After all, he is now in Kamjing Bay, not Akihabara.

To be precise, it is said that in the middle of the night, there are underworld gangsters pouring cement piles to enhance friendship with each other, not Akihabara, where the dead house is fighting because of the east three sprites.

So that Xia Heng encountered either a patrolman or a slut who was jealous, and there was not a single gangster in the conventional routine.

Even if you ignore his appearance and don't look at it, the original breath alone can produce a great special attack on the creatures in this world.Even now, when most of the power is used to stabilize the crystal wall of the world, only those with firm will can not be affected, and those who are not firm will fall directly in a few minutes, as if wearing a brainwashing halo.

"Reihe's bastard, is the purity so low?"

After getting rid of the number 13 of idiots who were greedy for his body, Xia Heng looked at the most courageous baseball bats on his shoulders, and walked aggressively to the comic shop and picked up the comics. A few hours of gangsters, can't help but lament.

"Heisei's gangsters still have some courage. Do I have to take the initiative to provoke them to grab one by one and get the first pot of gold in this world?"

He didn't care at all whether the way he got the first pot of gold was too bullying and old-fashioned, Xia Heng hesitated again and again, and finally failed to rush to the comic shop to shoot those gentle and harmless gangsters.

He turned his malicious eyes to the black limousines that were not properly parked in the parking spaces, just parked on the shore.

Anyway, they are all robbing the rich to help the poor.

Even if most of the power cannot be used, picking a lock with black mud is no problem.

In fact, even in the information age, banknotes still exist.No matter how convenient electronic money is, it will not be completely replaced until the society develops to the point where mass consumption is no longer distributed according to work but distributed according to needs.

Plus, pen and paper are harder to track in this day and age than digital currency.The underworld also prefers to store pen and paper.

Just like the underworld in the [*]st century, it can also take out a lot of currency issued in the last century.

Taking advantage of the dim lights everywhere, Xia Heng opened the trunk of a vehicle with cash in it without spending too much time.

It is worth mentioning that the technology in this world is quite advanced, but the vehicles are the same as those in the early [*]st century. Not to mention the energy problem, the security alone is too simple, and there is no function such as identity verification. Pick the lock to open the trunk.

After all, in the eyes of manufacturers, the most important thing is the car itself, not the contents placed in it.

Unceremoniously, he took away all the cash he could bring, and carried the suitcase so presumptuously, before the gangsters' after-dinner exercise was over, he left with a little tune.

Before leaving, he waved to a nearby public camera.


The reason for this is simple, to attract attention.

No matter how the times change, in the tense society of Shuying, those who can make their opponents into cement piles and sink them into the Kamijing Bay must have considerable power and power.

The money from taking away a few suitcases is only a few hundred million yen. How could Xia Heng be satisfied with this?

It is much more interesting to let the other party notice you, and then take the other party's power step by step.After all, even if he has money, he can only buy electronic products such as neural connection devices, and things like RVs that require a contract will be troublesome.

You know, money does not mean power, and power can always bring money.

Ordinary people can live normally because they do not have money that is so huge that they will endanger themselves, and because there is huge power to check and balance the entire society and stabilize the rules.

Without proof of identity, naturally you cannot enjoy this rule.And without social connections, proof of identity doesn’t work out.There are things that can be seen everywhere, but if you try to get them, you will find that the composition is so strange.

Instead of spending time and effort to inquire about the news, and finally being slaughtered by someone, as a proof of identity that may be found to be false, it is better to directly replace the person in power and let other powers acquiesce to their own existence, then the identity certificate and so on. , will naturally appear in the hands.

As for the means, just like bullying on campus and sinking corpses in Cambodian Jingwan, Xiakeshang is one of the traditional cultures of Cambodian Ying, and it has to be tasted.

After leaving a provocative smile on the public camera and confirming that his face and whereabouts were indeed recorded, Xia Heng swaggered away from the vicinity.

It didn't take a moment for the underworld, who was sweating from pouring cement piles, to return to the car.

Not only did he throw a living creature that would not stop moving into the oil drum, and let the restless guy stay in it, he also had to mix the cement. In order to prevent the mixing from being insufficient, he and his subordinates were busy for a long time. I just filled the oil drum with cement.

He had been busy until midnight this evening, when he returned to the car with built-in air conditioner, let the 883 air conditioner penetrate through the seam of his clothes, and enjoyed the comfort brought by modern technology.

The day was almost over, pulling on the tie, thinking about where to go to the pub to relax after delivering the things, and naturally did not notice the disappearance of a large amount of cash in the trunk.He was already very tired, and he didn't want to think so much, even opening the trunk to take a look.

Maybe when he arrives at the place and finds that the cash is not enough, he will find that hundreds of millions of yen are missing in the trunk. At that time, he may not be able to explain clearly, and he will not be able to use his craftsmanship. Even cutting a finger may not pay for sin.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Xia Heng.

He didn't think about it at all, and even if he thought about it, he wouldn't care.

After all, he never felt that he was a sympathetic guy, it would be better to say that he was extremely poor with such people.In order to make his actions more convenient, what others will do has nothing to do with him.

Rather, he felt fairly fair.

In this world created by himself, everything in it is naturally his property.It is his right to cherish and destroy naturally. He acts for himself. If a plaything is destroyed on the way, it can only mean bad luck.

It's not that it was specifically targeted at anyone, but the destruction was carried out, everything was just going with the flow.

Chapter [*] The more labor, the more responsibility!

three days later.

