"Okay, it's too much trouble to be small, time is precious, let's start quickly?"

Looking at the rogue-like Hestia, Loki narrowed his eyes and said as if it was troublesome, but in response to the words of the city's first family, the Lord God, the war game negotiations began.

First, the two main gods sign the necessary documents, and go through the relevant procedures under the supervision of the surrounding.

"If I wait to win, then Xia Heng will be taken by me."

"I have to make it clear in advance. After all, if you cry and beg me afterwards, I can't bear it. If you can win, then you can ask whatever you want."

Apollo, who was sure of his own victory, only emphasized the ownership of Xia Heng—that is, the legal transfer of members among factions.Hestia remained silent. Apollo asked the god who was in charge of recording the meeting to write down his words in black and white, while Loki watched Hestia quietly, wondering what he was thinking.

Before long, the meeting reached the topic of 463, which involved the winning and losing form of war games.

"Why don't you let the representatives of the family decide the winner one-on-one?"

Hestia, who was sitting at the round table, stared at Apollo and spoke.Even if you have a chance of winning, you must try your best to get a war game plan that is beneficial to your own side. In addition, if you easily agree to Apollo's proposal, it will definitely make people suspicious at that time - this is the idea of ​​Goddess Jiangli.

"Using the arena and finding more spectators is the most lively, right?"

"I agree! After all, it's boring for the children of the Apollo family to swarm and beat Xia Heng."

"I agree too."

After Hestia cast a sharp gaze at Apollo, her friends Mih and Ken Yulei also expressed their solidarity.

Under the words of these two people, the rest of the gods also babbled.

"That's what he said."

"What do you think, Apollo?"

"The opponent was quite powerful in the battle a few days ago?"

"Although it seems that you used a magic sword, maybe you might be at a loss?"

The gods sitting around the round table all smiled evilly. For them, who were neither friends nor enemies, just watching the silent Apollo was enough for them to have fun.

Faced with such a situation, the blond male god wearing the laurel crown just showed a cold smile, looked at Hesvia and smiled.

"There are too few members of the family. That's Hestia, you are in a cocoon, who made you not spend more effort on recruiting members."


"Even if you say there are too few members, I have no reason to cooperate with you."

In any case, what Apollo said was the truth, and Hestia, who was refuted, was really speechless except for sulking.

"In that case, it's better to use the fairest lottery to decide."

Seeing that no one refuted, Apollo proudly put forward his own suggestion, and the god who was in charge of preparing in advance took out a box from nowhere.

Then, each of the gods present got a piece of parchment, and after they wrote their plans for the war game, they put them into the box together.After the draw is ready, it's a question of who will draw.

"I can't trust Apollo with a guy who blows his nose."

"...Me too, I also ask Mi He and Jian Yu Lei to take care of themselves."

Looking at the tit-for-tat (bddh) Hestia, Apollo clicked his tongue secretly and made the same request.

In this way...the two began to look around the round table, and finally fixed their eyes on the face of a certain god.

""Hermes! ""

"Uh... are you serious?"

Hestia and Apollo called out the names of the male gods at the same time, while Hermes, who was chosen, smiled wryly.

"My friend, I leave it to you."

"Please, Hermes."

Apollo had some friendship with Hermes on the edge of the sky, but at this time he nodded solemnly towards each other, and Hestia also stared at the elegant male god with piercing eyes.

For Hermes, who had always maintained a neutral stance among the gods, this situation may have been a case of being clever but being mistaken by wisdom.At the urging of Hestia and Apollo, Hermes could only give up his futile resistance, stood up and walked towards the box placed in the corner of the round table.And the focus of the gods present also moved with him.

"Let's talk first, no one can blame me..."

While muttering, Hermes reached into the box and groped.

Bathed in the sight of the gods, Hermes turned his gaze towards the paper he took out, and could not help but let out a soft "Ah" sound.

His movements stagnated for a moment, and then he let out a vague laugh, and stiffly spread the parchment in his hand towards the gods.

"Siege Battle".

"Hahaha! This is the result of a sacred and fair lottery decision, don't try to be rude!"

Looking at Hestia who was beating the table angrily, Apollo laughed heartily.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and Hermes drew a siege battle that required a lot of manpower and material resources. This plan must have been put into it by Apollo. Seeing that things were going so smoothly, Ah

Poirot also said proudly after slowing down his laughter.

"It's impossible to defend the city alone, right? Then let Hestia attack the city."

"Hey, sorry, can I interrupt?"

Seeing this, Hermes interjected with a high wave of his hand.

"Apollo, Hestia is too pitiful in this way, the combat power on both sides is unbalanced, and we are not interested in such a game.

