Not seeming to think about why he appeared in this unfamiliar place, Mikasa obediently took the cup and thanked him.

"... Mom and Dad, they're dead."


"It's so cold..."

Even though the sun was shining brightly, Mikasa, who was holding a warm water glass in his hand, still trembled a little, with his eyes already like a pool of stagnant water.

"What shall I do next... my home is gone..."

"Mikasa, your future home will be here."

Xia Heng wiped away the tears from the corners of Loli's eyes and comforted her.

"The bad guys have all been dropped. That kind of thing will never happen again. Just cry if you want to."

His comforting skills are not superb, but he still knows that what Mikasa needs now is a spiritual support that can continue to live.

In addition, it may be necessary to cry a lot to release the power of the house.

?? A request for flowers...

"Um...thank you..."

Mikasa smiled reluctantly, and a few crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.


Somewhat out of place, someone knocked on the door of Xia Heng's house.

"It's been so long, you must be hungry, right?"

Xia Heng naturally chose to ignore it and said with a smile.

Want to disturb him and Mikasa?what to dream.

<< >>

Ma Ma Ma ........

"I asked a nearby housewife to help prepare some meals..."

"If you're hungry..."



"I'll go see who's knocking on the door first, and if you're not hungry, take a break.

Xia Heng smiled and touched Mikasa's head, got up and left the room.


Ma Ma Ma ........

There were knocks on the door.

"Little Ellen, can you tell me why you keep knocking on the door until now?"

Xia Heng suddenly opened the door and looked at Alan, who was somewhat frightened.

"Xia, Uncle Xia Heng..."


"Brother Xia Heng, me, my father let me take a look, Mikasa."

Alan II shook his head, raised his head, and shouted with courage.

"And this, it's a condolence!"

If you are touched by your age, you will be invisible and flirt with girls. This child must not be kept!

Xia Heng's eyes narrowed, and he calmly took the fruit basket that Allen handed over.

"Is there anything else, Mikasa hasn't stabilized yet."

"Also, my dad said he wanted to chat with you, brother Xia Heng."

Allen nodded dazedly.

"Then I'll look for him later. He didn't go out. I just have something to talk to him about." Xia Heng, who had thought of something, nodded and turned back to the house.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-eight of the people of Ymir

"Is it alright here?"

Xia Heng leaned against the tree, looked at Grisha with his back to him and said.

"It should be no problem to go to this level, and no one will go so deep into the forest during this period."

Grisha turned around and looked at Xia Heng with his hands behind his back.

He asked Allen to use the excuse of visiting Mikasa in order to call Xia Heng out, and now going deep into the forest is just just in case.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Just the two of us, I won't talk much, let's go straight to the topic."

Grisha took a deep breath, his hands behind his back moved slightly, and the blade of the scalpel appeared between the fingers of "Zero Seven Zero" and touched the other hand.

"Mr. Xia Heng, you are the shield god, right?"

"how you said that?"

Xia Heng still leaned against the tree and asked with a smile.

"After all, it's someone who suddenly moved to my neighborhood a few years ago, or lives alone. I'll be suspicious and investigate."

Grisha looked calm and said slowly.

"But no matter how I checked, I couldn't find any information, as if you appeared out of nowhere. Either the information was erased, or you really appeared out of nowhere. This is the first doubt."

"The second is your face. It's so beautiful. It's so white that it doesn't seem like it's been exposed to the scorching sun. It doesn't have any flaws at all. This is not a clean face that should exist in this world."


Xia Heng made a gesture of invitation, indicating to the other party to continue.

"The third point is also your face. Judging from your appearance, you are Nianxin in your early twenties. That's what I judged when we first met, but a few years have passed, and your face hasn't changed at all, not even a wrinkle. Neither appeared."

Grisha cautiously looked at the other party's expression.

"Maybe it's because I exercise a lot and wash my face with mountain spring water? Like some perfect creature for a Bizarre Adventure."

Xia Heng shrugged and said a cold joke that the other party couldn't understand.

"Although I said that I couldn't find your information on the first point, I still know about your entry and exit from the Shield Cult."

"However, these four points do not constitute the conclusion that you are the God of Shield, but there is a more important point that I was lucky enough to discover yesterday."

Grisha slowly backed away, the surgical blade had already cut open his palm, and a little bit of blood seeped out from the blood line in the thin room.

"When we got to Ackerman's house yesterday, I asked Allen to inform the military police, and I was going to find the murderer. Fortunately, when I arrived at the trafficker's stronghold, I heard your voice - 'God's Punishment', although It's not very clear, but I still hear the word."

"Wonderful reasoning—but this can also say that I am a fanatical believer of the Shield Cult or something. Do you believe this statement of God?"

Xia Heng looked at Grisha with interest and said.

"I asked the military police to let me take a look, and I saw that hellish scene. That level of blood and minced meat is no longer the body of three people, but the Yugu stronghold shows that there are only three people living there. Excluding the possibility of others, there is only one answer."

"You keep torturing them, and then keep performing miracles, keep on torturing, over and over again, so that the ground there is full of flesh and blood."

Grisha slightly arched his body and entered an attacking bear stance.

"I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings yesterday because I tortured them. Well, as expected of you, a citizen of Ymir."

Xia Heng stood up straight, clapped his hands and smiled and said, a new plan to make trouble appeared in his mind...


"You've already injured yourself. When things go bad, you're ready to turn into a giant, right? But I advise you not to do this. After all, in the daytime, a [*]-meter-tall giant will suddenly appear. It will attract a lot of people. People's attention, you don't want to cause panic."

Xia Heng smiled and snapped his fingers, healed the wound on Grisha's palm, and continued.

"You guessed it right, I am the shield god, but to put it simply, using the legendary characters of your Eldians, the demons of the earth, Nagu should be weaker than me.

"You want to seize the power of the ancestor giants of the world inside the wall, so as to ignite the wolf smoke of the revival of Eldia, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Grisha stepped back vigilantly and said in a hoarse voice.

"I know what you want to do, and I know where your home is, so how about working with me? I'll give you more power, and you can help me find someone in the world outside the wall in the future."

"I only have a year to live."

Grisha 3.7 reminded.

"Well, that's what you said. You intend to let Aaron inherit your mission, right? But he has no motivation to do so, if no one close to him died because of the giant."

Xia Heng smiled and approached step by step.

"Although you are very smart in a sense, your observation of the surroundings is not very good. You were reported by your son Jike because the evidence has been found by the Marais.


"Although it's just speculation, but if you don't mind, I can tell you about it, just treat it as an advance payment.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-ninth Marais hidden behind the scenes

"Do you want to listen to the reason why you were reported by your son?"

Xia Heng showed a devilish smile, slowly pacing towards Grisha and said.

"Curious? Why did he report you after being educated by the parents of the Restoration of Eldia?"

"You Restorationists really don't have any brains, you only know that you believe in owls who don't know his real identity, but you have no idea about Ma Lai's search. As long as you are found to be Restorationists, your family of five will be exiled to this paradise. ."

"Aren't you aware of this at all?"

"What do you want to say, what does this have to do with Gek."

Grisha moved her fingers slightly, inserted the surgical blade into her palm, and said with gritted teeth.

"As long as the Eldians can be liberated, but 13 loses his life, what's the point!?"

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