"Compared to the savior or something, Querxiu, you actually started talking without honorifics. I'm very happy, are you planning to accept me?"

Xia Heng looked at Cuerxiu, Xin said with a smile.

"You obviously already have Lei "[-]" Mu, and Emilia is also fascinated by you. Even so, do you want to show love to me...?"

Crusius hesitated for a moment and asked.

Since the crusade against the Witch Cult, the two camps have made an alliance contract, and Xia Heng took Rem to live at Karsten's house on the grounds of deepening the friendship between the two sides.

Xia Heng's heart is obviously well known to passers-by.

For this reason, Emilia often brought Ram to the Karlsten's house as a guest. On the surface, it was said to be looking for a few people to talk about business affairs, but in fact, it was possible to guess what it was for.

Only the poor frontier Borodsvall is left alone in an empty house... By the way, there is also a double-helix scroll lotus that does not leave the library.Based on the latter's dissatisfaction with Roswaal, there is no difference between Roswaal and the empty house alone.

"Of course, I'm quite philanthropic."

Xia Heng ^ had no intention of concealing, and touched Cuerxiu's wine glass, and drank the wine in the talisman cup.

"...It's so direct."

Crusius smiled helplessly and drank the wine in the glass.

"Immediately, someone from every threshold will come to tell you that there is a young girl in the royal family who has not married yet, and wants to connect with a hero like you, why are you still obsessed with me?"

"Because I like it."

Eh? "

Kurossi was stunned by his answer, and looked into his eyes subconsciously.

"It may be greedy to say that. I like Rem, you, and many girls. It's not false whether it's sad or anything else." There was no confusion in his eyes. There was no wind of lies—all were the truth.

"Although you are telling the truth, but..."

Kurossi said hesitantly, but Xia Heng interrupted him before he could finish speaking.

"Don't rush to answer me, there is still a lot of time in the future."

"Ah! Why does Lord Crusius dress like this again to drink and feed with him!?"

At this moment, the balcony door was pushed open again, and Phyllis shouted in surprise.

"It's been said many times that he's a wolf! Lord Crusher was eaten by him sooner or later!"

"Well, it just so happens that I have something to do. I wish you a good dream tonight."

Xia Heng stood up, Hu Xin shook Cuerxiu's hand, then turned and left the balcony.

"Is this really okay?"

"Don't say anything wrong, haven't you heard what happened to the Yan I guy? "Sloth" is so easy to die, what should we do if we don't summon the Yugu witch in advance? "

"But success is hard to guarantee, right?"

"Do we still have a choice?"

The darkness fell into silence, and after a while, a tacit chanting sounded in the darkness, and the faint wings: light illuminated the faces of several people, and blood soaked the ground under their feet.


But unfortunately, the originally locked door was kicked open quite roughly. . . .

"Okay, everyone, come here. I'm here to check the water meter. Does anyone know where the water meter is?"

Xia Heng, who was wearing a white robe, smiled and looked at everyone in the room, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, all the sin bishops have gathered together, so I don't need to waste time looking for you. Although you may not know why I was discovered, the answer to this question is meaningless even if it is told to the dead. After all, you can all die right away."

"Sure enough, it's all right..."

Before one of them could finish speaking, the man's words turned into a painful cry.

That pitch-black flame surged in the darkness, mercilessly burning everything it swept across.And they can only watch their companions turn into a puff of black smoke in a daze, but they can't do anything by themselves.

Arrogant perseverance has filled their hearts, no matter who they are, they are willing to vent their violence. This is the abnormal emotion they are constantly suppressing at the moment. Therefore, they can't even activate their powers as Bishops of Sin 3.7.

Whether or not they suppressed this feeling repeatedly, they all turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated in the next moment.

The end is doomed, and things are just like that.

But it can be said that Xia Heng came a step late this time, not because of the one-touch timing, but due to various factors.

The black mist spread out from the center of the room, which was clearly black but could be distinguished from the darkness.It was a mist that was thicker and darker than the darkness, engulfing the surrounding things without distinction.

This is what the sin bishops awakened.

In other words, it was the "jealous witch" Sati who came to the magic fog that devoured the world! .

Chapter [-]: The Sword Saint Who Saves the World

The black fog filled the air, and after a while it became an air-like existence, existing in the whole world. People whined and screamed in the black fog, but they could not restore the people who had been devoured by the black fog, and the people who were devoured by the black fog. devoured themselves.

There is nowhere to escape.

The "Witch of Jealousy" Satiri who once devoured half of the world has woken up. The first thing she woke up after being sealed for hundreds of years was to devour the remaining half of the world.

In the devoured world, there is only endless peace, no more disputes, pain, sadness, anger... But this is not the world people expect, people's hearts are full of death Fear, hence the emergence of rebels.

"That's it! Witch!"

A knight in white clothes appeared in front of the witch holding a sword. The fiery cylinder hair became more and more dazzling in the black mist, and the morning sword with dragon claw patterns had been ejected from the scabbard.