"It's up to me to guard the city."


"I said, my family will guard the city!"

The petite goddess stood up abruptly, and under the surprised gaze of the gods, repeated loudly with astonishing force.

Chapter [*] Hermes has something to say

"Wait, wait, Hestia! Are you crazy!?

Looking at Hestia who seemed to lose her mind, but explained it in a firm tone, Hephaestus stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

"It's impossible for one person to defend the city, so stay awake!"

Not only Hephaestus, who is Hestia's friend, but other gods also looked at Hestia, and Apollo smiled because Hestia's seemingly self-destructing behavior~ Do not close your mouth.

"Even if my family has only two children, I believe they can - defend the city."

Hestia's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the gods who were worried about her were also stunned.

"Well, that's it, even if you are very confident in your own children, Hestia, we can't let the combat power be too unbalanced, right? Even if those two children are top Lv. Might be easy to stop Apollo's children, right? The gap between ranks is not so easy to bridge, so I recommend..."

With an embarrassed smile, Hermes raised a finger.

"Why don't we introduce a foreign aid system?"

"I disagree!"

Looking at the elegant male god who narrowed his eyes, Apollo objected loudly.

"I know, Hermes, those words that seem to be innocuous in your mouth, but they make me fall over every once in a while, don't think I'll fall for you again."

While pointing out his ill-fated relationship with Hermes, he slapped himself with injustice.

"The only people participating in the war game are the insiders of the family. This is absolute. The existence of the children of other factions will bring shame to the name of God's proxy war!"

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Furthermore, to put it to the extreme, if someone with the ability to be close to the first-level adventurer joins Hestia, there is no chance for me to win, right? The relationship between Hephaestus and Hestia is not Has it always been good?"

Hearing this, Hermes and Loki raised their eyebrows in unison.

The former knew Xia Heng's identity, and the latter knew Xia Heng's strength. In fact, after being surprised by Hestia's proposal, the two no longer doubted the difference in combat power for a split second, but they were still puzzled.

According to their understanding, Xia Heng was not someone who was going to show up in front of the gods. Even, he should have been hiding himself like Hermes. Hestia could not expose him intentionally, but if Hestia was If his behavior was ordered by Xia Heng, then things would be even more strange.

"Oh, don't tell me, are you afraid of Apollo?"


Just as the two were thinking about it, the silver-haired goddess who had been silent all along suddenly said, with an elegant smile on her face as always.

"Could it be that the opponent is just a few more people, so you don't dare to fight?"

"Don't underestimate me..."

"Or, you don't trust your children? Is your love for children nothing more than that?"

Perhaps it was the words of the goddess in charge of love and beauty that stimulated the restraint of the amorous god. Apollo's expression was as ugly as eating a fly. At the same time, Freya's supporters

It also changed the direction of the wind in an instant, and began to affirm the foreign aid system. In a blink of an eye, Shenhui exploded.

It didn't take long for Apollo, who couldn't bear the pressure, to agree to Hermes' proposal.

"...Okay, but, the foreign aid is limited to one person! And it's not allowed to be a family in the city, it must be outside the city, otherwise I will never agree!"

Even if we don’t mention the number of people, the foreign aid system is almost useless just because of the family members outside the city. Unlike in the city, there are very few family members with Lv.2 or higher members outside the city, but even so, Hestia Ya also has no objection.

?? A request for flowers...

"No problem, then if there are no other problems, I will go back to prepare materials and the like."

Hestia readily agreed to Apollo's bargain.Seeing this, Loki, who presided over the sect, also made the final speech of the sect.

"After that, we have to prepare a suitable city, and we have to discuss the date of the war game with the guild. If there are no other opinions, everyone will leave."

As the voice fell, the gods walked out of the room one after another. In the end, only Hestia and the friends headed by Mihe and Jian Yulei were left.

"Sorry, Hesvia, but..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault, Hermes."

Hestia shook her head at Hermes, then looked at Hephaestus who was approaching. Before she could speak, the red-haired one-eyed goddess spoke directly.

"Hestia, if you need it, I can provide you with some equipment. Although it won't be very good, it is better than nothing. You can continue to owe the account. There are also family members outside the city. I also know a few suitable candidates. …”

"Ah, I have something to say about this!"

Hermes narrowed his eyes and smiled smugly.

"I know a strong man outside the city, okay?"

"Then please Hermes. Also, Hephaestus, I won't ask you for help this time, just watch me beat Apollo!"

The petite goddess showed a refreshing smile towards her close friend, which made Hephaestus stunned, and then she showed a smile that seemed to be relieved.

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