"Please take Abigail and rush over first. I can't run fast because of my health."

Carter nodded, and then entrusted Abigail to Robin Hood, and asked him to take Abigail to the hills with Sanson and Marta Hari who were waiting outside.

"Wait a minute, Randolph Carter."

And just when Carter was about to go to the hills, Xia Heng stopped him, and even Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew, who were about to leave, were a little surprised by the sudden call.

"You... no, it's alright."

After a moment of silence, Xia Heng shook his head and then showed a thoughtful expression.

"Let's go faster--though I'm afraid the results will be the same."

The performance time was in the evening, and when everyone finished the performance and went to the prison and then reached the hills, the sky was only sparse moonlight and layers of dark purple clouds.

And in the hilly area below that, there is a gallows that has claimed countless lives, and the hemp rope on it seems to have a little fresh life temperature...

"...The hanging has been carried out."

Looking at the few people who came a step slower, Sang Song frowned and sighed.

"We didn't catch up. Tituba is dead."


Abigail, who arrived late with Robin Hood because of lack of physical strength, subconsciously looked down at the gallows.

"Miss Abbie, best... best not to watch—"

Even if Matthew said so, it was too late to stop it, Abigail had already witnessed the scene.

Under the gallows, the human body hung with hemp ropes swayed slightly like a rag bag, the neck was stretched by gravity, and there was a little dry saliva on the pale face.It was a scene that should not have anything to do with a girl who lived peacefully, and this horrific image of a close person was enough to make a girl faint.

Sanson, your statement is too much. "

Looking at Abigail whose body was shaking, Nezha glared at San Song.

"Your heart, is it a stone? Or is it blood, is it mercury. Anyway, think about it, Abigail's mood.

"...Sorry. I can't think of...other way of saying it."

Even if it is the executioner, Sansong is not an existence that abandons people's hearts, but because of this, he can only explain the facts here. The impact of this scene makes him have no extra energy to think about words.

"...Judging from the congestion, it's been quite a while."

3.7 Robin Hood lowered his voice, looked at the corpses on the gallows from a distance, and asked.

"The hanging was carried out at least an hour ago, that's right, Sanson."

"Yes. Very sorry..."

Sanson sighed.No matter how fast they were, they couldn't catch up with the hanging that was carried out at least an hour ago, and they were still performing at the time of the hanging.Just thinking about this made him feel a sense of guilt for no apparent reason.


Compared with Sansong, Marta Hari's reaction was much more direct. She saw Hopkins standing not far away, and she roared angrily, ignoring the guards beside him.

"Have you calculated us!? You didn't plan to wait for us from the beginning, in order not to be hindered during the execution, you will send us away! Am I right?".

Chapter [*] The Dark Middle Ages

Compared with the others, Marta Harley reacted much more directly when she saw Hopkins who was standing not far away. Regardless of the guards beside him, she shouted angrily.

"Did you plan on us!? You didn't plan to wait for us from the very beginning, so that we wouldn't be hindered during the execution, so you will send us away! Am I right?"

"...What is this woman getting drunk on? Is it bad wine? Or a sense of narcissism? Neither is a good thing. Don't forget etiquette and speak calmly.

Hopkins, as always, folded his hands in front of his belly, the white gloves were unusually conspicuous under the heavy dark clothes, and his sharp eyes were cast towards the crowd from under the top hat.

"You lied to us?! Hopkins!"

"...I'll just pretend I didn't hear your abuse. When faced with crimes and sanctions, the people will only lose their minds."

Hopkins didn't react much, but continued to stand there and watch the crowd, saying slowly.

"I have received the report on the drama. It seems that your performance has impressed the priests. Bless you. I allow you to perform in this village. I am looking forward to your excellent performance, Fujimaru Tachibana!"

"...put 13 down...untie the ropes for Tituba!"

At this moment, Abigail's shaky steps caught everyone's attention, and the look as if he had lost his soul made Sang Song subconsciously want to grab her shoulders, but fluttered in vain. .

"Already, enough... Please don't let her suffer any more..."

"Wait! Step back!"

"Don't touch her without permission!"

Before everyone could stop Abigail, the judges and guards near the gallows blocked her way and shouted sharply.

"No burial of sinners in public cemeteries! Workers are now being ordered to dig graves at the foot of the hills. No disturbance of sinners until then!"

"How can this be..."

"...it's too late, that's it..."

Just when Abigail felt desperate, Carter, who was a step late, also came to the hills, and when he saw the corpse on the gallows, he understood this scene.

"Uncle... I beg you, take Tituba..."

"...Oh, oh! My niece was right."

Hearing this, Carter was stunned for a moment, then she understood what she meant and walked in front of the judge.

