“So, all our previous preparations were in vain?”

Suwako sighed and said helplessly

“You are such a good boss, the preparations for the barrier are almost done, but you come and say”Because Youyouzi wants to teach them a lesson, there is no need to build the barrier” or something like that. Although gods are willful, aren’t you afraid of being called an evil god by doing this?” Kanako also looked serious, as if she wanted to dissuade Zhou Yuan, but Zhou Yuan didn’t care at all.

“It doesn’t matter. Other people’s opinions and names are meaningless to me, and faith is even more worthless to me. Besides, if I were really known as a brutal and evil god, maybe those ignorant people would worship me even more.”

In the beliefs of Neon, the so-called Tianjin gods who are high in the clouds do not love people. They are just strong, so they are worshipped. Susanoo, one of the three noble sons, also has an extremely violent personality, but it does not affect the Neon people’s worship of him at all. The

Neon people’s admiration for the strong is almost deeply rooted in their bones. To gain their worship, you don’t need to be kind, you just need to be strong, and then you can vent your force on them.

Hearing this, Kanako became depressed and stopped persuading.

“Oh, I really envy you Tianjin gods. Your existence itself has nothing to do with belief. You can do whatever you want, and you don’t care about bad reputation or good reputation.”

“Suwako and I are different. Kunitsu God is okay. Although faith is important, it is not a necessity. As an indigenous god, Suwako cannot do without faith.”

She and Suwako have been worried about the lack of faith for a long time. They thought that Zhou Yuan would be the one to carry the load in the front, and they would cheer behind him as his younger brothers. They could also set up a barrier to show their faces and gain more faith. But Zhou Yuan suddenly changed his mind. It was too much.

Not only could they not gain faith, but they had to quickly make a just cut with this mess so as not to affect people’s faith in themselves.

Although they can also make their debut by destroying and becoming great evil gods, their fists are not that big, so they dare not make any extraordinary news. The good gods only need to protect one side, but if the evil gods don’t have a big enough fist, no one will come to worship them. This is the instinct of the Japanese to admire the strong.

“Oh, by the way, you need the power of faith, I did forget that.”

Zhou Yuan really forgot about this matter. Now that he thinks about it, no wonder Suwako would take the initiative to undertake the task of building the barrier. At first, he really thought that this frog loli was a kind-hearted person who couldn’t bear to see people suffer.

The barrier still needs to be built, and Yuyuko’s favorability needs to be improved, and Suwako’s side cannot be left behind. When two girls both have a desire for something, Zhou Yuan must not choose a side. If this team really stands, Suwako’s favorability plot will be directly cut off.

But there is a way to have the best of both worlds.

“It’s not a big problem. Just expand the barrier. When we fight the Underworld Tree, it will definitely affect a wide range. Suwako, the barrier you prepare can directly cover the entire Honshu Island.”It’s a small matter. In this way, Youyouko can vent her anger, Zhou Yuan can fight to his heart’s content, and Suwako can also make a strong presence by limiting the scope of the disaster. The

Underworld Tree is a villain who wants to destroy the world; Zhou Yuan is a fierce war god who does not care about casualties when fighting, but his starting point is still just; and Suwako is a kind god who can’t bear to see the world being affected by the disaster and uses a barrier to contain the disaster.

No problem, everyone has a bright future.

“Since you have made up your mind, this is the only way. Really, it takes a lot of time to set up such a large barrier.”

Suwako was quite satisfied with this solution. After all, even the indigenous gods don’t love people. Which of the naturally powerful gods would love those humans?

“The situation of the girl who traveled west is very special. You’d better pay more attention to her.”

Suwako looked at Zhou Yuan with lifeless brown eyes and reminded him softly.

Zhou Yuan had already noticed

“Ah, I know”

“As soon as Youyouzi was born, she became connected to Saigyo Sakura because of the blood bond.”

“Through SaigyÅ� Sakura, she also seemed to have communicated with the Underworld Tree. It was hard to predict what effect the Underworld Tree would have on her after it hatched.”

Zhou Yuan said solemnly, and this was the fundamental purpose of his visit to Suwa Shrine.

“Ah, I have long felt that something is wrong. Not only does Yuyuko have the ability to lead people to death, but she also occasionally shows a sense of illusion.”

A voice came out of nowhere in the air next to her. It was Yakumo Yukari who had been eavesdropping and couldn’t help but give some clues of her own.

Zhou Yuan took a sip of tea, and Suwako was not surprised at all. After all, how could she not find an old witch in her shrine? It was just because she came with Zhou Yuan that she pretended not to see it.

“This is the outward manifestation of the Westward Journey Girl communicating with the Underworld Tree, just like the Westward Journey Sakura.”

Kanako replied.

Yakumo Yukari’s face fell immediately. As a monster sage, how could she not know about the turmoil in the Underworld some time ago? This so-called Underworld Tree was well protected by the Underworld before, but when the dignified Ghost King, Hoshiguma Yugi, was injured by the Underworld Tree, all the monsters with brains became alert. Even

Yakumo Yukari, who had seen a lot in her life and even planned a big news and thought she had no plan, could hardly imagine that there was anything that could hurt the Ghost King of Power with overflowing power alone.

Even more unfortunate was that she was just having fun, but suddenly found herself in The center of the vortex.

Zhou Yuan next to him remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Zhou Yuan already had some guesses. To be honest, he was actually a very careful person.

He remembered what he had seen and heard in the underworld before.

The White Jade Tower built by the order of the goddess; the underworld tree that had always been in an illusory state, but suddenly communicated with Saigyo Sakura by chance and was hatched; the Saigyo wizard who accidentally discovered the man-eating demon tree and set up blood constraints to seal it.

And in the end, this series of events ended with the girl, Saigyoji Yuyuko, who seemed to be born by fate and was born to be connected to Saigyo Sakura and communicate with the underworld tree because of that blood.


Zhou Yuan sneered twice. Behind the series of coincidences, there must be something else that is not a coincidence.

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