Xia Heng flicked the rim of the teacup, looked at Curxiu and said.

"However, I didn't see Felt and the others intending to come here."

"Although we have formed an alliance with Feirut, it does not prevent us from forming an alliance with Your Excellency alone, right? After all, there is "Juggernaut" Reinhardt there, so we must take precautions 0

Cursius raised his teacup and took a sip, then said lightly.

"That's the strongest "Juggernaut", and his swordsmanship alone is excellent, not to mention how much protection he has.Generally speaking, let alone an alliance, if a faction wants to contact that person, it needs to submit a good description. "

"So, this is a separate alliance between the two of us?"

Xia Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at Phyllis who was standing in Kuror's body.

"Feliz didn't say anything about feeding? He just said an alliance?"

Phyllis tilted his head and said with a smile.

"So, what conditions can you give about the alliance?"

Xia Heng shook his head helplessly.

"I heard that your Excellency is interested in taking action against Moby Dick and the Witch Cult?"

Kurossi looked at the other side and said, with his face still.

"We have information on beluga whales in our hands..."

"If it is only based on the information about the appearance of the white whale, is it not enough for the alliance?"

Xia Heng lowered his eyes and looked at the half of the tea in the cup.

"Beluga is a very serious threat to all the clans and merchants. If you cooperate with us in the crusade, then the final honor will be of great help to you. If you really want to overthrow the current system, then to a certain extent The support of the government is necessary, whether it is from the people, Shang Zeng, or other officials.”

Kuror said with a stern expression.

"Providing information on the beluga and crusade against the strong enemy side by side is the sincerity that we can give. I think that after fighting side by side, both sides can understand each other's martial arts, and the alliance can be left after the crusade against the beluga whale. Let's talk more."

"I am very interested in the king's threshold that your Excellency said. Now the nobles are no longer nobles. In this case, it is better to put the power in the hands of the king. If the king is not incompetent, then Luknica can continue even if she is freed from the protection of the dragon. ."


Xia Heng chewed on the word, looked up at the eyes of the girl in the military uniform, and there was no hypocrisy in the clear eyes.

"How are you going to hunt beluga whales? Even if I can take you to slay monsters, it doesn't mean that I have helped you with all your plans. It's hard to say that if the plans are too idiotic, I'll just give up on the spot, and so on. After you die, I will go up again, and it is not impossible to take the honor alone..."

"My plan does not include Your Excellency."

Cruxiu's words were astonishing, and his eyes were still fixed on each other.

"What do you mean?"

"Your Excellency can act at will. I understand that Your Excellency is far beyond the power of ordinary people, although I do not understand the protection that Your Excellency has. If you have rashly placed Your Excellency in any position, Your Excellency may have been dissatisfied. As for what Your Excellency said, I I believe that a strong person who has such an opinion on Wang Xuan should be disdainful of doing such a lowly thing."

"In that case, I don't think there is a problem."

Xia Heng nodded.

"Then~ Then, Emilia-sama and I will go back and wait for Jia~in."

Roswaal bowed slightly and smiled.

"After all~ Now that the king's election has begun, and the official announcement of support for Emilia-sama, the Witch Cult doesn't know what strange actions have been made?"

"Indeed, the Witch Cult may attack the Mezas territory at any time, and Lord Roswald must also pay attention to the safety of the territory. After all, the madness of the Witch Cult is beyond our understanding. 3.7"

Kurossi looked at the border and nodded.

"Then~ Well, Lord Xia Heng, I'll take Lord Emilia and Ram back to the mansion to wait for the good news. As for Rem..." Roswaal looked understanding. Said to Xia Heng with a smile.

"If Rem is concerned, he will stay here to serve Lord Xia Heng's daily life. Rem also played a role in the Battle of Moby Dick."

Rem spoke first, with a serious face.

"That's it. Then, I hope to hear the good news of your success?"

Roswaal bowed slightly and took Ram and Emilia out of the Zeng Conference Room.

Chapter [*]: The Three Big Monsters? Beluga

The gap between the rich and the poor in Luknica is clearly manifested in the capital, the Noble Street near the Royal Palace, the largest commercial street and residential area, and the poor street crowded in the corner.

The poverty of the slum streets was already seen when I went to Lord Roma's den. Although it was poor, it was not chaotic.Although everyone talked about trying to survive, there was hopeless despair in their eyes.

Deprived of hope, they can only wait to die in the corner of the dark, and it is useless even if they work hard. This is something that most of them have already practiced.

Even Felt can only steal and save money by relying on the natural protection he has received. What can other people without protection do except live a life of barely surviving and waiting for death to come?

However, this profound topic obviously has nothing to do with the current Xia Heng. Compared with the life and death and food and clothing of everyone in the slums, he is more willing to enjoy the rest time with Rem.

"Come 13, Xia Heng, ah~"

With a smile on his face, Rem stuck a sliced ​​apple with a wooden stick and handed it to Xia Heng's mouth.

"Hmm... it's delicious, Rem."

