The man who was knocked flying pushed his body out of the green wall, stood up with astonishing tenacity, gritted his teeth and let out an angry low roar.

"Isn't this quite durable? It's better to let them sneak attack than to let the piranhas defend."

Xia Heng glanced at the enemy who was still able to stand on the ground with his feet in surprise, and then looked at his severely injured arms with interest.

After a series of chases, apart from the first defensive wall constructed by piranhas, it was the man's arms that blocked the vital points, but now, those arms have lost their function as limbs, and the bones below them As if it did not exist, the flesh on the outside was also fragmented, revealing bones that had broken into several pieces.

"...It's a pity, you should have realized more or less that it is impossible for me to be defeated."

The man who was full of anger suddenly changed his words, looked up at Xia Heng and said with a smile.

"The body that "she" loves will not rot just because of this! "

As soon as the words fell, the broken arm changed drastically.There was no sign of recovery magic, and no extractives were used, and the man just stood there, the broken arms began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, the broken bones were rearranged, and the broken muscles and skin began to connect. together.As if turning back time, the damaged arms began to return to their original shape, and only a faint steam came out of the wound.

And this vision also attracted the attention of the rest of the people who had recruited the enemy to clean up the seventy-eighth.


"This guy is..."

"Fei, Miss Fairway..."

Watching the fragments of the silent mask fall off the man's face, the exposed sick bear face aroused exclamations from the crowd, while Lefiya, who looked at Phil's stiff body beside him, was shocked.

An uneasy cry....

"Orivas? Actor..."

Under the girl's gaze, Phil ^^ lips II trembled and said the name of the enemy, while the Hermes family, who had been confused because of that appearance, fell into a nightmare.

"Oliwas? Actor... You mean that white-haired ghost!? Impossible!?"

Lulune praised the voice that was almost screaming, and repeatedly confirmed the face of the enemy with a pale face. In the end, she couldn't help but feel that her memory began to become confused, and shouted loudly to get rid of this sense of chaos.

"The white-haired ghost that Yugu planned "The Nightmare on the Twenty-Seventh Floor", obviously, died early tomorrow! ? "

"Dead, dead?!"

Lefiya was puzzled. Looking at the enemy with a strange smile, she suddenly felt a surge of cold oxygen rising from her back to 3.7.

"Oliwas Actor, estimated to be around Lv.3, named "White-haired Ghost", and is the target of a bounty.The main god has been repatriated to the heaven, and his family members have disappeared. "

In order to get rid of the fear, Lu Lune kept telling the information, and Yiyou used this to get rid of the fear she felt when the dead came back to life.

"It was the attempt of the notorious dark faction, and the mastermind behind the "Nightmare on the [*]th Floor".In the Nayugu incident, he was cornered by many family members, and finally became the bait for monsters... Only his lower body was bitten off, and it was impossible to survive! ! ! ".

Chapter [*]: The Lost Avenger

In this world, resurrection from the dead does not exist, or in other words, it is a miracle that cannot be achieved with all human effort.Even the legendary sage who wanted to bring people back to life, who even made the "Sage's Stone" and gained eternal life, failed countless times and couldn't reach that legendary realm.

The only people who can perform this miracle on this earth are the gods who have given themselves countless restrictions, and because of the restrictions they have given themselves and the respect for human life, no gods have ever performed this miracle.

But the white-haired ghost who appeared in front of everyone at this moment has undoubtedly received the grace of resurrection from the dead.

"So you're still alive..."

As if experiencing a nightmare, Fairway ^ frowned at the enemy, his white gloves wrinkled as he clenched his staff.

"No, I'm dead. I was on the brink of death 13, and she brought me back to life!"

Olivas showed a proud expression, shouted in a trance like a dream, touched his body from bottom to top with his restored arms, and frowned and pulled it away while defending.

The shattered obstructing cloth.