I have to say that although the gangsters of this era look cowardly and bloodless, they don't look like hooligans, but rather like junior high school students who secretly violate the school rules and write love letters to girls who are secretly in love with them.But the gangsters are still quite face-to-face.

For at least three days, they quickly moved.

That little bit of money is naturally nothing to a big organization, but the problem is not the inside, but the face.

Hundreds of millions of yen were stolen, and the other party was so arrogant that he left a provocative video. If they didn't do anything, they could wash their tattoos, cut their fingers, and go back to the countryside to farm.

What kind of gangster, go home to wash and sleep.

Two hours after the discovery, someone found Xia Heng.

It's not that they made such a big move from the beginning, it's just that he stayed near Kamjing Bay and went shopping with several suitcases in a grand manner, for fear that others would not find out.


However, it is natural that a few little people can't make it difficult for this guy who has made a big crime. This bastard just turned down all the young people who were carrying non-lethal weapons. When they heard the news, the big guys He was also annoyed with swear words.

What rubbish dim sum, this kind of thing still sends the kind of soft-footed shrimp that is turned over by the face, can't you use your brain and use dim sum? !

The subordinates who were scolded by the nose were also very aggrieved. After all, a fugitive cowherd who seemed to be able to rely on his face to eat, was believed to be a fugitive cowherd from any store. Who would have expected such a sissy with white skin and no sun exposure to be able to All of a sudden, he turned over a dozen hooligans covered in tendons.

So ridiculous that when he heard the news himself he suspected something was wrong with his brain or ears.

Then, he sent out a double, armed with knives.

The results were no different.

Everyone was knocked unconscious, their limbs were slashed, and weapons were randomly placed on the side, like the vegetables sold at a discount in the supermarket at night, never stained with blood, and no longer sharp.

To be honest, even firearms are not necessarily useful against this kind of guy.But he still didn't send anyone with a gun, partly because no one was dead, the matter was not serious, and the situation was still

It didn't rise to that serious level.

It's also because after discounting the bones of the first batch of people, the other party left a "live" and asked him to help spread the word.

He said he wanted to chat with the bigwigs.

What are you talking about, the people below don't know, but they know that the big guys should come down, so they don't dare to send people to do useless work.

The bosses don't know what to talk about, but they still rarely get together, wanting to see this young, even looking young offspring.

Let's see if he can really take down that many people.

See if the gun is really useless against him.

"?々 It's been half an hour."

Sitting in the well-decorated conference room, one person raised his wrist and glanced at the Patek Philippe exposed from his cuff.

"Young man, want to give us a slap in the face?"


"Maybe you think that with a little strength, you can do great things (money). Young people like to have this kind of dream. Isn't everyone the same before?"

Hearing someone say that, the big guys all looked at each other in unison, with smiles in their eyes.

Who hasn't had that kind of dream?There is power one day, so desire power, as if everything will be at your fingertips.But until you hit a wall, you don't know that the power of the individual will never match the sovereign authority.

How can the power of a mortal dominate everything in the dark? .

Chapter [*] Are you Yakuza? !

Just as they laughed, the door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside.

Without knocking on the door, the visitor turned the handle, pushed open the door, and brought the wind and silence into the room.

"I'm sorry, there's been a traffic jam recently. But it seems everyone is telling jokes, so I guess it's not boring."

Xia Heng was wearing a white suit with a bright rose on his chest, as if he was going to a banquet, he said casually while wiping his palm with a handkerchief.

"If the joke is over, let's start talking."


Someone watched him walk slowly into the room, slowly pulled out a chair and sat down, then raised his hand with a smile, signaling his subordinates to continue standing in the corner, and immediately asked.

"What are you talking about?"

For these guys who are used to sitting in high positions, there is nothing to talk about, it just depends on whether the other party is qualified.For a little-known boy, being able to sit at a table with them is enough to save face.

"There is a lot to talk about. You can climb to this seat, you are not a taciturn person, right?"

Xia Heng sat on the chair, a friendly smile appeared on his handsome face.

"That's great. Everyone was dressed neatly and smiling happily, as if there was nothing to fear in this world. Ah, so that's what you say, as long as you join the gangster, you can't quit unless you cut off your fingers. , Because everyone is a family who do bad things on a blind date and love each other, no one can betray anyone, right?"

"Did you just say this?"

"Of course not, it's just that all of you are scorpion-hearted and uneconomical people. If you come up and talk about something meaningful, your dull minds can't turn around, right? I'm sorry that I think so for you, just be kind. feed the dog."

Seeing those loyal dogs standing in the corners twitching their fingers, as if they were about to pull something out, Xia Heng smiled, and then his expression turned cold.

"It's a pity, I've waited so long (bddh), haven't the real big shots come to the table? I wonder if I'm getting old and have a heart attack halfway, so it's better not to die on the road?"

"You guys one by one!"


One person raised his hand, his face was not angry, he looked at Xia Heng, and said coldly.

"We allow you to speak at this table, not because of your strength, but just to give a little face to the young generation. You should be honored to speak to us.

"It's scary. It seems that if I say a few more words, you will kill me."

Looking at the face that was not young, Xia Heng suddenly laughed.

"Although I didn't see the team leader, it is a great honor for such a big team to be able to condescend and talk to an ordinary person like me.

"However, in the end, it's just a bunch of Yakuza. Just putting on gorgeous clothes, they think they're a big man. It's funny."

Looking at those gangsters whose faces were getting worse and worse, the smile on Xia Heng's face became more and more prosperous.

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