"Ming, I understand!"

Riviria was instructing the elf girl who was still in the growing stage, while keeping an eye on the surroundings.The magician who shouldered the firepower output of the team decided to trust his partner and waited for the opportunity to shoot.

"One by one, it's a new type of monster!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge yellow-green monster appeared in the depths of the passage.

The worm-like monster is covered in yellow-green skin, and it looks like a soft halberd: the skin is also attached with colorful lines, which are strangely dazzling.Countless short legs formed the lower body, and the upper body seemed to rest on the long lower body, bulging like a hill, with flat organs without thickness protruding from the left and right sides, and there were four cracks at the front, which may be called it. It is the arm of the monster.

This is the culprit behind the failure of the last expedition of the Loki Familia, a new type of monster that has never been seen before.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-six chapters are extremely cold? Fembull's winter

Although there was only one, the new worm-shaped monster forced the Loki Familia's expedition to be stopped on the fiftieth floor last time.Even if there is a lack of information, its strength is still evident. Last time, Viognier forcibly destroyed the monster's magic stone regardless of the damage, plus the magic of the magicians to win, and the new monsters that appeared next were even more It was all up to Ais to put down the trump card alone to solve it with the lowest loss.

This time, the encounter with a new type of monster on the way to the fifty-ninth floor will undoubtedly have a great impact on the expedition of the Loki family. The large amount of corrosive liquid stored in its body can even have the effect of eroding weapons with indestructible attributes. Although not damaged, there is no possibility that the blunted blade will continue to allow them to penetrate the maze.

When formulating the expedition plan, Finn also put the policy of dealing with the worm-shaped monster in the first place. When confronting this monster again, he gave an order without hesitation.

"Transform the queue!"

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two front guards staggered with the two central guards, Ais and Bert rushed towards the worm-shaped monster, the fine wind wrapped around the long sword in Jianji's hand, the magic of the wind that belonged to her alone As always, cheer for him.

"Ace, let me come!"


Hearing Bert's request, Ais immediately turned the power of the wind towards the other party's silver boots. The boots wrapped around the breeze seemed to light up with silver light, and the werewolf pulled out the double swords around his waist at the same time.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!" "

With the wind armor, Bert, who bounced off the corrosive liquid, rushed towards the monsters without any scruples. The sharp double knives and silver boots directly smashed the bodies of the monsters, and the worm-shaped monsters that suddenly appeared were unable to move towards the team. Another half step, Jian Ji's blade turned into an impenetrable defense net.

The city's strongest family, who cooperated perfectly and took measures in place, will no longer be distracted by the appearance of new types of monsters. Their offensive drowned the monsters like a raging wind. When Ais and Bert suppressed the monsters, the defender Livy Leah also completed the chant with extreme speed.

"—the veiled light, the frozen earth. Blow the snow, the triple winter—my name is Alf!"

"Everyone, retreat!"

Hearing Finn's command, the avant-garde and the central defender immediately dispersed, making way for Riveria's magic. The emerald-green magic circle also unfolded in an instant, and pale artillery shells poured out from it and penetrated the front. aisle.

""Extremely cold? Fembull's winter"! ! ! "

The ice cold that penetrated into the bone marrow whizzed through the center of the passage, and everything involved in it turned into ice sculptures. After a while, the thick ice fog gradually dispersed, and the world of ice appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, magic is really powerful. It would be great if the magic sword could emit this level of magic."

"If it can be done, then we magicians have no position to speak of."

Looking at the frozen dungeon, Chun raised his arms and shouted, while Riviria couldn't help but let out a wry smile, while the others smashed all the ice sculptures just in case, to ensure that the monster could not survive. Reorganize the team and move on.

The frozen walls were unable to reproduce monsters, and the journey to the fifty-second floor became much smoother. Without the obstruction of monsters, everyone quickly arrived at the entrance to the lower floor.

"From here, we must prepare for the inability to supply."