Following his movements, everyone finally got a glimpse of what his lower body, which had already been lost, looked like at this time—it was like it was carved out of the tentacles of a piranha flower, and the two legs showed the same pattern as cannibals. Flower-like yellow-green.What is even more striking is that it still seems to belong to the upper body of a human being. A rainbow-like crystal is buried in the middle of the chest, and the excessively dazzling light is refracted under the red light of the quartz column.

And Olivas was also like a demonstration. Ting Hung exposed the colored magic stone buried in Hung's chamber to them, and shouted with a grin.

"I received a second life! Not the so-called gods, nor anyone else, but "she" gave me! "

"What a joke..."

Confusion and dizziness attacked everyone together. The natural fear and rejection of aliens made everyone feel violent vomiting, and Lefiya, an elf, couldn't bear it, and couldn't help asking with a trembling voice.

"What the hell are you..."

"Good question!" The white-haired ghost shook his head with satisfaction, and his pale hair danced with it, "I am the power of both humans and monsters, a perfect and supreme being! It is you who rely on the grace of God. A great existence beyond the reach of the poor wretches!"

"You, are you a remnant of the dark faction?"

While A^phie was still recovering from her wounds in the black mud, Lulune, who was timid but unknowingly took over the burden, tried to keep calm and asked loudly.

"Heh!" Olivas sneered loudly at her question, "I'm not the same as those scumbags of the past, I'm not a poor doll manipulated by the gods."

His yellow-green pupils, like his legs, glanced disdainfully at the charred corpses and the masked people who were not yet dead and dying.In order to tell everyone that this group of death squads are the remnants of the dark faction, and that he has only reached a cooperative relationship with them.

"So, what's going on here. What are you trying to do with the remnants of the dark faction?"

Xia Heng, who was interested in this, put away the fighting situation and took the initiative to ask.

"This is the seedbed."

Olivas seemed to enjoy such a question and answer, and said loudly with open arms.

"Let the giant flowers parasitize in the grain depot and give birth to piranhas... This is equivalent to a relay station, allowing the deep monsters to breed on the shallower floors, and then transport them to the ground!"

Monsters are born from dungeons—this is a truth of the world that even the gods admit, but the piranhas that are constantly being born from the green walls around it easily subvert this truth, making adventurers feel it again. confusion.

"In other words, you created this space by using monsters as a tamer?"

"No! Totally wrong! I'm not a trainer."

Olivas denied it with aggravated tone, and said incessantly.

"Piranha 423 and I are compatriots whose origin is "her".I acted as "her"'s agent, and the monsters obeyed my orders. It was as simple as that. "

After all, as if to feel the incomparable glory for this, he touched his alien body intoxicated, but it only made everyone feel an irresistible nausea.

"......what is your purpose?"

Hearing this question, his eyes squinted due to intoxication showed a cold light that could not be ignored, the corners of his mouth grinned, and he replied softly.

"Of course... Destroy Orari."

In an instant, the big void fell into silence, only the sound of the green wall breeding piranhas and giant flowers absorbing nutrients from the quartz columns echoed.Everyone was shocked and stunned by these crazy words, and even held their breath for a while.

"You, do you know what you're talking about?"

It wasn't until a long time later that Lulune, who unconsciously grabbed her tail trembling with fear, raised her courage and asked with a trembling voice.

Chapter [*] I know a little bit about magic

Orari is a city built right above the underground labyrinth, so it is called the labyrinth city, and itself is the breakwater of the dungeon.

This giant city and the Tower of Babel built at the entrance of the labyrinth, which functions as a cover, have successfully and effectively prevented monsters from invading the ground. They are an isolation net that isolates the outside world from the labyrinth.

If Orari is destroyed, the monsters in the underground labyrinth will pour out to the ground unrestrained, just like the ancient times when the gods have not yet descended on the earth and Orari has not yet been built, the whole world will be plunged into war again, and human beings will fall into chaos again. The war with monsters will spread to every corner of the world.

"You, do you know what you're talking about!?"