Naturally tasting the fruit handed by the girl, Xia Heng touched the other's head, and the girl smiled shyly.

"I said, can you guys stop spraying like an idiot couple!?"

After processing a batch of sent armor and swords and instructing the servants to remove them, Ferris, who turned his head to see what the two were doing, exclaimed in surprise.

"What's the matter, since you know we are a couple, do you still want to come over and intervene? I didn't expect you to be such a cat."

Xia Heng said while touching Rem's head.

"...It is possible to crusade beluga whales at any time? Is it really okay for you to be so lazy?"

Phyllis looked at the two sitting on the grass and complained feebly.

In the yard in front of Karlsten's house, there is a grass with excellent lighting, and this grass is being borrowed by Xia Heng and Rem to enjoy a pleasant afternoon.

Although there are dragon carts coming in from time to time to deliver goods, what's the hindrance?

At most, the poor people who delivered the goods were exposed to doubts about their lives.

Whether it was Xia Heng, who had nothing to do with him, or Rem, who only had Xia Heng in his eyes, obviously they never cared about the singles who were exposed.

What does it have to do with me when a single dog is exposed, there is no FFFHI in this world, there is FFFg] and it can't burn me.

Xia Heng savoured the apple that Rem handed to his mouth and thought without caring.

"It's better to say that if you are too tense, your nerves will be broken by a chime when a major event occurs."

In response to Phyllis's question, Xia Heng shook his finger and said after swallowing the apple in his mouth.

"You are so panicked, but what's the use? Before the white whale appeared, you spent so much physical strength in vain. If you want me to say, it's better to enjoy it and face the decisive battle with a healthy body and mind."

"If only Lord Crusius could think like you, it's always been like that. If Phyllis left for too long, I was worried that her nerves would break down."

Phyllis sighed helplessly, looking at the two who were still enjoying the beautiful afternoon. He probably felt that the sour smell between the couple was too overwhelming, and wanted to dilute it with a metallic smell.

He hurriedly ran to the dragon carriage that drove into the gate, instructed the servants to move, and moved down the armor and swords and other equipment.

The beautiful afternoon was fleeting, and in the middle of the night, Rem stood in front of the balcony on the second floor with an uneasy look.

"Really, does it really matter?"

"It's okay, Rem, you can't drink a bar? How about going back to your room and going to bed first?"

Xia Heng touched Rem's head and turned to look at the campfire below.

The news of the beluga whales came very quickly. It is expected that tomorrow afternoon, everyone will go to the big Fryugel tree on the side of Rifaus Avenue, waiting for the beluga whales that may appear at any time.

And tonight, it was the time when the soldiers who were called to clink each other's glasses and celebrate that they finally had the chance to get rid of the enemy Moby Dick.

However, Xia Heng and Rem did not participate in it. The former was invited to the balcony on the second floor, while the latter said that he would be where the other party was, so he just followed. "If you don't mind, you can wait for me in my room. 177"

Xia Heng smiled and let go of his hand, looking at the girl whose face had turned into a cylinder.

"I, I, I, I went to rest!"

"What's wrong with her...?"

Cruxiu, who walked to the balcony with the wine and glass, looked blankly at Rem and ran to the corridor with a face, and rushed into Xia Heng's room.

"No, nothing, just embarrassed."

Xia Heng took the glass from the other party's hand and replied with a smile.

Not long after the start of the bonfire night, Cuerxiu expressed his desire to have a drink with him for a while, and Xia Heng, who had no intention of participating in the evening, naturally agreed.

However, he did not expect that Crusius had changed his clothes.

Different from the military uniform in the daytime, the girl who walked into the balcony with wine and wine glasses was wearing a black dress with a pink shawl, and the green morning hair that was usually tied at the tail was also draped over her shoulders at this time - this is obviously It shouldn't be the look that should appear when two competitors are talking.

Compared to the usual heroic warrior princess, at this time Curr is more like a girl.

Chapter [*]: Sword Ghost for Revenge

"Today's night wind is cool and pleasant, perfect for sipping wine while looking at the night sky."

Crusius said while pouring wine.

"I think Your Excellency shouldn't like to participate in that kind of evening ceremony, so I plan to invite Your Excellency to have a drink together for a while."

"But now it seems that I am not wise."

Having said that, she glanced in the direction of Xia Heng's room intentionally or unintentionally, and said with a smile.

"No, if it wasn't for Miss Crusher, Rem probably wouldn't have panicked and agreed."

Xia Hengxin smiled and raised the glass, admiring the amber liquor in it.

"It's late drinking time. If possible, I hope you can call me by name."

Crusius also raised his wine glass, and the two sides touched the edge of the glass.

"After all, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend in the future, I want to get along with people like your Excellency."

"If you want to say this, Crusius doesn't need to call me Your Excellency, it's too unfamiliar."

Xia Hengxin took a sip of the wine in the glass and smiled.

"...It's become a habit to call others this way. It's a bit hard to ask."

Cuerxiu raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and said helplessly.

"Ah! Why did Xia Heng appear to feed here?"

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