Roman silently spit out a groove, then coughed and said with a serious expression.

"Let's not say anything else, Mr. Xia Heng, Chaldea is now in a very serious crisis..."

"No help."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Heng interrupted the other party's speech and refused.

Eh? "

Roman was stunned for a moment, and stayed in a rigid state for half a minute (bddh) before asking intermittently.

"Then, Na Yugu, can I ask why?"

"I saved Tachibana and Matthew because I asked you to help me with Shuxi, and let them return to Chaldea safely. This time I want to work for free? Don't even think about it." In the empty seat, he sneered.

"Or what are you going to pay me for this time? Make me a replica of Chaldea. Your energy reserves are enough, right? Do you want to give me the entire Chaldea by continuing to ask me to help? "


Roman's body sitting on the office chair couldn't help but lean back, as if a sudden arrow had pierced his heart.

As Xia Heng said, the current energy reserves of Chaldea are not ideal. Just making a replica of Chaldeas for Xia Heng will consume most of the remaining energy reserves.

If he were to be entrusted to him again and he had to pay more, he might have to decompose all the items in Chaldea that were currently useless and might be used in the future into energy.

In the worst case, the power supply of the refrigeration unit that preserves the lives of the masters of each group might be disconnected—giving up the lives of forty-seven masters in order to save human rights, and Roman did not dare to decide whether this was right or wrong.

Weighing life on a scale, human beings should not be allowed to have such power.

In a short period of time, Roman came up with all the possibilities caused by continuing to entrust Xia Heng, and the pale face due to lack of rest instantly became even more bloodless.

"You are right..."

Roman took a deep breath and nodded weakly.

"We shouldn't continue to rely on external forces, and we should act on our own first - but I hope you can listen to the relevant information about this incident."

"You said."

Xia Heng nodded and motioned for Roman to continue.

"Recently, there has been a very serious fog in Chaldea. Originally, when you came to Chaldea, Sheba could not make accurate observations of that area. I thought it was a bug, but people checked Sheba's After setting, it was found that there was no such sign."

Roman looked cautious and said solemnly.

"I suspect that there are foreign invaders other than you who used the technique of shielding observation in Chaldea.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty seventh Chaldea's overtime demon

In the pale white central control room, Roman sat on the office chair with a solemn expression, looking at Xia Heng opposite.

"You also know that when you entered Chaldea a few days ago, Sheba could not fully observe the area where you appeared, so we thought that something happened when you entered Chaldea, which caused Sheba to be unable to function normally. operate."

Roman's words were very cautious, trying to shift the topic from the direction of throwing the pot to the other party to the main topic.

"But recently, we have discovered that there are more areas in Chaldea that cannot be accurately observed. After checking the observation records of Sheba, we found that such signs appeared long before Tachibana and the others returned from the sixth singularity. .

"That is to say, it has nothing to do with me - nothing."


Roman nodded, turned his head and pulled out a document from the table beside him and handed it to Xia Heng.

In that document consisting of only a dozen sheets of A4 paper, dozens of waveforms with regular patterns were recorded.

"what is this?"

Xia Heng glanced at the document, which had almost no text annotations, and was just for an expert to see, and chose to directly ask the expert closest to him.

"This is the magic power fluctuation map obtained after mobilizing Sheba's resources and re-observing the entire Chaldea."

It seemed that he had been preparing for a long time, and Roman, who seemed to be a little hardworking, collided with a bang, and a large string of words flew out of it at a speed with almost no pause.

"We, Chaldea, are an organization that gathers various talents in the two major fields of science and magic. Through the combination of technologies, it is one of our achievements to detect fluctuations in magic power and digitize them. And this document is to re-observe Chaldea. The magical fluctuations within the Ledie are derived by classifying the huge data according to its characteristics.”

"And the magic fluctuations of Chaldea's internal personnel, whether it is a servant or an employee, will be recorded at the first time. This is also the method of the Chaldean security system to identify the identity, and this."

Probably because he spoke too quickly, Roman coughed a few times, wiped his mouth with a tissue and continued speaking.

"You can directly look at the last one. We suspect that is the culprit that prevented Sheba from accurately observing Chaldea."

As Roman said, I turned to the last chart of the file. Unlike the previous waveform charts with obvious stable laws, this one cannot be called a waveform chart at all.

It should be called kindergarten kids' doodles.

The curve is extremely erratic flying on the chart, like a mess. If it is regarded as a painting, it must be an Impressionist painting with a slanted sword.

"The owner of this magic wave (R)] does not belong to Chaldea. I checked all the magic power fluctuations recorded so far, and even the magic power fluctuations of Marshal Caster Gilles de Lei, the first singularity point, are not so chaotic."

Roman nodded with certainty, and then his eyes became a little erratic.

Perhaps he felt that he had already said what he had to say, and the spirit just now disappeared, and his eyes returned to the original Xinfu, and he was quietly looking at the strawberry cake that he had placed on the table beside him.

"But if it is possible to find out who has this level of chaos is the culprit, you can just use Sheba to find it out. If you can't, Chaldea is just that big."

Xia Heng did not intend to let him fish, but gave a solution.

