Living in a dungeon is unimaginable for ordinary people, but if you are in the know, you can undoubtedly think of the man-made labyrinth built around the dungeon, and this guy is undoubtedly living there.

Even if (Wang Zhaohao) Boros and others didn't know about the artificial labyrinth, they had to temporarily imagine that what Jiuluo said was true.

Bell's face gradually turned pale because of this.

The appearance of the matter has already been revealed, and it has reached the level that no one can guess. Even if he wants to make excuses for Lyu Leon, there is nothing he can do.

——Lyu found the enemy who framed and killed all of his comrades, so he ran out of control again, degenerating his body and mind into revenge.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-six chapters of the principle of adventurers

"That's why Jean was killed in Rivera because he was related to this guy..."

Borusmo palmed his chin, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Please! Help me...! I won't do bad things again, please hand me over to the guild, protect me, protect me from that guy...!

Jiuluo Halma fell to the ground like he was begging for mercy, begging bitterly.

That tragic situation, no one seems to think that it is acting, if it is a drama, then the price to pay is too heavy.

Even after a period of time, the surrounding area is still as noisy as before.

The adventurers gathered together, and around 673 there was still a burnt smell that was enough to make one's face wrinkle.

While the adventurers cursed and hacked to death the monsters swarming from other passages, Bell and the others fell into a subtle silence around a cat man.

The cat man named Jiuluo is still afraid of high winds.

Probably even if God was sent back, he was still affected by grace.Although I can't tell the actual age, it should be around thirty-five years old.It may be the relationship between physical and mental haggard, the eyes have (bddh) sunken dark circles, and the slender eyes at the corners of the eyes are still full of fear.

"What, what to do... Poros?"

"What else can we do... Give this guy to the guild, and we'll get a big bounty, but what else can we do? If this guy is killed by the wind, it won't do any good. Take it."

As if to match his status as a hooligan, Poros added.

"We're not messengers of justice. What's our purpose here? It's to kill the elves who dared to kill their fellow citizens in the town, right? We should do the same thing, just get more money."

Poros's policy was unshakable. In the final analysis, it was to solve the bounty target and then take the money. Although he didn't know how to delete it, the faces of other adventurers were no longer confused because of his declaration.

Only Bell? Cronney froze in place not knowing what to do.

He had come to rescue Lyu Leon from the subjugation team, but now, he didn't know what Gale Wind's original intention was. Although the appearance of the matter had surfaced, he still felt that something was wrong.

In other words, it is the intuition of the adventurer at work.

But before he could follow his intuition to think deeply, a shout not far away interrupted his thoughts.

"Is it a gust of wind!?"

Almost at the same time, screams also rang out.

As if electrocuted, Bell subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

Among the several passages far away from the field of vision, a cloak fluttering in the wind rushed towards here with an astonishing momentum.

"Go on, little ones!!!"

As if he had been looking forward to it for a long time, Boros let out a roar that almost made his veins burst.

There is no chance to stop it, and it is too late for anyone to stop it.The words of explanation have no place here, only the light of the sword is waving here, and there are only the elves and adventurers who are advancing in a straight line.

As if to surround it, the adventurers rushed towards the wind, but she didn't even look at these people, she just showed a creepy expression under the hood, and kept sprinting forward, making a monster-like sound. like a roar.

"For a long time - Luo_yi!!!".

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-seven chapters of the adventurers of the rabble

"For a long time - Luo Yiyi!!!"

The roar was loud enough to make people wonder where the elf's slender body was hiding such a terrifying lung capacity.

Even Bell and the others, who were some distance away, couldn't help but lean back, and the crystal maze was shaken by the roar.It was like the roar of a monster, which scared the adventurers who were about to attack her back.

"Go away!"

"Gu ah one by one!"

The scene that followed immediately made one wonder if he was wrong.

It was the high-level adventurer's barrier that contained the second level, but it was pierced like a wedge by the arrow of the wind in an instant.

She swung the wooden knife to fly away the dwarf who served as the vanguard of the human wall, and hit the orc who was about to pounce on the wall with a counterattack.The Amazons and the humans tried to suppress her assault, but both

Inexplicably dispersed.

Even a second-level adventurer who has experienced many battles can't fill the gap that seems like a chasm with the number of people.

"Long __ Luo __!!々"!"


Seeing the elf revealing a vicious face under the hood, constantly shouting his name, the cat man man turned blue as if the end of the world was coming, his body that was paralyzed on the ground jumped up instantly, turning around and pulling his legs regardless of the people around him. just run.

"That guy used some kind of magic or skill! Stop her! As long as we reduce her momentum, we are numerous and powerful, and we can encircle her! Don't ride her on the head!"

Giulo, who did not care about escaping, chose to gather his troops to suppress the wind, showing the majesty of the town's rogue leader and Lv.3 adventurer, and issued exact instructions.

He was sure that he could definitely win with his abundant combat power, and the team members listened to his orders and wanted to fight the enemy in close combat with great arrogance.