Finn looked back while standing in front of the stairs, and everyone in the Loki Familia also showed nervous expressions, while Tsubaki looked at the adventurers who arrived here without injury.

?? A request for flowers...

"set off!"

Following the brief order, the team began to march towards the fifty-second floor.

In the labyrinth with a similar scenery to the fifty-first floor, the entire team galloped at a faster speed than before, and Finn kept giving instructions.

"Avoid battles as much as possible! It's enough to just shoot the monsters!"

"Hey, there are dropped items over there!"

Tsubaki, who slashed the monster with one knife, saw the precious material in the ashes, and was grabbed by a supporter just as he was about to run to pick it up.

... 0

"Can't stop!?"

"Huh?" Tsubaki, who was dragged back to the team, had to continue to follow the crowd, and asked with heartache, "Why, I've never been here before, is there anything here?"

"Because we were targeted..."


Tsubaki looked around suspiciously, the dim phosphorescence, the complicated fork in the road, and the monsters approaching deliberately.

"what happened--"

Only then did she notice that almost all the supporters were trying their best to keep up with the first-level adventurers, their faces turned ashen because of the sense of crisis, and Gareth, who was at the back, was also urging, "Don't stop. !".

"It's a dragon."

Xia Heng, who was standing on the side, reminded aloud, with an interesting expression on his face.

"In the floors below, we can feel a monster with a dragon species aiming at us. I am afraid there is an attack method that can ignore the distance between the floors."

At this moment, Tsubaki also felt the trembling from the ground under his feet, and the roar of the king of monsters, Yiyilong, was faintly coming up from below.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-seven chapters are genuine dragons

"what happened!?"


Under Tsubaki's incredulous cry, Finn commanded loudly, and the entire team instantly turned into the path beside the regular road.And in the next instant, the ground was blasted open.

The fiery pillar of flame broke through the floor of the labyrinth, the high temperature distorted the air, and everyone's weapons were dyed red by the crimson flames.As if a giant bomb had been detonated, the floor of the labyrinth was covered in flames, and the monsters that had been kicked away in order to speed up were swallowed up by the flames and turned into a puff of smoke.

"Detour! Go to the west passage!"

Finn commanded loudly, and the team quickly moved to "[*]" to instruct to leave the regular road, running wildly in the vast maze.And behind them, there is a fiery pillar of flames gushing out from the ground again.

"It doesn't matter if you attract the worm type! Riviria, immediately use defensive magic!!!"

"Wood spirits, follow my wishes one by one and turn into forest clothes!"

"What is the number of enemies!?"

"Six, no, more than seven!?"

The earthquake that accompanied the flame pillar slowed the team down, and the flame pillar and countless fireballs that kept appearing from behind aimed at the team.Without even having a chance to look back, Riviria chanted as fast as she could, and Tione answered loudly while looking at her galloping feet.

In the end, the dragon's roar shook the floor, or in other words, the dragon's roar finally penetrated the blocks of several floors and reached the fifty-second floor where everyone was.

Even if they had been informed of the relevant information early on, and they had made up their minds, when faced with this moment, it was still difficult for everyone to hide their shaking.

The terrifying dragon roar that even the first-level adventurers could only concentrate on escaping, and the endless "artillery bombardment" from below, all endured the panic and kept running away.At this time, Lefiya's eyes turned to the side, and the only one who saw that like her was Gareth, who was at the rear of the team.

"Raul, run away!"

Eh? "

A large amount of spider silk suddenly spewed out of the hole in the passage, and flew towards Raul.Even a Lv.4 adventurer like Raul would not be easily caught in the trap of the giant spider on the fifty-second floor, but with his sanity almost shattered, he completely failed to take into account the possibilities on the side. existing pitfalls.As long as he takes another step forward, he will be captured by the giant spider.

"Mr. Raul!"

Seeing this scene, Lefiya desperately quickened her pace and grabbed the opponent's backpack, causing her to avoid the capture range of the spider silk, but at this time, another bundle of spider silk spewed out from the side, pulling her away directly team.