"Why don't you take the time to look over the entire Chaldea. In terms of combat power, you have passed so many singularities, and you are still worried about a guy who is sneaky and afraid to show his face?"

?? A request for flowers...

"Uh... um..."

Roman fell into contemplation and looked away from the sweet strawberry cake.

"That's right, but because of that kind of magic wave, perhaps because of the formation of a barrier, Sheba couldn't track it down.

He shook his head and said helplessly.

"Every day's work is enough for everyone. If you work overtime, your body will collapse."

"Do you care so much about the staff's health? It's you, romantic doctor."

As for mobilizing people to search...

The corners of Xia Heng's mouth twitched, and a terrible term emerged in his mind - the 997 working system.

"I always feel that you are blackmailing me..."

Roman spit out a sentence subconsciously, forgetting the long-lasting honorific.

"No, I was never black."

Xia Heng showed an upright expression and said with certainty.

"I just start fighting when people are upset, and I never waste time with black people."

"It's getting worse!?"

Roman couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and then he coughed again and returned to normal.

"Anyway, the plan you just mentioned is something we can't implement right now. We can only rely on luck to see when we can meet the Yugu people."

"After all, right now, there is still no time to take care of this kind of thing..."

Having said that, the doctor sighed and looked to the side again, but this time the target was not strawberry cake, but the live video of Chaldeas on the screen.

At the last tank point on this earth, the last stain on human history, the last singularity - Roman and others are now busy tracking and confirming the coordinates of this erratic singularity.

Chapter [*] Cthulhu's Cultists

Night falls - this statement is just to match the Chaldeans who have their lights set to night mode.

Chaldea, who can no longer judge day and night by the light and darkness of the outside world, can only rely on the clock to adjust the work and rest time at this moment, and now, it is the night time for the Chaldean employees to rest.

As someone moved, the lights in the Chaldean corridor turned on, and when they left the corresponding area, they switched to dimly lit night lights.

On this night when no one was walking, the tall figure worth I paced down the dim corridor, humming an unknown tune in a low voice.

"I'a-l*a-Cthulhu-fhta"One Panax"gn.I'a-l'a-Cthulhu-wgahn-Rlyeh?.I*a-l'a-Cthulhu-syhah."

The hymn in praise of the evil god is like a country tune, with a wonderful and euphemistic melody, returning to the empty corridor, and the black and ominous magic overflows from its body like a mist, filling the air.

The filthy magic power sketched invisible spells in the air, and completely filled the magic circle that covered the entire Chaldea.

Suddenly, the man with eyes like copper bells suddenly raised his arms, his body that was hunchbacked leaned back, and the evil black tattoos like a curse outlined blasphemous pictures on the cyan skin. .

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha--at this time, the comedy that even gods dare to mock begins!"

Even more than the magic power that escaped just now, as the words fell, the magic power that materialized like a half-liquid gushing out from under the man's navy blue robe, while wantonly smashing the surrounding iron walls, he activated it. A magic circle engraved in the air.

At the same time, the space secretly eroded by the evil magic power became the detonating point, exploding like fireworks, and the purple-black evil magic power would drown the entire Chaldea almost instantly.

The magic power that exploded and dissipated stopped, as if someone accidentally pressed the pause button on the playing video, and the man's distorted and mad face was extraordinarily funny.

"I tell you guys, don't think about making big news all day long, and keep chanting words all day long. You look like this, what's the difference between you and those who were sent to the hospital, it's a shame—"

Xia Heng dissipated the magic in the air with a look of disgust, looked at the stiff man in front of him, and shook his head.

"Gille de Ray, it's better to call you another name. Well, it's just a monster in a shell anyway, don't worry about it so much, just come and lead to death."

"Oh... oh oh oh!!!"

Not paying attention to Xia Heng's words, Gil de Lei, who was obviously caught in some kind of abnormality, covered his face with his hands covered with tattoos that should not have been there, and leaned back, Fan Luan shouted.

"God, God! God!!! Welcome, welcome you! Welcome to my blasphemous feast!!! Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hahahahahahahahaha!!!"


Looking at his crazy appearance, Xia Heng's facial muscles couldn't help twitching.

"It seems a little bit crazy..."

"Come on! Come on, come on! God, I'm here to send you a hymn! PrelatisSpell!!!"

Gilles de Ray was completely immersed in his own world, and he liberated the Noble Phantasm's real name on his own. The high-efficiency magic furnace in it runs rapidly, endlessly summoning the twisted monsters of the bear...

Afraid of the rough skin, the monster that should have appeared in some indescribable things opened its mouthpieces, showing sharp teeth and surging towards Xia Heng.

"This is really..."

The dark black mud appeared silently from the air, and the whizzing Yixin disappeared in place. The next moment, the dark blade flew and cut a hole in the sea demons, and cut those waving swords. All tentacles cut off.

"...a little too weak."

Xia Heng glanced at the stump of the tentacle that flew to his feet with some disgust. After kicking the piece of rotten flesh whose nerves were not completely dead, he walked towards Gilles de Ray.

"Come on, continue your blasphemy, the more blasphemous you are, the more you believe in the existence of gods. It is because you believe in the existence of gods that you blaspheme. In this case, continue to increase your devotion. one"

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