtained in the world of godslayers, the vague savior personality obtained in the world of the Throat Seeds, the divinity of the creator obtained through faith and black mud? The power that exudes makes Medea feel alive Cowardly, the original game Heart Bear was crushed by the fear of facing death.

"Damn, I just want to become stronger, what's wrong, why do you stop me!? You are so strong, do you dare to say that your hands are clean!"

Medea asked loudly while stepping back.

"It's not clean, how many people do you think I've lost?"

Xia Heng replied calmly.

"Thousands of people, words of this level can't describe it. The number of people who were dropped consciously and accidentally, and those who were accidentally dropped by the way, can't be counted."

"Then why do you stop me! I didn't hinder you! It's just to become stronger, why should you be beaten by me!"

"Aren't you hindering me? Since I came to this world, this world has been my 067 territory. You, the guy who wants to illegally invade and turn all my people into experience points, have the nerve to say that you didn't hinder me? "

Xia Heng's figure flashed, and a finger that began to crumble appeared on the tip of the knife.

"I thought it would be much harder than the god of disobedience, but it doesn't feel like it's particularly difficult to kill."

"My hand ah ah ah ah!"

"Don't howl, it's as if one finger has sliced ​​you. Besides, you can't feel the pain. After all, the finger was completely cut off from the concept." Xia Heng covered it with a headache from the noise. He closed his ears and said unhappily.

"Even though he's just a bug, he has always dared to act so arrogantly!"

Medea shouted angrily while looking at her finger that was born again.

"It can still be regenerated, did you take down the concept of yourself in the parallel world and put it on yourself..."

Xia Heng looked at Medea, who seemed to be unscathed, dumbfounded.

Chapter seven hundred and seventieth unmatched power

"Don't think that you can compete with me if you have a godhead! You die for me!"

The hideous-looking Medea pulled out her sword from the void and charged towards Xia Heng with a roar.

At an extremely fast speed, the sword kept slashing at the Divine Sword of Salvation at different angles, and Yi made a crisp cracking sound.

"A sword skill that can't be beat no matter how fast it is, what do you think you can do."

Xia Heng cut off Fang Jian with the sword of salvation, cut Medea's right arm into several pieces and kicked it flying.

No matter what kind of damage caused, this guy will sacrifice himself in the parallel world to heal the wound. The possibilities of the parallel world are almost infinite, and the number of times that can be recovered is almost infinite.


It was obviously fighting time, but Xia Heng thought of a certain president.

However, the difficulty of Medea is far beyond Xia Heng's imagination. If you want to kill her completely, you can only completely cut off the concept of countless Medea's life.

For Xia Heng, who has no power but no opportunity to practice, it is a bit troublesome.

"Mingming, it's only a summoned guy who dares to hurt me to such an extent, it's enough, it's enough to be fooled to this extent, there's no need to be merciful, you just go to me honestly Die..."

Medea lowered her head and said in broken thoughts, the ominous magic power continued to condense, and the extracted concepts continued to materialize, turning them into weapons that could ignore the law of causality and directly reach death.

"Unlimited Destruction"!"

The torrent of urns and blacks swept towards Xia Heng, engulfing the insignificant figure like a wave in the astral world.

As far as Medea's experience is concerned, no matter who is attacked by this inevitable death, there is no possibility of survival, and the concept of existence will be completely erased to nothingness.

"This is what goes against me, huh."

Medea snorted and watched with disdain as the turbulent waves swept across the star realm.

"You shouldn't materialize concepts."

With a sigh, the torrent of concepts was cut off by the golden streamer, stagnant in the chaotic astral world, and then shattered.

"It's just the concept of one-touch condensation and death, and then use it as a weapon to attack the opponent. It's okay to beat ordinary people. It's useless to meet a god with a slightly higher personality." The Medea, who took care of herself, raised the sword of salvation, and the shape of the sword began to become illusory.

"I can't say the same, the main problem is that you are too bad."

"You, what do you want to do!?"

Xia Heng didn't answer, but he let go of his hand and retracted the Divine Sword of Salvation into the black mud.

Did you give up the attack?No, it has already been attacked.Interfere with the law of causality, skip the process of attack, and lead it directly to the effect.

In the face of a guy who will use the parallel world's own concept to repair the concept of immortality, even cutting off the concept, if she wants to die, she can only directly cut off all the possibilities of the other party's survival, and send all the Medea of ​​the parallel world to death. end.

It was the same attack as when slaying a Tyrannosaurus holding Dragon Emperor fragments, but this time the weapon was not an ordinary ^ sword, but a divine saber that cuts through everything.

Although it looks like a strong attack, it is actually a must-have attack, but it is also an attack that is useless when faced with a guy who is too much stronger than himself.But it was more than enough to deal with the mere Medea.

