Zhou Yuan’s face was pale, and his thin figure cast on the ground looked extremely bleak.

“It’s what he deserves. Such wanton indulgence of desire is also a sin.”

Shiki Yingji next to him laughed.

But isn’t it a sin to laugh at a poor person who is being humiliated by a ghost? Zhou Yuan thought, but he was too exhausted to argue with this old woman Yan Mo.

Given the conditions, Zhou Yuan, who was about to leave the underworld, had no time to talk about the Flying Thunder God. Two ghosts who got angry because of the fight.

Ask for a conclusion.

The answer is that Zhou Yuan was squeezed silly, Ibuki Suika quickly broke free from the chain, and directly pounced on Zhou Yuan and Yongyi who were teaching, and then fought with Yongyi.

The battlefield was him, Zhou Yuan.

How long did this war last? The parties involved… The person and victim could no longer recall. But at least, he knew that he could not use Flying Thunder God to return to Penglai Island directly with the smell of a female ghost all over his body.

What would happen if he met Zouji and Lingyue Xianji in this state? Zhou Yuan did not want to know.

He could only choose to walk slowly for a while with Shiki Yingji.

However, there was a small episode. After Zhou Yuan told Ibuki Suika and Hoshiguma Yugi about the Flying Thunder God Seal, their reactions were unexpected.

They directly asked Zhou Yuan to engrave the mark on their personal belongings. Yugi got the shackles on her arms, and Suika got the chains on her body.

“You didn’t come to the underworld to look for ghosts, you just came to look for us, so why do you want to carve it on the ground? It would be better to carve it directly on our bodies.”Genius, but Zhou Yuan was still a little reluctant to carve the Flying Thunder God Seal on his woman. In the end, he had to settle for the next best thing and carve it on his personal belongings.

“Anyway, I’m free on the road, so tell me about the Master Going West.”

Zhou Yuan couldn’t be sure what the Master Going West in this world was like, so he had to ask first.

“That’s a really long story, where should I start?”

Si Ji Ying Ji’s opening words tell us that it starts from Pangu creating the world.

“You stop talking for now and just talk about how he sealed the demon cherry.”

Zhou Yuan quickly led the topic to the point.

“Mo, you are so rude to Yan Mo…..”

“But it’s a serious crime, right? Master Siji, please stop reading it, I’ve almost memorized it.”

Siji Yingji, with a pursed mouth, was taken down by Zhou Yuan before she could finish her words.

Siji Yingji was obviously very unconvinced, but she still had to deal with business. Although this woman was nagging, she was no less serious.

“After discovering the demon cherry, Master Xixing could not understand the connection between the demon cherry and the tree of the underworld……No, in his eyes, this is a monster that will lead people to death. He should not be able to see the tree of the underworld.”

“Although he is also extremely powerful among practitioners, not inferior to Bai Xinshangren, he is still far behind Yaoying who has communicated with the power of the underworld tree.”

Shiki Yingji said, sighing softly.

“Master Xixing chose to use his own blood as a medium to temporarily seal the cherry blossoms, and then built a temple on the spot, named after his Buddhist name, Xixing Temple, and the tree also had a name, Xixing Sakura.”

After hearing this, Zhou Yuan finally believed that his speculation was correct.

“From then on, he stayed in Saigyou Temple to practice, and left his bloodline. As long as his bloodline was not cut off, the binding seal would not disappear.”

“The bloodline of Master Xixing took his temple as its surname, and the heir of this generation should be a girl named Xixing Temple Yuyuko.”

It’s her, now everything is connected.

To be frank, Yuyuko is very cute, Zhou Yuan likes her very much.

Then the next step is obvious, whether it is to cut down trees or for Yuyuko.

But Zhou Yuan has a hunch that things will not be so simple, and Shiki Yingji’s sad expression also proves this point.

“As a wizard in the human world, although he is powerful, he is still far from being able to do it. The wizard Xi Xing thought that he could always seal the Xi Xing cherry tree by blood binding.”

“Too naive. The human seal only restrains the power of the”Xixing Sakura”, and it will never affect the Underworld Tree in the slightest. It won’t take long before the Underworld Tree thinks that it has accumulated enough power and will break through the restraints and make the Xixing Sakura bloom.”When

Zhou Yuan heard this, he couldn’t help but ask

“What if we destroy Saigyozakura now? It’s just a monster tree, isn’t it simple?”

Shiki Yingji smiled when she heard this.

“Hahaha, the underworld originally thought so too.”

Well, no matter what the reason, Zhou Yuan already knew that this was not feasible.

“After SaigyÅ� Sakura became the”wedge” of the Underworld Tree in the human world, she also possessed some of the”illusory” qualities of the Underworld Tree. Although she was far less powerful, she was able to avoid most external damage.”

Then why not just destroy it with absolute strength?”

“The most important thing is that the moment Saigyo Sakura connected to the Underworld Tree, the Underworld Tree had already been”hatched”.”

What does that mean? Greiza jumped from the first stage to the second stage?

“The original”existence” quality of the Underworld Tree is extremely weak. Although it is rooted on the edge of the two worlds, as the name suggests, its core is still in the Underworld. The”illusion” quality is far superior to”existence”, so it has always been illusory and non-existent.”

“But the Saigyo Sakura brought it the most important”existence” characteristic. Now the incubation of the Underworld Tree has become its instinct as an”existence”. If the Saigyo Sakura is destroyed, no one can see where things will end up.”

Shiki Yingji said, sighing, her pretty face full of sorrow, her brows furrowed.

“If that’s the case, then this tree can’t be treated at all?”

Zhou Yuan was confused. After talking about it for so long, he lost confidence in his buddy. Is there really no way to deal with it?

“Hahaha, that’s it.”

Shiki Yingji said something that caught Zhou Yuan off guard.

“All along, the underworld has allowed the power of this tree to grow larger and out of control, but can only temporarily suppress it with the Underworld Jade. What do you think is the reason? Does the underworld not want to destroy it? Hahaha.”

Shiki Eiji’s pretended hearty laughter was filled with haze.

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