Roman stopped, took off the white gloves that he had almost never taken off, and a golden ring gleamed on his finger.

"Eleven years ago, King Solomon, who was summoned by Marisbilly, won the Holy Grail War, and what I promised was nothing but an ordinary wish to become a human being."

"Absurd one by one! Impossible! Floros, are you blind!? No! You can't be that guy! Say what you want, how could that guy have a wish! Heresy! Cold! Cruel Ruthless! How could a man who is my original form have such sparse and ordinary wishes!"

Getia roared as if going mad, and threw countless magic at Roman.

"...You said that, I'm quite hit, don't you hate me too much? But, well, forget it. For specific matters, Mr. Xia Heng and Da Vinci sauce will be fine. Let me explain, I will do it with confidence.”

Roman closed his eyes peacefully, and after a while, there was a frightening radiance in the eyes that he opened again.

"Getia, you said you don't want the name of the Magic King, so let me register myself like this. My name is..."

"...This is the one that heals all wounds and quells all resentment, and I wait for my hometown - to appear! "Lord-Camelot, still far away"! "

Before Roman signed up for the number, a sudden roar interrupted his words, the chalky city wall blocked the magic flying towards him, and then, he lost consciousness for a moment.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that he realized the fact that he was knocked to the ground by Fujimaru Tachibana, feeling the uneven ground behind him, struggling to get up, but someone locked his joints with some kind of kangxi, unable to play hard. .

"This, this is..."

The shocked Roman collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at Mash, who blocked the attack for him, and Fujimaru Tachibana, who was paralyzing him with the Gandr technique attached to the Chaldean battle suit.

"Damn oooooooooooooooo!!!" 153

Before he could break free, Goetia's roar was bridled again in this space, Roman reluctantly turned his eyes to the place where the sound came from, and saw an unexpected scene.

Gorgeous women emerged from the black mud, and their graceful bodies in simple clothes that could only cover shame and even provocativeness did not arouse any lingering thoughts.It can be believed that no matter who sees this scene, they can feel the powerful strength that far surpasses the giant dragon—or even surpasses the Eastern dragon species that is considered to have the concept of gods.

Xia Heng, on the other hand, was holding a knife and looked indifferently at Getia, who was about to be engulfed by the black mud.

"Although I plan to kill this guy unexpectedly, you don't need to come out without permission, but it doesn't matter, the ending is the same."

He turned his head to look at Tiamat beside him, showed a warm smile that made people feel that everything was just an illusion, and touched the other person's hair affectionately.

"But what stole my limelight, I'll figure it out when I play with you in the future.

Chapter [*]: The time of birth has come, to correct Vientiane

"Damn oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Gaetia, who was about to be swallowed by the black mud, let out a deafening roar, struggling to get out of it, staring at Xia Heng and Tiamat who were hugging in the sky not far away.

"I actually let Tiamat sneak attack when I was distracted! Despicable! Vicious! Cruel! Sure enough, even if I become a god, there are still human flaws! Great achievements can be delayed! Regardless of the cost, regardless of the consequences, even if you want to do it again Gather energy and destroy you!"

The huge band of light that originally hung in the sky was instantly closed, and after a while, the endless rain of light would fall from the sky, because Gaetia, who was unwilling to end like this, activated the Noble Phantasm angrily.

One by one, Gaetia, the seventy-two Demon God Pillars are all-powerful, born from the distortion of the human spirit, and are the group of Demon Gods who have commanded names and abilities. From the moment of birth, it has stood at the top of omniscience and omnipotence.

As an existence beyond human beings, his IS pride does not allow him to be defeated by human beings such as Xia Heng and Chaldea, whether it is because of the pride caused by the shortcomings of human beings, or because of the imminent failure of the [*]-year plan Annoyed, he has made up his mind.

Even if these three thousand years of hard work are turned into nothingness, even if part of this temple is collapsed, even if enough energy is recaptured from the established human principles, even if all of this is in vain, start all over again. , he will also destroy Xia Heng.

Efforts can be repeated, the collapse of the temple can be repaired, and the human principles established can be destroyed. Only Xia Heng, only he is the biggest obstacle to the demon gods, and only he is the enemy that must be eliminated first.

