Loki, who was standing outside the monster festival venue, looked at the guild staff running around and said with half-squinted eyes.

"Although it's a little troublesome to guess, but it's just right to sell your favor to Ganesha! I'll ask you to inform my children, Ai ^ Carbon, let's go 11 alone first.

Before the family gathers, try to deal with the fleeing monsters. "


"Miss Jianji, she...is it okay to work alone?"

The guild staff who commanded the younger generation looked at Ai who gradually disappeared from the field of vision with some worry.

"That's Ai ^ carbon, it's just a few monsters on the eleventh floor, maybe it can be solved before everyone gathers."

Loki showed a bold and unrestrained smile, but there was a little light of unknown meaning hidden in his half-squinted eyes.

As an evil god who often instigates the gods in the heavens, she is the most sensitive to the smell of strange conspiracies. The same is true for the escape of the monster. Although there is no clear evidence, there is no doubt that someone is planning all this behind the scenes. .

"It's just a few monsters, Ai ^ Carbon must be all right..."

Feeling the restless impatience in his heart, Loki frowned slightly and muttered.


Just as she was trying to guess the origin of the culprit by intuition, a loud and clear female voice interrupted her thoughts, and two coolly dressed Amazon women ran over from the alley with a young-looking elf girl.


"What happened?"

"...Well, in a nutshell, the monsters that Ganesha caught escaped, and we helped kill them, Ai ^ Carbon has already taken the lead. Bar."

Loki was deaf and shoulder-deaf, and looked at the top of the tower not far away, where the blonde sword girl was standing looking for the figure of the monster.

"It looks like the target has been found...but even if it's a monster on the eleventh floor, you have to be careful. I feel like there is something in the west..."

"?々 I see... Tiona?"

The relatively young Amazon girl looked at her younger sister, who was resting uncharacteristically with a cautious expression.

"I said, did you feel the ground shaking..."

The skinny girl named Jing Ona looked around and spoke cautiously.

"......seems like it."

"It doesn't feel like an earthquake..."

"What's coming."

The frequency of the shaking of the ground has reached the point where Loki, who is an ordinary person, can clearly perceive it, as if there is some Khushi crawling in the ground, trying to break open the ground and pour out.

It didn't take a moment for the huge snake-like cylinder to break through the ground and burst out from the ground in a frenzy, like the countless cylinders of plants moving flexibly in the air. The snake's object headed towards Loki and others' street, without hesitation, smashed all the objects in the way, whether it was a living thing or a building.

"What is that... a new breed of monster!?"

Tiona exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the mysterious monster coming towards Yu Ji.

"Where did the Ganesha family catch this monster!?"

"There's no time for this... Ai is too far away. Tiona, let's stop it! Lefiya sees the opportunity to sing magic, don't let it cause harm to the venue!".

One thousand one hundred - I - chapter thousand fairy? Lefiya

Tione Silut, Tiona Silut, the Amazon sisters in the Loki family, are also the first-level adventurers in the Orari.Although there is a huge gap in the type of leeches, there is no doubt that the two are indeed sisters who cooperate with each other tacitly. As Lv.5 adventurers, they may make Lv.6 adventurers feel the danger when they work together.

At this moment, the unarmed two did not have the opportunity to be fully prepared as they did when they entered the dungeon, and the nearest support was only the old elves and the sword girls who were difficult to arrive in time, but even so, they went straight to Yuji aimed at the unknown monster that was ejected.It is not known what kind of strength the opponent has, but it is absolute that they cannot be allowed to act arbitrarily in the city.


In just an instant, the figures of the two appeared in front of the monster dancing like a mad snake. In comparison, their small fists smashed directly at the monster, changing its trajectory with astonishing power. .

"Hey one by one!"

"It's so tough—!?"

The two Amazon sisters jumped back to avoid the four 400 scattered stone bricks, and could not help but cover the fist that had just smashed at the monster.

"It can't do any damage at all, so just relying on blows can be endless!"

Viognier shook her numb fists and looked at the unknown monsters that kept coming.

"But it seems that only the one I hit just now is Benji, and the others are just tentacles and the like—Lefiya, please! I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in a while!"

"Yes, I understand!"

"Be confident, you have been given the title of "The Fairy of a Thousand"! "

Watching her sister slap thistle at the monster again, Tiona grinned and shouted loudly, while waving a painful fist at the drawn monster.

If they only rely on two people, I am afraid they can only deal with monsters for a while. Fighting without weapons may not be difficult for them (bddh), but it is also true that they cannot cause damage to monsters.It was already quite difficult for the two of them to prevent him from breaking through the protective net.

The elf girl named Lefiya Veredis took a deep breath of chlorine, trying to calm her inner panic and restlessness.and Sirut, who must be armed to fully unleash his fists

The sisters are different. She is a magician. She only needs two people to live on the monster to fight for the chant time to start the magic. Even without the increase of the magic wand, it must be able to cause damage to the monster.

After confirming this, she immediately began to sing. Although it was only Lv.3, she could be said to be worthy of everyone's expectations of her in terms of magical attainments—that she would become the strongest magister in the city in the future. The successor of the "Magic Princess" Riviria Leos Alfredo, in fact, she also has such potential, but she is still young.

"The light arrows liberated one by one, the bow stem of the holy wood, I am the master of the bow. Stop it! The goblin's shooter. Go through..."

Most of the mana needed by the talisman is accumulated and instilled into the spell when the chanting is finished, so as to prevent monsters from discovering it during the chanting. Lefiya originally thought so, but when she just chanted it. When she uttered the last chant, the pain in her waist and abdomen made her lose consciousness for a moment.


