The two ghosts rushed up together, but the sick leaf seemed to deliberately slow down a little, allowing the Kamas to reach the white shadow first.

"I'll take your flesh and blood!" shouted Kamba, and swung his fist directly at the head of the White Shadow, ready to kill with one blow.

But only a "bang" was heard, and Kama's fist seemed to hit something invisible, and it stopped in mid-air.

"Nani?!What is this?" Kamakura felt bad and wanted to withdraw, but was directly grabbed by the platinum star and twisted up.

The intense pain made a little cold sweat break out on the head of the kettle eagle, but after all, it was the next string, and he directly cut off his right arm with his left hand!

This operation also made the sick leaf a little confused, after all, he didn't see anything, only knew that the kettle duck paused when he was about to approach the white shadow, and then cut off his right arm.

Kamas stepped aside, his newly severed right arm growing.

"What's going on?" Seeing that Kamaku retreated, the sick leaf didn't dare to act rashly, and turned his head to ask Kama.

"I don't know, it seems that something invisible has just stopped me, and the force is so great that it directly screws my right hand. Kamaka shook his head and said he didn't know what was going on.

"What kind of strange ability is this? Sick leaves said.

The cauldron nodded, and then shook the position of the white shadow, and the ground around the white shadow suddenly began to shake, and several thick thorns rose from the ground, and the thorns on them carried a cold light, which looked quite infiltrating.

"Blood Demon Magic, Plant Manipulation!" "

White Shadow felt a little uncomfortable, and jumped straight up.

But the thorns grew quickly, and rushed directly towards the jumping white shadow, and the white shadow twisted slightly, dodging the thorns that rushed straight up.

But at this time, the sick leaf's attack also arrived, and his speed was amazingly fast, directly turning into an afterimage and appearing above the white shadow, and then slammed a heavy punch into the white shadow's face.

But it was blocked by the platinum star

! The kettle directly manipulated the thorns and rushed

towards the white shadow, the white shadow in the air was unavoidable, but there was no need to avoid it!"Star Breath One Star Peacock!" Although

there was no point in the air to borrow strength, the power of the white shadow itself was very good, and the thorns galloping towards the white shadow were directly broken into slag, and the white shadow also returned to the ground with this recoil force.

The sick leaf was also directly hit to the ground by the platinum star's heavy punch, and because the white shadow was far away from the sick leaf, the sick leaf also left the range of the platinum star.

Sick Ye stood up and patted the ashes on his body.

"Cut, it's a little troublesome, is it the ghost killing team? "Sick leaves are a little confused.

In his cognition, the only one who can fight against the ghost is the ghost killing team, and the ghost killing team is all armed with the Hinawa knife without exception, which also leads him to misjudge the identity of the white shadow at the beginning.

"Hey, Kama, that invisible ability of his seems to only take care of one direction, let's attack together!" Sick Ye commanded to the back, but did not receive a tangible reply.

When he looked back, he saw that Kama's eyes were red, and he seemed to be very angry.

"I'll kill you!" Kamaka yelled, and ran straight towards Shirakage, raising his fist to hit him.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Sick leaves were very puzzled, according to the short fight just now, it can be seen that the white shadow is not weak in close combat, if you let the long-range kettle attack him with thorns and wait for the opportunity to sneak attack, then you will definitely be able to take down the white shadow.

He is a human being, and as long as he is injured, he is just a lamb to the slaughter!

As the person concerned, Bai Ying naturally knows what is happening, and this is the power of the meme - "You come here!" .jpg "

Kambo has lost his mind and runs directly to Bai Ying.

The ripples flowed in the white shadow's hand, and he shouted faintly in his mouth: "Star Breath, Treasure Shape, deliberate fist!" The

light in the white shadow's hand was magnificent, illuminating the dark night a little transparently.

But the kettle who was affected by the emoji did not mean to retreat, but rushed forward directly.

The result can be imagined!

