"St. Valentine's Day...that means Valentine's Day..."

Xia Heng ^^ nodded.

Since they were released from the Genplasma Institute on Oshima, they used money and hint magic to get the friendly local citizens to talisman them to Shujing.During the time when he was living in Cambodia and Beijing, Xia Heng was not idle, but let the clone use money to open up the contacts of major companies in Cambodia and Beijing to find the whereabouts of his "failure".

Although I think with my toes, I know that the failed product should be in the hands of the Daat Association, but now is not the time to make a big splash with (bddh), after all, according to Carol

It has been seven years since the piece of "failure" fell into this world, and what effect it has caused during these seven years is also something he is quite curious about.

Rather than letting the social mediator move the algae with great fanfare, it is better to quietly let people search in the dark. No matter how secretive Daat's methods are, they are only human methods, and clues have always been found.

Of course, if the opponent's pursuers came to the door, he wouldn't mind using black mud to see what the other party knew.

Thinking of this, he stood up and patted the robe, and extended his hand to Carol with a smile.

"So, do you want to go out for a date?"

"When it comes to Valentine's Day, it's chocolate and roses!"

Carol jumped up from the bed and said expectantly.

"Do you want me to give you three roses?"

"Ah! It's so nauseous! Then I'll send fifteen flowers in return."

Carol had a tired expression on her face, but she dressed happily instead.

"Apologize to love... What do you mean? Then there were three fewer flowers in your hand before you gave it away."

Xia Heng shook out the black mud that turned into thin lines, and added several spells to the inside of the girl's coat.

"It's really domineering, but I like it very much, okay, let's go?"

Carol adjusted her beret, trotted, took his hand and walked out the door.

Although it was still daytime, the neon lights on the trees on the street were already lit up. Couples walked through the street, and the exquisite high-end women's clothing in the window attracted the attention of the girls.

"Hey, go buy me chocolate, chocolate, Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day with chocolate."

Carol looked around with great joy. To her, every new thing that came into her sight was like a treasure.

"Didn't you just say you want roses?"

Xia Heng held her hand, lest the other party accidentally get lost in the crowd.

"I want roses, and I want chocolate! I want them all!"

Carol turned sharply and rushed into his arms with a smile.


"It's so alive."

Xia Heng looked at Carol helplessly, wanting to take a closer look at the girl's smile, but the white beret somewhat blocked his sight, making it seem a little in the way.

"After all, it's been a few days in the hotel, really... ah! That's..."

Carol, who was rushing in his arms, looked at the dwindling crowd and the figure rushing out of the corner, with a lonely look on her face.

"Really, have a good Valentine's Day, why are you out to make trouble, damn Daat!"

With the sound of the alarm, the couples in the square fled, but within a few minutes, the two were surrounded by white figures.

"Target locked...fire!"

With the sound resounding through the street, countless bullets poured into the center of the square, but were blocked by the rising black mud.

"It's really annoying. You knew from the beginning that you were being targeted by them."

Carol said with dissatisfaction.

"That's wrong. I came to this open space with good intentions."

Xia Heng took off the other party's overly large white beret and said while touching his blue hair.

"Want to see flowers? I'll take you to buy chocolates after reading it.".

Chapter [*]: The Black Hand Hidden Behind the Scenes

"Do you want to see flowers? Kroll, I'll take you to eat chocolate after reading it."

Xia Heng ^^ touched the girl's hair and looked at the soldiers around him and said.

"You seem to like the Bible, so 'Lord came to Zoar, and the sun has risen'..."


Carol was stunned for a moment, and then answered.

"At that time, the LORD spread brimstone and fire from the LORD from heaven to Sodom and Gomorrah, and destroyed those cities and all the plains, and all their inhabitants, even those who were born on earth."

The air was distorted by the heat, and several fireballs like boulders hung in the sky. They hung there quietly, above the heads of the soldiers, and then fell down like a special effect, without even a single spark. It disappeared with a snap.

"This, what is this..."

Unlike Xia Heng and Carol, the surrounding scenery began to distort, not because of the distortion of the air, but because the trees, the ground, buildings, and weapons were distorted by the heat, and the trees turned into dead wood in an instant. The earth began to shatter, and the solid buildings kept crumbling, and the eaves melted like ice and snow, sticking to the hands of the soldiers.

