Chapter [*]: The powerful super magician

"June, Morioka, Kaneda Taichi; August, Yokohama, Shimadaji; September, Nagoya, Yamato Hiro. All three died of the same cause of death. They were all stabbed to death by a curse spirit at the entrance of the apartment where they lived, and all of them died before they died. I've been complaining about the same issue to the property company for weeks."

"The same question?"

"The 'automatic door has been left open all the time', but other residents are unaware of it. It's not mechanical damage, it's just a targeted incident of "[*]" births."

"So, what did the same spell do?"

"I'm not sure yet, it's impossible to tell just based on the filth, the time is too long. But the three of them have something in common. They have studied in the same junior high school for two years. Maybe they were all cursed with the same kind of curse before, and they started recently.

"I originally planned to find the common acquaintances of the three to inquire about the news, but when they arrived, the funeral of the other party had already begun. After asking the relatives, the situation was the same as the three, and similar filth was found at the death scene."

"So, now the first graders can only go to that junior high school to collect clues?"

"Yes, my lord."

Xia Heng listened to the reports of his subordinates, tapping on the armrest with a dull face, while thinking about what to eat tonight.

After Shujing School won the exchange meeting with a score of [*]-[*], the Kyoto school returned to Kyoto that day. Perhaps it was because Kashin’s blood pressure and nerves of Leyan Temple couldn’t accept Gojo Satoru’s mean face, and everyone walked away. It's quite clean and neat, and even Zen Yuan Zhenyi didn't stink before leaving.

But in the days after that, nothing major happened to Shu Jing.Xia Heng can only live a simple life of three questions in his life, thinking about what to eat in the morning, noon and dinner, practicing martial arts in the first grade, and going out to clean up evil and evil when he is very bored.

A week has not passed, and there are not many gangsters left in the entire Cambodian capital city. Either the surname is Xia, or they disappeared in the gas explosion.Although it's a bit strange to use gas these days, most ordinary people don't want to interfere with what happens to the gangsters, and at most it's just more talk after dinner.

The only ones who will be distressed are the family members of the gang members and the guys who bought the gas company stock.

Now the first-year students are going out to do tasks, and the only thing he can do is to think about life.

Even if they want to apply for a mission as a super conjurer, they also put on a look that the conjuration world is very peaceful recently. Please go back and eat and sleep. A group of people....

Did you accidentally make too much noise during the exchange meeting before?

Xia Heng couldn't help but start to reflect.

Although he intends to frighten Cursing Spirit Fang and Cursing Master Fang, but if both sides start to be timid, and the result is that the two sides cannot fight, if both sides are against the same enemy, he is willing to play the final BOSS, but it is impossible to think about it.

This bizarre situation continues to stalemate, and I don't know how long it will drag on.

The construction of the realm of birth has also entered the end. If there is no major action on both sides, it is better to just destroy the main force of 3.7 and break away as soon as possible.

As he gradually completed the realm of birth, he felt a change in his deal with Yoggsothoth.As the realm of life becomes more complete, the degree of completion of the transaction will be higher. I am afraid that when the realm of birth is completed, the transaction between him and the other party will be completed.

It was all as if that bubble was really just to treat him to a meal and give him a ton of money.

Chapter [*] The cursed magician who was brutally beaten

Xia Heng didn't believe that Yoggsothoth had no plans. Although this style indeed echoed the style of the man who would give huge knowledge enough to turn people into monsters as long as he completed the ritual, the risks lurking in it still made him hesitant. .

It might be considered that the unresponsive system on his body has attracted Yoggsothoth's attention, but this kind of blatant kindness is indeed a little scary.

Did you invest in advance because of the potential, or did you have other plans?Xia Heng couldn't tell the difference.

His current strength is high even in the small garden where gods and Buddhas are everywhere, but if he goes to the world where Yog 13 Sotos is, his status will be immediately lowered.

Although this is limited by the rules of the world, and the opponent leaving his own world will also lead to a similar situation, but if both are in their prime, if they really want to fight, his winning rate will not be J.

Xia Heng's strength lies in the nearly infinite variety of magic power and power provided by the mud of creation based on human history. On this basis, his magic skills can be fully exerted. It is enough to destroy a threshold family in an instant after countless layers are superimposed.

But no matter how diverse it is, it is still not as good as the one who theoretically masters all known and unknown knowledge.

Although he is now ready to improve his personality and strength through the means of creating the world, even if he masters the method, creating the world is not an easy task.After all, even if Yoggsothoth gave the knowledge related to the creation of the world, he would not dare to use it directly without verification.

"The road ahead is bleak..."

Just thinking of Yoggsothoth's elusive kindness, Xia Heng couldn't help but sigh.

"Anyway, we must first find a way to deal with the matter in front of us."


The subordinate, who was holding the document and waiting for a response, was a little confused because of the thoughtless words, but soon, his confusion was dispelled.

"Did you bring coins?"


"Speaking of which, I haven't seen change for a long time. Speaking of which, do you think it is better to be an emperor in the dark, or to rule in an open and fair way?"

Xia Heng got up, took out a coin from a subordinate's pocket and asked casually.

"The subordinates and subordinates are not very clear."

Although I don't know what the boss wants to do, these guys who used to belong to the gang and are now half-washed are still vigilant and answered cautiously.

"Forget it, then attack the magician literally, and attack the magic spirit with a flower face."

Before the subordinates could react, Xia Heng threw a coin.

When the coin was tossed, the almost instinctive deduction ability of the black mud was temporarily shut down, and the doors and windows that were originally closed were suddenly opened. This closed space was instantly connected to the outside world, and countless variables began to participate.