"The corpse should be handed over to us, and you can't let you continue to humiliate her like this."

"Mr. Carter, I'm afraid you don't know, this is the rule in the village."

The elderly judge blocked Carter's steps and shouted in a loud voice.

"To let sinners and ancestors sleep in a cemetery is a blasphemy against other citizens! Please understand!

"Well... Judge Hopkins!"

"The criminal law has been enforced. I have no need to interfere with the custom of Salem.

Hopkins raised his eyebrows, then turned his back and left the relationship.

"Have you interfered enough already!?"

Seeing this, Fujimaru Tachibana couldn't bear it and roared out.

"When faced with harsh realities, people are shaken and hearts are opened. It is the devil who is executed. There is no need to grieve for the devil. Comforting those who stay is valuable, but... If you are too protective, you may be regarded as the devil's ****. Pray that your drama can bring enlightenment to the villagers."

"...I really don't like this guy."

"It's really a shame that he doesn't think he has a heavy beard, and his articulation is so articulate, he's just like a bunch of rubbish king H."

Seeing that Hopkins's tone had not changed, the green forest hero was not stingy with his sharp words, but he raised his brows when he saw the guards come forward with rifles on their backs.

"Oh, I don't want to be scolded by the gentlemen. It's just a little joke?"

"Crap as much as you want."

Hopkins turned around and raised his hand to stop the guard, looked at Fujimaru Tachibana for a moment and then said.

"Hey... Captain, it looks like your troupe has hired an excellent clown. All right. You are indeed outsiders. However, drama is not something that fools can get into.

So lift your restrictions.During your stay, I allow you to participate in the trial as a member of the jury. "



"Lord Hopkins, what did you just say? Are you serious!?"

Whether it was the people of Chaldea or the judges and guards, they all showed expressions of surprise. There is no doubt that Hopkins had never mentioned this plan to anyone.

"Yeah, God must be watching us...but the people in this village are very stubborn and don't seem to want to change their narrow nature at all. The dogma of forbidden sorrow has been smothered into black resentment, and the commandment has turned its effect. to belittle the hostility of others."

Witch Hunter looked around at everyone, and finally stopped at Fujimaru Tachibana.

"In this case, your troupe's performance may help open the hearts of the villagers and lead to the truth. Therefore, Fujimaru Tachibana. If there is a chance to be convicted in the future, you must also participate as a juror to assist in the hunt for demons. ."

It was already dark, and after trying to retrieve Tituba's body to no avail, everyone returned to Carter's house.The faint candlelight was able to illuminate the faces of everyone sitting at the table.

"Although it's called the New World, it's actually still in the middle of the middle world. It's a completely closed, ignorant, and dark world."

Circe sat at the table and sighed with a young face.Nezha 650 on the side also shook his head.

"...humans can, so indifferently, kill their own kind. Even in the face of monsters, if they beg for mercy, I will listen. Hopkins, what drives this man to do this

"Isn't this a very normal behavior for the Scrooge Witch Hunting General Hood?"

Robin Hood put a hand on his forehead and sighed.

"Diligent fakes often outperform lazy reals."

"You mean...there is no distinction between good and evil in this regard."

Hearing Marta Hari's bewildering words, Sansong frowned slightly and guessed.

"...Then what do you mean by bringing everyone together, Circe?"

Fujimaru Tachibana also sighed, looked up at Circe and asked.

"Predecessor, senior?"

Looking at Fujimaru Tachibana, who looked a little tired, Matthew showed a momentary look of surprise.

"I understand there's going to be chaos because so much has happened, but the most urgent tasks right now are to restore communication with Chaldea, investigate our cognitive impairment, and  … ."

"And what about the Whitleys."

"Yes! This is an important clue related to the Demon God Pillar. If you don't mind, Miss Circe, please continue the topic just now.

Chapter [*]: The World of Distorted Chaos

"—It took a lot of time, and I finally figured out the reason why I couldn't communicate with Chaldea. This is also directly related to the obstruction of our subject's cognitive ability. I omit the details of the process and say the conclusion directly."

Circe looked around at the people sitting at the table, explaining the current situation.

"At this stage, it is not that the spiritual body is hindered, but the opposite. Our Servants are in a state of maintaining a spiritual body but being restrained by the physical body. The spiritual substructure that constitutes the temporary body is in an abnormally excited state, and it can maintain this state. Magic is always available."

"Yes, metaphorically speaking, it's like the virtual image of yourself reflected in the mirror has a real body, and it stays in the mirror surface forever. The real body can't leave the mirror surface, in case the mirror shatters

"Crack, right?" "Well, all in all..."

Circe nodded and continued.

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