I don't know what to do with the Demon King Gaetia, who lost his innate sense of omnipotence, and turned it into a flame of anger, because he couldn't understand the fear of imminent death, because he couldn't understand the sorrow that appeared because of imminent death , thus turning it into anger.

"Die, die, die! King Solomon's third Noble Phantasm will turn you into ashes! And I will re-accumulate three thousand years to reach a new source! But! It shouldn't! It shouldn't be so shameful, why do we even have you It can't be ruled out! Why really use the third Noble Phantasm 々 "!"

Getia struggled and roared, hammering the black mud that devoured her with her arms.

"Don't shout, don't you already know?"

Xia Heng squeezed Tiamat's face in a touch, and after returning him to the different space, he suddenly appeared in front of Getia and said in a touch.

"Because you don't understand human beings at all, you don't understand the limitations of human beings, and you don't understand the strengths of human beings, even if it's not me here, even if there's no me here, only Jia

Lady, you can't escape the ending of failure. "

"If you give you some more time, you should be able to understand. But I don't have that kind of leisure, even if you understand the joy of life, so what? O beast of mercy, I will cut off your head here. All right."

Xia Heng looked down at Getia from a high position, there was no emotion in his eyes, neither pity nor ridicule, but surprisingly indifferent, the divine saber of salvation shining with divine light in his hand slowly raised.


The blade that was swung down was bounced off by the falling light rain. At this moment, a torrent of light was scattered, and a small amount of light was drawn from it and fell, hitting the space around Xia Heng.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Gaetia, who took the opportunity to escape from the black mud, looked at his tattered body, and then looked at Xia Heng, who was shattering the light not far away, showing a tyrannical smile.

"Chaldea! Xiaheng! Solomon! Give it all to me, let's die in this light! The acceleration has been completed! Although the perfect time jump can't start yet, it is more than enough to destroy you!"

"?々 Activate! The time for the birth of the third Noble Phantasm Ten has come, so correct the Vientiane (Ars-Amladel-Salomonis)"! ! !Your power, your ideas, just disappear under this flood of light! ! "

"Oh~ this can't be right?"

Just when the light and rain were all over the sky and it was already accelerating, Getia's vision was dazed for a moment. I don't know if it was an illusion. In an instant, he saw a rather inappropriate existential fire in the Temple of Crown Time. .

Above that sky, a lustful and rambunctious woman stood there with her cherry lips open, but disappeared instantly after a while, as if (De Li Hao) never existed.

In this short moment, Gaetia lost the last chance to win, "The time of birth has come, so as to correct the failure of Ars-Amladel-Salomonis to start, the sword of salvation has already appeared in its The body is swayed, and the knife pierces the heart.

"I...this is..."

Getia came back to his senses and looked at the blade pierced from the Hungarian mouth, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"Why...I waited for the great stop here?"

As the blade was pulled out, the huge body like a giant tree suddenly fell, and the long-hanging light belt in the sky stopped running.

Crown Time Temple, Demon King Gaetia, destroyed.

Chapter [*] This is the confession of Matthew?

It has been a day since the end of the singularity time crown temple and the beast of mercy Goetia was eliminated. During this whole day, all the staff of Chaldea enjoyed a rare tranquility, although the outside world has been busy because of the blankness of the year. became a B], but this did not prevent them from taking a good rest.

At least until the Magic Association asked them to hand over the report, they decided to keep silent for as long as they could.

And among these staff members who enjoyed a moment of tranquility, there was not a certain pink-haired doctor among them, because Xia Heng dealt with Getiah, and Roman didn’t have to use himself as King Solomon’s first Noble Phantasm to return everything to heaven, It is not necessary to reach the complete end of "nothing".

But that doesn't mean that he will be able to have a better life in the future. At least explaining to Mash and Fujimaru Tachibana what happened to him has already made him devastated. Even he can't help but want to change back. Solomon used his revelation skills to pray how to avoid this incident that would be blamed by both of them anyway.

"It's annoying, but there's a smile on your face, Doctor Romance."


Xia Heng, dressed in the modified Chaldean uniform, shook the goblet in his hand, and the champagne with fine bubbles rippled.

"What are you talking about, I'm super worried right now, obviously I feel like raising Matthew as my own daughter, but if I tell them all the truth, the two of them will instantly become like old mothers^ Bar?!"

