The imperial capital, the core of the empire, has become a state of semi-destruction.Fortunately, after the frenzied Supreme Emperor disappeared, the war was over.However, the screams still hovered over the imperial capital, just like before the change, as if something had never changed.


"It hurts - ah ah ah!!!"

"It's amazing, you still haven't died after being manipulated like this."

"I heard that he uses a special method to exercise, but this is the best."

On the execution platform set up in front of the palace, Minister Ernest was bound to death, countless torture instruments were placed aside to be used by others, and all those who had enemies with him waited in line, and the people who were worried about the minister were lined up. The long dragon formed almost from the gate of the palace to the gate of the imperial city.

"...There must be more people who can take revenge on him."

The people who had already executed the minister stood on one side, the resentment in their words had not disappeared, no matter how the culprit was executed, they could not restore what they lost, but all they could do was execute the sentence.

"This is the people's anger towards the empire and towards Ernest."

Standing on the high platform, Xia Heng looked at the execution platform below and said with a pleasant smile.

"...It seems that I am ashamed to be the emperor."

Beside him, the emperor who had changed his face looked at the hatred on the people's faces and sighed.

"Be bold, you can look it up."

"The future empire...will it be better governed than I am?"

The little emperor ignored it and turned to ask questions.

"That might not be the case."

Xia Heng didn't care either, looking at Ornest's distorted old face with tears in his eyes.

"Whether the dragon slayers become dragons in the end, or whether they can control Youwang and make this Li family prosperous, even if they go to the future to take a look, it is still uncertain."

"Even God can't see the future clearly?"

"It's no use provoking me."

Glancing at the little emperor, Xia Heng shook his head and said.

"Fortunes change no matter how many times you snoop, especially when there are uncertainties, like me. It's man-made, not destiny."


After a long silence, the little emperor rubbed his face vigorously, ready to turn around and leave.

"I am an unqualified emperor. Even if I survived because of General Bude, I couldn't even do anything useful. It's a failure. The ancestors will definitely be disappointed by this unqualified emperor."

"Do you want to cry now? But I won't lend my shoulder to a man."

Xia Heng looked at the petite figure walking towards the stairs with interest. He didn't feel the pessimism from the other side, so he couldn't help but say two bad words.

"The general's deal with 757 you is to allow me to end my life?"

The little emperor stopped at the entrance of the stairs and put his hand on the handrail.

"Yes, no one will assassinate you, and no one will notice that you are a former emperor. Although there is no guarantee that you will live a happy life, at least you will die naturally."

"Then, it seems that there are still several decades. In order not to be stabbed in the spine by the ancestors after death, I... I have to study hard how to make this new threshold family Taimin safe."

"Then wish you a bright future."

When the boy's figure disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, Xia Heng put down the wine glass in his hand, and stretched out his clenched fist beyond the railing.

The first thousand five hundred and eighteenth chapters fall into a chaotic world

He raised his hand and held it vacantly, as if the white flowers he had just picked were falling from the air with the wind, and the dew-like water droplets on the petals fell as they passed the execution platform, and gently slapped on the wrecked Ornest, the limbs that had disappeared. Rapid growth, and at the same time brought him great pain.

"There are still a lot of people, Ernest, if there's nowhere to cut it for later people, right?"

Looking at those tiny eyes distorted by pain, Xia Heng said softly.

"It's a pity that no one will mourn for you. Your pain and death won't hurt anyone, after all, you've left your parents dead, haven't you."

The white petals fluttered in the wind, like an illusory skirt. The light floral fragrance covered the smoke and blood after the war, as if it was taken away together with the pain and went to the other side that no one knew.

The war was over and the new II home was born.

Most of the talents who fought against corruption and devoted themselves to change have survived to become the pillars of the new threshold family. They did not support the empire to the end with their blood-stained hands.Those civil servants with backbone also work to the best of their ability.

The rebellion of An Ning Dao, who had fought against the suffering of the people, also died naturally because of the fall of the empire.

The harsh laws of the imperial era were also repealed, and people were happy to work.The blizzard caused by Esdes did not cause any damage as it did not last long.As for the ambitious local tyrants one by one

Or die of illness while sleeping, or die accidentally while hunting... After all, there is no escape.

The seeds of disaster were swept away, and the operation of the new II home gradually settled down.And the assassination organization named NightRaid only exists in people's memory, and they are not in the records of the new IS family.

And a figure in a white robe disappeared from this world with the closure of the space crack.

"Although this is considered a good deal, but offer me the advance payment and world coordinates, what is that Bubble going to do?"

Looking at the star realm as always, Xia Heng sighed.

When removing the contamination on the little emperor's soul, the line of sight successfully contacted him, but unexpectedly, Yoggsothoth was not angry because of his previous behavior in the singularity, but took the initiative to propose a stroke trade.

Xia Heng needs to go to a world where his power will be sealed, leaving only the mud of creation as the source, and as a price, when he leaves, the other party will directly provide the knowledge he needs.

No matter how you look at this transaction, it is a steady profit, and the only thing that makes him scruple is the intention of the other party.

Although that knowledge is nothing to the One Who is One, he is now acting like a Forbes rich man suddenly popping up on the side of the road and intending to give you enough money to spend a lifetime for no reason. Wealth, and the price is just to invite you to a (Zhao Li) meal at a roadside restaurant.

It's not suspicious, but it's full of the aura of a lunatic who would do such a thing.

Could it be that the Supreme Beings are all helpless guys with stomach pains?

Xia Heng couldn't help thinking.