"Strange, monster!"

"Help, help!"

Facing the unbelievable scenery, the soldiers threw away their melted or unmelted weapons in horror, turned around and fled.

""Lord's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt—"

Accompanied by Carol's recitation, a faint purple light appeared in the air. The fleeing soldiers kept terrified bears and turned into salt pillars. The two are the flowers that bloom in the center.

"Death's tweed, what a bad taste."

Carol Xin, who was held in Xia Heng's arms, said with a smile.

"Although it is said that I will take you to eat chocolate after seeing the flowers, there seems to be an endless stream of troublesome people."

"Hum... um hum... hahahaha..."

The woman's wild laughter came from somewhere, and along with the sound like liquid congealing, the metallic luster slowly appeared in the corner.

"That's great, Skuluji, ah..."

The beautiful blonde girl appeared in front of the two of them with metallic crystals, with a vigorous tide tank on her face, and her tone was almost full of sickness.

"It's you......"

Carol's smile disappeared instantly, and she looked at the blonde girl vigilantly.

"do you know?"

Xia Heng carefully looked at the blond girl opposite and frowned slightly.

He could feel her and Carol's glance, and there was a reaction similar to that of black mud in her body, that is to say, it was also an experimental body in the Genesis Gene Research Institute.

"One by one Present!"

"Well, yes, long time no see, Carol."

An unpretentious smile appeared on Pleasant's face.

"I'm present (Present)... A Christmas carol, right? As it says, "The ghost of Christmas appeared in front of Scrooge."

"Is it one of the three Christmas spirits that appeared in order to reform the Scrooge Scrooge? But there is a problem."

Xia Heng frowned and looked at Pleasant's body, and he was a little surprised by the crystallization reaction in the other party's body.

Carol's crystallized part is the uterus. If she is conceived, the child in the womb will repeat the process of life and death and cannot be born; and Pleasant's crystallized part - it should be said that she has not been crystallized There are only the body surface, part of the internal organs and the head. Unlike Carol, who is obviously intended to be used for what, it makes him feel strange that Pleasette can move with such a degree of crystallinity.

?? A request for flowers...

The "failure" is not the mud of creation, but a virus that was born based on the mud of creation. As Carol said, this virus is almost similar to cancer, but more severe than cancer's

The threat is more serious.

"It's not crystallization, but assimilation... It's even possible to do this."

Xia Heng shook his head slightly and continued.

"If you're really going to follow the Christmas carol, what about Jacob Marley, who guides Skulluji? Let's talk about the three Christmas spirits. The first one to appear should be the spirit of the past. Lastly, correct me, I'm not Sri Lanka. Kurogi, I'm not interested in participating in your strange plans."

"So, what should I call you?"

Pleasant looked at him frantically, like a man-eating mutter.

"...Just call me Xia Heng."

"Guian, Xia Heng, I'm Pleasant."

The ig girl gave a dignified salute, and then a sick bear's smile appeared on her face.

"I'm the quilt sent by Daat to chase Yi."

The luster of metal appeared in the air, and along with the shining silver light, countless metal-like crystals appeared in mid-air, taking on the shape of an eaves.

In just a few seconds, Pleasant was covered with crystalline eaves.

"Let me see more, your battle!"

^Li's girl laughed wildly, and countless crystals were ejected from the air.

The ninth and fifty-second chapter plays the movement of war

"Is such that......"

Xia Heng's voice was somewhat of a headache, and the rain-like crystalline morning eaves turned into countless debris on the way forward.

"There is a feeling of being unilaterally in love with a girl."

"On Valentine's Day, on the way to dating, he actually said such a thing."

Carol said casually, then looked at Pleasett.

"Pleasant can control the apocalypse virus, you better be careful."

"Yes, I love you."

Watching the crystals shatter, the tide tank on Pleasant's face became more and more excessive, and his voice even became a little hoarse due to his intense work.

"...awesome, so "[*]" is awesome. Let me see, more!"

More crystals flew towards Xia Heng, but this time it was not the eaves, but the fragments that were spinning like flying saucers, flying towards him with the momentum of a tornado.

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