"what are you up to?"

Luo Hao glanced at Li Hao with sharp eyes, and asked with a little dissatisfaction as his aura was a little out of control. What else is more important than practicing with her to become stronger, inheriting her legacy, and becoming the future martial arts supreme? ?

"I want......"The corners of Li Hao's mouth were deeply raised, and his pupils were shining brightly like black pearls. He showed an extremely confident smile and said in a proud and extremely arrogant tone:"——Killing God!"

"——Killing God?!"Even though Luo Hao was a member of the God-Slayers, she couldn't help but suddenly startled, her pupils widened, and she was shocked by these two words.

Gods and mortals are basically two-dimensional existence. Even if human beings reach the highest peak In the eyes of God, the Holy Knight is just a bigger ant, and he can still be destroyed. The gap is so sad and despairing.

The only one who can rival God is the one who has usurped it. The God-killer with his power can be said to be an inhuman existence, but Li Hao actually dares to speak out against the gods as a mortal! Needless to say, he also wants to become the seventh God-killer in the world. God -killer.

Such a spirit!

Luo Hao looked at Li Hao with an intoxicating smile.

Luo Hao would definitely say something arrogant and careless about life and death. He was an idiot who didn't know the heights of the world. He wanted to be on par with her! Then, he showed off his momentum and crushed the opponent into a meat pie.

However, Li Hao was completely different..

Why do you say that?

Because Li Hao has been competing with Luo Hao for many years, but he has still used the power that comes from usurping divine power. Rather than being like the boastful idiots outside, he clearly understood the power of God, but he still dared to say God-killing words! This made Luo Hao praise him, and he felt that he was magnanimous first. The first step is to dare to swing the sword at the gods.

Of course, the first step is the most difficult. Gods are as powerful as the sea. This is no joke. For mortals, gods are definitely higher than the dimension. Under the aura of a god, it is already considered good to be able to remain unafraid and have legs that are not weak, let alone swinging a knife at a god.

In particular, don't think that the power of a god is something that mortals can only look at and silently mourn. Killing gods is very simple. There are more than tens of millions of human beings who have died under the power of gods! Among them, there are many heroic and heroic beings, and the number of people who have succeeded in these hundreds of years is no more than two pairs of ten fingers.

"Do you want to kill gods and be on par with your master?"Luo Hao's words contained the accusation and dissatisfaction of not being provocative and majestic as a master. Appreciation flashed across his eyes as he looked down at Li Hao.

"So what?"Li Hao looked directly at Luo Hao and said without fear or flinching.

If it were other people, let alone saying anything to Luo Hao, I'm afraid they wouldn't even dare to look at each other with any blasphemy. Master Luo is a nerd, a super person. Even if she hasn't stepped out for several years or even decades, no one dares to look down on her. As one of the most ferocious God-slayers, there is another thing that scares all mankind.

The name is the Demon King. Because no one in the world can resist their power, they become unscrupulous. No one can only endure it silently without daring to complain or resist.

"very good!"After receiving Li Hao's response, Luo Hao nodded, stared at Li Hao with majestic eyes, and said:"So, are you ready to die?"

——Killing God! It is not an easy task, or it is not an exaggeration to call it the most difficult and dangerous thing in the world. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out by the gods. Even after death, there is no peace. Some gods who have the power of death can play with the souls of the deceased.

Not to mention mortals, even god-slayers may perish if they fight against gods.

"Go to death? No!"Li Hao curled his lips and immediately said in denial.

"Um?"Hearing this, Luo Hao frowned and showed displeasure. Without the courage to die, how can we talk about killing gods!

"Hum hum……"Li Hao said arrogantly with an unquestionable tone:"It won't be me who dies, but God!"

Suddenly, Luo Hao's peerless face showed a bright smile and said:"As expected of my disciple, you say Good!"

——Hey, are you praising yourself? Li Hao couldn't help but squint at Luo Hao and muttered secretly.

This cheap master of his has a serious narcissistic tendency!...Well, she does have the qualifications. The appearance is beyond the standard by countless levels, and the strength is even more powerful.

"However, courage does not equal strength."Changing his tone, Luo Hao said in a deep voice:"The great cause of killing gods cannot be achieved so easily. Of course, being a teacher will not help you. However, if you die in the killing of gods, your master will avenge you. No matter which god dares to take the life of my disciple Luo Hao, I will let him be buried with him!"

Hey, I haven't moved out yet? You can't help but curse me to death! Li Hao glanced sideways at his cheap master again.

However, I have to say that the cheap master has her own style.

Luo Hao won't help you kill gods or anything. Even in the face of death threats, I'm afraid I won't take action, otherwise, it will be an insult to each other. However, once you are killed, I will definitely go crazy and overturn the world to avenge you, even if the opponent is superior. God, still does not hesitate to take action

"Yes Yes Yes……"Li Hao responded casually."Master, I'm leaving!"

"Go early and come back early!"Luo Haodao

"Remember not to miss me too much~" Li Hao said with a playful smile

"——snort!"Luo Hao snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied with Li Hao's frivolous attitude, and swung his hand without hesitation. The strong demonic wind evolved into an invisible shock wave, and suddenly Li Hao, who was not prepared at all, was sent flying down the mountain.

"——Depend on!"Li Hao couldn't help but shout out as he fell."Can't you just let me go down the mountain in the normal way?".......................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically............................._Please download the novel without underlining

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