The mission requirements of the main quest one seem simple, but they are just to solve the crisis of humanity's imminent demise.

Under the premise of already knowing that the reason why the human race in this world is facing the crisis of extinction, whether it is to use Eluke's soul to strengthen the curse, or to reduce the number of human beings below the critical line, this crisis can be solved.

But these are temporary, and as long as humanity is not completely wiped out, they will continue to multiply, and one day their numbers will return to that dangerous critical line.

Here's where the question arises: how long does a dream game define "imminent".

As far as Xia Solstice knows, even the current human being, who is about to face the crisis of extinction described in the mission, did not cross that final boundary until six or seven years later, and turned into a pack of beasts to destroy the entire world.

That said, the game defines "imminent" for at least six or seven years, so what about at most?

Decade? Twenty years? Or longer?

Summer Solstice can't stay in this world for that long, let alone ten years, five or six years he doesn't want to wait.

So he decided to come up with a way to solve the problem of human overpopulation in this world once and for all.

"Setting-" He took a deep breath and said in his heart, "Set the current number of human beings in the world as a threshold, and add the following world rules..."

It is unrealistic to control the population by man-made alone, and it is even more fanciful for humans to implement family planning on their own. The characteristics of conscious beings themselves are predestined, and they are born with uncertainty.

Uncertainty, representing an accident, is precisely because of such an accident that human beings broke through the "protection mechanism" set up by the star gods and came to the point where they are now on the verge of extinction.

Summer Solstice will not repeat the mistakes that the Star Gods once did, and he is ready to establish a new "protection mechanism".

This mechanism is not to limit the number of stars by reconstructing the ecosystem and adding new natural enemies to humans, as the star gods did, but like the most basic laws of the universe, cold, ruthless, and absolutely rational to carry out the command to clean up humans.

Just as Tomoko locked the upper limit of human technology on the rules of physics, he wants to use this new rule to lock the upper limit of the human population of this world.

However, the objective law of the universe is an extremely large concept, and forcibly stuffing an underlying concept that can affect the whole requires dream points far from what the current summer solstice can afford, so he finally had to make some compromises.

"First of all, this rule is only in effect within the atmosphere of this planet."

If the whole world is compared to a person, then the conceptual setting that affects only parts like this is like a small virus in a person's body, and the world can adapt to it, ignore it, and let it exist.

In this way, the cost of dream points is greatly reduced.

But that's not enough.

"Secondly, this rule will have the following specific manifestations."

It is also extremely unreasonable to erase out of thin air like the main god space or the infinity glove, and adding such an perverse setting to the rules that are already contrary to common sense will also cost dream points beyond the ability of the summer solstice.

Therefore, the summer solstice needs to be given a concrete manifestation.

After searching through countless fantasy works in his mind, he quickly found a setting that met his requirements——

- Honkai!

Cyclical appearance, born with civilization, but with civilization as the enemy, as civilization becomes stronger and stronger, the disaster that can never be crossed by human beings, but will disappear on its own after destroying human civilization, is simply a suitable setting template.

However, in order to save the cost of dream points, and in order to be more in line with the setting of this world, the summer solstice also needs to make some localized changes to this template.

First of all, fix the occurrence cycle of the Great Collapse, based on the population threshold just set, when the number of human beings reaches the plus or minus ten percent of this threshold, it will trigger the occurrence of the Great Collapse, leading to the emergence of the lawyer.

Secondly, the setting of Avalanche energy is removed and replaced by magic, supplemented by conceptual tampering curses, wish fulfillment abilities, and spell blessings, so that the lawyer of this world can also have the power to distort the rules of Honkai physics.

Then, set each crash to end on its own when the number of humans drops below half the threshold. After all, unlike the Honkai will of the Honkai world, the summer solstice came to save the humans of this world, not to completely destroy them.

Based on the above reasons, cancel the setting of the final lawyer, cancel the upper limit of the number of lawyers, and add a random cycle mechanism, if the specific random method is made... Just flip the cards.

Finally, in order to prevent the appearance of Erwuzai, set up a correction mechanism that eliminates all feelings of the lawyer, gives it an absolutely rational way of thinking on the basis of telling the truth about the world and mankind, and increases the ability to take back the error.

That's it, the setting is over!

Xia Solstice gently sighed with relief in his heart and submitted the setting.

[This modification requires the consumption of 1892 dream points, do you confirm the modification?] 】

Even if so many compromises and concessions are made, do you still need to consume nearly 1,000 Dream Points?

Xia Solstice thought in his heart, and looked back at Kirisu Zhendong, who was still a little unclear, and said

"So... True Winter-sensei, are you ready to witness the moment when the new rules of the world are born? "

As he spoke, he gently opened his hand, allowing the blade in his hand to turn into a point of light and float, rise, as if integrated into this world, and gradually dissipate in front of the two.

"Collapse is coming."

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