However, just before the contact between the two sides, the elf that had been rushing at a high speed suddenly turned around, and the body and cloak were like a whirlwind, making a sharp sound, and passed through the crowd with a gorgeous and strong gesture.

Not only that, but when she was passing by, she slapped a wooden knife on the back of their heads while they were standing there, knocking three people flying at once, and taking away their consciousness.

That astonishingly sharp technique almost makes people forget to breathe, forget the situation they are in and see trance.

"Tsk! Are you from the Loki Familiar!?"

In the end, only Poros was left, and he raised his weapon, the axe, over his head while spitting and cursing.

Just as he aimed at the extraordinary elf warrior who could be said to embody the four characters of "storm", and was about to chop down with a big blade, the opponent directly bypassed the sturdy body, and the wooden knife hit him mercilessly from the side. face.

Seeing that Poros' huge body hit the wall with nosebleeds, Bell's face twitched.

々...Wait, please wait a moment Ling! "

Just when there was only the last person standing among the adventurers, Bell shouted to her who came over (Wang Wang Hao).

"It's in the way."

As if refusing to waste time explaining the situation, Lyu directly took advantage of the momentum of the sprint to pass over Bell's head, without turning his head, and galloped away.

"Chase, chase!!!"

Porus peeled his face off the wall and yelled at Bell Cronney, who was stunned.

Before he could finish speaking, the white-haired boy smashed the crystal shards under his feet and chased after the back that had turned into a black spot.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-eight chapters are uncontrollable anger

Bell rushed all the way, but failed to catch up with the wind. In just a short moment, the other party's background disappeared from his field of vision.Before he hesitated for too long at the fork in the road, the threatening sounds and screams of monsters were heard not far away.

——It was probably the roar that the monster made when it bumped into Lyu-san.

With this thought in mind, Bell kept running towards the source of the sound, and the monsters that had just been chopped to the ground, or half-dead, or turned into dust, guided him like dropped pebbles.

But this kind of means is limited after all. In this vast dungeon, the opponent's footsteps are too fast, and he completely lost his target.And just when he was shaking and hesitating, the language like a song echoed and floated from somewhere.

"Now, far away, the infinite night sky responds to ignorance like my voice to those who left you--"

At the same time there is a magic power on the rise.

Like water spilling out of the vessel, the aftermath of the shelling could be felt even from a distance, and Bell's instinct as an adventurer couldn't help but cringe.

Then, the magic reached a critical point.

"One by one contains the brilliance of stars to conquer the enemy. The wind of stars!!!"

The originally inaudible incantation was completely overwhelmed by the high magic power, and in a bddh style that traversed the front, the storm of a large ball of light that was surrounded by strong winds penetrated the wall.

Bell subconsciously covered his face with his arms, and the bombardment swept across his field of vision like a meteor shower.

The labyrinth screamed with the cannon fire caused by the violent magic power.

"...the one that penetrated the dungeon, the wall?"

Seeing the magic trace that penetrated the maze with unreasonable power, Bell was stunned for a moment, then suddenly recovered, and ran wildly along the trajectory of the shelling.

He came to a huge cave through four crystal walls that shattered into powder and kept peeling off.

What appeared in front of him was a cat man slumped on the ground, and a wide cave that had been slightly transformed by magic.

"Save, save me! That guy is coming, save me!!!"

The moment he saw Bell, Jiuluo directly sent out a distress signal.But with his wailing, a figure emerged from the mist.

It was an elf with a wooden sword and a fierce look in his eyes.

"Miss Liu...!"

"'re here, Mr. Clooney."

Lyu seemed to notice Bell just now, looked at him sharply, and then issued a cold announcement.

"Please get out of the way, you're blocking me. If you block there, it will prevent me from getting rid of that man."

She waved the blood-stained wooden knife, stepped on her boots, and slowly approached Jiuluo.

"My only fault, Jiuluo, is that I didn't take care of you. I didn't confirm it carefully, and I thought I had taken your life, and I regretted it too much. It's like cursing myself for what I did, Lyu's voice. Full of anger and resentment.

"...At that time, I should have killed you for sure. However, this fault can be made up for now. It will be settled together with your intentions."

"I'll say it again, please get out of the way, Mr. Croney. Even if I'm going to have a grudge against Mr. Xia Heng, I'm going to kill that guy. Don't let me do anything unnecessary."

The violent words impacted Bell's cognition, and the cold-faced Lyu exuded a murderous aura he had never seen before. That was not something that a young adventurer who fought monsters could deal with.The murderous intention of people to people is something that he cannot understand at any time, who has a beautiful fantasy.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-nine chapters kicked off the conspirators

Lyu Leon's actions were much faster than Bell's thinking, and the blood-stained Kodachi mercilessly swung towards the cat man who was lying on the ground, making a miserable gesture and begging for the boy's help.



The two voices sounded at the same time, and the cat man Jiuluo opened his mouth as if the air in his lungs had been squeezed out, and made an out of tune.

"Although it's a little bit critical, I caught up anyway. Before killing this "Six Seven Zero" guy, can I have a few words, Lyu."

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