Chapter 29

Tower of Paradise, top floor!

There is a throne on the splendid hall.

At this time, a man in black robes was sitting on the throne.

This man is none other than Jellal himself.

"Lord Jellal, that traitor Erza, brought a group of Fairy Tail magicians to kill him!"

A long-haired man hurried over and reported to Jellal on the throne.

After hearing this, Jellal slowly raised his head, revealing his evil face.

"Erza, this is really interesting. I didn't expect that she would deliver it to my door by herself!"

The corner of Jellal's mouth curled up, and then he said to the long-haired man in front of him:"Go down and let Erza and the others in!""

Let Erza in?

Hearing Jellal's words, the long-haired man looked confused.

"Lord Jellal, with your magic power, wouldn't it be easy to destroy Erza and the others? Why are you letting them in?"

"This world is so boring, this is a game!"

After the long-haired man left the hall, Jellal had a cat-and-mouse expression on his face.

"Fairy Tail, who will appear in front of me first?"

While Jellal was speaking, Ye Yu, Erza, and Natsu had already entered the interior of the Tower of Paradise.

However, the inside of the Tower of Paradise was much larger than it looked from the outside, and there was a fork in the road every distance.

After just walking through a few crossroads, Natsu became a little impatient.

"Habi, let's rush forward in one go!"


After hearing Natsu's words, a pair of white wings sprouted from behind Habi, and then he took Natsu with him and rushed towards the top of the tower.

"We're taking the first step, I'll defeat Jellal!"

During the flight, Natsu shouted excitedly to Ye Yu, Erza and the others.

"Natsu, Jellal is not an opponent you can defeat alone!"

Erza immediately shouted to Natsu.

But for Erza's words, Natsu seemed as if he hadn't heard anything, and his body didn't pause at all.

However, just when Natsu and Habi were about to rush to the top of the tower , an owl-like creature fell from the sky and shot down Natsu and Happy.

"Lord Jellal said, this is a game and everyone must abide by the rules of the game!"

After Natsu fell to the bottom of the tower, he looked up at his attacker.

When Natsu saw the person in front of him clearly, he shouted in surprise:"The owl has spoken!"

"I am a warrior of justice, Xiao!"

The guy with the head of a human owl tilted his head and introduced himself to Natsu.

"I don't care who you are, don't get in the way!"

"I want to defeat Jellal!"

Hearing Natsu's words, Xiao's eyes revealed a fierce light.

"Defeat Lord Jellal?"

"Whether you can leave here alive or not is still up for grabs!"

After that, Xiao Xiao launched an attack on Natsu.

Seeing Xiao Xiao attacking, Natsu was not afraid at all.

"The iron fist of the fire dragon!"

After casting the dragon-slaying magic, Natsu fought fiercely with Xiao.

At the same time, Ye Yu and Erza, led by Simon and others, rushed towards the top of the tower..

However, just as everyone turned a corner, the sound of a guitar suddenly came from the air.

"This voice is……"

The moment they heard the sound of the guitar, the expressions of Simon, Miliana and others suddenly changed.

"It's the Eagle of the Skull and Bones assassination team. That guy is very strong!"

"Before meeting Jellal, try not to fight that guy and consume your magic power!"

After Simon said something, he was ready to lead everyone around.

However, before Simon and others could go far, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and blocked everyone's way.

"Found you!"

A man holding a guitar and with long hair on the ground said to Ye Yu and Erza.

Obviously, this person is the eagle in Simon's mouth

"This is a game!"

"Can you leave alive?"

Ying said while playing the guitar in his hand. As soon as he finished speaking, the long hair behind him was like a living creature, sweeping towards Ye Yu and his group.

Before Ye Yu could take action, Gray dodged and blocked the way. in front of everyone

"Ice shape, ice hammer!"

I saw Gray clenching his hand into a fist and smashing it against the other palm.

The next second, a huge ice hammer hit those hairs directly.

Tsk-- but just as the ice hammer collided with those hairs In an instant, those hairs were like hard spears, stabbing the ice hammer into pieces.


Seeing that his magic was ineffective, Gray was shocked.

"Too weak! Too weak!"

After Eagle defeated Gray's magic, he played the guitar with a proud look on his face.

At the same time, the hair that defeated the ice hammer did not pause at all, and rushed towards Ye Yu and Erza.

"Sanyuwu is so strong!"

Milliana said with a frightened expression when she saw that Gray's ice magic could not withstand the attack of the eagle.

However, just when Miliana was about to take action to resist the long hair rushing towards him, Ye Yu had already activated Yinbel. The ice magic attribute.

Buzz -

As the ice magic attribute was activated, a wave of cold air swept across the entire aisle.

The long hair rushing over was the first to be frozen, followed by the eagle holding the guitar. It was frozen into an ice sculpture, and the entire aisle was like a freezer, extremely cold.

"Take advantage of now!"

At this time, Erza and others were not in the mood to marvel at Ye Yu's strength.

After seeing the eagle being frozen, she rushed straight along the aisle without any hesitation.

Ye Yu collected the magic power dropped from the system After the attributes, I also chased after him.


Erza, who was rushing at the front, soon saw a woman in a white dress blocking the front.

The woman had long cherry blossom-colored hair and was holding a long knife, standing tall and pretty.

"It’s Sanyuwu’s captain, Ikaruga!"

Simon, who was following Erza, looked at the cherry blossom-colored long-haired woman, and he immediately reminded her.

"I didn’t expect to be able to defeat Eagle, you still have some strength!"

After Ikaruga said lazily, he swung the long knife in his hand suddenly.

Whoosh - the next second, the sword energy was like tearing apart the space, sweeping directly towards Ye Yu.

Ding ding ding - -

Erza didn't hesitate at all, and immediately waved the sword in her hand, blocking all the sword energy.


However, just when Erza was about to cast her costume magic, Lucy on the side hurriedly stopped her.


While speaking, Lucy looked at Ye Yu with a strange expression.

And Erza also remembered that Ye Yu was here and her dress-up magic couldn't be used at all.

"I'll leave this to you, I'll go first!"

Ye Yu said to Erza, Lucy and the others, then moved his feet and rushed towards Ikaruga.

"Want to leave?"

Seeing Ye Yu rushing up, Ikaruga swung the long knife in his hand suddenly.

Whoosh - a sword energy suddenly struck Ye Yu.

However, just when the sword energy was about to hit Ye Yu, Ye Yu had already The space magic was activated, and then disappeared out of thin air under the gaze of everyone.

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