"Who are you?"

Miró's questioning attracted the attention of the others present.

At this moment, in the face of Bai Yunshen, who was the identity of the purple dragon of the Draconia on the surface, both Miro and Meiyi and others began to doubt.

If the current information about the Sanctuary can be obtained from Tong Hu, who is known as the teacher of all Saint Seiyas, then the future information cannot be known by the current "Purple Dragon".

In addition, what Bai Yunshen just said about observing the parallel world and getting information, it is even more extraordinary that reflects Bai Yunshen's identity, and he is definitely not a simple Athena's saint warrior.

They guessed right.

After all, Bai Yunshen is indeed not a simple Athena Saint Seiya, but a Saint Seiya candidate....

Well, suddenly there was a feeling of sadness.

Well, no kidding, it is naturally impossible for him to be so specific about this point, so he can only answer vaguely: "There is nothing to say about my identity, only that I am not your enemy." "

Bai Yunshen looked at Miro and said: "Although you are not a very wise person among the Golden Saint Seiya, you are not a reckless person, according to the list and information I provided, how to do it in the future, how to maximize your combat power to deal with the possible Holy War, you should already have an idea." "

"But you have to remember that my information can only be used as a reference at most, and cannot be trusted in its entirety, because there are certain differences between different worlds, although the general content remains the same, as long as there is a slight variable, it will be fatal to you. "

“...... I see, thank you, Purple... Uh, no, you..."

Miro nodded, not caring about Bai Yunshen's hiding of his identity, this final advice was also extremely important to him: "If your specific identity can't be explained, can you tell us your name." "

"I will confirm your information later, if it is true, it is not only for us Saint Seiya and Athena, but also for all mankind is an undeniable great favor, at least, to tell us your name. "


Considering that this time may be goodbye, it doesn't matter if he leaves his name, Bai Yunshen just groaned for a few minutes and then raised his head and said: "Bai Yunshen, my name is Bai Yunshen." "

"Baiyun Shen?".

Miro nodded: "I remember the name." "

"Thank you, Bai Yunshen. "

Meiyi came to Bai Yunshen's side, whose body was becoming more transparent, and thanked him with a smile: "This time, thanks to you, Eris was able to seal, thank you." "

"There's no need to be grateful, I'm just for myself... Goodbye, ladies and gentlemen. "

The time has come, when Bai Yunshen just finished speaking, a suction force was ingested from the end of time and space, acting on Bai Yunshen's body, and a space-time vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above Bai Yunshen, and suddenly, Bai Yunshen disappeared in place, submerged into the space-time vortex, leaving the holy clothes of the Celestial Dragon Constellation and the original purple dragon on the ground.

Unlike Bai Yun's dark black short hair, Zilong has long hair, and his face is also very different, and he is not an isotope alien.

And that's even more terrifying.

Replacing two completely different people, so that the people of this world, including the gods, do not feel unequivocally abnormal, perhaps this is something that only the Creator has this great power.

And no one noticed that at the moment when Bai Yunshen left, a golden and warm small universe quietly attached to Bai Yunshen's body.

"The Multiverse, the Power of Transcendence?".

Within spacetime beyond the infinite universe, a star timepiece with a time hourglass exists.

He is Kronos, the god of time, the god of time who transcends and dominates all the time and space of the past, present, and future.

He has no body and is just a conceptual existence, he is the overlord of endless time and space, and the only existence in all the universes, multiverses, and dimensions of Saint Seiya.

Suddenly breaking into a strange white cloud deep in the universe he mastered, as Chronos, he was naturally curious about what impact he would bring.

However, Chronos discovered that he, who was supposed to be able to observe and manipulate all the past, present, and future time, could not observe the future of the universe where Baiyun Shen was located.

Bai Yunshen has no traces of the past and the future, all he has is the present.

Not only that, Chronos also found that since Bai Yunshen descended, he had become difficult to interfere with the universe where Bai Yunshen was located, and that universe was becoming a separate existence from all the dimensional universes of Saint Seiya, and his interference in that world was getting weaker and weaker.

This piqued Chronos' curiosity even more.

Therefore, taking advantage of the trial of the Virgin Palace Ashmida, he seized the opportunity to make a final intervention and transferred Bai Yunshen to other Saint Seiya universes, however, Chronos found that after transferring the universe, he was still unable to interfere with the existence named Bai Yunshen, and even, the new Saint Seiya universe that Bai Yunshen arrived was also affected, and began to become a separate existence like the previous Saint Seiya universe.

Suddenly, Chronos understood that it was Bai Yunshen in particular.

Observing Bai Yunshen's actions, although there were several attempts to eliminate Bai Yunshen's instability factor by destroying the entire universe in the middle, there was a faint inexplicable feeling that stopped his reckless actions.

He understood that although Bai Yunshen was weak, he couldn't effectively handle Bai Yunshen at all, even if he directly lifted the table, he might not be able to kill Bai Yunshen, on the contrary, he would provoke a big enemy in the future.

Eventually, after Baiyunshen sealed Eris, Chronos planned to sell a favor and send him back to his original world.

"It's just that it's an incredible person. "

Within the infinite time and space, Chronos said, "In his body lies a power beyond me, what is it?"

"Well, keep observing. "

Although because of this operation, Chronos can no longer interfere with the two universes that Bai Yunshen passes through, but there is no problem just observing it.


At the same moment, in the Garden of Eden, looking at the disappearing figure of Bai Yunshen, after the space-time vortex recovered, Meiyi seemed to realize something.

"What's the matter, little girl?".

Looking at the screaming beauty, Miro spoke.

"The golden apple, the golden apple that sealed Eris seems to have disappeared. "

Meiyi looked at Zilong, who fell to the ground unconscious, and thought of something.

"It can't be taken away by that big white brother, right?"

Shoko said suddenly.

"If the Sanctuary hides a great evil, as he says, then it is dangerous for us to keep it, and he takes it and solves our problems. "

Miró doesn't care, now the matter of Eris is no longer important, what matters is Zachar, it is the Sanctuary, it is Athena!

It's just that he can't help but wonder in his heart, what is the use of Bai Yunshen to seal the golden apple of Eris's soul?

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