Countless spikes protruded from the ring and pierced the body of the soldier 197, symbolizing the crystals of the apocalypse virus spreading on his body, and blood gurgling out of the wound.

"Actually, if you want to know the answer, there is a very simple way for me, but if you let you die easily, I don't think anyone has agreed to it, right?"

Xia Heng smiled and looked at the desperate soldier and continued.

"By the way, I'm also curious, if a person bleeds and increases the degree of infection, and if he loses too much blood and dies, whether his infection has stopped due to the disappearance of vital signs, or will it just turn into crystals and disappear. If you don't want to cooperate with me, I will trouble you to become victims."

"Let's continue the game, the good boy can die, and the bad boy will cooperate with me to do the experiment. The rules are simple and easy to understand, right?"

That genial smile made the soldiers subconsciously shiver. Although the surrounding (bddh) was full of raging flames, they felt a chill climb up from their tailbone to their brains.

After a while, there were only a bunch of corpses left, and Xia Heng walked towards the tallest building in Roppongi without caring.

"However, it really scared me. Not only did he kill Sakuraman Heizhou, but he also ordered the cover team to fire on me... You that guy shouldn't dare to do such a thing, at most he was a little dissatisfied with me, In other words, it's Daat's order."

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly.

"This feeling that my servant's servant is not my servant is really uncomfortable. If you directly interfere with Daat, it will become a boring ending like killing the final boss at the beginning. You have to find a way to make things more interesting. Okay."

"But before that, it's better to be a savior and save mankind."

As for killing Daat's cover team, he didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

Rather, killing these guys who strafed innocent people with a straight face would be a beautification.

Although Xia Heng also believes that his human nature has not reached the level of not being criticized, he has occasionally done such public welfare activities as picking up garbage and throwing it in the trash can.

Although garbage is slightly different from garbage in the usual sense.

"If I don't feel wrong, the real name is there now. But since the body has turned into a crystal and disappeared, is it only the soul left?"

Xia Heng glanced at the tall building in the distance, thought for a moment, and snapped his fingers.

The black mud rose from under his feet, forming a colorful crystal, constantly supporting him to move towards the top of the tall building.


The emotionless melody swirled over Roppongi, and the girl standing on the top of the tall building sang with a calm expression, even the crystals that rose like a rainbow from below did not cause her to have too many emotional fluctuations. .

"Your real name, can you hear it?"

Looking at the real name of Yingman, who couldn't show any emotional waves even with the wonders he specially created, Xia Heng said helplessly.

"In the end what happened?"


Yingman's real name looked at him, tilted his head as if he didn't understand, and then asked as if he remembered something.

"Hey, is your real name a monster?"


This question made Xia Heng stunned for a moment, but in an instant he understood the origin of the problem.

You don't even have to think that it was Ying Manji who subconsciously shouted when she saw the performance of the apocalypse virus on Yingman's real name.

Although it was an unintentional remark, Yingman's real name was only in her early [*]s at this time, and Yingmanji was her most important family member even if she put aside the identity of Adam.

In any case, the pot that Sakuraman's real name once ran wild can be deducted from Sakuraiji's head.

"Cute girl, it doesn't matter whether she is a monster or not."

Xia Heng sighed and said helplessly.

"That's what Ji said about you, he's just a kid."

"Then why does Ji Zeng hate me?"

At this moment, Xia Heng deeply felt how troublesome it was to let the little girl come out of the emotional abyss. He couldn't say that he was afraid.

"So, my brother hates me as much as Ji?"

Seeing that Xia Heng did not respond, Yingman asked with her real name.

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-one simple and rude crushing

"So, my brother hates me as much as Ji?"

Seeing that Xia Heng did not respond, Yingman's real name tilted her head and asked.

"Although I don't understand how you came to this conclusion."

Xia Heng walked towards the girl with a smile and said.

"I don't hate real names at all."

"So, get married?"

The words of Ying Man's real name made Xia Heng pause for a moment.

It is now [*] AD, and Yingman's real name was born in [*]... The death penalty started?

