If you want to see the sunrise, of course, you need to find a place with a good view.

Originally, it was a good location by the sea, but since you came back, you should find a nearby viewing point, which is actually about the same...... After all, they don't come out specifically to travel to see the sunrise.


Nogi Sonoko propped her hands on the roof and climbed up with all her might~.

"Be careful. "

Seeing her move so drastically, Xia Zhi reminded aloud.

Because the hotel is a Japanese-style building, the roof is sloped, and it is relatively easy to fall if you can't stand on your feet, and if you accidentally fall downstairs, it will be troublesome

"It's okay. "

Nogi Sonoko said confidently

"Even if I fall, there are elves to protect me. "

It turned out to be in terms of self-confidence. Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"And, don't look at me like this, my athletic talent is very good~"

I really can't see it.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and said, "The first impression that the garden gave me at that time was actually a sick and weak beautiful girl. "

Nogi Sonoko's cheeks flushed slightly: "Don't mention that time again." "

At that time, the appearance of being covered in bandages and wearing a hospital gown that had not been taken care of properly must have been ugly, right?

Obviously, I thought about a lot of things at the beginning, why didn't I take this into account?

"It's cute to be fiddling with people like a doll. "The summer solstice is still steeped in memories.

"Brother Xia Zhi, you said very dangerous words. "

After Nogi Sonoko finished speaking, after taking a slight breath, she was about to walk to the young man's side, but she didn't notice the change in the slope under her feet, and accidentally slipped it


She only had time to let out a small exclamation, and then a hand grabbed her wrist

“...... Even though I said you thought you were cute back then, you didn't need to fall back to that look, right?"

Xia Zhi looked at the eyes of the light blonde girl in front of him and said:

"You're so cute now. "

"Thank you~"

The girl blushed slightly and thanked her, regaining her shape...... I don't know if she thanked the boy for holding herself in time, or for her praise.

"Brother Xia Zhi, is it my little elf?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Why do you say that?"

"It'll protect me from falling from the upper floors. "

Your elf's scope is a little too small, isn't it?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

As if worried that his feet would slip again, Nogi Sonoko did not let go of the hand that the boy was holding him, and carefully came to Xia Zhi's side, then pulled her skirt to the crook of her knees and sat down beside him.

Raising her head and looking at the pitch-black sky in the distance, the girl couldn't help but sigh

"It's so dark......"

"It's just before dawn, after all. "

Xia Zhi took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and the time was already more than four o'clock.

There are still about ten or twenty minutes before sunrise.

As he thought so, he felt his shoulders sink slightly, and the sound of soft, steady breathing came from his ears



I fell asleep so quickly.

It seemed that sleeping on her shoulder was a little unstable, and the girl soon woke up again, rubbed her eyes, and said vaguely:

"I'm sorry, Brother Xia Zhi, I'm a little sleepy. "

After all, she didn't sleep for almost the night, and she wasn't used to staying up all night like herself, so it was normal for her to feel sleepy if she hadn't slept until this time, right?

Xia Zhi rubbed her head and said loudly: "Sleep for a while, I will call you when the sun comes out." "

As he spoke, he let the girl lie on his lap so that she could sleep more comfortably.

Nogi Sonoko didn't refuse, her little head arched in his arms, and her hands wrapped around his waist.

Feeling the girl's soft body, Xia Zhi, who was gently stroking the hair on her back, thought about it, took out a cotton swab from his pocket, and gently touched the girl's ear


The girl's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, her cheeks were slightly red, and she looked at him suspiciously

"Pluck your ears. Xia Zhi gestured to the cotton swab in his hand and said.

"Because I'm going to put you to sleep. "

It seems that there is such a thing

Nogi Sonoko blinked: "Is this Brother Xia Zhi's special way of sleeping?"

"Kind of special, isn't it...... It's my first time trying. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi usually didn't use this method to coax people to sleep, help others pick out their ears or anything, and no one else seemed to have experienced it except Xia Zhi.

"Oh~!, it's the first time I've belonged to the garden!"

Nogi Sonoko lay down again with great interest, and adjusted the angle to be more suitable for the boy, with an expectant expression

...... It doesn't look like it's resisting.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and put the cotton swab in his hand into the girl's ear

To be honest, the garden herself didn't have much to help her pluck out her ears, at most, she just asked the witch lady who took care of her to help clean it up

However, perhaps because many of the senses were lost at that time, the experience was far less intense than it is now

At the moment when the boy began to help her pick out her ears, the nerves in her whole body were untied, and the general comfort covered her whole body, making her whole body soften.

"Hmm...... Woo......"

It's not that comfortable, is it?

Looking at the girl who was moaning comfortably in her arms like a limp kitten, Xia Zhi complained in her heart, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

Nogi Sonoko's eyes narrowed slightly, enjoying the pre-dawn tranquility and unprecedented comfort

The familiar sleepiness came to her heart, but now she was a little reluctant to sleep.

I don't know how long it took before Xia Zhi withdrew his hand and breathed a sigh of relief

"That's it. "

...... Is it okay so soon?

It doesn't seem like it took long

Nogi Sonoko felt a little regretful in her heart, and slowly opened her eyes

"Haven't you fallen asleep?" said Xia Zhi a little strangely.

Is it your own technology that doesn't work?

Nogi Sonoko stuck out her tongue, "Because I don't want to sleep." "

What about the people who just said they were sleepy?

Xia Zhi thought to herself, rubbed her head and said again: "Sleep in peace, I'll call you up later." "

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and after enjoying a moment of stroking from him, she continued: "Brother Xia Zhi, you have always taken care of me and spoiled me. "

Is it?

Xia Zhi didn't feel anything...... Maybe he got used to it when he took care of Elok and Natsuori?

"Thank you, Brother Natsuchi......"

When Xia Solstice was thinking like this, the girl got up slightly, hugged his body, buried her head in his arms, and said in a muffled voice

"No thanks, because the garden is so cute. Xia Solstice replied.

In the face of cute girls, it's understandable that you unconsciously pamper some, right?

Nogi Sonoko shook her head, "That's not what I mean. "

She buried her head on the boy's chest and whispered, "At the beginning, my wish was almost all fulfilled. "

I thought I was too greedy for my wishes, but I was unexpectedly fulfilled by the teenager

Not only her, but also the people around her, her friends......

Although there may not be any direct connection, all this change, and the happiness she has now, did start from that wish.


“...... Brother Xia Zhi is the god of the garden. "

She raised her head slightly, stared into the young man's close eyes, and continued

"Not as a god of the brave, but as a nogi garden, my god-sama. "

... Mountain....

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