Lulune took courage and asked loudly with a trembling voice.

"Of course I understand!"

Hearing the questioning, Oriwas raised his arms and cheered.

"By my own will, I want to destroy this city! In order to realize her wish!!!"

The unadulterated enthusiasm and joy in the words made everyone shudder, whether it was the other party's planned terrorist incident or the now fanatical demeanor that seemed to be irrational, it made them feel confused and panicked.

"Can't you hear her voice!?"

Olivas waved his arm violently, pointed one hand at the orb fetus attached to the quartz column, and shouted with an intoxicated look.

"She said she wanted to look at the sky! She thought about the sky day and night! Since this is her wish, I would not hesitate to sacrifice for her wish! Orari will prevent her sleeping in the ground from looking up at the sky, then I will put Oralie is destroyed! The city that blocked the big hole must be destroyed!! 々 "!"

"Instead of stupid humans and incompetent gods, she should rule the surface, she should rule the earth! She is different from gods who treat humans as a joke! She gave me a second life and treated me with compassion!"

"No one else, she chose me! Only me, only we can fulfill her wish! I will fulfill her wish!"

After listening to his words, everyone finally understood what the man standing in front of them was.

It is not a demon who has been resurrected from the past, nor is it a monster that is half human and half beast. The most important part of this enemy is his blind worship of the existence that gave him a second life.

"After listening to his nonsense for so long, why didn't you kill him? There are so many opportunities, right?! Don't tell me you were scared by this guy."

Burt's disdainful voice broke the silence created by the enemy's enthusiasm, frowning and shouting at Xia Heng, who was standing with his hands behind his back.

"Before you kill the enemy, it's better to get as much information as possible. Didn't Loki teach you?"

Xia Heng waved his hand and glanced up and down at Oriwas with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Besides, he can't move at all right now, and he can be killed at any time. Even if you continue to give him time to recover, there is no possibility that he will win."

"Hmph," Olivas still smiled when he saw that his plan was dismantled:

"Sure enough, it will be seen through. That's right, she wants to extend my life and protect me. My body is not enough to fully bear it. As you said, I can hardly move now for healing - of course, it's only me."

The white-haired ghost's smile continued to deepen, one arm suddenly raised, and he issued an order before everyone started.

"Do it, Giant Flower!"

Among the three giant piranhas originally attached to the quartz column, one of them trembled with the command, and its brightly colored head bent down towards the small people below.

The giant flower did not roar like a piranha, but instead, the body integrated with the quartz column and the green wall was peeled off from it. The noisy sound made during this process made people want to block their ears.

In the end, with a click, the huge body was finally completely detached, and everyone was able to get rid of the hell of hearing, but what came next was the smell of corpses that had been rotting for a long time. The strong smell of corpse almost made the sense of smell. The sensitive orc lost consciousness for a while, and it wasn't until Bert who responded that he roared loudly before he recovered.

"?々 Spread out one by one!"

Everyone quickly fled from their original positions, avoiding the body that fell from the giant flower. Under that amazing size and quality, even if the human body received the gift of God, it would only end up being turned into flesh.

"Sure enough, I will use this method to escape. However, no matter how big the body is, the weakness will not change. Coupled with the monotony of the same type of monster's (good) behavior, I want to guess the giant flower. It's not difficult to move..."

Xia Heng ignored the huge flower that was being smashed, and looked at Olivas who forcibly jumped out of the affected area and said.

"One giant flower is enough to keep us busy, and you have two left, so you are sure to win. Is that what you think?"

"Having said so much, it's too late to run away now!"

"That's the same thing. I was patronizing and talking, but I didn't notice that it was about to be completely smashed down."

In the face of the enemy's sneer, Xia Heng also showed a smile, and the majestic magic power suddenly burst out.

"I seem to have forgotten to say that before, I know a little bit about the magic that destroys large creatures.

Chapter [*]: Overwhelming Absolute Power

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