"...Where did they go. And, there's another big question—the witch trial."

Matthew worriedly recounted what he had written down.

"According to the historical facts, Salem in [*] was the time when the reports of the Witch's Trial began to intertwine."

"Ah, this is a peaceful village...but that's just what it looks like." Marta Hari sighed, "It seems that some farmers are in a tense relationship due to differences in land ownership. Arguing. It seems that under their devout faith, a lot of dissatisfaction is suppressed. I can also understand why those young girls sneak out to relax like last night. "

"I also took a peek at the granary, and it seems that the problem of grain storage is quite serious." Robin Hood said of his own experience: "It should be because of poor harvests year after year. Perhaps by chance, this family is quite rich, at least it has the spare capacity to receive us, you must know that few families here have the ability to receive guests."

"One more thing." Medea's expression was a little worried: "Could it be that the image suddenly displayed by the observation lens Sheba in the near future is wrong?"

"It can't be denied..."

At this moment, someone pushed open the door of the living room and walked in.

"Oops...is the drama already being discussed?"

The brown-skinned plump woman looked at everyone with her eyes like a blue starry sky, and showed a soft smile.

"Did you sleep well, guests?"

"...That, it's Miss Tituba."

Everyone immediately interrupted the conversation, and Matthew smiled at each other.

"Yes, I'm Tituba. I'm the maid of the Carter family."

The woman named Tituba nodded with a smile.

"Although I know it's rude to ask, but Tituba, you are..."

"Do you care about my origin?"

Seeing Sansong hesitating, Tituba nodded slightly and replied.

"I'm from Barbados, a Caribbean island. Black servants are not uncommon in this area. Although I now serve Lord Carter, I used to work for Miss Abbie's father."

"I heard that Miss Abigail's parents have passed away..."

"...Well. Those two were killed by the aborigines in the forest. Miss Abi was also self-isolating for a long time at the time... It's really pitiful."

Speaking of this, Tituba's expression became a little unbearable.

"I don't know what it would have been like if Miss's uncle, Kata-sama hadn't come forward. Even though I've recovered my spirits now, I'll show a cheerful expression... But this time it's actually

Miss was attacked by wild beasts in the forest, she must be very scared. "

"...Since his parents were killed, it stands to reason that he would be very wary of outsiders, right. That child doesn't look like that, very innocent." Robin Hood rebuked, and Tituba nodded.

"Well, the eldest miss is a very gentle child, and even often takes care of people like me."

"Sorry, I have one more question. Last night besides Abigail's friend, there was someone else..."

"Oops, bad. I've got work to do, so I'll say goodbye—"

Before Sansong could finish his question, Tituba retreated outside the door as if he had remembered something.

"Please feel free to do so."

"Thanks, hospitality."

Nezha, who put down the completely empty bowl, smiled and watched the maid leave the living room.

"...Master, come here."

When Tituba walked out of the living room, Medea waved at Fujimarutachi and asked in a low voice.

"What do you think of that maid?"

"What do you think...a beauty with a suspicious atmosphere?"

Fujimaru Tachibana sat next to Medea and replied in a low voice.

"...Looking at your expression, you don't seem to think that you have reached this point."

Medea seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, Tituba's voice came from far away through the living room door.

"I'm sorry, there is a gentleman here who said he met several guests, so I'll invite him in."

"Knowing people...hey, who do we know here?"

Robin Hood sighed and looked at Fujimaru Tachibana.

"Commander Yuichi, do you need us to prepare?"

"You don't need to prepare. Although it's good to be vigilant, the use of force is not recommended here."

Before they could put their hands on the hidden weapons, the door of the living room opened again, and what caught everyone's eyes was an olive branch and a dove-like C-shaped pattern surrounded by it—

It is the symbol of Phoenix Chaldea, the agency for the survival of human rights.

"You are......"

"Mr. Xia Heng!?"

Matthew immediately stood up from the table and looked at Xia Heng who appeared behind the door in astonishment, while the latter greeted everyone with a smile.

Chapter [*] Abigail Williams

"That is to say, you accepted the request of Chaldea to break into the misty world without authorization to assist us?"

Medea looked at Xia Heng who was sitting across the table and asked with a slight frown.

"Yes, in order to avoid other people's attention, I spent more time. After coming here, I also spent some time preparing my identity. After all, meeting you late at night will make outsiders suspicious."