Roman, who was rarely seen wearing a formal suit, said with a bitter face, holding a plate of strawberry cake in his hand.

"It's rare to have a celebration banquet, why should I be careful to avoid them?"

"If you are honestly caught by them and tell the whole truth, then you're done, why are you running around?"

"...How do you feel about the gifts everyone gave you?"

Roman silently lifted the strawberry cake, and while asking, carefully forked a small piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Do you mean this suit? It feels good. Although it is of no special use to me, I will accept it."

Xia Heng half raised his hand and looked down at his brand new uniform.

It is said to be a modified Chaldean uniform, but in fact it is no longer a layout. The short-hem blouse that was originally made to facilitate travel has been changed to a morning gown-like style, but still

It is possible to see many elements of the Chaldean uniform in it.

In addition to the ingenious layout, even the material for making this suit is not ordinary fibers, but woven from the remaining materials after Chaldea has experienced various singularities and Da Vinci's private money. Even mixed with a lot of surgery.

The fantasy materials used in it are all the Cambodians that can sell sky-high prices in the outside world. They generously used these materials to make a set of clothes for Xia Heng as a thank you gift. Although it was of no use to him, But the gratitude that the people of Chaldea contained was truly understood.

"Well, as long as you like it... I'll take a step first, I saw Tachibana and the others coming this way, see you next time!"

Roman showed a sincere smile, then froze for a moment because of the scene he caught out of the corner of his eyes, and carefully ran to the center of the crowded hall.

"Then he... Mr. Xia Heng?"

Not long after Doctor Romance left, Matthew appeared here, her face flushed because of the warm atmosphere in the arena, and she said with some twist.

"That Yugu...Mr. Xia Heng...I..."

"Exactly, Matthew, you're here."

Xia Heng interrupted Matthew's words, with a warm smile on his face, groping for something from his pocket, and holding the other party's hand.

"I may be away for a while in the future. If there is anything, please use this to contact me, but for some reasons, it may only be enough to pass a few words at a time, and I will compensate you well in the future."

After saying that, he lowered his head and touched the girl's forehead, and slowly left this lively celebration feast.

"Does it really matter?"

Roman, who had already been integrated into the crowd, appeared quietly, and looked at this girl, who had been taken care of by him for many years, almost as a daughter, with some worry.

"No... Xia Hengxian... What he did must be very important. Anyway, he will come back in the future, right?"

Matthew was silent for a moment, ^biting her lower lip and spreading her palm.

Although it was only a fantasy, but the first time she touched it, she recognized the real body from the outline of this item.

---A translucent ring engraved with a spell.

"Probably... it was carved out of gems, it's a lot of work..."

Roman, who couldn't find the topic for a while, said, watching Matthew put it on the ring finger of his right hand, and silently closed his mouth.

The ring worn on the ring finger of the right hand means that the girl is in love. However, Roman did not dare to speculate as to what the result of this love was. He could only hope from the bottom of his heart that Xia Heng treated it. A girl who has achieved an ordinary life expectancy can have happiness.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety seventh the different world of the Middle Ages

"'re almost ready."

Standing in the room, Xia Heng stretched his body a little, looked at the magic circle in front of him, and showed a smug smile.

Although so many times of traveling through the world are all violent methods that directly tear open the cracks in space, this will undoubtedly cause a certain degree of damage to the foundation of the world. Based on the formula, he recreated a set of spells to transport himself to the astral world.

It seems that the two are not related, but to him it is just a transfer from one point to another. Since the construction method of the transfer channel is already similar, it only needs to be improved to complete the new spell.

But for the magicians, this should be a level that they are proud of, and the whole family history is spent on experiments that cannot be matched.

"The prototype of the world is ready, and the simulation of the soul should be almost developed. As long as you do a test, you can start to simulate the creation of the world-."

Xia Heng whispered in a low voice, stepped into the magic circle exuding strong magic power, and tapped the back of his hand.

The next moment, as the huge magic power dissipated, his figure disappeared in this room and moved to the distant star realm.

The endless scene spread in front of his eyes, Xia Heng waved his hand, took his attention away from this scene that he had seen countless times, and carefully searched for the coordinates he left in the world of Sword Art Online.

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