"Ha-[*] I thought it was an attack, it's not that nothing happened..."

Medea Xin covered her mouth with a smile, and then the laughter stopped abruptly.

As the saying goes, if you don't stand a flag, you won't die. She just said the worst thing to say.

Under her eyes of anger, despair, and astonishment, the immortal body began to crumble, and in an instant it turned into a pool of dust that was completely dead.

々 If this goes on, even the soul will be completely crushed..."

Xia Heng looked at the goddess Bichi, who died as soon as the flag was set, and then seemed to remember something.

"Wait, when it comes to the soul, there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?"

He realized something, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed back to the world of the Four Saints.

The vat-colored breath lingered around the body, and a conspicuous trace was drawn in the sky, but in a blink of an eye, he came to the palace of Melomag.

Unfortunately, he came a step late.

In the room where two beds were originally placed for the unconscious Alto Cray and Tracy McGrady to rest, only the unconscious Alto Cray was left to fly.

Tracy McGrady, who was Medea's body, had long since disappeared from this world, and only the breath remained.

When did you transfer your consciousness to the sub-body when you weren't paying attention? !When looking for all goals?

Xia Heng, who was placed in a row, gritted his teeth and tore open the cracks in the space, searching for the disgusting aura in the astral world.

This guy can't stay alive at all. As long as he stays for one day, not only other worlds, but also his own world will suffer because of this guy sooner or later.

Feeling the thinner and thinner aura, Xia Heng rushed directly into the world where Medea's aura finally appeared.

Chapter [*]: The Hospitality of Eldia

Everything that the naked eye can see is hazy darkness, and the dim light illuminates the street, but it cannot dispel the despair and pain that permeates the darkness.

This place is located under the royal capital Mitras, which is the safest area in the world inside the wall, within the wall of Hina.

The gathering here are human beings who cannot survive on the ground. Whether it is the residents here or the residents on the ground, they all understand that the reasonable behavior here for survival is a standard illegal act on the ground.

And here, there are countless people who can't walk because they can't get sunlight and tidal environment, and only death awaits them.

"Tsk, the breath is gone."

Xia Heng, who appeared in the underground street, frowned and looked at the surrounding scenery, and said with a headache.

"Is it because I was in a hurry when I rushed in, and I didn't have a good grasp of the coordinates."

"Hello, little brother?"

067 When Xia Heng was having a headache on how to find his sister-in-law and goddess, an untimely voice alarmed him.

"I see that you look quite rich, how about borrowing some money from your brothers?"

When you first came to this world, did you get raped by rascals...

"Unfortunate... Is extortion illegal?"

Xia Heng sighed helplessly and grabbed the palm that came from his body.

"Oh, it's so enthusiastic. As for breaking the law, except for Yiren, everything is legal."

The ruffian said with a smile.

"That's it, then I'll ask you to faint for a while."

Xia Heng casually threw the ruffian to the ground with a throw over his shoulder, and frowned around the unconscious ruffian.

"Boss! Brothers, shoulder to shoulder!"

Seeing that the local ruffian was knocked to the ground, the gangsters rushed up and rushed to Xia Heng's body, bddh howling and waving their fists randomly.

It's a pity that the number of people didn't make up for the disparity in strength. The little gangsters managed to lie on the ground with their bosses. Under the circumstance of showing mercy, it would take more than ten minutes for these guys to wake up as soon as possible.

"Are you idiots..."

Xia Heng shook his head helplessly, and began to read the information obtained from their memory with the black mud.

"Gendarmerie, garrison 81, survey soldiers" 1. Giants... tsk, this world. If you're lucky, the Yugu woman will be easy to find in the world inside the wall."

"Although it is a clone, it will take decades to recover to a state where it can fight. Even if you slowly find it outside the wall, you can find it, but if you are unlucky, the guy will appear outside the wall and be eaten by giants... ..."

Anticipating the worst, Xia Heng frowned and looked at the people paralyzed by the roadside.

In this dark underground street, people suffering from diseases that cannot walk can only shrink by the side of the road, relying on begging to survive.

The only good people who will give them money are foreigners, but after all, such people are very few, only death awaits them in front of them, and the only lucky ones are the local gangsters in the underground street

Instead of targeting outsiders as prey and targeting these vulnerable groups, they chose the former.

Perhaps this is the only light in this chaotic dark place.

"Are you still standing up?"

Xia Heng squatted down and stretched out his hand towards a shrinking figure.It was only then that he realized that the shield originally hanging on his arm had now been turned into a string of silver bracelets, and the small shield pendant glittered on it.

After all, no matter when the weight of the shield is the same, it doesn't get in the way of normal movement, and it doesn't even use it very much. If he didn't happen to reach out his hand, maybe he would have forgotten about the shield.

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