"The "Dragon Sword" has been unsheathed, witch, let's capture it. "

"...why? 13"

The silver-haired half-elf tilted her head to look at him, and asked inexplicably, an innumerable number of "invisible hands" gush out from her body.

"Why do you want to capture it? What did I do wrong? It was you who did something wrong and vented your anger and hatred against me inexplicably, so why can't I take revenge on you?"

"Can't forgive, all can't forgive, all die, just let the world be destroyed, why hinder me? Why is it only me who should be hated, why only I have not been loved, why only I am alone, Why are you all trying to stop me!"

Hundreds of "Invisible Hands" poured out from the envy witch's roar, frantically attacking the ground in front of Reinhardt.

"It has to be done quickly."

Reinhardt frowned, pulled out the "Dragon Sword" from his waist, and rushed towards the "Witch of Jealousy" wrapped in the black mist.

He is not worried that he has been hit by the "invisible hand". Although he cannot see the black hands that are destroying the land around him, the "preemptive protection J that he has is destined to be before he hits the opponent." He was absolutely never attacked.

The biggest reason why he is called the strongest swordsman in history is that he holds more than fifty kinds of protection, of which more than half of them are used for combat, and they can even

It is said that it is completely unreasonable protection.

Blessing is the love of the world, and Reinhardt is the most beloved person in the world.


The blade of the dragon sword slashed down fiercely, cutting through the black mist that enveloped the jealous witch, and then countless "invisible hands" slammed into Reinhardt's place, wiping the corners of his clothes and shattering them.


Probably because the black fog that protected her was broken, the jealous witch made a louder cry than before, and the number of "invisible hands" increased sharply again, enough to cover the sky and the sun's ten invisible hands." He kept attacking towards Reinhardt, rambling across the land.

The figure of the cylinder hair is dodging the attack by instinct, and the body is constantly being scratched by the "invisible hand", but its own movements are not slow, but more and more swift.

——The more "Bleeding Blessing" itself bleeds, the stronger it once became.

Reinhardt jumped away suddenly, dodging the attack of the Ten Invisible Hands for a while, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and charged straight ahead.

Since you can't see it, you don't have to look at it at all, just move towards the goal and cut off the obstacles in the way.

The "Invisible Hand" was constantly bombarding, increasing the wounds on his body, and at the same time, the micro-elves in the air that had not been swallowed by the black mist were also constantly treating the wounds on his body.

The Dragon Sword can slash the things that cannot be slashed, two swords if one cannot, and three swords if two swords cannot... But it also has limitations.

Even the Sword God himself, together with Shenlong and the Sage, were sealed by the witch of jealousy.Reinhardt alone, who was bestowed with the "Blessing of the Sword God", was completely unable to survive the endless attack before being slain by the Envy Witch.

He can achieve a stalemate with the jealous witch, but he cannot defeat the jealous witch.

But there are no unsolved problems in the world, and even if there is no answer, you can find another way.

"Take it! Jealous witch!"

Reinhardt, who kept cutting off the "invisible hand" and rushed in front of the jealous witch, suddenly opened his eyes, a violent wave of air exploded from around him, and the hidden explosion crushed everything around him, even if it was jealousy The witch was also bounced off and was seriously injured.

He abandoned the "love of the world" that he had received, leaving only the "Blessing of the Sword Saint" as the Sword Saint. At this cost, he broke the defense of the jealous witch, and was even seriously injured!

Next, you only need to swing the dragon sword to defeat the jealous witch and stop her from continuing to devour the world.


Before Reinhardt swung the dragon sword, the severely injured jealous witch made a scream and cry that was different from the previous madness, like an ordinary girl, causing Reinhardt's movements to stagnate for a while.

Chapter [-]: Awaken the Witch's Cultists

"No aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

Just as Reinhardt was about to slash off the head of the "Witch of Jealousy" with his sword, the screams and cries of the innocent girl from the other party's madness different from the previous ones made him subconsciously startled.

The next moment, the number of "Invisible Hands" doubled again, and the frantic Fu Reinhardt flew into the air as if out of control. At this moment, he had turned into a mortal, and he was completely unable to withstand such a powerful attack. out.

But before he could shout, countless "invisible hands" drew his house to the ground, and Fu Qi turned into a blur of blood and flesh.

"No, no, no, don't do this..."

The Jealous Witch looked at the crushed thing that used to be called "Reinhardt" in horror, covered her face with her slender hands, and muttered to herself in defense.

"No, I don't want this, why..."

"Then what do you think?"

Xia Heng, who was hiding in the dark, walked out slowly and looked at the jealous witch who was sobbing in a low voice.

"Witch of jealousy, no, Sadie, what are you expecting?"

"I don't want this...don't!"

Countless "invisible hands" attacked Xia Heng frantically, but before they could touch his body, they were consumed by the black flames that rose from the sky.

"Is it out of control? Really, although it seems that people have become normal, their abilities have gone wild."

Xia Heng shook his head and walked towards Sati Li, who was sobbing.

"Please, let me be...々"..."

Sati Li, who was crying, pleaded with him, her snow-white neck quite conspicuous in the black mist.

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