"‘The Chaser (Yagrush)' and the 'Destroyer (Aymur)' are divine tools created by the god of craftsman Kutar Hasis for the old man!"

Mekar waved the storm and thunder sticks in his hands, and spoke words like thunder in his mouth, and said introductoryly:"The Godslayer, the old man used the 'Yagrush' to lure the Dragon King Yam away from the throne. And 'The Destroyer (Aymur)' smashed its head, achieving the great deeds of the great dragon slayer!"

God-King Mekar was called 'The Great Warrior'’、‘The strongest hunter who slayed the dragon'. Because he defeated the Dragon King Yam, he gained supreme achievements, and these achievements pushed him to the throne of the King of Gods.

"hey-hey......"Li Hao grinned and said with a flirty tone:".......This gun of mine is no big deal. It just killed the Holy Son Jesus and gained the power of killing gods!"

"——It turned out to be that dangerous gun!"Hearing what Li Hao said, Mekar, who was also described by Christian culture as the Gluttonous Demon King of Hell and the Dark Emperor Baal, the head of the seventy-two pillars of demons, didn't understand the danger of the God-killing Spear. It has devastating damage to the divine body.

Suddenly, Mekar understood why he was feeling palpitated for no reason. The spear of Longinus was too dangerous for him. The threat level of the Word Spirit Sword is even higher.

It seems that this god-slayer has been underestimated and needs to be taken seriously.

"Lord God King, please let me see if the strong divine body can withstand the power of this gun!"Li Hao said with a smile.

Who will let you see it! Although Mekar has enough confidence in his own divine body. However, he does not dare to try the God-killing Spear that is congenitally restrained by the divine body.

"Godslayer, let me first let you try the power of 'Yagrush' and 'Aymur' that crush the head of Dragon King Yam!"Mekar roared. As the king of the gods, he is by no means a foolhardy man.

The strong wind with the power of a tornado blew wildly. The stone and steel buildings rattled. , cars parked on the roadside were overturned, and ships parked on the pier were washed into the sea. Lightning continued to shoot out of the black clouds, burning the earth.

"——Buzz!"Suddenly, the air made a continuous muffled sound, causing ripples that were clearly visible to the naked eye. I saw Mekar holding up two magical sticks containing storm and thunder, and smashed them against Li Hao on the ground. come down


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the earth was shattered. The terrifying aftermath of the birth swept through the surroundings. The air above produced a series of concussive riots, which spread out like ripples.

The earth cracked, and the entire island shook suddenly, creating The horrific earthquake. In particular, the bombardment of the boulders on the calm lake caused a shock wave like waves on the ground, impacting in all directions. Buildings were overturned and pushed down, causing visually unimaginable damage. Impact.

Suddenly, on the ground filled with smoke and dust, a golden light pierced the void and went straight to Mekar's head.

A chill flashed across Mekar's neck, and he subconsciously moved back to avoid the slash. The golden light came. The huge figure was extremely agile and did not want to look slow.

Mekar's eyes widened as he held two sticks in his hand and launched a series of attacks. Attack. Every time he swung, it caused a riot in the air, but it was like walking on a tightrope. Li Hao's face was sweating. But it was quite easy. With unimaginable superb skills, he avoided the attacks of God King Mekar one by one. Even the turning holy spear burst out with terrifying energy, forcing Mekar to have to defend himself.

"——God-killer!"Mekar roared angrily, and the two divine tools of 'Yagrush' and 'Aymur' stood in front of Xiong. The fierce wind and violent thunder blocked the golden light that struck.

That little figure, As if he was mocking the incompetence of the King of Gods, forcing him to do nothing, just lowering his noble head to him.

"‘Yagrush and Aymur! A pair of weapons that pursue me and serve as my minions, speeding, flying, sweeping everything!!"

After reciting the words, Mekar threw out the two sticks.

At the same time, the 'Yagrush' containing the power of the storm was wrapped in the strong wind and flew freely in the up and down, left and right, southeast and northwest directions.

The 'Aymur' with the power of thunder was turned into a gust of wind and struck from all directions and angles.

It was wrapped in lightning and descended rapidly towards Li Hao.

Although the trajectory of the attack was unremarkable, it was.

With an extremely terrifying movement like lightning, the two magic sticks that escaped from Mekar's hands were greatly increased in their agility.

Li Hao opened his eyes, and the magic power in his body was crazy. After being poured into the holy spear, it bloomed with dazzling light like the sun, burning with intense divine light.

Although the six senses raised to the extreme were enough to capture the 'Chaser (Yagrush)' and '. The traces of the Destroyer (Aymur)'s attack are like receiving a hidden weapon. However, if you can't resist the power of the storm and thunder, it will be of little use, and it will be directly bombarded to pieces.


Dazzling fireworks burst out, and two violent collisions were heard. I saw Li Hao holding the Holy Spear, knocking away the 'Destroyer (Aymur)' attacking in the front, and another carbine flying away the chasing 'Aymur' who was attacking from behind. Yagrush’.........................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically.............................

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