_“.:Yes, master

Icarus hesitated and let go of his hands.

La Yufa looked at Bai Ge and frowned, and the meaning was obvious. Even if you stand from the perspective of the victims, it is impossible for them to hand over the only amusement park they have left.

Bai Ge scratched his head. The princess in front of him seemed to have misunderstood.

Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to this amusement park. Rather, if you don't have my help now - you will definitely be done with it in a year at most.

When I was a child

Don’t you think so every time? , I want an amusement park of my own, which is very pleasant to think about, and I like this castle very much. It will be very comfortable to live in.

Bai Ge looked towards the castle where Laba Fa lived. I really like it. He doesn't want to stay in the hotel tonight. How nice it would be to live in a castle.

If I help you, I can at least solve the economic problem first. 2 You won't go bankrupt in a year._

Really, really?

Lafa opened her blue eyes too much_Yes, first of all, they are now in a big economic crisis, and there are no guests in the amusement park.

, where do the pre-maintenance and purchasing resources come from.

Her Highness the Princess has already sold a lot of her jewelry, but it is not an option to continue like this.

As a person who has traveled through time, Xiang Bai Ge naturally knows the ways to make money in five years. If he doesn't work hard, he will really think about what the winning number will be in tomorrow's lottery.

I won't ask you to do anything excessive. Anyway, instead of supporting me like this, you might as well trust me once, for a long time.

La Yufa looked at the snow-white haired boy in front of her, and realized that she was a little powerless now. There isn't much jewelry left, so here it is

If this continues, Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park will collapse sooner or later.

The handsome boy who appeared in front of him might be an angel. Also, maybe it was Ping Mo... maybe it was hope that he gave her, or maybe it was a poisonous apple - after she stuttered it, everything was lost.

But... if this continues, it will undoubtedly be a desperate situation.

If you can save this amusement park, I am willing to exchange everything:...but please don't do anything excessive to us. This is our most important place.

The blond princess looked at Bai Ge with a pleading tone. Lazufa was tired of her own incompetence.

If anything can be done about this amusement park. No matter what, she is willing to do it

Princess, please don't do this. If we all work together, we will definitely be able to do it.

Sento Isuzu said eagerly, at the same time, several people wearing strange doll costumes and several employees also ran over, probably after getting the news and coming to stop La Rufa.

Bai Ge glanced at the staff at the amusement park and instantly understood that they were all from the same other world as La Yufa. The girl who just took out two Mauser guns from under her skirt was magic.

The road, even if

No matter how hard you work, the results one year later cannot be changed. He stated the reality coldly.

Why do you say that!'

Nonsense, this young master comes from the future five years later. He said this in a low voice.

Bai Ge shrugged and looked at the group of people with an expression of disbelief. He knew. If you really want to get this amusement park. It's impossible for Latifa to agree alone. He also needs the consent of these employees from other worlds.

It can be seen that these guys cherish this princess, then things will be simple.

If you agree with me

I ask that while I provide you with opportunities to make money, I can also help you save the princess who has a curse on her.

You. How did you know!'

Isn't it twelve o'clock in the evening on August 2nd every year? It's also today every year.

. Will it reset the memory and forget everything that happened in this year?

This is the curse on La Zunfa. Bai Ge just used [Eye of Truth] to scan it. At twelve o'clock tonight, this girl will forget everything about this year and then repeat it every year.

She will always be

Imprisonment is the cage of fourteen years old. The only thing that can save this princess is the prince and a miracle.

Bai Ge, The prince is not as handsome as me, and doing miracles is my strength~

After hearing Bai Ge's words, everyone on the opposite side was caught in place. Including Latifa herself, someone actually said that she could lift her curse? Everyone was excited at this moment.

Tonight is that time..if you can really do it, we will listen to you for them. The princess is the most important.

-.Deal But let me say it first. After today ends, you will have to wait for me for five years. five

I will not appear in front of you again until years later. Bai Ge said.

Why, why?

No reason. In short, the people over there will bring a pen over here and I will help you write down some good investment goals. You can use the money to invest in stocks first. You can earn at least two or three years.

If you give Bai Ge more time. Then he could easily make tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but the effect of the Twelve Bullets will expire tomorrow. He has no name and no time.


The castle of Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park gathers a lot of

As an employee, Latifa looked nervously at the young man sitting in front of her. She would lose the memory of this year again tonight. But the young man in front of him said that he could break this curse.

Bai Ge looked at the beautiful princess sitting in front of him, with Icarus standing behind him.

There are two reasons why he will help this amusement park. One is because the girl in front of him makes Bai Ge feel a little pitiful. She can't take a step out of the amusement park and can't get out of this year. Like a caged bird-- It makes people feel pitiful.

But he is not so kind. The key reason for doing this is...

[Wait for next time Alice

Phil will play here with her once he comes back. Before then, I want this amusement park to be properly opened for me! l

He just doesn't want the place where he has precious memories with important people to disappear like this. He finally traveled through time once and now that he knows the future. 2 Then try to change history.

It doesn’t matter what the corrective nature of the Jade World is, but if you want to cultivate it, you have to agree to it. L

Nine minutes have passed. The time is now.

Latifah, are you ready?


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