A few seconds later, the dust cleared, and Kaoru and Yusuke Goshiro looked at the location of the life form that had just been confirmed for the first time.

"It's gone." Yusuke Goyo withdrew and transformed to help Kaoru stand up on the side.

"Who is the other party, is it the same as the fifth generation, an ordinary person who masters the power of the empty self." Kaoru said to himself, looking at where he had just stood.

"I guess so." Yusuke Goyo said uncertainly.

He was also very surprised and excited about the sudden appearance of emptiness, and the appearance of a new empty self meant that he no longer had to fight alone.

"Reporting headquarters..."

Immediately afterwards, Kaoru reported to the Metropolitan Police Department that two unidentified lifeforms had just appeared, one eliminated and the other disappeared.

"Same as number four and number two?"

Not sure, but the other side eliminated the number thirty-nine "three six zero".

"In this case, it is listed as the same as unconfirmed lifeforms, and it is not a matter of killing after encountering"

"But..." Kaoru suddenly felt anxious when he heard this.

"No, but, when we are really sure that the other party is not harmful, we are revoking the order against him."


In the end, Kaoru could only helplessly hang up the call with the boss of the headquarters.

Yusuke Goshiro: "Your face is a little ugly." "

"Headquarters calls for the killing of newly emerging unidentified vital forms." Kaoru said with a gloomy face.

"That's not to say, it's exactly the same as the last time I was."


To Yusuke Goshiro's exclamation, Kaoru nodded and continued: I want the other party to be the same as Yusuke Goshiro.

"If it's true, great!"

"It's a pity, I just don't know who the other party is."

"Isn't it okay to investigate the surveillance?"

You're right, I'm trying to find out the true identity of the other party.

At the same time, at the moment when the thirty-ninth was eliminated, Gurangi's game was once again put on hold.

In the room with only faint candlelight, the general and the rose woman walked slowly to the room, in front of the abstract hanging painting, the general slowly said: "Turtle, failed." "

"It's a black empty me." The Rose Lady said unexpectedly.

"With great strength, it is an opponent worth fighting." The corners of the general's mouth turned up slightly.

"Yes, you will be his opponent."

"Wait and see."

"Who's the next contestant?"

"Wild boar."

"The empty self is a nuisance and will make the game difficult to complete."

"People who die are only because they are incompetent." The general said slowly.

Seeing this, the rose woman did not continue to say anything, but looked at the middle-aged man with a strong suspender in the dark.


The Rose Lady came to the boar Gurangi, inserted the ring into the belt on his abdomen, twisted, and activated the limit.

The game continues to start.

Ministry of Service.

"Why didn't that guy come today?"

In the classroom of the Ministry of Service, Yukinoshita Yukino sat alone in a chair, looking at the book, her eyes looked at the time from time to time, and she muttered in confusion when she noticed that the club time was almost over.

Lorcan actually did not come to the Ministry of Service, did he forget, or did he just leave after school?


The door of the service department was rudely pulled open, and Hiratsuka Shizune strode into the service department with a gloomy face, and then swept her eyes around, and after finding that there was no figure of Loken, she looked towards Yukinoshita Yukina with a black face in confusion and asked: Didn't Loken come?

Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka, next time you trouble knock on the door first!

"Next time," Hiratsuka touched the back of her head awkwardly, clearly not the first time she had done this.

"Loken also has no ministry." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Bastard, this kid skipped school today."

"Huh? No way. "

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her incredulously after hearing Hiratsuka's words.

She was a little unconvinced.

Loken actually skipped school without any notice.

"No news from Kawasaki Shahi there?" Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to have thought of something, and then asked.

"Asked, Kawasaki Shashi said that he didn't know anything."

"That's weird." Yukinoshita Yukino touched her chin and said to herself.

"No matter what, let me see Lorcan tomorrow, and I will definitely let him realize how painful truancy is."

The aura of resentment and blackening spread from Hiratsuka Shizune.

Apparently, she was very upset with Lorken skipping school.

However, as everyone knows, Loken is now playing peek-a-boo in an abandoned factory, in a group of policemen...

That's right, the police found Loken with the help of technology.

But the form in which he was before his transformation was not found.

Loken selectively hid.

I don't know how long it took, Loken slowly abandoned the factory, and when he left, the sky was already full of beautiful stars.

"Empty me, found you!"

However, at the moment when Lorcan canceled his transformation and prepared to go home, a broken void sounded behind him accompanied by a hoarse voice.

Loken instinctively bent over and then subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the attacking enemy's calf, and in an instant, smashed the other party to the ground.

With a bang, the ground was instantly smashed out of a human-shaped pit, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Lorcan also saw clearly who the other party was.

It is Gurangi, a bat who has met twice and has not yet died.

It's just that this time the appearance of Bat Gulangi has changed significantly, his facial features are more hideous, he looks more bloodthirsty, and his hair has turned into gray and long hair.

If it is a two-dimensional one, it must be a beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes, but in the real world, his appearance is extremely terrifying, and the power that gushes out of his body is stronger than the turtle Gulangi who fought today.

"Die, empty me!"

Seeing this, Bat Gulangi immediately kicked Lorcan with his other leg, very fast, and came to him in the blink of an eye, Lorcan subconsciously twisted his waist again and threw the other party out hard.

"0.6 goodbye."

In the next second, Bat Gurangi disappeared from Loken's sight.

It turns out that even without transformation, his physical strength seems to be higher than that of Bat Gurangi.

"The strength is so strong, is it that the belt spirit stone is constantly strengthening me?"

Lorcan stood under the night sky and looked at his hands and muttered to himself.

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Bastard, don't ignore me."

After a while, Bat Gurangi finally flew back, and he roared towards the empty place.

However, in the next second, only the wind voice responded to his incompetent fury.

Apparently, Loken had left.

"Damn it!"


Bat Guranji can only smash the trunk of the tree and take the tree on the side to vent out.

Abbreviation: Incompetent Fury.

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