The moment Bai Ying's fist touched the cauldron squidrel, the huge power saved in his hand directly burst out.

Kamba's body was directly cracking apart inch by inch under this force.

Before dying, Kama's brain finally came to his senses.

"For... Why—"

No one answered him, and his body disappeared into the night, turning into a little starlight and drifting into the distance.

The sick leaf on the side was unexpected, and the Cauldron Fish, who was obviously alive and active just now, was actually killed by the White Shadow with a punch! Although the Cauldron

Blood Ghost Technique was a long-range control type, his physical strength and recovery power were far beyond that of ordinary high-level ghosts, and he was actually killed directly.

And the other party seems to have used some unknown power to make Kamaku lose his mind.

The more sick Ye thought about it, the more shocked he became, and he didn't have the idea of eating the white shadow anymore, so he turned around and ran away.

His blood demon technique is to enhance his speed, and he will definitely be able to escape from this strange human.

But before he could take two steps, he suddenly felt that his mind was occupied by endless anger, and his body stopped uncontrollably, and then rushed towards the white shadow.

"But... Damn, what kind of power is this!" Sick Ye roared angrily in his heart, but his body seemed to have been completely manipulated by anger, and he rushed towards the white shadow without saying a word.

Although the strength of the sick leaf is much stronger than that of the Kama, he is still only a younger brother in front of the white shadow.

In order to prevent accidents, Bai Ying also gave him a "weakness", and the sick leaf instantly felt weak, as if his body had been hollowed out, but he still insisted on rushing towards Bai Ying.

White Shadow manipulated the Platinum Star, grabbed the diseased leaf, and directly pressed it to the ground.

White Shadow wasn't in a hurry to kill him, because he wanted to test how far his ripple power could go.

The sick leaves struggled frantically, but to no avail in front of the platinum star.

White Shadow injected the power of the ripples into the legs of the diseased leaves, and the legs of the diseased leaves collapsed inch by inch under the force of the ripples.

After the calf was completely gone, Bai Ying withdrew his hand and slowly observed, and he found that the leg of the sick leaf recovered very slowly.

Most likely, the ripples greatly suppressed the ghost's recovery speed.

You must know that this "small injury" can only be recovered in an instant for the ghost.

However, it took a full two minutes for the calf of the diseased leaf to grow back!

After several attempts, I found that the body of the lower string was indeed much harder than that of ordinary ghosts.

Ordinary ghosts turn into ashes as soon as they come into contact with the white shadow, but the diseased leaves only crumble inch by inch, and it takes a little strength for the white shadow to completely shatter.

It seems that although the ripples have a great ability to restrain the ghosts, it seems that when facing the more powerful ghosts, the effect of the ripples directly on the ghosts is not so obvious.

The sick leaf, which had been tortured repeatedly, was already dying, lying on the ground weakly, but his mouth was still roaring, but his voice was much quieter.

Seeing this, Bai Ying directly pressed his hand on the head of the diseased leaf, with a slight force.

Under the force of the ripples, the head of the diseased leaf turned into flying ash, and the newly grown legs that struggled also lost all strength and fell to the ground.

With the disappearance of the head, the body slowly turned into ashes and dissipated.

"It seems that there is a limit to the recovery ability of ghosts, and it took 20 minutes to grow the last time.

White Shadow muttered to herself.

In the initial attempt, it was clear that the recovery rate of the diseased leaves was getting slower and slower, until in the end it was less than one-tenth of the initial amount.

White Shadow cleaned himself up and stretched, ready to return to the Ghost Slayer.

A touch of fish belly white has risen in the sky in the distance, and the sky is dawning, and the ghost will not come out, and tonight's harvest is really good.

Bai Ying looked at the amount of money on the scoreboard, and the two lower string ghosts added nearly 2,000 points, plus the previous more than twenty ordinary ghosts, Bai Ying's points had reached a height of 5,000, and it would not be long before he could come back to ten shots!

Sure enough, the points were still fast to kill ghosts.


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