Rhodes sat on the ground with gritted teeth, his expensive black dress stained with dust and blood.

"No way, you wild dog... This woman and this child have nothing to do with me."

"Sure enough."

"Hey!? What!? What are you going to do!?"

The woman shouted in a panic, trying to get her neck off the sharp blade.

"You didn't exist, you didn't work in the big house, and no one knew about you,

Dump your brains down the drain if you don't. "

"How can this be! Master! You didn't say that before!!"

The woman who clearly realized that the panic turned into reality struggled and shouted, but Rhode just gasped for himself and ignored her.


"If, if I hadn't given birth to you, it wouldn't have been like this."

The bright silver blade carried a bullet of blood, which dyed the woman's white coat.

Chapter [*]: The Military Police Regiment That Was Suspended and Beaten

"Okay, then it's you."

Kenny dropped the woman's still-cold corpse and reached out to Hestria's hair.

"Wait a minute."

A stone flying in the distance knocked off Kenny's hand, and Xia Heng clapped his hands and came to the scene.

"I said that at least the child should be left alive."

"Tsk, did you really come?"

"It's a little bit slower."

Xia Heng looked at the corpse on the ground and shook his head.

"I'll take this child away, is there any problem?"

"We're going to be really embarrassed, little brother."

Kenny held the short knife back, his center of gravity sank, and said with a grin.

"Do you want to fight? I don't mind, just let you guys go."

Xia Hengxin looked contemptuously at the military police who were waiting for them, and said with a smile.

"You all go on together, how about I pull out a hair and fight you?"

"It's too much..."

Kenny suddenly threw the dagger over, and then jumped up. The dagger whose figure disappeared in the darkness and was flying was caught by Xia Heng and snapped into two halves.

"Hey, where are you monsters!"

Kenny, who appeared in his body, kicked his head with a kick, and hit the air with a violent cracking sound.


"Sneak attack from behind is not good."

Xia Heng casually overturned Kenny to the ground, looked at Rhodes sitting on the ground with interest and said.

"You're Rod Reyes? There was a knife in the leg, Kenny did it"?"


Rhode nodded, gritted his teeth and answered two questions at once.

"Oh, nice job."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Kenny got up from the ground with a carp, patted the dust and said.

"Are you going to take that little girl Yugu away?"

"As long as it is not announced that she is the bloodline of the Reyes family, let him take it away. Anyway, the purpose of the council can be achieved... sigh."

While speaking, Rhodes abruptly pulled the short knife out of his thigh, and then covered the bleeding opening with a handkerchief.

"makes sense."

Kenny shrugged.

"After all, if I don't take it away, it must be this coward who inherits the truth of the world. Oh, you can't inherit it."

Xia Heng sneered as he looked at Rhodes with a ferocious face because of the pain.

"What do you mean?"

Kenny realized something, walked quickly to Xia Heng and asked.

"Why do you think he wanted to take the child away? Why do you think Uli and his daughter inherited the truth of the world instead of him?"

Xia Heng looked at Rhodes' increasingly hideous face and said slowly.

"Because he is timid, he is afraid of failure. If he makes a mistake, he will not be able to return to human beings. He is afraid of this, so he needs people other than himself who have the blood of Reyes to inherit the truth of the world."

"A few days ago, on the afternoon when the Wall of Maria was broken, all his sons and daughters and wives died, and Naigu, who inherited the power of giants, was no exception. To be clear, the giant of the Reys family was no exception. Power was taken away."


Kenny opened his mouth a little funny, and looked at Rhodes with an ugly face.

"......How did you know?"

Rhode's face was equally ugly, as ferocious as a ghost.

"Business secrets, no comment. In short, now he needs Hestria to be in case, but the premise is to find the power of the giant, but unfortunately, you can't find it."

Xia Heng smiled, touched Histria's golden hair, and continued.

"I won't let you take this child, and I won't let you find the one who took away the power of the ancestor giant."

"Kenny, you go to the guy who took away the power of the giant now, his name is...call..."

A confused look appeared on Rhodes' face, thinking about the man's message.

々 Forgot, right?Can't even remember the basic information about whether the Yan I person is male or female, tall or short, fat or thin? "

"Why, obviously the Yugu people appeared directly in front of us..."

