After the funeral, the summer solstice people left the village.

After all, there are no tasks to complete and no longer popular with the residents, and there is no point in staying there.

After dark, several people found a lake and temporarily camped next to it.

I caught a few random fish in the lake and a rabbit in the forest, and dinner was just like that.

As the night grew deeper, sleepiness gradually hit my heart.

The flames in the campfire danced and swayed restlessly, and the light of the fire reflected the two sleeping figures lying next to them.

Looking at Kirisu Jinfuyu, who was already sleeping deeply, and Ailuke, who was held in her arms like a pillow, Xia Solstice was a little hesitant, not knowing whether he should sleep tonight.

He shook his head, put the question aside for the time being, and raised his head to look at the figure sitting by the lake not far away.

Under the moonlight, the sparkling surface of the lake reflects the shadows of the moon and the starry sky. A small pebble was thrown into the lake, and a little ripple rippled out, gently stirring the stars and moon in the sky.

Lilia sat by the lake, staring at the ripples that spread out in the circle, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Still thinking about the morning?" Xia Solstice came to sit down beside her, followed her appearance and found a few small pebbles, threw them into the lake one by one, and watched with interest the picture of the originally calm water being broken.

Lilia shook her head, and after a moment of silence, she asked again: "Master, those villagers... What will happen later? "

"I should have moved out of that village and found a hidden place to live again." Summer Solstice replied.

Even if they didn't need his reminder, the fallen ghosts in that village must have understood what the arrival of the Zanguang Church meant. Their whereabouts have been completely exposed to human sight, and if they don't want the same thing as last night to happen, they can only abandon their original residence and find a safe place to hide again.

"Is that all right?" Lilia asked.

"How is it possible." Xia Solstice shook his head and said: "It's not a small village with dozens of people, the movements and traces of thousands of people moving cannot be concealed, unless they are willing to reduce this to pieces and no longer adhere to the group for heating, otherwise one day, their new place of residence will still be found." "

Moreover, the Zanguang Church had damaged a whole three quasi-braves this time, how could it be possible to easily let this matter pass like this.

Summer Solstice thought to himself.

“...... Is there no way to save them? Lilia asked a little unwillingly.

"Unless you can overthrow the entire empire, or stay and protect them for the rest of your life." Xia Solstice threw a stone into the lake again and said.

"But you certainly can't do the former, and the latter... Whether you want to or not, even if you really want to do this, you can only protect them for the rest of your life. When you die, they will still face the same problems as they do now. "

“...... Is there no possibility of reconciliation? Lilia asked.

"Nope." Summer Solstice answered.

At its root, this is a "mistake" left by the star gods.

They had long anticipated that the number of human beings might break through the cursed future after excessive growth, so they created many non-human races that were more powerful than humans in every way, hoping to reduce the number of human beings in this way.

But what they did not expect was that in the long-term survival and battle, human beings gradually explored the technology of "being weak but able to fight against the strong", and honed it to the extreme, gaining the ability to fight against those powerful non-humans.

After the emergence of the "Holy Sword" and the creation and development of the salvation system of the "Brave", mankind completely stood at the top of the world, and no race could threaten their survival.

As a result, humanity began to expand, eventually resulting in the current situation.

"Really... Isn't there anything you can do?" Lilia couldn't help but ask again.

“...... Actually, there are still some. Xia Solstice replied after thinking about it.

"Huh?" The girl, who was originally hopeless, was stunned when she heard this.

"As long as you are the source of all problems and evil." Summer Solstice continued.

“...... What a solution. Lilia didn't know how to complain.

"Look, aren't there such settings in many stage plays? Something called the Demon King. "

Xia Solstice threw the stone in his hand aside, patted the dust on his hand, looked back at the girl and said.

"Demon King?" Lilia tilted her head: "Is it something like a tyrant, or an evil king?" "

"It's not enough to be evil, it has to be very, very, very evil." Xia Solstice said in an emphatic tone: "It must be so evil that everyone thinks that 'this guy's death is a blessing for the whole world'." "

"Because he is so evil, people take it for granted that he caused the misfortunes in the world. Even if he knows that the matter has nothing to do with him, whether it is to shirk responsibility or find excuses, it has nothing to do with throwing problems and contradictions on his head, and no one will defend him. "

"Since then, everything has had an excuse. This year's harvest was not good, and the demon king was blamed for burning the fields and infesting the city all day. Prices rise, and the demon king is blamed for attacking the caravan, resulting in a shortage of supplies. The fiscal deficit can be blamed on the devil. If you lose the battle, you can also blame the demon king. "

"Conflicts between nations will be reduced, and conflicts between races will be eased, because everyone agrees that the demon king is the culprit of all evil, and if you want everyone to be happy, you must first unite and destroy him."

"And the wicked of the wicked, the demon king who cannot do not die will eventually bear all the sins and all the filth will exit from the story and become the ultimate sacrifice for a better world."

Xia Solstice clapped his hands and said, "Look, in this way, isn't the world better again?" "

Lilia was speechless.

Although it sounded reasonable, she instinctively felt that it was wrong.


"Such evil people can only exist in fantasy and fairy tales." She complained: "How can such a existence exist in reality. "

"Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?" Xia Solstice smiled noncommittally.

"Besides..." he said, standing up, dropping the last stone in his hand into the lake

"Aren't the current human beings trying to shape such a demon king?"

For human beings, there is one who cannot exist without dying.

Xia Solstice turned his head and looked at the fire not far away, the girl who was curled up and sleeping in Kirisu Mafuyu's arms, thought to himself.

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