Chapter 117 You are not allowed to attend the silver party.

Now that he knew that the special state of Furuto Yuru was caused by Hekatia, Zhou Yuan also relaxed. He believed that the actions of this funny goddess would not have any negative impact on Yuru.

But Kikyo, who did not know Hekatia, could not rest assured. Originally, the so-called gods in Neon were all those who vented their power wantonly, swept the world, and returned to themselves. As a shrine maiden, Kikyo knew this basic common sense even if she did not serve a god.

Especially after meeting Zhou Yuan, as the first real great god that Kikyo had seen with her own eyes, he could be said to have completely refreshed Kikyo’s stereotype of gods.

Zhou Yuan, who kissed the little loli, proved to Kikyo with his own actions that it was not a stereotype, and that gods were like this.

In this case, the goddess in front of him seemed to have a similar taste with Zhou, and the woman who invited Zhou Yuan to teach and train as soon as she appeared.

If Xiao Yuru became her shrine maiden.

Sad, Kikyo only felt a darkness in front of her eyes at this moment. She regarded the little witches as her sisters. She seemed to have imagined the scene of Xiao Yuru being forcibly held down by this woman and used to please Zhou Yuan.

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, that look is very rude. I am a reserved goddess, how could I do the kind of thing you fantasize about?”

Hecatia curled her lips, then glared at Zhou Yuan fiercely, as if blaming him for losing the image and face of the god.

‘You are not allowed to attend the silver party tonight. ‘

Zhou Yuan’s lips moved, but no sound came out. He spoke to Hecatia word by word in silence.

So Hecatia was anxious.


After a while of playing around, Kikyo was relieved. Hecatia was not some mysterious, hard-to-see-through character. Although she was extremely powerful, her character was very honest and straightforward. Kikyo was just too concerned.

“Now I can tell you in detail, what is the special state of Yu Ru?”

Zhou Yuan asked lazily, he lay on the stone bench, enjoying the soft and warm knee pillow of Hecateia, eating the orange she peeled for him. Hecateia didn’t mind Zhou Yuan’s laziness at all, she finally got the chance to have close contact with Zhou Yuan, she actually enjoyed the moment.

Since she liked Zhou Yuan, liked his character, liked his strength, liked him as a person, then Hecateia would not deceive herself. The arrogant behavior of saying one thing but doing another was like a funny clown in the eyes of a person with a character like Hecateia, she would naturally not let herself become that kind of person.

“Hey, what else do I need to explain? It’s all for you, to please you, this damn man.”

Zhou Yuan had a black question mark on his face. What do you mean? Do you want me to take the blame for this? I’m attracted by your looks and figure, not your 100% KDA.

“That little girl is a high-ranking alien race. She has no concept of aging and will not die.”

“But her spirit will gradually”degenerate” over time, until it completely separates from her immortal body and becomes something like a wandering soul.”

Hecatia sighed and said helplessly

“I don’t bother to care about these things. There are so many weird monsters in the world that I can’t take care of them all. Besides, I am the goddess of hell, and these bullshit things in the world have nothing to do with me.”

“But a few days ago, you suddenly became interested in Genji. When this little girl first came, I paid attention to her and naturally knew that she was captured by Genji.”

“In this case, let’s think about curing her degenerative disease and giving it to you as a small gift. After all, it’s not to please you, a dog man.”

Hecatia’s smooth and white face was full of depression. She was obviously purely out of kindness, but Zhou Yuan called her a troublemaker. It made the gods very sad.

“You said ‘degeneration’? What will Yuru become?”

Kikyo’s cold expression was a little broken. Hekatia’s news made her a little panicked, because she knew very well that with her own ability, she could not change the nature of a race. If Yuru really gradually became what Hekatia said, Kikyo could only do nothing.……

“It’s okay, don’t worry. Since this woman said it’s done, then there’s no problem. Although Hekatia is usually unreliable, you can trust her in this regard.”

Zhou Yuan was also very worried. He has only been good at destruction and killing until now. Whether it’s Karna or Orpheus, their power is pure destruction and energy itself, without as many fancy ways as others.

He may not be able to solve the defects of the Yu Ru race, but since Hekatia said there is no problem, then there is no problem.

And Zhou Yuan is very clear about the defects of his ability, so the next person to link has been locked, and now only a young girl who is willing to sacrifice herself can make up for this defect.

Seeing that Zhou Yuan’s originally serious expression has become gentle, Hekatia also smiled with satisfaction. Zhou Yuan’s trust made her quite happy, and she even wanted to severely punish Hongru, this man, or be severely punished by him.

“That’s right, I’m not some evil god, villain or something like that. When we were on the journey to the west, you were so defensive against me, it was really sad.”

She laughed. It seemed that Zhou Yuan’s precautions against her before the battle of the underworld tree made the goddess very frustrated.

Wait, what did Hecatia mean by that? This guy has actually been peeping at me for a long time?

Zhou Yuan found the point, his eyes suddenly became sharp, looking at the female peeping Tom beside him. Zhou Yuan suddenly realized recently why there were so many female erotic maniacs around him who were peeping at his young body?

“Although it doesn’t seem strange that you know all this, but you have actually been spying on me?”

Feeling that his chastity was threatened and his male morality was in jeopardy, Zhou Yuan felt heartbroken and angry.

Why are you just watching? Why don’t you come to bed? Can you learn from your buddies and get a better grasp of the execution? You are just a bunch of weaklings who are just spying. Uncle Zhou Yuan is very disappointed in you.

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