"Why is this? Of course the reason is... OK! Stop, I won't say more for the sake of everyone's lives."

Xia Heng smiled and continued.

"However, if this continues, the Reyce family will be doomed. If you can't find the power of giants that you rely on to survive, the Wang family will be useless.

"Catch him! He must be complicit with the Yugu man! Catch him for me!"

Rhode resisted the pain and shouted loudly, but no one moved (Zhao of Zhao).

The Central Gendarmerie 81 Pair-to-Person Mobile Unit—although the name of the Central Gendarmerie 81 carries a picture of the Central Gendarmerie, it can be said that this unit has nothing to do with the Central Gendarmerie [*]. They only listen to what Kenny Ackerman said.

"It's a pity, if it was that Yugu Wuli, maybe someone would move, but now the Wang family will be finished, Wuli's hard work will be wasted, how long will the peace of the world within the wall last? Woolen cloth?"

Xia Heng turned to look at Kenny and said with a smile.

"It's a bit malicious to say that, but Uli may have kept you by his side because you're Ackerman. The Ackerman family is a race that is premised on protecting the life of its lord. Maybe he I just saw this.

Chapter [*] The truth of the Ackerman family

"What did you say?"

Kenny took off his top hat with a strong smile, and the corners of his eyes were blue.

"You don't know the person inside your walls, but this is also part of the so-called 'truth of the world'. Thanks to that person being a doctor, he has been in contact with the information of the Ackerman family.

Xia Heng snapped his fingers, and after making Rhode unconscious, he turned to look at Kenny and continued.

"You Ackermans are a by-product of giant research - you always think you are very strong, right, much stronger than ordinary people, even the Central Military Police is just a flower fat in your hands. Then why are you so strong? ?"

"The Ackerman family is a race that is set to be absolutely loyal to the lord. In other words, as long as you subconsciously regard who is the lord, then from that moment on, your personality will be covered by this instruction, and you think you are still yourself. , but in fact your spirit has long been enslaved by orders buried deep in this bloodline."

"To shut up!"

"It's dangerous and dangerous~ Let's continue to say, then besides being set to 077, why does the Ackerman family have a strong fighting power? The next step is the information release.

Xia Heng smiled and moved to avoid the flying knife thrown by Kenny, and continued.

"This starts with the inheritance of the power of giants. The inheritance of the power of giants is mainly caused by human beings who become unsullied giants, that is, ordinary giants outside the wall, who eat those who have the power of giants to inherit this. kind of power."

"The most important thing eaten is the spinal fluid of the person who holds the power. By eating this ritual, you can inherit this power, and the most special of them is the ancestor of the giant that the Reys family previously held. Power. Because of someone's reasons, a certain idea can be inherited, just like your order to protect the monarch, this idea will be forced to cover the personality of the holder."

"Shut up!"

"So, Uli may not be a bad person, but under the influence of the power of giants, maybe he is."

Xia Heng avoided the rain-like flying blades in all directions and continued.

"Then, how did human beings become such a big thing? You should have seen the huge body generated out of thin air. It only takes a moment to generate such a huge body - the answer is to transmit through the channel, you guys The same is true for the Kerman family, combat experience and skills will be transmitted to the brain through the blood vessels when the switch is turned on.”

"Did you suddenly feel a powerful force burst out of your body at a certain moment, and you know what to do next during the battle? You Ackerman, it's just what the royal family did to protect themselves. It's just a test item."

Xia Heng sneered and kicked a few military policemen who rushed over to try to fight in close quarters, looking at the enraged Kenny and said

"It's so pitiful. After being randomly created, it was abandoned and persecuted by the royal family on this island, but in the end, nothing could be done."

"The use of eaves is allowed, whatever method you use, just tear this guy's mouth to pieces!"

Kaney roared at the remaining gendarmerie, then ripped open his collar and pulled out a bddh canopy from the mezzanine.


The eaves sounded everywhere, and the dark night, which had been whispering in a low voice, fell into silence after the eaves sound dissipated. Only the coughing of innocent girls caused by gunpowder smoke returned to the night sky.

"It's not good for you to make such a big noise."

Xia Heng's leisurely voice rose in the smoke, and the figure of waterfall white walked out of it.

"Fuck you..."

Kenny gritted his teeth and threw the revolver at him, then charged forward.

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