The monster called the giant spider slowly collected the spider silk and opened its giant jaws to prepare for prey.At the same time, it may have locked on Lefiya, who started to move slowly, and with the slight deviation caused by the distance, the flame pillar gushing out from below swallowed up the huge spider, and the shock wave sent Lefiya flying towards the sky. , and then fell straight towards the cave created by the flame pillar.

The sense of weightlessness made the elf girl tense her whole body, and then the sight she saw far from the bottom of the vertical acupoint made her unable to restrain her fear, and her whole body trembled.

In the depths of the deep cave below, which seemed to lead straight to hell, countless monkey teeth and eyes were waiting for her with ruthless colors.The fiery temperature condensed again in the mouths of those red dragons, and the angry roar hit the eardrums.

Aim and launch, and then there are countless huge fireballs that can completely melt the rock disk, and countless monsters from the depths of the ground are threatening with absolute violence enough to ignore the difference between floors.

With adventurers....

——The common sense before the fiftieth floor can no longer be used there.

——The dungeon is hell from the fifty-second floor.

Lefiya suddenly recalled what Riviria and Raul had said earlier.

The scale, size, threat level, everything is completely different from before the fiftieth floor, this place is already beyond the dungeon, enough to be called the hell of adventurers!

In the past, the family of Zeus, who came to the top of Orari, called these floors the "Dragon's Pot". A huge red dragon named "Balkan Bear".

This is already a dead end. Looking at the countless dragons below, words of despair flashed in Lefiya's mind. Able to maintain a rigid posture and wait for death to come.

"It's too early to despair. Adventurers can't be like this. 3.7. It's a little more whimsical. There are so many ways to survive."

With the familiar voice ringing in her ears, Lefiya's physical sensation time, which seemed to have been delayed to the extreme, suddenly returned to normal. She looked up, except for Xia Heng, who was hugging her stiff body.

Jing Ogne and Viona also shouted and jumped into the vertical hole.And above, there was a very pleasant voice.

"One by one, the "veil of the Holy Spirit"! "

The warm green light clothes wrapped around the fallen people, the protection from the city's strongest magician appeared on everyone, and the fiery fireball also flew from below at the same time.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-eight chapters draw the curtain for the war

A fireball with a diameter of five meters flew from below. Even though the four people who fell with gravity received Riviria's magical protection, they couldn't change their position in the air out of thin air. They could only wait for this as if they were paying attention to melting everything. fiery attack.

"Bastards one by one!!!"

Tiona didn't flinch, kicked the wall abruptly, roared and raised the indestructible great sword, and slashed at the oncoming fireball.

With the deafening sound of the explosion, the Amazon girl passed through the exploding fireball and reappeared in everyone's field of vision unscathed.

"It's hot!"

The green magical protection wrapped Viona, and although there was still a little black smoke, she was not hurt in the slightest.

"Flying dragon is here!"

"The other 13 people continue to follow the regular route! If everyone goes down, there is no way to take care of the supporters. Xia Heng, Lefiya and the others will ask you!"

At the same time, after stopping Ais who wanted to rush down, Finn shouted loudly towards Xia Heng.

In this situation, this is without a doubt the best option.After a few people landed, even if Xia Heng didn't take action, it would be no problem to protect himself for a while.And Ais, who can deal effective damage to worm-type monsters, must stay in the team. Only when they reach the fifty-eighth floor at the fastest speed can they join Lefiya and the others.

"It's really a troublesome guy. Speaking of which, when I was pulled over, I didn't discuss the remuneration with me. Obviously, the Hephaestus family can get a lot of materials, and I'm like a white man. work."

Xia Heng sighed lightly, and wrapped one hand around Lefiya, who was stubbornly hanging on him and didn't dare to move, and opened the other hand towards the dragons flying below.

"Well, I'm joking. Speaking of which, the magic protection given to you by Riviria should be able to support you to the ground, right? With a little preparation, the next impact may be a little stronger. I can't make it right now."


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