Xia Heng closed his eyes and did not look at the falling coin. He allowed it to flip in the air and roll on the ground, as if he would arbitrarily throw the general trend of the world to the so-called fate to guide it.

After the subordinates understood the meaning of those words, they all looked at the coin that was guided by fate, perhaps because they were excited to witness this important scene, or perhaps because of this casual judgment. And fear.Everyone trembled subconsciously.

It wasn't until the coin landed that Xia Heng opened his eyes and looked at the open door, as if he was looking at something that didn't exist there, while casually asking his trembling subordinates.

"The coin, which side is it facing up?".

Chapter [*] Simple and honest knotweed Youren

"The most suspicious place at the moment is the nearby Eighty-eighth Bridge. Let's go and solve it tonight."

Seeing the assistant supervisor Akira Nitta drive away the people involved, Rose Ningzaki said.

"There are more and more victims discovered, and even Fu Hei's sister Tsumiki is a victim. No matter what, it must be resolved as soon as possible."

"Don't try to deceive us back, I won't be deceived by Fu Hei."

Huzhang Yuren nodded.

"You must be thinking of tricking us back and solving it by yourself? Even if there are three people in danger, isn't one person absolutely going to have an accident?"

"You..." After hesitating for a moment, Fu Heihui sighed: "Okay, the three of you together. Let's act tonight."


Knotta Yuren and Ningzaki Wild Rose looked at each other and gave a tacit high-five.

As a nearby suicide holy place, the Eighty-Eighth Bridge was originally one of the focus points of the high school of magic, but the usual patrols did not find it, which means that the magic spirit is in some kind of enchantment.

Bungee jumping is a popular test among the students, but when Yujin Knotta tried it, nothing happened.This forced the three to start thinking, and a call from the assistant supervisor at this time led them to find a new direction.

If the curse spirit is in the enchantment, if you want to enter the enchantment, you must follow a certain order.

The gall test carried out in the "dark night", entering from "under the bridge", plus the most important point - there may be a river or stream below the canyon. In short, it is the water flow that can be summarized as a river. .

In magic, the act of crossing rivers and realms and leading to the other side has important meanings.

Just as the three of them crossed the river, the world in front of them suddenly changed.

The breath of the curse spirit appeared from the cave, and countless pillars rose from the ground, going straight up and down.Before the three of them could observe carefully, a breath from behind made them raise their hands subconsciously.

A rush of air rushed past from the side, and when the dust fell, the cyan figure that was too large and deformed appeared in front of him.

Eh, what's going on?who came first? "

"Fu Hei, this guy is another"

Before Kuzhang Yuren finished speaking, another breath flew from behind.

"Catch up. Two teenagers, one girl, just as they said in the mission. Xue Tu, you continue to perform the original mission.

The sturdy man who came later looked at the three of them and reminded the previous spell spirit.

"My eldest brother and I will catch these three."

"Resolve it as soon as possible, bad phase, help me."

And the curse spirit that appeared at the same time, the eldest brother of the three brothers, looked like he couldn't lift himself up, and said straight.

"?々 There are still blood smears. Don't add more trouble. If there is any trouble, tell us immediately."


"Spell...or something else?"

Looking at the three people who communicated freely in human words, Fu Heihui frowned, his eyes solemn.

"Our three brothers are a mixture of curse spirits and human beings." As if forced to fight, the eldest brother of the three brothers shifted his focus down and put on a (money's) posture: "I am the eldest brother who is next to Bloat. The younger brother is bad, and the third brother over there is painted with blood."

"Swelling, bad, bloody... Could it be...!?"

"For you, we are foreign objects in the world. The three remaining three bodies in the nine-phase chart of the cursed womb made by the extremely evil magician Kamo Xianlun, rely on humans as containers to receive flesh, so you will kill us."

As if he knew the attitude of the other party early, he said slowly, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The first thousand and six hundred and four chapters are extremely tragic

"For one hundred and fifty years, we have relied on each other's existence to maintain the seal, and the three of us are one. For each other and for our younger brothers, we can only live with them as spell spirits.

"So, you must be captured alive, so that the Curse Spirit Fang can implement the plan faster."

The voice came from behind Fu Heihui, and the swollen fist slammed into his back, as if to smash his spine directly, thus cutting off the possibility of the absolute counterattack, but it was enough to catch up, and the magic power covering the body was dangerous. He narrowly blocked the blow.


Before they were astonished, the bodies of Kuzhang Yuren and Ningzaki Wild Rose 840 made subconscious movements, but before they could attack the bulge, countless branches of blood suddenly stopped in front of them, bombing endlessly.


Resisting the pain, Fuhei Hui took advantage of the situation and pulled out the hidden weapon from her own shadow when she fell forward, and Yuyin summoned the shikigami to attack behind her.

The shikigami with the ape-faced bird body instantly appeared, and thunder and lightning emerged from the dark red wings and flew towards the blood net that spread all over the sky.


Just when the thunder and lightning were about to touch the blood net, the figure of the swelling phase flashed again, blocking the path of the night bird.

At this time, Fu Heihui also saw the spell on the opponent.

It's not because of his high attainments in spells, it's just that the spells are too famous. During the previous exchange meeting, he happened to fight with the holders of the same spells.

The Kamo family's line of art is one of the red blood exercises.

The spell that controls one's own blood to fight, can be perfectly adapted to the battle at any distance.It can even improve physical fitness by accelerating its own blood.

The expansion phase is through this technique, an extremely strong explosion within a short distance is completed in an instant.

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