"Although I don't mind brother, is it too early?

"Aren't you mature enough now? Don't bother Lord Xia Heng."

You's voice suddenly bridles, and along with the distortion of space, a young man in a white robe appears here, and after bowing to Xia Heng, he reprimands Yingman's real name in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Lord Xia Heng. Eve, I let Adam understand his responsibilities. Don't make trouble for Lord Xia Heng. You are too immature now... Don't let me use the stone of origin."

"Well, my real name is still young. Although I don't mind marrying my real name, it's still too early."

Xia Henghuxin patted Yingman's real name on the head, then turned to You and whispered.

"About Daat, do you have something to explain?"

"The Daat my dereliction of duty."

You took a step back honestly and bowed in apology.

"When my real name is old, will my brother marry me?"

Sakuraman's real name seemed to not care about Yu at all, looking at Xia Heng and asking.

"Well, so it's too early to destroy the world now. Even if the world is to be destroyed, it will have to wait a few years. Before that..."

"Lord Xia Heng! Give me one more chance, I will definitely show you a perfect human being!"

Yu's tone eagerly leaned forward and pleaded loudly.

"I... Apocalypse virus is definitely not a failure, I have proved its worth to you! Please give it to me, Fu Eve, I have sent someone to protect her!


Xia Heng glanced at You and nodded.

"Then the real name will be handed over to you before it matures. No problem, real name?"

"Well, no problem."

"And then... what is Daat trying to do?"

KDaat...probably because the previous conversation was overheard by their people. "

Yu said with a guilty face.

"The people in Daat think I am the tomb keeper of the ancient civilization, so they may be... a little dissatisfied with what you said earlier."

"What was said before?"

Xia Heng was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Did I say at the Genesis Gene Research Institute that the Stone of Origin was just a failed product made by my subordinates through experiments? I was so angry because I was exposed, so I wanted to send someone to kill me, the insider. what."

"Yes. Although Daat was caught off guard by the apocalypse caused by Eve in advance this time, they are now ready to take advantage of this opportunity, and many people in Roppongi will clean up, incidentally.

Yuu explained with an indescribable expression.

"By the way, kill me too, it's too naive, if you want to kill me, at least send dozens of END-RAVEs to be worthy of my performance, but I can also

Let's set off more fireworks in Roppongi.

Xia Heng sneered and looked at the white hooded team that appeared from the stairs.


"Stop me!"


Before You could stop Daat's cover team from firing, they had already pulled the trigger, but before a projectile flew out of the eaves, a splendid spark exploded from their hands.

?? A request for flowers...

"Look, if you don't have a few END-RAVEs, there are only so many fireworks to set off. How boring."

Xia Heng looked at the white soldiers whose hands were dripping with flesh and blood, and said with a deaf shoulder.

"Although it's not complete, it will be terminated soon, but this is also the fourth apocalypse, so what if you don't let off fireworks to celebrate. Even if you don't say this, today is Christmas Eve.

You should all come to me with the determination to die, right? "

"Lord Xia Heng..."

"Do you have any opinion?"

Xia Heng glanced at You, who hesitated, and said lightly.

"I asked you to warn Daat not to interfere with me, so I will not interfere with Daat's affairs. I just wanted to sit in the audience and watch the play, but what did Daat do?

"Killed the Sakura Man Black Week that I needed for my nomination, shot at me again and again, and even made the real name unprepared to trigger the apocalypse... Or are you on Daat's side?"

"I am your creation."

You Jiaxiong saluted, and honestly stepped aside.

"Then everyone, you still have ten seconds. This is the time I leave for you to appreciate the last scene of the world. Enjoy it."

Xia Heng snapped his fingers, and the invisible force was held up by the white cover team, and they were sent to the outside of the rooftop.

"Strange, monster!"


"Silence is golden. If you don't like the last ten seconds, I can make you be like him." Xia Heng smiled and crushed the soldier who had just made a rude remark with gravity, and said to the remaining ten or so people.

All those who survived this lost Christmas have never forgotten the scene ten seconds later.

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