I don't know how the dark green bar that penetrated the protective net of the two Silut sisters penetrated the blond goblin's waist and abdomen in a ferocious and precise way, and just lost a piece of flesh on its waist and abdomen.


With the blood spilling in the air, the top of the strip 11, which was originally like a giant snake, suddenly burst open. With its disgusting posture, it reminds people of the beautiful thing like a flower. Countless roots took the opportunity to break through the defense line of the Silutte sisters, with a frenzy. Together with the master, they headed towards the face of the small elf who collapsed on the ground.

"It wasn't a snake, it was a flower!?"

"Lefiya, stand up quickly!"

No matter how the two of them called, they couldn't break through the countless tentacles that blocked the road ahead. Lefiya, who was brushed off her flesh and blood, had exhausted all her strength just to regain consciousness, and could only crawl on the ground in an embarrassing posture.

As the monster's roots and the main talisman were gouged out from the ground, Lefiya's body flew off the ground, and blood kept dripping from the wound.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong here..."

While the girl was waiting for the inevitable death to come, an unfamiliar voice alerted her not far away. When she opened her eyes, she saw a white robe with intricate patterns, not Sword Princess's white dress.

"It's better not to work erratically. It's better not to mess around with just a little emergency treatment. Although it didn't hurt any organs or anything."

Accompanied by Chlorine's light words, consciousness gradually returned from the far end, and the chill that had penetrated into the bone marrow began to disappear, and Lefiya felt the pulse of her own life again (R)

"Although I originally planned to bring disaster to the east, it seems that the situation on your side is not very good now."

Xia Heng, who held the elf girl in one hand and Hestia behind him in the other to prevent her from slipping, turned his head and glanced at the monsters chasing after him, and then looked at the frantic unknown monsters in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh. .

Chapter [*] The girls of the Loki family

"I originally wanted to say that someone near the venue might be able to kill those monsters for me, but I couldn't protect myself here."

In mid-air, Xia Heng held the difficult posture of holding Lefiya, who had just been attacked by an unknown monster, in one hand, and Hestia, who was stubbornly lying behind him, in the other. He looked down at the sky and said.

"The current situation means that Jian Ji won't be able to make it in a while, and you can't deal effective damage to the Yugu monster without weapons, right?"

"Uh... yes."

Even though she had just walked through the gate of hell and was still being held by a man she didn't know, Lefiya still resisted the pain and discomfort in her waist and abdomen, and replied in a low voice.

"Miss Ai is chasing other monsters now, and won't be able to catch up in a short time. Neither Tione nor Tiona are armed, so it's too hard to fight that Yugu monster..."

At this moment, Hestia, who was lying on Xia Heng's back, screamed in surprise, and then whispered in Xia Heng's ear.

"You didn't say you were going to help them, did you?! Don't care about anything else, their own strength is enough to delay the arrival of Jian Ji, there is absolutely no need for you to take action! And if you do, there will be a lot of trouble. I don't believe Loki will keep a secret or something, that guy is a slicker like a fox! If you help them, if Loki grabs the handle, we'll be finished? Damn!"

"I understand that, but I kind of suspect that we and Loki should be on the same hurdle for at least some things."


"Although it's just conjecture, but you can smell a little bit of it."

Xia Heng replied succinctly, then slammed into the tentacles of the monster that was ejected towards the three, and jumped into a safe area that had not yet been affected by the monster's offensive.

"You two take refuge here first, and I'll chat with Loki who was peeking over there."

Eh? ! "

Without waiting for the two of them to stay, Xia Heng's figure disappeared from the spot, and the tentacles that had been ejected towards them were cut off by Shuxi Touchyi who flashed by in an instant.

"It's disrespectful to call a god like that, Loki peeking over there."

In the shadow of It not far away, Loki, dressed in cool clothes, smiled and looked at Xia Heng, who was walking slowly. The latter was holding a standard morning sword that seemed to be picked up from the roadside.

"Well, can you put the sword down and talk again? Although I don't know what you want to do, I haven't gotten to know Ai ^ Tan well."

"If you don't take the sword, when the monster Yuji over there comes to tear you to pieces, it might be too late if I draw the sword again."

Xia Heng glanced at the monster waiting for an opportunity. Behind the dense tentacles, there were several monsters attracted by him.

"I have something to tell you, God Loki."

"If it's a show of love, please allow me to refuse, my body and mind are the bundles of the lovely girls in the family!"

"...Now the children in your clan can't deal with those monsters. If you delay, it's not impossible to get injured. Even a Lv. 5 adventurer, it's hard enough to face unknown powerful monsters without weapons. ?"

Xia Heng ignored the sloppy mouth of the other party, looked down at her orange hair and said.

"I'll help to solve the Yugu monster, but on the bright side, it was solved by the Loki Familiar. It's good to give me a part of the reward afterwards."

"Full of confidence..." Hearing this, Loki's originally squinted eyes opened slightly, and looked at him thoughtfully, "You are the one in the little dwarf's family... ...the other day

Yugu killed the Minotaur guy in the dungeon, right?I get it... Concealing and lying about the level and attributes, thereby reducing the tax, and tax evasion will be severely punished by the guild. "

?? A request for flowers...

"That's why I came to you. Anyway, the situation is deadlocked and it doesn't look good. Why don't you let me get a share of the pie, and you will look good on your face."

"However, since you can hide it from the guild for so long, the little dwarf Yugu definitely can't do it... I'm afraid it's your own idea, right? Thinking of this, you killed Ai ^ Tan and Bert the other day. You were deliberately exposed by the Minotaur?"

Rocky's tank-colored pupils seemed to emit a faint glow in the strange shadow, and they looked at each other carefully.

00 ....

"What is your intention?"

"Well... who knows?"

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