In that world, he naturally had a trace of spiritual sense perception in advance. Even if he could only use black mud, there were not many who could win his existence, and there were a lot of difficulties.But the real threat to his life is probably not having a hand.

Chapter [*]: A Chaotic Another World

Anger, hatred, hatred, despair, sadness, jealousy, regret, humiliation... Many times human negative emotions are stronger than positive emotions. It is because of hope that people will experience greater despair.

Although it is no longer the era of turmoil in the past, under the influence of the gradually distorted society and the squeeze of capital, darker negative emotions like a pool of stagnant water have been born in people's hearts.

However, no matter ancient or modern, when these emotions overflow, the accumulated dark emotions will turn into curses, which can also be called curse spirits.

"Things are born from ordinary people, but they will not be discovered by them, nor will they take the initiative to touch them. What a wonderful creature."

In the abandoned building, a teenager in a white robe looked at the strange creature that he stepped on with interest.

There is no way to say that that kind of thing has the form of a normal creature. It is completely a thing that is simply piled up without considering the rationality. If it is not because its essence is not a creature in conventional cognition, I am afraid it would have died when it was born.

"I want to dissect it a little...but it's too dirty here."

Although there is no serious cleanliness, Xia Heng, who has shrunk by a section looking at the thick layer of dust around 757, frowned.

This kind of environment can't be properly analyzed, let alone without instruments.


"This bubble is a bit dry..."

After confirming the common sense of the world that Yoggsothoth had stuffed into him, Xia Heng looked at the clothes that were obviously one size larger, sighed, and closed his eyes to dig out the memory of this world, while manipulating the fusion The black mud in the fibers reduces it to the right size.

"Not only did it seal all the abilities except the mud of creation, but also reversed my physical form for a few years? I don't understand what it means for him to do so."

After all, his current body is made of black mud, and it would be easy to restore it to its original state, but since that bubble did it on purpose, it might be of any use.

Xia Heng of the Zen Temple, this is his name in this world.

In the world of magicians who can control the magic power that uses negative emotions as the source of power, the surname of Chanyuan means that it belongs to the Chanyuan family, one of the three imperial families.It is impossible to say that the surname of the Chanyuan has no weight among the magicians (bddh), and any magic family that can become a family cannot be ordinary, let alone one of the three royal families.

Yu Sanjia also has a considerable right to speak at the upper level of the magician.

The moment he learned of this information, Xia Heng began to make calculations about the family property of the Chanyuan.

But unfortunately, before he could make up his mind, the immediate memory made his plan go to waste.

To put it simply, Xia Heng of the Chanyuan is no longer a member of the Chanyuan family.

He was abandoned by the Chanyuan family because of the heavens and the curse, and he simply left the Chanyuan family alone. Although he did not change his surname, it was natural that he no longer had this name on the genealogy.

Xia Heng sighed regretfully for the Chanyuan family property that slipped through his fingers, and then noticed an unfamiliar term.

The so-called "Heaven and Curse", in words that ordinary people can understand, means that at the time of birth, God took away certain things, and at the same time gave certain things that ordinary people could not have.But many times, for the magician family, it is almost equivalent to becoming a waste.

For example, there are no magic powers and spells in the body, but it has physical power beyond human beings, and it cannot survive in the outside world but has a super wide range of magic power control...

The sky and the curse on Xia Heng of the Chanyuan, at the cost of physical disease, obtained a terrifying magic power.However, it is reasonable to say that this body cannot live beyond the age of twenty. At this time, under the influence of the black mud, the price of the sky and the curse has been reduced to nothing, and only the huge power of the curse remains.

There is a powerful curse, but the weak body is destined to be unable to fight fiercely. For a magician who lives by eliminating curses, he is undoubtedly unqualified.

"Spending a lot of resources on a guy who can't work for two or three years, no matter how you look at it, it's blood loss. It's no wonder that the Chanyuan family made such a decision."

After absorbing all the memories, Xia Heng nodded in approval, but then he showed a helpless expression.

No matter how huge the power of the spell, it can't be compared with the nearly infinite energy in the black mud, let alone the charcoal in the snow, this amount is not even the icing on the cake, and it is not even enough for him to rub a pitch-black sun.

Having said that, the Chanyuan family still has to find an opportunity to make a fortune.It's like there is a neat and thick snow in front of you. If you don't do something, you always feel that you are at a loss.


"Ah, sorry sorry."

Noticing the bad movement under his feet, Xia Heng looked at the restless curse spirit and smiled.

"Although it's not a creature in the conventional sense, it should still have an instinct for survival. In that case...I ask you, is tofu brain sweet or salty?"


"I don't have the ability to think... Maybe there will be more advanced spells? Well, it's just a piece of fish, you can't expect much intelligence."

The crisp snap of fingers sounded, and after a while, Xia Heng's smile suddenly became a little embarrassing.

The magic that was supposed to run smoothly was suddenly stuck when the spell was formed, as if a falling gate was suddenly placed in the open river.

is blocked.

"Can't even use magic? Obviously the magic power running in the black mud can be easily converted into magic power for release, and the power in the black mud can also be driven... Could it be related to the foundation of magic in this world? Is the plate related? It's amazing."

While sighing, Xia Heng withdrew the foot he stepped on the curse spirit.

But before it could get up and run away, the huge mantra condensed behind it and released it violently, directly tearing the invisible body of ordinary people to pieces.

"Without internal organs... Will it directly turn into a magic power and dissipate after death? It feels more like a spiritual body rather than a living thing."

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