Xia Heng nodded calmly.

"About my role here, I'll talk about this later. Let's solve your problem first - you were talking about that maid~ just now, right?"

"Ah, then I'll go on--"

Looking at Fujimaru Tachibana, Medea sighed and said bluntly.

"I think it would be dangerous to stay here for a long time and we are being affected more strongly than we thought."

"I do feel a little nostalgic. The hut with air leaks, the sour smell of horse manure, the noisy church bells, the bland meals, and the boring homely British accent."

"Are you satisfied or not?"

Seeing that Robin Hood listed all the shortcomings here like a treasure, Sansong couldn't help saying.

"All in all, don't forget our mission, and the lives of those fifty thousand people, Robin."

"Oh, there's one more thing, and it also comes with a Faji frog."

"......What did you say."

"Why are you two here again, really."

Seeing the two who seemed to be fighting, Mata Hari sighed.

"Continuing to stay here, will your cognition be subtly changed... I think this may be because the world has blurred your correct cognition in order to allow you to better integrate into it. In short, for a long time It's impossible to stay here."

Xia Heng pondered for a moment and said.

"Then it's my turn to explain..."

"There's nothing wrong with Tituba! Why do such a thing to her!?"

At this moment, the girl's shout came from outside, interrupting Xia Heng's words.

"...It's the voice of little girl Abi. It seems that the owner of the house has returned."

Hearing that voice, Robin Hood said with a sullen face.

"Looks like something happened. Well, let's go and see first."

Xia Heng nodded and took the lead to get up and walk out.

"...get out of the way, Abigail."

Middle-aged man in gray formal suit looks blankly at blond teenage girl ahead in front of house

"No! It's me who should be punished, not Tituba, uncle."

The blonde girl named Abigail lowered her head, but did not walk away from Tituba at all.

"Didn't your uncle say the same thing?"

"Miss Abbie..."

"But the other girls, and the parents who heard about the situation, said the same thing."

The owner of this room, Abigail's uncle, a man named Randolph Carter, still showed the facts with no expression on his face.

"It is said that the pagan ritual was taught by Tituba, and that the reason why I slipped out last night was to hold this ritual. Although in order to prevent rumors from spreading in the village, we both agreed to keep our mouths shut... ...but what the hell did you do in that dark forest? Abigail."


"I'm sorry, I just came to this village today, and I heard that my friend came here after staying here, but it seems that it's not at the right time. This may be a bit overstepping, but even if you teach the child, it should be appropriate. Can you change your attitude somewhere?"

"What happened, Mr. Carter?"

"Ms. Fujimaru Tachibana... This is...?"

Seeing everyone coming out of the room, Carter frowned slightly and turned his eyes from Fujimaru Tachibana to Xia Heng.

"First meeting, Mr. Carter. I'm a friend of Fujimaru Tachibana and the others. Just call me Xia Heng. As you can see, I'm also from the East, but unlike them, I'm just a small businessman who sells tea and porcelain. ."

This time I came to Salem because I heard that a friend's brigade was going to perform here.He explained with a smile.

After all, this is the Inge chapter where tea is put into the three great despairs. Even if you are suspicious of the arrival of the merchants because of the poverty here, the friends who came to perform here, the Fujimaru Tachibana Brigade, cover up and pretend to be ordinary. Businessmen are hard to debunk.Not to mention, Xia Heng also pointed to the carriage that was parked on the street not far away, and the slightly heavy carriage could also be used as iron evidence.

"...I understand, since I'm a friend of Ms. Fujimaru Tachibana, I'll just say it."

?? A request for flowers...

Carter lowered his head slightly, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"My name is Randolph Carter, and the kid over there is my niece Abigail Williams, and that's my servant Tituba, as you may have seen. Last night

±, My niece left the village with the other children in the village and went to the forest outside, as far as I know—the girls all said that Abigail took them to the pagan ceremony. "

"But whether it's true or not, it's a fact that they sneaked out of the house late at night and went to the forest. If Ms. Fujimaru Tachibana and others had not passed by to help, maybe what we parents see today is only the wreckage that was bitten by wild beasts. already."

"So, even if it's based on this, please don't stop me from teaching her. This short period of suffering will keep her from being in danger. She must learn to distinguish what can't be done."

Randolph Carter explained while frowning at Abigail and Tituba.

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