Under the repeated warnings of Shizuki Hiratsuka, Loken reluctantly turned on the video call, and he met Shizuki Hiratsuka, who was smoking in the office, and she also saw Loken lying on the hospital bed in the ward.

"Good fellow," Hiratsuka Shizune saw this scene, directly a good fellow.

This time, it seems that he is not talking, but really hospitalized.

"You're actually hospitalized."

Loken, shrugged, said, "Otherwise, I entered the hospital yesterday." "

"What's the condition?" Hiratsuka said with concern.

"The doctor told me to rest for two more days."

"I asked, what disease did you get, did not ask you to rest for a few days."

"Wow, Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka, I'm in the hospital like this, you still don't believe me!" Lorcan heard an idea of hitting the wall.

"Huh... Who let you lie to me once. Hiratsuka said with a smile.

Bell bell bell

In the video, the class bell rings.

"I approved your leave, I'll go to class first, take care of it, and let me see you in class tomorrow."


The video was directly hung up by Hiratsuka Shizukai.

"Tomorrow? Forget it, I have to rest. "

After seeing the other party hang up the video, Lorcan leaned very leisurely on the side of the bed and said to himself.

At the same time, on a road where Kaoru drove a police car to deliver Shiina Maday, the two chatted without a word.

"Friends with Locan?"

"No, it's a neighbor."

"Oh, taking care of people for a night, that's not something a neighbor can do."

"Then I can't leave him alone."

"Indeed, you can't leave him alone like this." Kaoru nodded seriously after listening.

Every time it was extremely worrying, and like that man, he had the smiling face of Yusuke Goshiro in his head.

"Is Loken a criminal?" Suddenly, Shiina Maday, the back seat of the police car, suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Kaoru was stunned for a moment, how could she ask like this.

"I saw him being taken home by police car the other day."

"Oooooh, I know what you mean."

Soon, Kaoru heard what she meant from her words, it turned out that she was treating Loken as a criminal.

Kaoru Ichijo decided to share this incident with Yusuke Goyo.

But before that, he still had to explain to Shiina Shinichi what was the situation when Lorken was sent back by the police car that day.

"That day..."

He explains to Shiina Shinichi the news that Loken was attacked by an unidentified lifeform that day, as well as his heroic deeds of saving people.

If it weren't for him, the driver would probably have returned to Hades at that time." Of course..."

Kaoru smiled slightly and said, "He went alone yesterday to find a lost little sister-in-law, and although he didn't find it in the end, it is undeniable that he is indeed not a criminal." "

"...," Shiina Madayi heard this, and immediately froze in place, there were too many messages brought to her by Kaoru, which made people feel a little incredible.

Kaoru's words overturned Shiina Maday's opinion of Lorken.

The sound of crunching brakes made her come back to her senses, and Kaoru opened the car door and said: "When I get to the station, I won't stop at the door, and it's not good to cause a misunderstanding at that time."

"Thank you, officer." Shinichi Shiina left after saying thanks.

"I really don't understand the relationship between young people, and I guess I'm old." Kaoru looked at Shiina Maday's back, he thought of something, he smiled helplessly and started the police car to the Metropolitan Police Department.

There are still unconfirmed lifeforms to deal with today, and they have confirmed that unconfirmed lifeforms can transform between monsters and humans.

Through modern technology, they identified unidentified human beings and began to annihilate them.

That's right, Operation Annihilation.

The superior of the Metropolitan Police Department ordered that all unidentified living forms must be killed.

Of course, numbers two and four are excluded.

Because No. 4 and No. 2 seemed to be on the same front as them, the top management decided that the two were temporarily counted as teammates after considering the pros and cons

But if the fourth and second cases hurt the citizens, they will all be shot!

Not to mention whether he can kill No. 4 and No. 2 with a firearm, just talking about Yusuke Goyo's personality, he wouldn't do such a thing at all.


"Normal blood pressure, normal heart rate, brain, chest CT without any problems, very healthy."

The ward where Loken is located,

Next to the hospital bed, a doctor is explaining to him the results of yesterday's examination and the hospital's analysis based on the Loken case.

The doctor smiled and said, "Classmate Loken, your body is very healthy, just don't exercise excessively."

If people are overloaded with exercise, it will bring irreversible damage to the human body. "

"Yes, Doctor." Lorcan nodded when he heard this, indicating that he would definitely pay attention.

"You can be discharged in the afternoon."

"Then thank you doctor."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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